# dottydots these are dotfiles - zsh - nvim + coc - i3 - polybar - chromium and it's forks - zathura - rofi - [st](https://github.com/lonkaars/st) - xresources - fcitx5 - gtk3 - neomutt + imapnotify + mbsync - mpd + ncmpcpp - dunst - xfsettingsd - discord i use these dotfiles on a desktop computer (superesc) and a laptop (thoncc). use `yadm config local.hostname ` before `yadm alt` to choose which config files should be used if your hostname is something else. ## installation ```sh # install yay git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/yay cd yay makepkg -si # install yadm yay -S yadm # get dotfiles yadm clone https://github.com/lonkaars/dotfiles # generate templated files yadm alt # install necessary packages (uses yay) ~/.config/yadm/install-arch # generate dynamic color scheme config files yadm bootstrap ```