_G.auto = false function copy() local sub = mp.get_property("sub-text") if sub then -- remove some specific unicode characters sub = sub:gsub('\u{27a1}', '') sub = sub:gsub('\u{fffd}', '') sub = sub:gsub('\u{3013}', '') sub = sub:gsub('\u{2015}', '') sub = sub:gsub('\n', ' ') -- replace newlines with space sub = sub:gsub('\'', '\'\\\'\'') -- escape single quotes os.execute("echo '" .. sub .. "' | xclip -selection clipboard -i") end end function autocopy() if _G.auto == false then return end copy() end function toggle_autocopy() _G.auto = not _G.auto mp.osd_message("autocopy " .. (_G.auto and "on" or "off")) end mp.add_key_binding(nil, "copy", copy) mp.observe_property("sub-text", "string", autocopy) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "auto", toggle_autocopy)