/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import {EventDispatcher, EventListenerCollection} from '../../core.js'; import {KeyboardMouseInputField} from './keyboard-mouse-input-field.js'; export class ProfileConditionsUI extends EventDispatcher { constructor(settingsController) { super(); this._settingsController = settingsController; this._os = null; this._conditionGroupsContainer = null; this._addConditionGroupButton = null; this._children = []; this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); this._defaultType = 'popupLevel'; this._profileIndex = 0; const validateInteger = this._validateInteger.bind(this); const normalizeInteger = this._normalizeInteger.bind(this); const validateFlags = this._validateFlags.bind(this); const normalizeFlags = this._normalizeFlags.bind(this); this._descriptors = new Map([ [ 'popupLevel', { displayName: 'Popup Level', defaultOperator: 'equal', operators: new Map([ ['equal', {displayName: '=', type: 'integer', defaultValue: '0', validate: validateInteger, normalize: normalizeInteger}], ['notEqual', {displayName: '\u2260', type: 'integer', defaultValue: '0', validate: validateInteger, normalize: normalizeInteger}], ['lessThan', {displayName: '<', type: 'integer', defaultValue: '0', validate: validateInteger, normalize: normalizeInteger}], ['greaterThan', {displayName: '>', type: 'integer', defaultValue: '0', validate: validateInteger, normalize: normalizeInteger}], ['lessThanOrEqual', {displayName: '\u2264', type: 'integer', defaultValue: '0', validate: validateInteger, normalize: normalizeInteger}], ['greaterThanOrEqual', {displayName: '\u2265', type: 'integer', defaultValue: '0', validate: validateInteger, normalize: normalizeInteger}] ]) } ], [ 'url', { displayName: 'URL', defaultOperator: 'matchDomain', operators: new Map([ ['matchDomain', {displayName: 'Matches Domain', type: 'string', defaultValue: 'example.com', resetDefaultOnChange: true, validate: this._validateDomains.bind(this), normalize: this._normalizeDomains.bind(this)}], ['matchRegExp', {displayName: 'Matches RegExp', type: 'string', defaultValue: 'example\\.com', resetDefaultOnChange: true, validate: this._validateRegExp.bind(this)}] ]) } ], [ 'modifierKeys', { displayName: 'Modifier Keys', defaultOperator: 'are', operators: new Map([ ['are', {displayName: 'Are', type: 'modifierKeys', defaultValue: ''}], ['areNot', {displayName: 'Are Not', type: 'modifierKeys', defaultValue: ''}], ['include', {displayName: 'Include', type: 'modifierKeys', defaultValue: ''}], ['notInclude', {displayName: 'Don\'t Include', type: 'modifierKeys', defaultValue: ''}] ]) } ], [ 'flags', { displayName: 'Flags', defaultOperator: 'are', operators: new Map([ ['are', {displayName: 'Are', type: 'string', defaultValue: '', validate: validateFlags, normalize: normalizeFlags}], ['areNot', {displayName: 'Are Not', type: 'string', defaultValue: '', validate: validateFlags, normalize: normalizeFlags}], ['include', {displayName: 'Include', type: 'string', defaultValue: '', validate: validateFlags, normalize: normalizeFlags}], ['notInclude', {displayName: 'Don\'t Include', type: 'string', defaultValue: '', validate: validateFlags, normalize: normalizeFlags}] ]) } ] ]); this._validFlags = new Set([ 'clipboard' ]); } get settingsController() { return this._settingsController; } get profileIndex() { return this._profileIndex; } get os() { return this._os; } set os(value) { this._os = value; } async prepare(profileIndex) { const options = await this._settingsController.getOptionsFull(); const {profiles} = options; if (profileIndex < 0 || profileIndex >= profiles.length) { return; } const {conditionGroups} = profiles[profileIndex]; this._profileIndex = profileIndex; this._conditionGroupsContainer = document.querySelector('#profile-condition-groups'); this._addConditionGroupButton = document.querySelector('#profile-add-condition-group'); for (let i = 0, ii = conditionGroups.length; i < ii; ++i) { this._addConditionGroup(conditionGroups[i], i); } this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._addConditionGroupButton, 'click', this._onAddConditionGroupButtonClick.bind(this), false); } cleanup() { this._eventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); for (const child of this._children) { child.cleanup(); } this._children = []; this._conditionGroupsContainer = null; this._addConditionGroupButton = null; } instantiateTemplate(names) { return this._settingsController.instantiateTemplate(names); } getDescriptorTypes() { const results = []; for (const [name, {displayName}] of this._descriptors.entries()) { results.push({name, displayName}); } return results; } getDescriptorOperators(type) { const info = this._descriptors.get(type); const results = []; if (typeof info !