/* * Copyright (C) 2017-2020 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* global * AudioSystem * DOM * DisplayGenerator * DisplayHistory * Frontend * MediaLoader * PopupFactory * QueryParser * WindowScroll * api * docRangeFromPoint * docSentenceExtract * dynamicLoader */ class Display extends EventDispatcher { constructor(spinner, container) { super(); this._spinner = spinner; this._container = container; this._definitions = []; this._optionsContext = {depth: 0, url: window.location.href}; this._options = null; this._index = 0; this._audioPlaying = null; this._audioFallback = null; this._audioSystem = new AudioSystem({ audioUriBuilder: { getUri: async (definition, source, details) => { return await api.audioGetUri(definition, source, details); } }, useCache: true }); this._styleNode = null; this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); this._persistentEventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); this._interactive = false; this._eventListenersActive = false; this._clickScanPrevent = false; this._setContentToken = null; this._autoPlayAudioTimer = null; this._autoPlayAudioDelay = 0; this._mediaLoader = new MediaLoader(); this._displayGenerator = new DisplayGenerator({mediaLoader: this._mediaLoader}); this._windowScroll = new WindowScroll(); this._hotkeys = new Map(); this._actions = new Map(); this._messageHandlers = new Map(); this._history = new DisplayHistory({clearable: true, useBrowserHistory: false}); this._historyChangeIgnore = false; this._historyHasChanged = false; this._navigationHeader = document.querySelector('#navigation-header'); this._defaultTitle = 'Yomichan Search'; this._defaultTitleMaxLength = 1000; this._fullQuery = ''; this._queryParserVisible = false; this._queryParserVisibleOverride = null; this._queryParserContainer = document.querySelector('#query-parser-container'); this._queryParser = new QueryParser({ getOptionsContext: this.getOptionsContext.bind(this), setSpinnerVisible: this.setSpinnerVisible.bind(this) }); this.registerActions([ ['close', () => { this.onEscape(); }], ['nextEntry', () => { this._focusEntry(this._index + 1, true); }], ['nextEntry3', () => { this._focusEntry(this._index + 3, true); }], ['previousEntry', () => { this._focusEntry(this._index - 1, true); }], ['previousEntry3', () => { this._focusEntry(this._index - 3, true); }], ['lastEntry', () => { this._focusEntry(this._definitions.length - 1, true); }], ['firstEntry', () => { this._focusEntry(0, true); }], ['historyBackward', () => { this._sourceTermView(); }], ['historyForward', () => { this._nextTermView(); }], ['addNoteKanji', () => { this._noteTryAdd('kanji'); }], ['addNoteTermKanji', () => { this._noteTryAdd('term-kanji'); }], ['addNoteTermKana', () => { this._noteTryAdd('term-kana'); }], ['viewNote', () => { this._noteTryView(); }], ['playAudio', () => { this._playAudioCurrent(); }] ]); this.registerHotkeys([ {key: 'Escape', modifiers: [], action: 'close'}, {key: 'PageUp', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'previousEntry3'}, {key: 'PageDown', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'nextEntry3'}, {key: 'End', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'lastEntry'}, {key: 'Home', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'firstEntry'}, {key: 'ArrowUp', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'previousEntry'}, {key: 'ArrowDown', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'nextEntry'}, {key: 'B', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'historyBackward'}, {key: 'F', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'historyForward'}, {key: 'K', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'addNoteKanji'}, {key: 'E', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'addNoteTermKanji'}, {key: 'R', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'addNoteTermKana'}, {key: 'P', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'playAudio'}, {key: 'V', modifiers: ['alt'], action: 'viewNote'} ]); this.registerMessageHandlers([ ['setOptionsContext', {async: false, handler: this._onMessageSetOptionsContext.bind(this)}], ['setContent', {async: false, handler: this._onMessageSetContent.bind(this)}], ['clearAutoPlayTimer', {async: false, handler: this._onMessageClearAutoPlayTimer.bind(this)}], ['setCustomCss', {async: false, handler: this._onMessageSetCustomCss.bind(this)}] ]); } get autoPlayAudioDelay() { return this._autoPlayAudioDelay; } set autoPlayAudioDelay(value) { this._autoPlayAudioDelay = value; } get queryParserVisible() { return this._queryParserVisible; } set queryParserVisible(value) { this._queryParserVisible = value; this._updateQueryParserVisibility(); } async prepare() { this._setInteractive(true); await this._displayGenerator.prepare(); await this._queryParser.prepare(); this._history.prepare(); this._history.on('stateChanged', this._onStateChanged.bind(this)); this._queryParser.on('searched', this._onQueryParserSearch.bind(this)); yomichan.on('extensionUnloaded', this._onExtensionUnloaded.bind(this)); api.crossFrame.registerHandlers([ ['popupMessage', {async: 'dynamic', handler: this._onMessage.bind(this)}] ]); } initializeState() { this._onStateChanged(); } setHistorySettings({clearable, useBrowserHistory}) { if (typeof clearable !== 'undefined') { this._history.clearable = clearable; } if (typeof useBrowserHistory !== 'undefined') { this._history.useBrowserHistory = useBrowserHistory; } } onError(error) { if (yomichan.isExtensionUnloaded) { return; } yomichan.logError(error); } onEscape() { throw new Error('Override me'); } onKeyDown(e) { const key = DOM.getKeyFromEvent(e); const handlers = this._hotkeys.get(key); if (typeof handlers === 'undefined') { return false; } const eventModifiers = DOM.getActiveModifiers(e); for (const {modifiers, action} of handlers) { if (getSetDifference(modifiers, eventModifiers).size !== 0) { continue; } const actionHandler = this._actions.get(action); if (typeof actionHandler === 'undefined') { continue; } const result = actionHandler(e); if (result !== false) { e.preventDefault(); return true; } } return false; } getOptions() { return this._options; } getOptionsContext() { return this._optionsContext; } setOptionsContext(optionsContext) { this._optionsContext = optionsContext; } async updateOptions() { this._options = await api.optionsGet(this.getOptionsContext()); this._updateDocumentOptions(this._options); this._updateTheme(this._options.general.popupTheme); this.setCustomCss(this._options.general.customPopupCss); this._queryParser.setOptions(this._options); } addMultipleEventListeners(selector, type, listener, options) { for (const node of this._container.querySelectorAll(selector)) { this._eventListeners.addEventListener(node, type, listener, options); } } autoPlayAudio() { this.clearAutoPlayTimer(); if (this._definitions.length === 0) { return; } const definition = this._definitions[0]; const expressionIndex = this._getFirstExpressionIndex(); const callback = () => { this._audioPlay(definition, expressionIndex, 0); }; if (this._autoPlayAudioDelay > 0) { this._autoPlayAudioTimer = setTimeout(callback, this._autoPlayAudioDelay); } else { callback(); } } clearAutoPlayTimer() { if (this._autoPlayAudioTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this._autoPlayAudioTimer); this._autoPlayAudioTimer = null; } } setContent(details) { const {focus, history, params, state, content} = details; if (focus) { window.focus(); } const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(); for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(params)) { urlSearchParams.append(key, value); } const url = `${location.protocol}//${location.host}${location.pathname}?${urlSearchParams.toString()}`; if (history && this._historyHasChanged) { this._history.pushState(state, content, url); } else { this._history.clear(); this._history.replaceState(state, content, url); } } setCustomCss(css) { if (this._styleNode === null) { if (css.length === 0) { return; } this._styleNode = document.createElement('style'); } this._styleNode.textContent = css; const parent = document.head; if (this._styleNode.parentNode !