/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const assert = require('assert'); const {JSDOM} = require('jsdom'); const {testMain} = require('../dev/util'); const {VM} = require('../dev/vm'); // DOMRect class definition class DOMRect { /** * @param {number} x * @param {number} y * @param {number} width * @param {number} height */ constructor(x, y, width, height) { /** @type {number} */ this._x = x; /** @type {number} */ this._y = y; /** @type {number} */ this._width = width; /** @type {number} */ this._height = height; } /** @type {number} */ get x() { return this._x; } /** @type {number} */ get y() { return this._y; } /** @type {number} */ get width() { return this._width; } /** @type {number} */ get height() { return this._height; } /** @type {number} */ get left() { return this._x + Math.min(0, this._width); } /** @type {number} */ get right() { return this._x + Math.max(0, this._width); } /** @type {number} */ get top() { return this._y + Math.min(0, this._height); } /** @type {number} */ get bottom() { return this._y + Math.max(0, this._height); } /** @returns {string} */ toJSON() { return ''; } } /** * @param {string} fileName * @returns {JSDOM} */ function createJSDOM(fileName) { const domSource = fs.readFileSync(fileName, {encoding: 'utf8'}); const dom = new JSDOM(domSource); const document = dom.window.document; const window = dom.window; // Define innerText setter as an alias for textContent setter Object.defineProperty(window.HTMLDivElement.prototype, 'innerText', { set(value) { this.textContent = value; } }); // Placeholder for feature detection document.caretRangeFromPoint = () => null; return dom; } /** * @param {Element} element * @param {string|undefined} selector * @returns {?Element} */ function querySelectorChildOrSelf(element, selector) { return selector ? element.querySelector(selector) : element; } /** * @param {JSDOM} dom * @param {?Node} node * @returns {?Text|Node} */ function getChildTextNodeOrSelf(dom, node) { if (node === null) { return null; } const Node = dom.window.Node; const childNode = node.firstChild; return (childNode !== null && childNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? childNode : node); } /** * @param {unknown} value * @returns {unknown} */ function getPrototypeOfOrNull(value) { try { return Object.getPrototypeOf(value); } catch (e) { return null; } } /** * @param {Document} document * @returns {?Element} */ function findImposterElement(document) { // Finds the imposter element based on it's z-index style return document.querySelector('div[style*="2147483646"]>*'); } /** */ async function testDocument1() { const dom = createJSDOM(path.join(__dirname, 'data', 'html', 'test-document1.html')); const window = dom.window; const document = window.document; const Node = window.Node; const Range = window.Range; const vm = new VM({document, window, Range, Node}); vm.execute([ 'js/data/sandbox/string-util.js', 'js/dom/dom-text-scanner.js', 'js/dom/text-source-range.js', 'js/dom/text-source-element.js', 'js/dom/document-util.js' ]); /** @type {[DOMTextScanner: typeof DOMTextScanner, TextSourceRange: typeof TextSourceRange, TextSourceElement: typeof TextSourceElement, DocumentUtil: typeof DocumentUtil]} */ const [DOMTextScanner2, TextSourceRange2, TextSourceElement2, DocumentUtil2] = vm.get([ 'DOMTextScanner', 'TextSourceRange', 'TextSourceElement', 'DocumentUtil' ]); try { await testDocumentTextScanningFunctions(dom, {DocumentUtil: DocumentUtil2, TextSourceRange: TextSourceRange2, TextSourceElement: TextSourceElement2}); await testTextSourceRangeSeekFunctions(dom, {DOMTextScanner: DOMTextScanner2}); } finally { window.close(); } } /** * @param {JSDOM} dom * @param {{DocumentUtil: typeof DocumentUtil, TextSourceRange: typeof TextSourceRange, TextSourceElement: typeof TextSourceElement}} details */ async function testDocumentTextScanningFunctions(dom, {DocumentUtil, TextSourceRange, TextSourceElement}) { const document = dom.window.document; for (const testElement of /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.test[data-test-type=scan]'))) { // Get test parameters const { elementFromPointSelector, caretRangeFromPointSelector, startNodeSelector, startOffset, endNodeSelector, endOffset, resultType, sentenceScanExtent, sentence, hasImposter, terminateAtNewlines } = testElement.dataset; const elementFromPointValue = querySelectorChildOrSelf(testElement, elementFromPointSelector); const caretRangeFromPointValue = querySelectorChildOrSelf(testElement, caretRangeFromPointSelector); const startNode = getChildTextNodeOrSelf(dom, querySelectorChildOrSelf(testElement, startNodeSelector)); const endNode = getChildTextNodeOrSelf(dom, querySelectorChildOrSelf(testElement, endNodeSelector)); const startOffset2 = parseInt(/** @type {string} */ (startOffset), 10); const endOffset2 = parseInt(/** @type {string} */ (endOffset), 10); const sentenceScanExtent2 = parseInt(/** @type {string} */ (sentenceScanExtent), 10); const terminateAtNewlines2 = (terminateAtNewlines !