#!/bin/sh # utility variables and functions XDG_CACHE_HOME="${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-$HOME/.cache}" # XDG basedir specification # this variable grows automatically as long as this file is included in each # subcommand export subcmd="$subcmd${subcmd:+ }$(basename "$0")" # print an error to stdout and exit err() { echo "error: $*" >&2 echo "run \`$subcmd --help\` for options" >&2 exit 1 } # debug: # bc() { tee /dev/stderr | /usr/bin/bc ; } fmt_time() { ss="$(echo "$1 / 1" | bc)" mm="$(echo "$ss / 60" | bc)" ss="$(echo "$ss % 60" | bc)" hh="$(echo "$mm / 60" | bc)" mm="$(echo "$mm % 60" | bc)" _time_fmt } _time_fmt() { # [HH:]MM:SS [ $hh -gt 0 ] && printf '%02d:' $hh printf "%02d:%02d\n" $mm $ss } # _time_fmt() { # [HHh]MMmSSs # [ $hh -gt 0 ] && printf '%02dh' $hh # printf "%02dm%02ds\n" $mm $ss # }