== parent) { parent.appendChild(this._styleNode); } } async getDocumentTitle() { return document.title; } setSpinnerVisible(visible) { if (this._spinner !== null) { this._spinner.hidden = !visible; } } registerActions(actions) { for (const [name, handler] of actions) { this._actions.set(name, handler); } } registerHotkeys(hotkeys) { for (const {key, modifiers, action} of hotkeys) { let handlers = this._hotkeys.get(key); if (typeof handlers === 'undefined') { handlers = []; this._hotkeys.set(key, handlers); } handlers.push({modifiers: new Set(modifiers), action}); } } registerMessageHandlers(handlers) { for (const [name, handlerInfo] of handlers) { this._messageHandlers.set(name, handlerInfo); } } async setupNestedPopups(frontendInitializationData) { await dynamicLoader.loadScripts([ '/mixed/js/text-scanner.js', '/mixed/js/frame-client.js', '/fg/js/popup.js', '/fg/js/popup-proxy.js', '/fg/js/popup-factory.js', '/fg/js/frame-offset-forwarder.js', '/fg/js/frontend.js' ]); const {frameId} = await api.frameInformationGet(); const popupFactory = new PopupFactory(frameId); popupFactory.prepare(); const frontend = new Frontend(frameId, popupFactory, frontendInitializationData); await frontend.prepare(); } authenticateMessageData(data) { return data; } postProcessQuery(query) { return query; } // Message handlers _onMessage(data) { data = this.authenticateMessageData(data); const {action, params} = data; const handlerInfo = this._messageHandlers.get(action); if (typeof handlerInfo === 'undefined') { throw new Error(`Invalid action: ${action}`); } const {async, handler} = handlerInfo; const result = handler(params); return {async, result}; } _onMessageSetOptionsContext({optionsContext}) { this.setOptionsContext(optionsContext); } _onMessageSetContent({details}) { this.setContent(details); } _onMessageClearAutoPlayTimer() { this.clearAutoPlayTimer(); } _onMessageSetCustomCss({css}) { this.setCustomCss(css); } // Private async _onStateChanged() { if (this._historyChangeIgnore) { return; } const token = {}; // Unique identifier token this._setContentToken = token; try { const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search); let type = urlSearchParams.get('type'); if (type === null) { type = 'terms'; } const fullVisible = urlSearchParams.get('full-visible'); this._queryParserVisibleOverride = (fullVisible === null ? null : (fullVisible !== 'false')); this._updateQueryParserVisibility(); this._closePopups(); this._setEventListenersActive(false); let asigned = false; const eventArgs = {type, urlSearchParams, token}; this._historyHasChanged = true; this._mediaLoader.unloadAll(); switch (type) { case 'terms': case 'kanji': { const isTerms = (type === 'terms'); asigned = await this._setContentTermsOrKanji(token, isTerms, urlSearchParams, eventArgs); } break; case 'unloaded': { const {content} = this._history; eventArgs.content = content; this.trigger('contentUpdating', eventArgs); this._setContentExtensionUnloaded(); asigned = true; } break; } const stale = (this._setContentToken !== token); if (!stale) { if (!asigned) { const {content} = this._history; eventArgs.type = 'clear'; eventArgs.content = content; this.trigger('contentUpdating', eventArgs); this._clearContent(); } this._setEventListenersActive(true); } eventArgs.stale = stale; this.trigger('contentUpdated', eventArgs); } catch (e) { this.onError(e); } finally { if (this._setContentToken === token) { this._setContentToken = null; } } } _onQueryParserSearch({type, definitions, sentence, cause, textSource}) { const query = textSource.text(); const details = { focus: false, history: cause !