/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class SortFrequencyDictionaryController { constructor(settingsController) { this._settingsController = settingsController; this._sortFrequencyDictionarySelect = null; this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderSelect = null; this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderAutoButton = null; this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderContainerNode = null; this._getDictionaryInfoToken = null; } async prepare() { this._sortFrequencyDictionarySelect = document.querySelector('#sort-frequency-dictionary'); this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderSelect = document.querySelector('#sort-frequency-dictionary-order'); this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderAutoButton = document.querySelector('#sort-frequency-dictionary-order-auto'); this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderContainerNode = document.querySelector('#sort-frequency-dictionary-order-container'); await this._onDatabaseUpdated(); yomichan.on('databaseUpdated', this._onDatabaseUpdated.bind(this)); this._settingsController.on('optionsChanged', this._onOptionsChanged.bind(this)); this._sortFrequencyDictionarySelect.addEventListener('change', this._onSortFrequencyDictionarySelectChange.bind(this)); this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderSelect.addEventListener('change', this._onSortFrequencyDictionaryOrderSelectChange.bind(this)); this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderAutoButton.addEventListener('click', this._onSortFrequencyDictionaryOrderAutoButtonClick.bind(this)); } // Private async _onDatabaseUpdated() { const token = {}; this._getDictionaryInfoToken = token; const dictionaries = await this._settingsController.getDictionaryInfo(); if (this._getDictionaryInfoToken !== token) { return; } this._getDictionaryInfoToken = null; this._updateDictionaryOptions(dictionaries); const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); this._onOptionsChanged({options}); } _onOptionsChanged({options}) { const {sortFrequencyDictionary, sortFrequencyDictionaryOrder} = options.general; this._sortFrequencyDictionarySelect.value = (sortFrequencyDictionary !== null ? sortFrequencyDictionary : ''); this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderSelect.value = sortFrequencyDictionaryOrder; this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderContainerNode.hidden = (sortFrequencyDictionary === null); } _onSortFrequencyDictionarySelectChange() { let {value} = this._sortFrequencyDictionarySelect; if (value === '') { value = null; } this._setSortFrequencyDictionaryValue(value); } _onSortFrequencyDictionaryOrderSelectChange() { const {value} = this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderSelect; this._setSortFrequencyDictionaryOrderValue(value); } _onSortFrequencyDictionaryOrderAutoButtonClick() { const {value} = this._sortFrequencyDictionarySelect; if (value === '') { return; } this._autoUpdateOrder(value); } _updateDictionaryOptions(dictionaries) { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); let option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = ''; option.textContent = 'None'; fragment.appendChild(option); for (const {title, counts} of dictionaries) { if (this._dictionaryHasNoFrequencies(counts)) { continue; } option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = title; option.textContent = title; fragment.appendChild(option); } this._sortFrequencyDictionarySelect.textContent = ''; this._sortFrequencyDictionarySelect.appendChild(fragment); } async _setSortFrequencyDictionaryValue(value) { this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderContainerNode.hidden = (value === null); await this._settingsController.setProfileSetting('general.sortFrequencyDictionary', value); if (value !== null) { await this._autoUpdateOrder(value); } } async _setSortFrequencyDictionaryOrderValue(value) { await this._settingsController.setProfileSetting('general.sortFrequencyDictionaryOrder', value); } async _autoUpdateOrder(dictionary) { const order = await this._getFrequencyOrder(dictionary); if (order === 0) { return; } const value = (order > 0 ? 'descending' : 'ascending'); this._sortFrequencyDictionaryOrderSelect.value = value; await this._setSortFrequencyDictionaryOrderValue(value); } async _getFrequencyOrder(dictionary) { const moreCommonTerms = ['来る', '言う', '出る', '入る', '方', '男', '女', '今', '何', '時']; const lessCommonTerms = ['行なう', '論じる', '過す', '行方', '人口', '猫', '犬', '滝', '理', '暁']; const terms = [...moreCommonTerms, ...lessCommonTerms]; const frequencies = await yomichan.api.getTermFrequencies( terms.map((term) => ({term, reading: null})), [dictionary] ); const termDetails = new Map(); const moreCommonTermDetails = []; const lessCommonTermDetails = []; for (const term of moreCommonTerms) { const details = {hasValue: false, minValue: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, maxValue: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER}; termDetails.set(term, details); moreCommonTermDetails.push(details); } for (const term of lessCommonTerms) { const details = {hasValue: false, minValue: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, maxValue: Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER}; termDetails.set(term, details); lessCommonTermDetails.push(details); } for (const {term, frequency} of frequencies) { if (typeof frequency !== 'number') { continue; } const details = termDetails.get(term); if (typeof details === 'undefined') { continue; } details.minValue = Math.min(details.minValue, frequency); details.maxValue = Math.max(details.maxValue, frequency); details.hasValue = true; } let result = 0; for (const details1 of moreCommonTermDetails) { if (!details1.hasValue) { continue; } for (const details2 of lessCommonTermDetails) { if (!details2.hasValue) { continue; } result += Math.sign(details1.maxValue - details2.minValue) + Math.sign(details1.minValue - details2.maxValue); } } return Math.sign(result); } _dictionaryHasNoFrequencies(counts) { if (typeof counts !== 'object' || counts === null) { return false; } const {termMeta} = counts; if (typeof termMeta !== 'object' || termMeta === null) { return false; } return termMeta.freq <= 0; } }