\defgroup pbc pbc \brief Puzzle box client # puzzle box client This folder contains the source code for the puzzle box client (pbc). This is a desktop application that communicates with the main controller over TCP to send/receive I2C messages. This application is not only used by a game operator to control and monitor the state of a puzzle box, but is also a useful debugging tool when developing puzzle modules, as it allows you to send arbitrary data over the puzzle bus. ## Features - List detected puzzle modules - Reset puzzle modules (individually or all to reset the box) - Skip puzzle modules (individually or all) - Request puzzle box state - Debug: send arbitrary messages ## Building PBC is a standard CMake project. ## Using See ./pbc.1 for usage. ## Send data ``` ADDRESS DATA v~~~ v~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ send 0x39 68:65:6c:6c:6f 44 0x20 'world' 33 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^~ ^~~~ ^~~~~~~ ^~ HEXSTR NUMBER NUMBER STRING NUMBER (binary) (dec) (hex) (literal) (dec) ``` The data is concatenated, and may contain mixed types of literals ## WIP TODO - add enum to string functions in CLIENT ONLY - bug: tab completion for `dump` seems to print garbage sometimes - bug: the send command with an address but no data causes a segmentation fault