" change default vim-sneak colors to be more readable hi! SneakLabel gui=reverse hi! SneakLabelMask gui=reverse " consistent cursor colors hi! Cursor gui=NONE guifg=bg guibg=fg hi! link iCursor Cursor " fix terminal color hi! link TermCursor Cursor hi! link TermCursorNC Cursor " fix which key color hi! link WhichKeyFloating NormalFloat " line numbers / gutter colors hi! SignColumn guibg=NONE ctermbg=NONE hi GitGutterAdd guibg=NONE hi GitGutterChange guibg=NONE hi GitGutterDelete guibg=NONE hi GitGutterAddIntraLine guibg=NONE hi GitGutterAddInvisible guibg=NONE hi GitGutterChangeDelete guibg=NONE hi GitGutterChangeInvisible guibg=NONE hi GitGutterDeleteIntraLine guibg=NONE hi GitGutterDeleteInvisible guibg=NONE hi CocErrorSign guibg=NONE hi CocGitAddedSign guibg=NONE hi CocGitChangeRemovedSign guibg=NONE hi CocGitChangedSign guibg=NONE hi CocGitRemovedSign guibg=NONE hi CocGitTopRemovedSign guibg=NONE hi CocHintSign guibg=NONE hi CocInfoSign guibg=NONE hi CocWarningSign guibg=NONE " fix disappearing CocFadeOut hi! link Conceal Comment