#include "bullet.h" #include "engine/sprite_controller.h" void shootBullet(vec2 playerPos, Bullet* bullet){ // Set bullet's x and y coordinates to player's coordinates bullet->x = playerPos.x; bullet->y = playerPos.y; // Set bullet's velocity to a fixed value bullet->velocity = 1; // Set bullet's status to active bullet->isActive = true; } void updateBullet(Bullet* bullet, int deltaTime){ // Only update bullet if it is active static int latestLocationBullet = 0; if (bullet->isActive) { // Move bullet based on velocity and deltaTime bullet->x += bullet->velocity * deltaTime; drawBullet(bullet); // Check if bullet has moved 16 pixels if (bullet->x - latestLocationBullet > 32) { // Set bullet's status to inactive bullet->isActive = false; drawBullet(&(Bullet){.x = -16,.y = -16}); } } else{ latestLocationBullet = bullet->x; } } void drawBullet(Bullet* bullet){ hh_ppu_update_foreground(10, (hh_s_ppu_loc_fam_entry) { .position_x = bullet->x, .position_y = bullet->y, .horizontal_flip = false, .vertical_flip = false, .palette_index = 7, .tilemap_index = 84, // change tilemap to the correct foreground index; }); }