== 'mouse', params: this._createSearchParams(type, query, false), state: { sentence, url: window.location.href }, content: { definitions } }; this.setContent(details); } _onExtensionUnloaded() { const details = { focus: false, history: false, params: {type: 'unloaded'}, state: {}, content: {} }; this.setContent(details); } _onSourceTermView(e) { e.preventDefault(); this._sourceTermView(); } _onNextTermView(e) { e.preventDefault(); this._nextTermView(); } async _onKanjiLookup(e) { try { e.preventDefault(); if (!this._historyHasState()) { return; } const link = e.target; const {state} = this._history; state.focusEntry = this._entryIndexFind(link); state.scrollX = this._windowScroll.x; state.scrollY = this._windowScroll.y; this._historyStateUpdate(state); const query = link.textContent; const definitions = await api.kanjiFind(query, this.getOptionsContext()); const details = { focus: false, history: true, params: this._createSearchParams('kanji', query, false), state: { focusEntry: 0, sentence: state.sentence, url: state.url }, content: { definitions } }; this.setContent(details); } catch (error) { this.onError(error); } } _onGlossaryMouseDown(e) { if (DOM.isMouseButtonPressed(e, 'primary')) { this._clickScanPrevent = false; } } _onGlossaryMouseMove() { this._clickScanPrevent = true; } _onGlossaryMouseUp(e) { if (!this._clickScanPrevent && DOM.isMouseButtonPressed(e, 'primary')) { try { this._onTermLookup(e); } catch (error) { this.onError(error); } } } async _onTermLookup(e) { if (!this._historyHasState()) { return; } const termLookupResults = await this._termLookup(e); if (!termLookupResults || !this._historyHasState()) { return; } const {state} = this._history; const {textSource, definitions} = termLookupResults; const scannedElement = e.target; const sentenceExtent = this._options.anki.sentenceExt; const layoutAwareScan = this._options.scanning.layoutAwareScan; const sentence = docSentenceExtract(textSource, sentenceExtent, layoutAwareScan); state.focusEntry = this._entryIndexFind(scannedElement); state.scrollX = this._windowScroll.x; state.scrollY = this._windowScroll.y; this._historyStateUpdate(state); const query = textSource.text(); const details = { focus: false, history: true, params: this._createSearchParams('terms', query, false), state: { focusEntry: 0, sentence, url: state.url }, content: { definitions } }; this.setContent(details); } async _termLookup(e) { e.preventDefault(); const {length: scanLength, deepDomScan: deepScan, layoutAwareScan} = this._options.scanning; const textSource = docRangeFromPoint(e.clientX, e.clientY, deepScan); if (textSource === null) { return false; } let definitions, length; try { textSource.setEndOffset(scanLength, layoutAwareScan); ({definitions, length} = await api.termsFind(textSource.text(), {}, this.getOptionsContext())); if (definitions.length === 0) { return false; } textSource.setEndOffset(length, layoutAwareScan); } finally { textSource.cleanup(); } return {textSource, definitions}; } _onAudioPlay(e) { e.preventDefault(); const link = e.currentTarget; const entry = link.closest('.entry'); const index = this._entryIndexFind(entry); if (index < 0 || index >= this._definitions.length) { return; } const expressionIndex = this._indexOf(entry.querySelectorAll('.term-expression .action-play-audio'), link); this._audioPlay( this._definitions[index], // expressionIndex is used in audioPlay to detect result output mode Math.max(expressionIndex, this._options.general.resultOutputMode === 'merge' ? 0 : -1), index ); } _onNoteAdd(e) { e.preventDefault(); const link = e.currentTarget; const index = this._entryIndexFind(link); if (index < 0 || index >= this._definitions.length) { return; } this._noteAdd(this._definitions[index], link.dataset.mode); } _onNoteView(e) { e.preventDefault(); const link = e.currentTarget; api.noteView(link.dataset.noteId); } _onWheel(e) { if (e.altKey) { if (e.deltaY !== 0) { this._focusEntry(this._index + (e.deltaY > 0 ? 