from flask import Blueprint, request
from db import cursor
from import format_user
import json

search = Blueprint('search', __name__)

@search.route('/search', methods=['POST'])
def index():
    data_string = or "{}"
    data = json.loads(data_string)
    query = data.get("query") or ""
    if not query: return "", 400
    if len(query) < 3: return "", 403

    # use levenshtein with max distance 3 to search for users
    #TODO: use mysql and sort by best match
    results = cursor.execute(
        "select user_id from users where levenshtein(lower(username), lower(?), 3)",

    formatted = {"results": []}

    # get user_id for each result to prevent repeat user/info requests
    for user in results:

    return formatted, 200

dynamic_route = ["/social", search]