# API This is the subdirectory for the API. You can find the API reference in [this](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1mDN9IUqRIMjr_9RmLxKybjIgVuaUadalmPEFnG-XeJg/edit?usp=sharing) Google Docs document. ## Endpoint reference (WIP) API return type classes are mostly defined in api/api.ts
endpoint method description parameters authorization response
/status GET get online user count and active game count none none ```ts { users: int, games: int } ```
/auth/login POST log in with email or username ```ts { email: string, password: string } ``` none empty response with the set_cookie header
/auth/signup POST sign up ```ts { username: string, email: string, password: string } ``` none empty response with the set_cookie header
/user/info GET|POST get user info by username or id note: avatar is a uri to a 256x256 .png image ```ts { id?: userID } ``` none|user ```ts userInfo; ```
/user/games GET|POST get games of user ```ts { id?: userID } ``` none|user ```ts { games: Array, totals: userGameTotals } ```
/user/avatar GET fetch avatar as .png ```ts { id?: userID } ``` none|user PNG image
/user/avatar POST update avatar note: avatar is a client-resized 256x256 .png base64-encoded image, request returns error when image is not .png or larger than 256x256 ```ts { image: base64PNG; } ``` user none
/user/prefrences GET fetch user preferences none user ```ts { preferences: userPreferences; } ```
/user/prefrences POST change user preferences ```ts { newPreferences: userPreferences; } ``` user none
/user/password POST update password ```ts { password: string, newPassword: string, } ``` user none
/user/email POST update email ```ts { password: string, email: string, } ``` user none
/user/username POST update username ```ts { password: string, username: string, } ``` user none
/user/status POST update status ```ts { status: string; } ``` user none
/user/searchFriends POST search user's friend list
/social/request POST send a friend request to a user by user id
/social/accept POST accept a friend request
/social/remove POST remove a friend from your friend list or delete a friend request from a user
/social/search POST search for users by username or status
/social/block POST block a user
/social/unblock POST unblock a user
/social/list/requests GET get a list of unaccepted friend requests
/social/list/blocks GET get a list of blocked people
/social/list/friends GET get a list of your friends
/game/new POST create a new private game
/game/random POST join or create a public game
/game/info POST
/game/accept POST accept game invite or rematch
/game/spectate POST spectate a game by id
## Events These are events that are fired by the socket.io connection
event description data direction context
fieldUpdate recieve new playfield from server { field: string } s -> c game
turnUpdate recieve if it's player 1's move { player1: boolean } s -> c game
gameStart sent when game starts none s -> c game
finish sent when game finishes none s -> c game
resign send to resign, is then forwarded to all subscribed clients none s <-> c game
newMove send a new move { move: int, game_id: string } s <- c game
registerGameListener listen to events for a game { id: string } s <- c game
incomingFriendRequest get notified of friend request none s -> c global
changedRelation get notified of a different relation to someone { id: string } s -> c global
## How to test API endpoints ```sh # If you're running the standalone flask server: curl http://localhost:5000/ # If you're running flask and nginx at the same time: curl http://localhost:2080/api/ ``` ## How to add new API endpoints Please follow these rules when creating new API endpoints: 1. Endpoints should always return a valid JSON object and an appropriate [http code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes) 2. Endpoints that are in a namespace should get their own directory in this folder, eg. http://localhost:5000/status is defined in api/status.py, http://localhost:5000/auth/signup is defined in api/auth/signup.py etc. 3. Endpoints that take data should verify that the data is present and valid, and return an empty JSON object with http code 400 (bad request) if the data isn't valid. 4. Endpoints that require database access should get the cursor/connection object from api/db.py ## Example endpoint Here's a simple endpoint that returns an empty JSON object: ```py # api/tests/example.py from flask import Blueprint example = Blueprint('example', __name__) @example.route('/example') def index(): # python dictionaries are automatically converted to JSON by flask return {"hello": "world"}, 200 # flask returns http code 200 by default if no code is explicitly defined # define a `dynamic_route` variable at the end of your endpoint definition file # dynamic_route[0] is the namespace # dynamic_route[1] is your flask.Blueprint dynamic_route = ["/tests", status] # this endpoint will be routed to /tests/example # \___/ \_____/ # | | # | endpoint (defined by the @Blueprint.route() decorator) # | # namespace (defined in dynamic_route variable) ```