/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const assert = require('assert'); const {createDictionaryArchive, testMain} = require('../dev/util'); const {DatabaseVM} = require('../dev/database-vm'); function createTestDictionaryArchive(dictionary, dictionaryName) { const dictionaryDirectory = path.join(__dirname, 'data', 'dictionaries', dictionary); return createDictionaryArchive(dictionaryDirectory, dictionaryName); } function clone(value) { return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value)); } async function createVM() { // Set up VM const vm = new DatabaseVM(); vm.execute([ 'mixed/js/core.js', 'mixed/js/cache-map.js', 'mixed/js/japanese.js', 'bg/js/json-schema.js', 'bg/js/media-utility.js', 'bg/js/dictionary-importer.js', 'bg/js/database.js', 'bg/js/dictionary-database.js', 'bg/js/text-source-map.js', 'bg/js/deinflector.js', 'bg/js/translator.js' ]); const [ DictionaryImporter, DictionaryDatabase, JapaneseUtil, Translator ] = vm.get([ 'DictionaryImporter', 'DictionaryDatabase', 'JapaneseUtil', 'Translator' ]); // Dictionary const testDictionary = createTestDictionaryArchive('valid-dictionary2'); const testDictionaryContent = await testDictionary.generateAsync({type: 'string'}); // Setup database const dictionaryImporter = new DictionaryImporter(); const dictionaryDatabase = new DictionaryDatabase(); await dictionaryDatabase.prepare(); const {result, errors} = await dictionaryImporter.importDictionary( dictionaryDatabase, testDictionaryContent, {prefixWildcardsSupported: true}, () => {} ); assert.deepStrictEqual(errors.length, 0); // Setup translator const japaneseUtil = new JapaneseUtil(null); const translator = new Translator({japaneseUtil, database: dictionaryDatabase}); const deinflectionReasions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '..', 'ext', 'bg/lang/deinflect.json'))); translator.prepare(deinflectionReasions); // Done return {vm, translator, dictionary: result}; } function buildOptions(optionsPresets, optionsArray, dictionaryTitle) { const options = {}; if (!Array.isArray(optionsArray)) { optionsArray = [optionsArray]; } for (const entry of optionsArray) { switch (typeof entry) { case 'string': if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(optionsPresets, entry)) { throw new Error('Invalid options preset'); } Object.assign(options, clone(optionsPresets[entry])); break; case 'object': Object.assign(options, clone(entry)); break; default: throw new Error('Invalid options type'); } } // Update structure const placeholder = '${title}'; if (options.mainDictionary === placeholder) { options.mainDictionary = dictionaryTitle; } let {enabledDictionaryMap} = options; if (Array.isArray(enabledDictionaryMap)) { for (const entry of enabledDictionaryMap) { if (entry[0] === placeholder) { entry[0] = dictionaryTitle; } } enabledDictionaryMap = new Map(enabledDictionaryMap); options.enabledDictionaryMap = enabledDictionaryMap; } return options; } async function main() { const write = (process.argv[2] === '--write'); const {translator, dictionary: {title}} = await createVM(); const dataFilePath = path.join(__dirname, 'data', 'test-translator-data.json'); const data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(dataFilePath, {encoding: 'utf8'})); const {optionsPresets, tests} = data; for (const test of tests) { switch (test.func) { case 'findTerms': { const {mode, text} = test; const options = buildOptions(optionsPresets, test.options, title); const [definitions, length] = clone(await translator.findTerms(mode, text, options)); if (write) { test.expected = {length, definitions}; } else { const {expected} = test; assert.deepStrictEqual(length, expected.length); assert.deepStrictEqual(definitions, expected.definitions); } } break; case 'findKanji': { const {text} = test; const options = buildOptions(optionsPresets, test.options, title); const definitions = clone(await translator.findKanji(text, options)); if (write) { test.expected = {definitions}; } else { const {expected} = test; assert.deepStrictEqual(definitions, expected.definitions); } } break; } } if (write) { fs.writeFileSync(dataFilePath, JSON.stringify(data, null, 4), {encoding: 'utf8'}); } } if (require.main === module) { testMain(main); }