/* * Copyright (C) 2020 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ const assert = require('assert'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const {VM} = require('./yomichan-vm'); const vm = new VM({ crypto: { getRandomValues: (array) => { const buffer = crypto.randomBytes(array.byteLength); buffer.copy(array); return array; } } }); vm.execute([ 'mixed/js/core.js' ]); const [DynamicProperty] = vm.get(['DynamicProperty']); function testDynamicProperty() { const data = [ { initialValue: 0, operations: [ { operation: null, expectedDefaultValue: 0, expectedValue: 0, expectedOverrideCount: 0, expeectedEventOccurred: false }, { operation: 'set.defaultValue', args: [1], expectedDefaultValue: 1, expectedValue: 1, expectedOverrideCount: 0, expeectedEventOccurred: true }, { operation: 'set.defaultValue', args: [1], expectedDefaultValue: 1, expectedValue: 1, expectedOverrideCount: 0, expeectedEventOccurred: false }, { operation: 'set.defaultValue', args: [0], expectedDefaultValue: 0, expectedValue: 0, expectedOverrideCount: 0, expeectedEventOccurred: true }, { operation: 'setOverride', args: [8], expectedDefaultValue: 0, expectedValue: 8, expectedOverrideCount: 1, expeectedEventOccurred: true }, { operation: 'setOverride', args: [16], expectedDefaultValue: 0, expectedValue: 8, expectedOverrideCount: 2, expeectedEventOccurred: false }, { operation: 'setOverride', args: [32, 1], expectedDefaultValue: 0, expectedValue: 32, expectedOverrideCount: 3, expeectedEventOccurred: true }, { operation: 'setOverride', args: [64, -1], expectedDefaultValue: 0, expectedValue: 32, expectedOverrideCount: 4, expeectedEventOccurred: false }, { operation: 'clearOverride', args: [-4], expectedDefaultValue: 0, expectedValue: 32, expectedOverrideCount: 3, expeectedEventOccurred: false }, { operation: 'clearOverride', args: [-3], expectedDefaultValue: 0, expectedValue: 32, expectedOverrideCount: 2, expeectedEventOccurred: false }, { operation: 'clearOverride', args: [-2], expectedDefaultValue: 0, expectedValue: 64, expectedOverrideCount: 1, expeectedEventOccurred: true }, { operation: 'clearOverride', args: [-1], expectedDefaultValue: 0, expectedValue: 0, expectedOverrideCount: 0, expeectedEventOccurred: true } ] } ]; for (const {initialValue, operations} of data) { const property = new DynamicProperty(initialValue); const overrideTokens = []; let eventOccurred = false; const onChange = () => { eventOccurred = true; }; property.on('change', onChange); for (const {operation, args, expectedDefaultValue, expectedValue, expectedOverrideCount, expeectedEventOccurred} of operations) { eventOccurred = false; switch (operation) { case 'set.defaultValue': property.defaultValue = args[0]; break; case 'setOverride': overrideTokens.push(property.setOverride(...args)); break; case 'clearOverride': property.clearOverride(overrideTokens[overrideTokens.length + args[0]]); break; } assert.strictEqual(eventOccurred, expeectedEventOccurred); assert.strictEqual(property.defaultValue, expectedDefaultValue); assert.strictEqual(property.value, expectedValue); assert.strictEqual(property.overrideCount, expectedOverrideCount); } property.off('change', onChange); } } function main() { testDynamicProperty(); } if (require.main === module) { main(); }