# yomichan stuff
this is a folder containing yomichan stuff
all .js and .css files in conf.d get minified into user.min.js and
user.min.css, and can be pasted into yomichan (with [user script
## sentence export
adds an export button to the search bar for copying a sentence with furigana
into [my custom anki card template](../anki-card-template/readme.md).

## word export
adds a copy button to each definition for copying into [my custom anki card
template](../anki-card-template/readme.md). (Should) automatically insert
interpuncts, add pitch accent downfall step (if available), and marker if word
is usually written as kana only. Alt+C to copy currently
selected entry.

## shortcuts
adds the following shortcuts to yomichan:
|Alt+J|select next definition (move down)|
|Alt+K|select previous definition (move up)|
|Alt+G|scroll back to top|
## handwriting
adds handwriting input panel to yomichan (WIP)