/* * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ const placeholder = '${title}'; /** * @template {import('test/translator').OptionsType} T * @param {T} type * @param {import('test/translator').OptionsPresetObject} optionsPresets * @param {import('test/translator').OptionsList} optionsArray * @returns {import('test/translator').OptionsPresetGeneric} * @throws {Error} */ function getCompositePreset(type, optionsPresets, optionsArray) { const preset = /** @type {import('test/translator').OptionsPresetGeneric} */ ({type}); if (!Array.isArray(optionsArray)) { optionsArray = [optionsArray]; } for (const entry of optionsArray) { switch (typeof entry) { case 'string': { if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(optionsPresets, entry)) { throw new Error('Options preset not found'); } const preset2 = optionsPresets[entry]; if (preset2.type !== type) { throw new Error('Invalid options preset type'); } Object.assign(preset, structuredClone(preset2)); } break; case 'object': if (entry.type !== type) { throw new Error('Invalid options preset type'); } Object.assign(preset, structuredClone(entry)); break; default: throw new Error('Invalid options type'); } } return preset; } /** * @param {string} dictionaryName * @param {import('test/translator').OptionsPresetObject} optionsPresets * @param {import('test/translator').OptionsList} optionsArray * @returns {import('translation').FindKanjiOptions} */ export function createFindKanjiOptions(dictionaryName, optionsPresets, optionsArray) { const preset = getCompositePreset('kanji', optionsPresets, optionsArray); /** @type {import('translation').KanjiEnabledDictionaryMap} */ const enabledDictionaryMap = new Map(); const presetEnabledDictionaryMap = preset.enabledDictionaryMap; if (Array.isArray(presetEnabledDictionaryMap)) { for (const [key, value] of presetEnabledDictionaryMap) { enabledDictionaryMap.set(key === placeholder ? dictionaryName : key, value); } } return { enabledDictionaryMap, removeNonJapaneseCharacters: !!preset.removeNonJapaneseCharacters }; } /** * @param {string} dictionaryName * @param {import('test/translator').OptionsPresetObject} optionsPresets * @param {import('test/translator').OptionsList} optionsArray * @returns {import('translation').FindTermsOptions} */ export function createFindTermsOptions(dictionaryName, optionsPresets, optionsArray) { const preset = getCompositePreset('terms', optionsPresets, optionsArray); /** @type {import('translation').TermEnabledDictionaryMap} */ const enabledDictionaryMap = new Map(); const presetEnabledDictionaryMap = preset.enabledDictionaryMap; if (Array.isArray(presetEnabledDictionaryMap)) { for (const [key, value] of presetEnabledDictionaryMap) { enabledDictionaryMap.set(key === placeholder ? dictionaryName : key, value); } } /** @type {import('translation').FindTermsTextReplacements} */ const textReplacements = []; if (Array.isArray(preset.textReplacements)) { for (const value of preset.textReplacements) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { const array = []; for (const {pattern, flags, replacement} of value) { array.push({pattern: new RegExp(pattern, flags), replacement}); } textReplacements.push(array); } else { // Null textReplacements.push(value); } } } const { matchType, deinflect, mainDictionary, sortFrequencyDictionary, sortFrequencyDictionaryOrder, removeNonJapaneseCharacters, convertHalfWidthCharacters, convertNumericCharacters, convertAlphabeticCharacters, convertHiraganaToKatakana, convertKatakanaToHiragana, collapseEmphaticSequences, excludeDictionaryDefinitions, searchResolution } = preset; return { matchType: typeof matchType !== 'undefined' ? matchType : 'exact', deinflect: typeof deinflect !== 'undefined' ? deinflect : true, mainDictionary: typeof mainDictionary !== 'undefined' && mainDictionary !== placeholder ? mainDictionary : dictionaryName, sortFrequencyDictionary: typeof sortFrequencyDictionary !== 'undefined' ? sortFrequencyDictionary : null, sortFrequencyDictionaryOrder: typeof sortFrequencyDictionaryOrder !== 'undefined' ? sortFrequencyDictionaryOrder : 'ascending', removeNonJapaneseCharacters: typeof removeNonJapaneseCharacters !== 'undefined' ? removeNonJapaneseCharacters : false, convertHalfWidthCharacters: typeof convertHalfWidthCharacters !== 'undefined' ? convertHalfWidthCharacters : 'false', convertNumericCharacters: typeof convertNumericCharacters !== 'undefined' ? convertNumericCharacters : 'false', convertAlphabeticCharacters: typeof convertAlphabeticCharacters !== 'undefined' ? convertAlphabeticCharacters : 'false', convertHiraganaToKatakana: typeof convertHiraganaToKatakana !== 'undefined' ? convertHiraganaToKatakana : 'false', convertKatakanaToHiragana: typeof convertKatakanaToHiragana !== 'undefined' ? convertKatakanaToHiragana : 'false', collapseEmphaticSequences: typeof collapseEmphaticSequences !== 'undefined' ? collapseEmphaticSequences : 'false', textReplacements, enabledDictionaryMap, excludeDictionaryDefinitions: Array.isArray(excludeDictionaryDefinitions) ? new Set(excludeDictionaryDefinitions) : null, searchResolution: typeof searchResolution !== 'undefined' ? searchResolution : 'letter' }; }