path: root/posts/po4.md
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+[meta]: <title> (po connect-4 readme)
+[meta]: <tags> (po4, po-connect-4, readme, github)
+[meta]: <date> (April 1 2021)
+[meta]: <author> (Loekaars)
+# PO connect-4
+<p align="center">
+<img src="https://img.shields.io/github/license/lonkaars/po-4-op-een-rij"/>
+<img src="https://img.shields.io/github/languages/count/lonkaars/po-4-op-een-rij"/>
+<img src="https://img.shields.io/static/v1?label=platform&message=linux"/>
+> Some of this project's code is in Dutch (commit messages, documents etc.),
+along with the whole website. This was originally a school project, but I'm
+going to keep maintaining this project during my exams and summer break
+## Planned features:
+- [x] working connect 4 game
+- [x] client-server connection with socket.io
+- [x] account creation
+- [ ] anonymous accounts
+- [x] invite links
+- [x] safe password authentication
+- [ ] play against the computer
+- [x] follow people/add as friend
+- [ ] game rating like on chess.com
+- [x] rest api that handles all of this instead of some janky solution
+- [ ] Messages
+- [ ] Multiple game modes
+- [ ] Themes
+- [ ] Animations
+## Used libraries and frameworks:
+- [Flask](https://flask.palletsprojects.com/) for the REST API
+- [ReactJS](https://reactjs.org/) to create the website
+- [NextJS](https://nextjs.org/) for static react pages and html page routing
+- [socket.io](https://socket.io/) for bidirecitonal communication during a game
+- [SQLite](https://sqlite.org/index.html) for the database
+- [nginx](https://nginx.org/en/) for serving static files generated by nextjs, caching and reverse proxy
+A design prototype of the website can be found on
+An outdated version of the API documentation is still on Google Docs, but I'm
+moving and updating it to be in api/readme.md.
+## setup
+To set up this project you'll need to install npm and pip dependencies, pull
+all git submodules and compile voerbak and the sql extensions.
+> I haven't figured out how to run this project on Windows, so please install
+> [WSL](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10) if you want
+> to run this yourself on Windows. The distro you choose doesn't matter, though
+> package names in ./configure may vary if your distro doesn't use the apt
+> package manager.
+### automatic setup using `./configure` (debian/ubuntu)
+This script might also work on other distro's using the `apt` package manager.
+To start the setup process you only need to run the following command:
+The script calls sudo and apt install so some password input/manual
+confirmation is required, but most of the install should be automated.
+### manual setup (other distro's)
+If your disto doesn't use the `apt` package manager, you can still run this
+project by following these steps:
+0. `git clone https://github.com/lonkaars/po-4-op-een-rij`
+1. Make sure you have [python](https://python.org/downloads) (with pip and venv) installed.
+2. Make sure you have [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/download) (with npm) installed.
+3. Make sure you have [nginx](https://nginx.org/en/) installed.
+4. Make sure you have [make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/) and the gnu c compilers [gcc](https://gcc.gnu.org/) installed (most distro's will have these by default).
+5. Install typescript, react-scripts and yarn:
+ ```sh
+ npm i -g typescript yarn
+ ```
+6. Create a new python virtual environment and install pip modules:
+ ```sh
+ python -m venv venv
+ source venv/bin/activate
+ pip install -r requirements.txt
+ ```
+7. Install node modules:
+ ```sh
+ yarn
+ ```
+8. Build voerbak:
+ ```sh
+ cd voerbak
+ make
+ ```
+9. Download submodules:
+ ```sh
+ git submodule init
+ git submodule update
+ ```
+10. Initialize database and build SQL extensions:
+ ```sh
+ cd database
+ ./init_db.sh
+ make
+ ```
+## How to start
+In order to start this project you'll need three terminal windows to start the
+flask server, react server, and nginx seperately:
+# term 1
+source venv/bin/activate
+python3 api/main.py
+# term 2
+yarn dev
+# term 3
+sudo nginx -c $PWD/nginx.conf
+# if nginx can't run as the user nobody, try running the following command and restart nginx:
+# this command is also in ./configure
+sed "s/user nobody/user $(whoami)/" -i nginx.conf