# anki sentence mining template
work in progress
this is an anki card template for sentence mining. it has fields for a foreign
sentence, foreign word reading, translated word and an optional translated
sentence. it has built-in parsers for adding markdown-like styling, furigana
that is visible on either both sides or only on the back side, spoilers,
definition context hints, and word type indicators. it supports a vertical and
horizontal layout, desktop and mobile, as well as light and dark themes.
> currently, some css is slightly broken on the desktop version of anki, but
> this should be fixed as qt merges a newer version of chromium (>= 105) into
> the QTWebview library. this does not affect useability
## example
### input
|Complete sentence|`*ハンパなく*[鍛](きた)えてやるから[覚悟](かくご)するゴロ!`|
|Target word reading|`半端ない【はん・ぱ・ない】(uk)`|
|Target word translation|`[い-adj] extreme, impressive, staggering {of height}`|
|Complete sentence translation|`I'm going to train you like crazy, so be prepared!`|
|Tags|`ゼルダの伝説 ブレス・オブ・ザ・ワイルド`|
### output
|front|back|spoiler & tag|
## set-up
i don't know how to create a teplate deck (if that's even a thing), so these
are instructions to apply to an empty deck.
1. run `make` to generate files
2. Under Tools > Manage note types > (note type here) > Fields, make sure the
following fields exist (might be case-sensitive):
| |name|description|
|1|Complete sentence|Complete sentence with furigana and target word in bold|
|2|Target word reading|Dictionary reading of word (with word type)|
|3|Target word translation|(In context) translation of target word|
|4|Complete sentence translation|Complete sentence translation|
3. In the 'Browse' view, click on Cards... (you might need to create a
temporary card in a deck) and paste the contents of front-template.html and
back-template.html in the front template and back template of the card type.
4. You can add any custom styles you want in the Styling tab, but I recommend
you remove the default CSS.
5. Profit
This card template is also compatible with AnkiDroid, but you need to add
`.night_mode { }` to the Styling tab for this to work. For some reason
AnkiDroid checks if the card has dark mode 'support' by checking if the Styling
tab CSS contains the literal string `.night_mode`. [The
suggests that the night mode CSS class is called `nightMode` instead of
`night_mode`, but `night_mode` works fine on desktop too, so is used in this
card template.
## syntax
parsing behavior is controlled using html classes. if two parsers check for the
same character, they likely cannot be used simultaneously. here are the default
classes for this template:
|card field|classes|
|sentence|[`parse`](#parse) [`parse-furigana`](#parse-furigana) [`parse-format`](#parse-format) [`foreign`](#foreign)|
|target word reading|[`parse`](#parse) [`parse-format`](#parse-format) [`parse-reading`](#parse-reading) [`parse-indicators`](#parse-indicators) [`parse-script`](#parse-script) [`foreign`](#foreign)|
|target word translation|[`parse`](#parse) [`parse-format`](#parse-format) [`parse-definitions`](#parse-definitions) [`parse-indicators`](#parse-indicators) [`parse-script`](#parse-script) [`native`](#native)|
|sentence translation|[`parse`](#parse) [`parse-format`](#parse-format) [`native`](#native) [`spoiler`](#spoiler) [`parse-script`](#parse-script) [`hidden`](#hidden)|
|tags|[`parse`](#parse) [`parse-tags`](#parse-tags)|
### parse
enables parsing for element. if a parser has a character sensitivity list, a
backslash can be used to insert the literal character instead.
### parse-format
parse bold and italic style, and convert `\n` and `\t` into newline and tab
|`\t`|(literal tab character)|
|`\n`|html `
sensitive to the following characters: `[](){}`
### parse-furigana
parse furigana between square or curly brackets immediately followed by reading
between parenthesis.
|`[漢字](かんじ)`|漢字 (furigana visible on back side only)|
|`{漢字}(かんじ)`|漢字 (furigana visible on both sides)|
sensitive to the following characters: `[](){}`
### parse-definitions
parse list of definitions separated by commas, and convert text between curly
brackets to subtile text. commas do not start a new definition inside subtile
text and parenthesis, and are inserted normally.
|`word {subtile, or is it} (this is, a single item)\, and still is here, but not here`|