[ ] {pick} year [x] login dialog box (like mac system settings with padlock) (username + password) [x] drivers - [x] {show} {set} full name - [x] {show} {set} nationality (both as text and as flag) - [x] {show} portrait - [x] {show} {set} role/function [x] teams - [x] {show} team name - [x] {show} driver names (-> link to driver browser?) - [x] {add/remove} driver [ ] cirucits - [ ] {show} circuit name - [ ] {show} circuit length - [ ] {show} circuit lap count - [ ] {show} location - [ ] {show} photo / map [ ] races - [ ] {create} new race - [ ] {show} race number - [ ] {show} race date - [ ] {set} race outcome - [ ] {set} points (per driver) - [ ] {set} driver that got the fastest round - [ ] {set/order} drivers by finish number - [ ] {set/radio} driver disqualified/DNF - [ ] {add} race to calendar year