1 : -1), true); e.preventDefault(); } } else if (e.shiftKey) { this._onHistoryWheel(e); } } _onHistoryWheel(e) { if (e.altKey) { return; } const delta = -e.deltaX || e.deltaY; if (delta > 0) { this._sourceTermView(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } else if (delta < 0) { this._nextTermView(); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } } _updateDocumentOptions(options) { const data = document.documentElement.dataset; data.ankiEnabled = `${options.anki.enable}`; data.audioEnabled = `${options.audio.enabled}`; data.compactGlossaries = `${options.general.compactGlossaries}`; data.enableSearchTags = `${options.scanning.enableSearchTags}`; data.showPitchAccentDownstepNotation = `${options.general.showPitchAccentDownstepNotation}`; data.showPitchAccentPositionNotation = `${options.general.showPitchAccentPositionNotation}`; data.showPitchAccentGraph = `${options.general.showPitchAccentGraph}`; data.debug = `${options.general.debugInfo}`; } _updateTheme(themeName) { document.documentElement.dataset.yomichanTheme = themeName; } _setInteractive(interactive) { interactive = !!interactive; if (this._interactive === interactive) { return; } this._interactive = interactive; if (interactive) { const actionPrevious = document.querySelector('.action-previous'); const actionNext = document.querySelector('.action-next'); this._persistentEventListeners.addEventListener(document, 'keydown', this.onKeyDown.bind(this), false); this._persistentEventListeners.addEventListener(document, 'wheel', this._onWheel.bind(this), {passive: false}); if (actionPrevious !== null) { this._persistentEventListeners.addEventListener(actionPrevious, 'click', this._onSourceTermView.bind(this)); } if (actionNext !== null) { this._persistentEventListeners.addEventListener(actionNext, 'click', this._onNextTermView.bind(this)); } } else { this._persistentEventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); } this._setEventListenersActive(this._eventListenersActive); } _setEventListenersActive(active) { active = !!active && this._interactive; if (this._eventListenersActive === active) { return; } this._eventListenersActive = active; if (active) { this.addMultipleEventListeners('.action-add-note', 'click', this._onNoteAdd.bind(this)); this.addMultipleEventListeners('.action-view-note', 'click', this._onNoteView.bind(this)); this.addMultipleEventListeners('.action-play-audio', 'click', this._onAudioPlay.bind(this)); this.addMultipleEventListeners('.kanji-link', 'click', this._onKanjiLookup.bind(this)); if (this._options !== null && this._options.scanning.enablePopupSearch) { this.addMultipleEventListeners('.term-glossary-item, .tag', 'mouseup', this._onGlossaryMouseUp.bind(this)); this.addMultipleEventListeners('.term-glossary-item, .tag', 'mousedown', this._onGlossaryMouseDown.bind(this)); this.addMultipleEventListeners('.term-glossary-item, .tag', 'mousemove', this._onGlossaryMouseMove.bind(this)); } } else { this._eventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); } } async _findDefinitions(isTerms, source, urlSearchParams) { const optionsContext = this.getOptionsContext(); if (isTerms) { const findDetails = {}; if (urlSearchParams.get('wildcards') !== 'off') { const match = /^([*\uff0a]*)([\w\W]*?)([*\uff0a]*)$/.exec(source); if (match !== null) { if (match[1]) { findDetails.wildcard = 'prefix'; } else if (match[3]) { findDetails.wildcard = 'suffix'; } source = match[2]; } } const {definitions} = await api.termsFind(source, findDetails, optionsContext); return definitions; } else { const definitions = await api.kanjiFind(source, optionsContext); return definitions; } } async _setContentTermsOrKanji(token, isTerms, urlSearchParams, eventArgs) { let source = urlSearchParams.get('query'); if (!source) { return false; } let {state, content} = this._history; let changeHistory = false; if (!isObject(content)) { content = {}; changeHistory = true; } if (!isObject(state)) { state = {}; changeHistory = true; } source = this.postProcessQuery(source); let full = urlSearchParams.get('full'); full = (full === null ? source : this.postProcessQuery(full)); this._setQueryParserText(full); this._setTitleText(source); let {definitions} = content; if (!Array.isArray(definitions)) { definitions = await this._findDefinitions(isTerms, source, urlSearchParams); if (this._setContentToken !