== 'false'); assert.notStrictEqual(elementFromPointValue, null); assert.notStrictEqual(caretRangeFromPointValue, null); assert.notStrictEqual(startNode, null); assert.notStrictEqual(endNode, null); // Setup functions document.elementFromPoint = () => elementFromPointValue; document.caretRangeFromPoint = (x, y) => { const imposter = getChildTextNodeOrSelf(dom, findImposterElement(document)); assert.strictEqual(!!imposter, hasImposter === 'true'); const range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(/** @type {Node} */ (imposter ? imposter : startNode), startOffset2); range.setEnd(/** @type {Node} */ (imposter ? imposter : startNode), endOffset2); // Override getClientRects to return a rect guaranteed to contain (x, y) range.getClientRects = () => { /** @type {import('test/document-types').PseudoDOMRectList} */ const domRectList = Object.assign( [new DOMRect(x - 1, y - 1, 2, 2)], { /** * @this {DOMRect[]} * @param {number} index * @returns {DOMRect} */ item: function item(index) { return this[index]; } } ); return domRectList; }; return range; }; // Test docRangeFromPoint const source = DocumentUtil.getRangeFromPoint(0, 0, { deepContentScan: false, normalizeCssZoom: true }); switch (resultType) { case 'TextSourceRange': assert.strictEqual(getPrototypeOfOrNull(source), TextSourceRange.prototype); break; case 'TextSourceElement': assert.strictEqual(getPrototypeOfOrNull(source), TextSourceElement.prototype); break; case 'null': assert.strictEqual(source, null); break; default: assert.ok(false); break; } if (source === null) { continue; } // Sentence info const terminatorString = '…。..??!!'; const terminatorMap = new Map(); for (const char of terminatorString) { terminatorMap.set(char, [false, true]); } const quoteArray = [['「', '」'], ['『', '』'], ['\'', '\''], ['"', '"']]; const forwardQuoteMap = new Map(); const backwardQuoteMap = new Map(); for (const [char1, char2] of quoteArray) { forwardQuoteMap.set(char1, [char2, false]); backwardQuoteMap.set(char2, [char1, false]); } // Test docSentenceExtract const sentenceActual = DocumentUtil.extractSentence( source, false, sentenceScanExtent2, terminateAtNewlines2, terminatorMap, forwardQuoteMap, backwardQuoteMap ).text; assert.strictEqual(sentenceActual, sentence); // Clean source.cleanup(); } } /** * @param {JSDOM} dom * @param {{DOMTextScanner: typeof DOMTextScanner}} details */ async function testTextSourceRangeSeekFunctions(dom, {DOMTextScanner}) { const document = dom.window.document; for (const testElement of /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.test[data-test-type=text-source-range-seek]'))) { // Get test parameters const { seekNodeSelector, seekNodeIsText, seekOffset, seekLength, seekDirection, expectedResultNodeSelector, expectedResultNodeIsText, expectedResultOffset, expectedResultContent } = testElement.dataset; const seekOffset2 = parseInt(/** @type {string} */ (seekOffset), 10); const seekLength2 = parseInt(/** @type {string} */ (seekLength), 10); const expectedResultOffset2 = parseInt(/** @type {string} */ (expectedResultOffset), 10); /** @type {?Node} */ let seekNode = testElement.querySelector(/** @type {string} */ (seekNodeSelector)); if (seekNodeIsText === 'true' && seekNode !== null) { seekNode = seekNode.firstChild; } /** @type {?Node} */ let expectedResultNode = testElement.querySelector(/** @type {string} */ (expectedResultNodeSelector)); if (expectedResultNodeIsText === 'true' && expectedResultNode !== null) { expectedResultNode = expectedResultNode.firstChild; } const {node, offset, content} = ( seekDirection === 'forward' ? new DOMTextScanner(/** @type {Node} */ (seekNode), seekOffset2, true, false).seek(seekLength2) : new DOMTextScanner(/** @type {Node} */ (seekNode), seekOffset2, true, false).seek(-seekLength2) ); assert.strictEqual(node, expectedResultNode); assert.strictEqual(offset, expectedResultOffset2); assert.strictEqual(content, expectedResultContent); } } /** */ async function main() { await testDocument1(); } if (require.main === module) { testMain(main); }