function parseSentence(input) {
var bold = false; // currently bold
var mode = "normal"; // normal, kanji, reading
var out = ""; // output html
var alwaysvisisble = false; // if furigana is always visible (on front of card)
var kanji = ""; // current kanji
var reading = ""; // current kanji reading
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
// escape characters preceded by \
if (input[i] == "\\") {
var escaped = input[i+1];
if (escaped == "n") escaped = "
"; // newline
out += escaped; i++; continue;
// parse *test* into test
if (input[i] == "*") { bold = !bold; out += `<${bold ? "" : "/"}b>`; continue; }
// parse [kanji](reading) into ruby text
// [kanji](reading) is only visible on card back
// {kanji}(reading) is always visible
if (mode == "normal" && input[i] == "[") // hidden reading kanji open
{ kanji = ""; mode = "kanji"; alwaysvisisble = false; continue; }
if (mode == "normal" && input[i] == "{") // always visible reading kanji open
{ kanji = ""; mode = "kanji"; alwaysvisisble = true; continue; }
if (mode == "kanji" && input[i] == "]") continue; // hidden reading kanji close
if (mode == "kanji" && input[i] == "}") continue; // always visible reading kanji close
if (mode == "kanji" && kanji.length > 0 && input[i] == "(") // reading open
{ reading = ""; mode = "reading"; continue; }
if (mode == "reading" && input[i] == ")") { // reading close
mode = "normal";
out += `${kanji}`;
// add current character to selected mode buffer
if (mode == "normal") out += input[i];
if (mode == "kanji") kanji += input[i];
if (mode == "reading") reading += input[i];
return out;
function layout() {
// set vertical layout on vertical displays (primarily mobile screens)
var el = document.getElementById("card");
if (screen.orientation.type.startsWith("landscape") && el.classList.contains("vertical-layout")) {
} else if (screen.orientation.type.startsWith("portrait") && el.classList.contains("horizontal-layout")) {
function run() {
// parse all elements with class parse
for (var el of document.getElementsByClassName("parse")) {
if (el.classList.contains("parsed")) continue; // ignore already parsed elements
el.innerHTML = parseSentence(el.innerHTML); // parse
el.classList.remove("parse"); // mark as parsed
// toggle spoiler by clicking
for (var el of document.getElementsByClassName("spoiler")) {
el.onclick = function () {
// remove spoiler from sentence translation if word reading field is empty
if(document.getElementById("target-word-reading").innerText.length == 0) {
window.onload = () => run();
window.onresize = () => layout();
window.ondeviceorientation = () => layout();