/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2020 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ function apiOptionsSchemaGet() { return _apiInvoke('optionsSchemaGet'); } function apiOptionsGet(optionsContext) { return _apiInvoke('optionsGet', {optionsContext}); } function apiOptionsGetFull() { return _apiInvoke('optionsGetFull'); } function apiOptionsSet(changedOptions, optionsContext, source) { return _apiInvoke('optionsSet', {changedOptions, optionsContext, source}); } function apiOptionsSave(source) { return _apiInvoke('optionsSave', {source}); } function apiTermsFind(text, details, optionsContext) { return _apiInvoke('termsFind', {text, details, optionsContext}); } function apiTextParse(text, optionsContext) { return _apiInvoke('textParse', {text, optionsContext}); } function apiKanjiFind(text, optionsContext) { return _apiInvoke('kanjiFind', {text, optionsContext}); } function apiDefinitionAdd(definition, mode, context, details, optionsContext) { return _apiInvoke('definitionAdd', {definition, mode, context, details, optionsContext}); } function apiDefinitionsAddable(definitions, modes, context, optionsContext) { return _apiInvoke('definitionsAddable', {definitions, modes, context, optionsContext}); } function apiNoteView(noteId) { return _apiInvoke('noteView', {noteId}); } function apiTemplateRender(template, data) { return _apiInvoke('templateRender', {data, template}); } function apiAudioGetUri(definition, source, details) { return _apiInvoke('audioGetUri', {definition, source, details}); } function apiCommandExec(command, params) { return _apiInvoke('commandExec', {command, params}); } function apiScreenshotGet(options) { return _apiInvoke('screenshotGet', {options}); } function apiSendMessageToFrame(frameId, action, params) { return _apiInvoke('sendMessageToFrame', {frameId, action, params}); } function apiBroadcastTab(action, params) { return _apiInvoke('broadcastTab', {action, params}); } function apiFrameInformationGet() { return _apiInvoke('frameInformationGet'); } function apiInjectStylesheet(type, value) { return _apiInvoke('injectStylesheet', {type, value}); } function apiGetEnvironmentInfo() { return _apiInvoke('getEnvironmentInfo'); } function apiClipboardGet() { return _apiInvoke('clipboardGet'); } function apiGetDisplayTemplatesHtml() { return _apiInvoke('getDisplayTemplatesHtml'); } function apiGetQueryParserTemplatesHtml() { return _apiInvoke('getQueryParserTemplatesHtml'); } function apiGetZoom() { return _apiInvoke('getZoom'); } function apiGetDefaultAnkiFieldTemplates() { return _apiInvoke('getDefaultAnkiFieldTemplates'); } function apiGetAnkiDeckNames() { return _apiInvoke('getAnkiDeckNames'); } function apiGetAnkiModelNames() { return _apiInvoke('getAnkiModelNames'); } function apiGetAnkiModelFieldNames(modelName) { return _apiInvoke('getAnkiModelFieldNames', {modelName}); } function apiGetDictionaryInfo() { return _apiInvoke('getDictionaryInfo'); } function apiGetDictionaryCounts(dictionaryNames, getTotal) { return _apiInvoke('getDictionaryCounts', {dictionaryNames, getTotal}); } function apiPurgeDatabase() { return _apiInvoke('purgeDatabase'); } function apiGetMedia(targets) { return _apiInvoke('getMedia', {targets}); } function apiLog(error, level, context) { return _apiInvoke('log', {error, level, context}); } function apiLogIndicatorClear() { return _apiInvoke('logIndicatorClear'); } function _apiCreateActionPort(timeout=5000) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timer = null; let portNameResolve; let portNameReject; const portNamePromise = new Promise((resolve2, reject2) => { portNameResolve = resolve2; portNameReject = reject2; }); const onConnect = async (port) => { try { const portName = await portNamePromise; if (port.name !== portName || timer === null) { return; } } catch (e) { return; } clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; chrome.runtime.onConnect.removeListener(onConnect); resolve(port); }; const onError = (e) => { if (timer !== null) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } chrome.runtime.onConnect.removeListener(onConnect); portNameReject(e); reject(e); }; timer = setTimeout(() => onError(new Error('Timeout')), timeout); chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(onConnect); _apiInvoke('createActionPort').then(portNameResolve, onError); }); } function _apiInvokeWithProgress(action, params, onProgress, timeout=5000) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let timer = null; let port = null; if (typeof onProgress !== 'function') { onProgress = () => {}; } const onMessage = (message) => { switch (message.type) { case 'ack': if (timer !== null) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } break; case 'progress': try { onProgress(message.data); } catch (e) { // NOP } break; case 'complete': cleanup(); resolve(message.data); break; case 'error': cleanup(); reject(jsonToError(message.data)); break; } }; const onDisconnect = () => { cleanup(); reject(new Error('Disconnected')); }; const cleanup = () => { if (timer !== null) { clearTimeout(timer); timer = null; } if (port !== null) { port.onMessage.removeListener(onMessage); port.onDisconnect.removeListener(onDisconnect); port.disconnect(); port = null; } onProgress = null; }; timer = setTimeout(() => { cleanup(); reject(new Error('Timeout')); }, timeout); (async () => { try { port = await _apiCreateActionPort(timeout); port.onMessage.addListener(onMessage); port.onDisconnect.addListener(onDisconnect); port.postMessage({action, params}); } catch (e) { cleanup(); reject(e); } finally { action = null; params = null; } })(); }); } function _apiInvoke(action, params={}) { const data = {action, params}; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { chrome.runtime.sendMessage(data, (response) => { _apiCheckLastError(chrome.runtime.lastError); if (response !== null && typeof response === 'object') { if (typeof response.error !== 'undefined') { reject(jsonToError(response.error)); } else { resolve(response.result); } } else { const message = response === null ? 'Unexpected null response' : `Unexpected response of type ${typeof response}`; reject(new Error(`${message} (${JSON.stringify(data)})`)); } }); } catch (e) { reject(e); yomichan.triggerOrphaned(e); } }); } function _apiCheckLastError() { // NOP } let _apiForwardLogsToBackendEnabled = false; function apiForwardLogsToBackend() { if (_apiForwardLogsToBackendEnabled) { return; } _apiForwardLogsToBackendEnabled = true; yomichan.on('log', async ({error, level, context}) => { try { await apiLog(errorToJson(error), level, context); } catch (e) { // NOP } }); }