import axios from 'axios'; import { FormEvent, useContext, useEffect } from 'react'; import * as cookie from 'react-cookies'; import { NavBar } from '../components/navbar'; import { CenteredPage } from '../components/page'; import { ToastContext, toastType } from '../components/toast'; import { Button, Input, Vierkant } from '../components/ui'; import ErrorOutlineIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ErrorOutline'; import ReportProblemOutlinedIcon from '@material-ui/icons/ReportProblemOutlined'; import VpnKeyIcon from '@material-ui/icons/VpnKey'; function submitLogin(event?: FormEvent<HTMLFormElement>, toast?: toastType) { event?.preventDefault(); var formData = { email: (document.getElementById('email') as HTMLInputElement).value, password: (document.getElementById('password') as HTMLInputElement).value, }; if ( ! || !formData.password ) { toast({ message: 'Vul alsjeblieft alle velden in!', type: 'error', icon: <ReportProblemOutlinedIcon /> }); return; } axios({ method: 'post', url: `${window.location.origin}/api/auth/login`, headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' }, data: formData, }) .then(() => window.location.pathname = '/') .catch(error => { if (error.response.status === 401) { toast({ message: 'Verkeerde gebruikersnaam of wachtwoord!', type: 'error', icon: <VpnKeyIcon /> }); return; } toast({ message: 'Er is iets fout gegaan', type: 'error', icon: <ErrorOutlineIcon /> }); }); } export default function LoginPage() { useEffect(() => { var loggedIn = !!cookie.load('token'); if (loggedIn) window.location.href = '/'; }, []); var { toast } = useContext(ToastContext); return ( <div> <NavBar /> <CenteredPage width={500} className='h100vh'> <div className='posrel center centeredForm'> <Vierkant className='pad-l bg-800'> <form onSubmit={(e) => submitLogin(e, toast)}> <Input autofocus autocomplete='username' id='email' label='email of gebruikersnaam' className='pad-m fullwidth bg-900 round-t' /> <Input autocomplete='current-password' id='password' label='wachtwoord' type='password' className='pad-m fullwidth bg-900 round-t' /> <div className='sidebyside'> <Button href='/register' text='Registreren' className='register bg-700 fg-100' /> <Button text='Inloggen' className='login' onclick={() => submitLogin(null, toast)} /> </div> <input type='submit' className='dispnone' /> </form> </Vierkant> </div> </CenteredPage> </div> ); }