#include "pb.h" #include "pb.h" #include "pb-types.h" #include "pb-mod.h" #include "pb-send.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define PB_I2C_S i2c0 #define PB_I2C_M i2c1 #define BUF_SIZE 256 #define MSGS_MAX 4 typedef struct { uint8_t data[BUF_SIZE]; size_t size; } i2c_msg_buf_t; static i2c_msg_buf_t msgs[MSGS_MAX]; static size_t msg_index = 0; static void async_pb_i2c_recv(void * _msg, uint32_t _) { i2c_msg_buf_t * msg = _msg; pb_i2c_recv(msg->data, msg->size); } static void msg_complete(i2c_msg_buf_t * msg) { return pb_i2c_recv(msg->data, msg->size); // defer pb_i2c_recv call to FreeRTOS scheduler as pb_i2c_recv takes // too long to return from an ISR xTimerPendFunctionCallFromISR(async_pb_i2c_recv, msg, 0, NULL); // prepare next message for use msg_index = (msg_index + 1) % MSGS_MAX; msgs[msg_index].size = 0; } // This function is called from the I2C ISR static void recv_event(i2c_inst_t *i2c, i2c_slave_event_t event) { i2c_msg_buf_t * msg = &msgs[msg_index]; switch (event) { case I2C_SLAVE_RECEIVE: { if (msg->size == BUF_SIZE) return; msg->data[msg->size++] = i2c_read_byte_raw(PB_I2C_S); break; } case I2C_SLAVE_FINISH: { msg_complete(msg); break; } default: break; } } void pb_setup() { i2c_init(PB_I2C_S, PB_CLOCK_SPEED_HZ); i2c_init(PB_I2C_M, PB_CLOCK_SPEED_HZ); i2c_slave_init(PB_I2C_S, PB_MOD_ADDR, &recv_event); } __weak void pb_i2c_send(i2c_addr_t addr, const uint8_t * buf, size_t sz) { // false to write stop condition to i2c bus i2c_write_timeout_us(PB_I2C_M, addr, buf, sz, false, PB_TIMEOUT_US); } void pb_mod_blocking_delay_ms(unsigned long ms) { vTaskDelay(ms / portTICK_PERIOD_MS); }