/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net> * Author: Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ function jpIsKanji(c) { const code = c.charCodeAt(0); return code >= 0x4e00 && code < 0x9fb0 || code >= 0x3400 && code < 0x4dc0; } function jpIsKana(c) { return wanakana.isKana(c); } function jpIsJapaneseText(text) { for (const c of text) { if (jpIsKanji(c) || jpIsKana(c)) { return true; } } return false; } function jpKatakanaToHiragana(text) { let result = ''; for (const c of text) { if (wanakana.isKatakana(c)) { result += wanakana.toHiragana(c); } else { result += c; } } return result; } function jpDistributeFurigana(expression, reading) { const fallback = [{furigana: reading, text: expression}]; if (!reading) { return fallback; } const segmentize = (reading, groups) => { if (groups.length === 0) { return []; } const group = groups[0]; if (group.mode === 'kana') { if (jpKatakanaToHiragana(reading).startsWith(jpKatakanaToHiragana(group.text))) { const readingLeft = reading.substring(group.text.length); const segs = segmentize(readingLeft, groups.splice(1)); if (segs) { return [{text: group.text}].concat(segs); } } } else { for (let i = reading.length; i >= group.text.length; --i) { const readingUsed = reading.substring(0, i); const readingLeft = reading.substring(i); const segs = segmentize(readingLeft, groups.slice(1)); if (segs) { return [{text: group.text, furigana: readingUsed}].concat(segs); } } } }; const groups = []; let modePrev = null; for (const c of expression) { const modeCurr = jpIsKanji(c) || c.charCodeAt(0) === 0x3005 /* noma */ ? 'kanji' : 'kana'; if (modeCurr === modePrev) { groups[groups.length - 1].text += c; } else { groups.push({mode: modeCurr, text: c}); modePrev = modeCurr; } } return segmentize(reading, groups) || fallback; } function jpDistributeFuriganaInflected(expression, reading, source) { const output = []; let stemLength = 0; const shortest = Math.min(source.length, expression.length); const sourceHiragana = jpKatakanaToHiragana(source); const expressionHiragana = jpKatakanaToHiragana(expression); while (stemLength < shortest && sourceHiragana[stemLength] === expressionHiragana[stemLength]) { ++stemLength; } const offset = source.length - stemLength; const stemExpression = source.slice(0, source.length - offset); const stemReading = reading.slice( 0, offset === 0 ? reading.length : reading.length - expression.length + stemLength ); for (const segment of jpDistributeFurigana(stemExpression, stemReading)) { output.push(segment); } if (stemLength !== source.length) { output.push({text: source.slice(stemLength)}); } return output; }