#pragma once
#include <stdbool.h>

 * @brief Structure to store a board
 * @param width Board width
 * @param height Board height
 * @param length Board state array length (width * height)
 * @param board Board state array
typedef struct {
	int width;
	int height;
	int length;
	int* board;
} Board;

 * @brief Create new board
 * @param width Board width
 * @param height Board height
 * @return Empty board
Board* createBoard(int, int);

 * @brief Create a copy of board
 * @param board Original board
 * @return Pointer to new board
Board* createCopy(Board*);

 * @brief Print the board array
void printBoard(Board*);

 * @brief Check if the board is full (draw)
 * @return `true` board is full
bool boardFull(Board*);

 * @brief Drop a disc into the board
 * @return New disc position or -1 if disc wasn't dropped
int dropFisje(Board*, int, int);