// (these files are included from the parent directory) :pdf-theme: ./theme.yml // :pdf-fontsdir: ./res/font :bibtex-file: ./share/refs.bib // document / project info ifndef::document[] :document: DOCUMENT TITLE endif::[] :project: Project Puzzlebox :revnumber: 0.0 :revdate: 2024-04-01 :revremark: draft :author_1: Thomas in ‘t Anker :author_2: Loek Le Blansch :author_3: Lars Faase :author_4: Elwin Hammer // numbering / reference styles :sectnums: :toclevels: 4 :pagenums: :xrefstyle: short // (set and display title) = {document}: {project} // start each document with a title page :title-page: // followed by a table of contents :toc: [discrete] == List of Figures list-of::image[] [discrete] == List of Tables list-of::table[] <<< // also https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoc/latest/attributes/document-attributes-ref