Yomitan Settings

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Due to a bug in Safari, it may be necessary to click the Yomitan button in the browser bar to fully load the page

Default profile
Switch the primary profile that is used for scanning.
Editing profile
Change which profile is being modified on this page.
Configure profiles…
Enable Yomitan
Language of the text that is being looked up.
Show the welcome guide on browser startup
Maximum number of results
Adjust the maximum number of results shown for lookups.

Dictionaries (# installed, # enabled)

Configure installed and enabled dictionaries…
Yomitan is using an indeterminate amount of storage.
Frequency sorting dictionary
Sort results using a frequency dictionary. More…
Persistent storage
Enable to help prevent the browser from unexpectedly clearing the database. More…
Scan modifier key
Hold a key while moving the cursor to scan text. More…
Scan using middle mouse button
Hold the middle mouse button while moving the cursor to scan text.
Configure advanced scanning inputs… (# defined)
Scan delay (in milliseconds)
Change the delay before scanning occurs when no modifier key is required.
Select matched text
Search text with non-Japanese characters
Layout-aware scanning
Use webpage styling information to determine where line breaks are likely to be.
Deep content scanning
Enable scanning text that is covered by other layers.
Normalize CSS zoom
Correct the pointer location on webpages where CSS zoom is used. More…
Wildcard scanning
Enable suffix wildcard when looking up scanned webpage text. More…
Text scan length
Change how many characters are read when scanning for terms.
Setting this value too high (100+) may impact performance.
Support inputs for devices with touch screens (?)
Configure input action prevention…
Allow scanning search page content
Text on the search page can be scanned for definitions, which will open a popup.
Allow scanning popup content
Text inside of popups can be scanned for definitions, which will open a new popup.
Auto-hide search popup
When an existing popup is present, upon scanning again, hide the existing popup even if no definitions are found when scanning again.
Hide popup on cursor exit
When the cursor exits the popup, the popup will be hidden.
Search terms when clicking text from the results list
Show iframe popups in the root frame (?)
Adjust the style of the popup.
Action bar appearance
Control when and where the action bar is visible.
Compact glossaries
Display term glossaries using a more compact layout.
Compact tags
Show fewer repeated tags for term glossaries.
Show tags for expressions and their readings
These tags can be scanned if the options for popup content scanning are enabled.
Show debug information
A menu option to log debugging information will be shown in the search results.
Term display style
Change how terms and their readings are displayed.
Reading mode
Change what type of furigana is displayed for parsed text.
Frequency display style
Change how frequency information is presented.
Selection indicator style
Change how the selected definition entry is visually indicated.
Pitch accent display styles (?)
Configure collapsible dictionaries…
Configure custom CSS…
Result grouping mode
Change how related results are grouped. More…
Display mode
Change the layout of the popup. More…
Control the scaling factor of the popup.
Auto-scale (?)
Control the size of the popup, in pixels.
Horizontal text positioning
Change where the popup is positioned relative to horizontal text.
Vertical text positioning
Change where the popup is positioned relative to vertical text.
Horizontal text offset
Change the distance the popup is placed relative to horizontal text.
Vertical text offset
Change the distance the popup is placed relative to vertical text.
Use a native browser window instead of an embedded popup (?)
Control the size of the window, in pixels.
Left position
Control the left position of the window, in pixels.
Top position
Control the top position of the window, in pixels.
Window style
Change the appearance of the window.
Enable audio playback for terms
Show a clickable speaker icon next to search results.
Auto-play search result audio
The audio for the first result will be played automatically.
Audio volume
Adjust the volume audio is played at, in percent.
Configure audio playback sources…
Parse sentences using Yomitan's internal parser
Sentence words are parsed using Yomitan's dictionaries. More…
Parse sentences using MeCab
Sentence words are parsed using a third-party program. More…
Show space between parsed words
Sentence scanning extent
Adjust how many characters are bidirectionally scanned to form a sentence.
Sentence termination characters
Dictionary search resolution

"A dog" → search for "A dog","A do", "A d", "A"


"A dog" → "A dog", "A"

Configure custom text replacement patterns…
Enable Anki integration
Connection status:

Notice for macOS users: If Yomitan has issues connecting to AnkiConnect, it may be necessary to adjust adjust some system settings. See this link for details.

AnkiConnect server address
Change the URL of the AnkiConnect server. More…
Card tags
List of space or comma separated tags to add to the card.
API key
Pass a secret value to AnkiConnect API calls.
Check for card duplicates
Screenshot format
Adjust the format and quality of screenshots created for cards.
Idle download timeout (in milliseconds)
The maximum time before an idle download will be cancelled; 0 = no limit. More…
Suspend new cards
New cards will be suspended when a note is added.
Note viewer window
Clicking the View added note button shows this window. More…
Show card tags (?)
Configure Anki card format…
Configure Anki card templates…
Generate Anki Notes (Experimental)…
Enable background clipboard text monitoring
Open the search page in a new window when the clipboard contains Japanese text.
Enable search page clipboard text monitoring
The query on the search page will be automatically updated with text in the clipboard.
Maximum clipboard text search length
Limit the number of characters used when searching clipboard text.
Clipboard text search mode
Change how the search page reacts to new text in the clipboard.

Yomitan has two categories of keyboard shortcuts:

  • Standard keyboard shortcuts are controlled by the extension, and can be added, removed, and configured to work on webpages that Yomitan functions on.
  • Native keyboard shortcuts are controlled by the web browser, and function globally within the web browser or system-wide.
Configure standard keyboard shortcuts…
Configure native keyboard shortcuts…
Yomitan can import and export settings files which can be used to restore settings, share settings across devices, and to help to debug problems. These files will only contain settings and will not contain dictionaries. Dictionaries must be imported separately. However, you can also import a previously exported collection of dictionaries. See the next section about that.
You can try to export the entire collection of your dictionaries into a single large file that you can try to import from other browsers or devices. Importing the collection like that is a destructive operation and will replace your current database of dictionaries so please proceed with caution. These operations can take a lot of time depending on the size of your database, especially to start and to complete, so have patience.

See yomichan-data-exporter for instructions to export your data from older Yomichan installations.
Placeholder text.
Placeholder text.
Enable Google Docs compatibility mode (?)
Configure Yomitan Permissions
Use a secure container around popups (?)
Use secure popup frame URL (?)