== token) { return true; } content.definitions = definitions; changeHistory = true; } if (changeHistory) { this._historyStateUpdate(state, content); } eventArgs.source = source; eventArgs.content = content; this.trigger('contentUpdating', eventArgs); let {sentence=null, url=null, focusEntry=null, scrollX=null, scrollY=null} = state; if (typeof url !== 'string') { url = window.location.href; } sentence = this._getValidSentenceData(sentence); this._definitions = definitions; for (const definition of definitions) { definition.cloze = this._clozeBuild(sentence, isTerms ? definition.source : definition.character); definition.url = url; } this._updateNavigation(this._history.hasPrevious(), this._history.hasNext()); this._setNoContentVisible(definitions.length === 0); const container = this._container; container.textContent = ''; for (let i = 0, ii = definitions.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (i > 0) { await promiseTimeout(1); if (this._setContentToken !== token) { return true; } } const entry = ( isTerms ? this._displayGenerator.createTermEntry(definitions[i]) : this._displayGenerator.createKanjiEntry(definitions[i]) ); container.appendChild(entry); } if (typeof focusEntry === 'number') { this._focusEntry(focusEntry, false); } if (typeof scrollX === 'number' || typeof scrollY === 'number') { let {x, y} = this._windowScroll; if (typeof scrollX === 'number') { x = scrollX; } if (typeof scrollY === 'number') { y = scrollY; } this._windowScroll.stop(); this._windowScroll.to(x, y); } if ( isTerms && this._options.audio.enabled && this._options.audio.autoPlay ) { this.autoPlayAudio(); } this._setContentTermsOrKanjiUpdateAdderButtons(token, isTerms, definitions); return true; } async _setContentTermsOrKanjiUpdateAdderButtons(token, isTerms, definitions) { const modes = isTerms ? ['term-kanji', 'term-kana'] : ['kanji']; const states = await this._getDefinitionsAddable(definitions, modes); if (this._setContentToken !== token) { return; } this._updateAdderButtons(states); } _setContentExtensionUnloaded() { const errorExtensionUnloaded = document.querySelector('#error-extension-unloaded'); if (this._container !== null) { this._container.hidden = true; } if (errorExtensionUnloaded !== null) { errorExtensionUnloaded.hidden = false; } this._updateNavigation(null, null); this._setNoContentVisible(false); this._setTitleText(''); } _clearContent() { this._container.textContent = ''; this._setTitleText(''); } _setNoContentVisible(visible) { const noResults = document.querySelector('#no-results'); if (noResults !== null) { noResults.hidden = !visible; } } _setQueryParserText(text) { if (this._fullQuery === text) { return; } this._fullQuery = text; if (!this._isQueryParserVisible()) { return; } this._queryParser.setText(text); } _setTitleText(text) { // Chrome limits title to 1024 characters const ellipsis = '...'; const maxLength = this._defaultTitleMaxLength - this._defaultTitle.length; if (text.length > maxLength) { text = `${text.substring(0, Math.max(0, maxLength - maxLength))}${ellipsis}`; } document.title = ( text.length === 0 ? this._defaultTitle : `${text} - ${this._defaultTitle}` ); } _updateNavigation(previous, next) { if (this._navigationHeader === null) { return; } this._navigationHeader.hidden = !(previous || next); this._navigationHeader.dataset.hasPrevious = `${!!previous}`; this._navigationHeader.dataset.hasNext = `${!!next}`; } _updateAdderButtons(states) { for (let i = 0; i < states.length; ++i) { let noteId = null; for (const [mode, info] of Object.entries(states[i])) { const button = this._adderButtonFind(i, mode); if (button === null) { continue; } if (!info.canAdd && noteId === null && info.noteId) { noteId = info.noteId; } button.classList.toggle('disabled', !info.canAdd); button.classList.remove('pending'); } if (noteId !== null) { this._viewerButtonShow(i, noteId); } } } _entrySetCurrent(index) { index = Math.min(index, this._definitions.length - 1); index = Math.max(index, 0); const entryPre = this._getEntry(this._index); if (entryPre !== null) { entryPre.classList.remove('entry-current'); } const entry = this._getEntry(index); if (entry !