# name set real_name = "Loek Le Blansch" set from = "loek@pipeframe.xyz" # e-mail server set folder = "~/docs/mail/pipeframe/" set spool_file = "+Inbox" set record = "+Sent" set trash = "+Trash" set postponed = "+Drafts" # imap credentials set imap_user = "loek@mail.pipeframe.xyz" set imap_pass = "$(pass srv/fortnite/passwd/loek)" # smtp credentials set smtp_pass = "$imap_pass" set smtp_url = "smtp://$imap_user@mail.pipeframe.xyz:587" set ssl_force_tls = yes # mail check timeout set mail_check = 60 # mailboxes mailboxes +Inbox +Drafts +Junk +Sent +Trash +Archive # open files set mailcap_path = "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mailcap" # keybinds (more vim-like than default) macro index,pager a "=Archive" "Archive Message" # archive bind index,pager n search-next # next search match bind index,pager N search-opposite # previous search match bind generic,index g noop # clear immediate action of `g` (required for `gg`) bind generic,index gg first-entry # goto top of index bind generic,index G last-entry # goto bottom of index bind index \Cu previous-page # page up bind index \Cd next-page # page down bind attach view-mailcap # always use mailcap to view attachments # contacts set alias_file = "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/neomutt/aliases" set sort_alias = alias set reverse_alias = yes source "$alias_file" # miscellaneous options set fast_reply = yes set confirm_append = no set delete = yes set include = yes set sort = threads set header_cache = "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/neomutt/hcache" set edit_headers set auto_edit = yes set mime_type_query_command = "xdg-mime query filetype" unset prompt_after # external programs set editor = "$EDITOR" # set pager = "less" set sendmail = "/usr/bin/msmtp" set query_command = "/usr/bin/lbdbq" # colors color hdrdefault blue default color quoted blue black color signature blue black color attachment red black color prompt brightmagenta black color message brightred default color error brightred black color indicator black red color status white default color tree white black # color normal white black color markers red black color search white black color tilde brightmagenta black color index blue black "~F" color index red black "~N|~O" # switch folders macro index i " =Inbox" macro index h " =Archive"