[meta]: (Connect 4 beta!) This project will from now on be hosted here as a beta until the website has enough features to 'go live'. There are a lot of known bugs that need fixing. If you encounter any bugs that aren't listed here, please open a <a href="https://github.com/lonkaars/connect-4/issues/new" target="_blank">new GitHub issue</a>. - Voerbak's (connect 4 engine) win checking algorithm is broken, this causes some games to finish when no one has won. If this happens to you, please open a new issue on GitHub and link the game id (the `?id=...` part in your adress bar). - The settings page is empty. Non working settings are hidden, these include settings for custom themes, changing your username, email and password, and deleting your account. - The buttons and timer aren't implemented (except for the resign/leave game button) in the bottom bar when playing a game. - Editing the game rules isn't implemented. - There aren't any mobile stylesheets. I (Loek) am still working on the mobile layouts in <a href="https://www.figma.com/file/rTciVQApAe6cwrH1Prl5Wn/4-op-een-rij?node-id=7%3A452" target="_blank">Figma</a>, when they're finished I'll start writing mobile stylesheets. - The website's only in Dutch. I have no idea how to handle translations so the website will remain mostly in Dutch while I worry about implementing missing functionality. - Games don't work when not logged in. This is because the game is bound to two user-id's instead of socket id's. This also means one user can't play two games at the same time. - User presence and country don't fetch any data from the api on the `/user*` pages. - The search feature is very janky. I'm currently still adding/removing columns from the database pretty often, but there are plans to move the sqlite3 database to postgres, which has built in search functionality that doesn't suck (I hope). I'm working as hard as I can on this website, but I have school exams coming up so I don't think development will be very active the coming month.