== null) { entry.classList.add('entry-current'); } this._index = index; return entry; } _focusEntry(index, smooth) { const entry = this._entrySetCurrent(index); let target = index === 0 || entry === null ? 0 : this._getElementTop(entry); if (this._navigationHeader !== null) { target -= this._navigationHeader.getBoundingClientRect().height; } this._windowScroll.stop(); if (smooth) { this._windowScroll.animate(this._windowScroll.x, target, 200); } else { this._windowScroll.toY(target); } } _sourceTermView() { this._relativeTermView(false); } _nextTermView() { this._relativeTermView(true); } _relativeTermView(next) { if (next) { return this._history.hasNext() && this._history.forward(); } else { return this._history.hasPrevious() && this._history.back(); } } _noteTryAdd(mode) { const index = this._index; if (index < 0 || index >= this._definitions.length) { return; } const button = this._adderButtonFind(index, mode); if (button !== null && !button.classList.contains('disabled')) { this._noteAdd(this._definitions[index], mode); } } _noteTryView() { const button = this._viewerButtonFind(this._index); if (button !== null && !button.classList.contains('disabled')) { api.noteView(button.dataset.noteId); } } async _noteAdd(definition, mode) { try { this.setSpinnerVisible(true); const details = {}; if (this._noteUsesScreenshot(mode)) { const screenshot = await this._getScreenshot(); if (screenshot) { details.screenshot = screenshot; } } const noteContext = await this._getNoteContext(); const noteId = await api.definitionAdd(definition, mode, noteContext, details, this.getOptionsContext()); if (noteId) { const index = this._definitions.indexOf(definition); const adderButton = this._adderButtonFind(index, mode); if (adderButton !== null) { adderButton.classList.add('disabled'); } this._viewerButtonShow(index, noteId); } else { throw new Error('Note could not be added'); } } catch (e) { this.onError(e); } finally { this.setSpinnerVisible(false); } } async _audioPlay(definition, expressionIndex, entryIndex) { try { this.setSpinnerVisible(true); const expression = expressionIndex === -1 ? definition : definition.expressions[expressionIndex]; this._stopPlayingAudio(); let audio, info; try { const {sources, textToSpeechVoice, customSourceUrl} = this._options.audio; let index; ({audio, index} = await this._audioSystem.getDefinitionAudio(expression, sources, {textToSpeechVoice, customSourceUrl})); info = `From source ${1 + index}: ${sources[index]}`; } catch (e) { if (this._audioFallback === null) { this._audioFallback = new Audio('/mixed/mp3/button.mp3'); } audio = this._audioFallback; info = 'Could not find audio'; } const button = this._audioButtonFindImage(entryIndex, expressionIndex); if (button !== null) { let titleDefault = button.dataset.titleDefault; if (!titleDefault) { titleDefault = button.title || ''; button.dataset.titleDefault = titleDefault; } button.title = `${titleDefault}\n${info}`; } this._stopPlayingAudio(); const volume = Math.max(0.0, Math.min(1.0, this._options.audio.volume / 100.0)); this._audioPlaying = audio; audio.currentTime = 0; audio.volume = Number.isFinite(volume) ? volume : 1.0; const playPromise = audio.play(); if (typeof playPromise !== 'undefined') { try { await playPromise; } catch (e2) { // NOP } } } catch (e) { this.onError(e); } finally { this.setSpinnerVisible(false); } } _stopPlayingAudio() { if (this._audioPlaying !== null) { this._audioPlaying.pause(); this._audioPlaying = null; } } _noteUsesScreenshot(mode) { const optionsAnki = this._options.anki; const fields = (mode === 'kanji' ? optionsAnki.kanji : optionsAnki.terms).fields; for (const fieldValue of Object.values(fields)) { if (fieldValue.includes('{screenshot}')) { return true; } } return false; } async _getScreenshot() { try { await this._setPopupVisibleOverride(false); await promiseTimeout(1); // Wait for popup to be hidden. const {format, quality} = this._options.anki.screenshot; const dataUrl = await api.screenshotGet({format, quality}); if (!dataUrl || dataUrl.error) { return; } return {dataUrl, format}; } finally { await this._setPopupVisibleOverride(null); } } _getFirstExpressionIndex() { return this._options.general.resultOutputMode === 'merge' ? 