Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAge
* fix note1.3.0lonkaars2023-01-20
* parse note from parenthesislonkaars2023-01-20
* target word reading note csslonkaars2023-01-20
* vertical mobile reading syllable nowraplonkaars2023-01-20
* ankidroid dark mode fix in readme1.2.0lonkaars2023-01-20
* tags in cardlonkaars2023-01-20
* fix furigana visible on card front1.1.0lonkaars2023-01-20
* move filters to variables in makefilelonkaars2023-01-19
* slightly document csslonkaars2023-01-19
* add semicolons and update templatelonkaars2023-01-19
* replace example sentencelonkaars2023-01-19
* css and parser updateslonkaars2023-01-19
* remove `text-orientation: upright` due to punctuation orientation issues1.0.0lonkaars2023-01-19
* updated card css (add column width limit)lonkaars2023-01-14
* fix vertical alignment of full-height layoutlonkaars2023-01-08
* make vertical card full-screen and edit marginslonkaars2023-01-08
* move duplicated code to separate m4 filelonkaars2023-01-04
* add vertical layout for mobile screenslonkaars2023-01-04
* temporarily turn off clipboard monitor on sentence exportlonkaars2022-12-31
* update main readmelonkaars2022-12-30
* respect light mode themelonkaars2022-12-29
* fix readme links for cgitlonkaars2022-12-29
* typolonkaars2022-12-29
* update yomichan readme and add target for patched ziplonkaars2022-12-29
* update readmelonkaars2022-12-28
* sentence export workinglonkaars2022-12-28
* makefile shuffle + WIP yomichan sentence export patchlonkaars2022-12-28
* rename to refold-toolslonkaars2022-12-28
* add spoiler class for hiding sentence by defaultlonkaars2022-12-27
* update readme with syntax explanationlonkaars2022-12-27
* parse \n into <br>, minify css, and parse elements with parse classlonkaars2022-12-27
* change font sizeslonkaars2022-12-27
* add readmelonkaars2022-12-26
* allow always visible furigana with {kanji}(reading)lonkaars2022-12-26
* small code shuffle to fix AnkiDroidlonkaars2022-12-26
* back and front card templatelonkaars2022-12-26
* card template workinglonkaars2022-12-26