0 : -1; } _setPopupVisibleOverride(visible) { return api.broadcastTab('popupSetVisibleOverride', {visible}); } _getEntry(index) { const entries = this._container.querySelectorAll('.entry'); return index >= 0 && index < entries.length ? entries[index] : null; } _getValidSentenceData(sentence) { let {text, offset} = (isObject(sentence) ? sentence : {}); if (typeof text !== 'string') { text = ''; } if (typeof offset !== 'number') { offset = 0; } return {text, offset}; } _clozeBuild({text, offset}, source) { return { sentence: text.trim(), prefix: text.substring(0, offset).trim(), body: text.substring(offset, offset + source.length), suffix: text.substring(offset + source.length).trim() }; } _entryIndexFind(element) { const entry = element.closest('.entry'); return entry !== null ? this._indexOf(this._container.querySelectorAll('.entry'), entry) : -1; } _adderButtonFind(index, mode) { const entry = this._getEntry(index); return entry !== null ? entry.querySelector(`.action-add-note[data-mode="${mode}"]`) : null; } _viewerButtonFind(index) { const entry = this._getEntry(index); return entry !== null ? entry.querySelector('.action-view-note') : null; } _viewerButtonShow(index, noteId) { const viewerButton = this._viewerButtonFind(index); if (viewerButton === null) { return; } viewerButton.classList.remove('pending', 'disabled'); viewerButton.dataset.noteId = noteId; } _audioButtonFindImage(index, expressionIndex) { const entry = this._getEntry(index); if (entry === null) { return null; } const container = ( expressionIndex >= 0 ? entry.querySelector(`.term-expression:nth-of-type(${expressionIndex + 1})`) : entry ); return container !== null ? container.querySelector('.action-play-audio>img') : null; } async _getDefinitionsAddable(definitions, modes) { try { const noteContext = await this._getNoteContext(); return await api.definitionsAddable(definitions, modes, noteContext, this.getOptionsContext()); } catch (e) { return []; } } _indexOf(nodeList, node) { for (let i = 0, ii = nodeList.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (nodeList[i] === node) { return i; } } return -1; } _getElementTop(element) { const elementRect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); const documentRect = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect(); return elementRect.top - documentRect.top; } async _getNoteContext() { const documentTitle = await this.getDocumentTitle(); return { document: { title: documentTitle } }; } _playAudioCurrent() { const index = this._index; if (index < 0 || index >= this._definitions.length) { return; } const entry = this._getEntry(index); if (entry !== null && entry.dataset.type === 'term') { this._audioPlay(this._definitions[index], this._getFirstExpressionIndex(), index); } } _historyHasState() { return isObject(this._history.state); } _historyStateUpdate(state, content) { const historyChangeIgnorePre = this._historyChangeIgnore; try { this._historyChangeIgnore = true; if (typeof state === 'undefined') { state = this._history.state; } if (typeof content === 'undefined') { content = this._history.content; } this._history.replaceState(state, content); } finally { this._historyChangeIgnore = historyChangeIgnorePre; } } _createSearchParams(type, query, wildcards) { const params = {}; if (query.length < this._fullQuery.length) { params.full = this._fullQuery; } params.query = query; if (typeof type === 'string') { params.type = type; } if (!wildcards) { params.wildcards = 'off'; } if (this._queryParserVisibleOverride !== null) { params['full-visible'] = `${this._queryParserVisibleOverride}`; } return params; } _isQueryParserVisible() { return ( this._queryParserVisibleOverride !== null ? this._queryParserVisibleOverride : this._queryParserVisible ); } _updateQueryParserVisibility() { this._queryParserContainer.hidden = !this._isQueryParserVisible(); } _closePopups() { yomichan.trigger('closePopups'); } }