== 'undefined') { for (const [name, {displayName}] of info.operators.entries()) { results.push({name, displayName}); } } return results; } getDefaultType() { return this._defaultType; } getDefaultOperator(type) { const info = this._descriptors.get(type); return (typeof info !== 'undefined' ? info.defaultOperator : ''); } getOperatorDetails(type, operator) { const info = this._getOperatorDetails(type, operator); const { displayName=operator, type: type2='string', defaultValue='', resetDefaultOnChange=false, validate=null, normalize=null } = (typeof info === 'undefined' ? {} : info); return { displayName, type: type2, defaultValue, resetDefaultOnChange, validate, normalize }; } getDefaultCondition() { const type = this.getDefaultType(); const operator = this.getDefaultOperator(type); const {defaultValue: value} = this.getOperatorDetails(type, operator); return {type, operator, value}; } removeConditionGroup(child) { const index = child.index; if (index < 0 || index >= this._children.length) { return false; } const child2 = this._children[index]; if (child !== child2) { return false; } this._children.splice(index, 1); child.cleanup(); for (let i = index, ii = this._children.length; i < ii; ++i) { this._children[i].index = i; } this.settingsController.modifyGlobalSettings([{ action: 'splice', path: this.getPath('conditionGroups'), start: index, deleteCount: 1, items: [] }]); this._triggerConditionGroupCountChanged(this._children.length); return true; } splitValue(value) { return value.split(/[,;\s]+/).map((v) => v.trim().toLowerCase()).filter((v) => v.length > 0); } getPath(property) { property = (typeof property === 'string' ? `.${property}` : ''); return `profiles[${this.profileIndex}]${property}`; } createKeyboardMouseInputField(inputNode, mouseButton) { return new KeyboardMouseInputField(inputNode, mouseButton, this._os); } // Private _onAddConditionGroupButtonClick() { const conditionGroup = { conditions: [this.getDefaultCondition()] }; const index = this._children.length; this._addConditionGroup(conditionGroup, index); this.settingsController.modifyGlobalSettings([{ action: 'splice', path: this.getPath('conditionGroups'), start: index, deleteCount: 0, items: [conditionGroup] }]); this._triggerConditionGroupCountChanged(this._children.length); } _addConditionGroup(conditionGroup, index) { const child = new ProfileConditionGroupUI(this, index); child.prepare(conditionGroup); this._children.push(child); this._conditionGroupsContainer.appendChild(child.node); return child; } _getOperatorDetails(type, operator) { const info = this._descriptors.get(type); return (typeof info !== 'undefined' ? info.operators.get(operator) : void 0); } _validateInteger(value) { const number = Number.parseFloat(value); return Number.isFinite(number) && Math.floor(number) === number; } _validateDomains(value) { return this.splitValue(value).length > 0; } _validateRegExp(value) { try { new RegExp(value, 'i'); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } _normalizeInteger(value) { const number = Number.parseFloat(value); return `${number}`; } _normalizeDomains(value) { return this.splitValue(value).join(', '); } _validateFlags(value) { const flags = this.splitValue(value); for (const flag of flags) { if (!this._validFlags.has(flag)) { return false; } } return flags.length > 0; } _normalizeFlags(value) { return [...new Set(this.splitValue(value))].join(', '); } _triggerConditionGroupCountChanged(count) { this.trigger('conditionGroupCountChanged', {count, profileIndex: this._profileIndex}); } } class ProfileConditionGroupUI { constructor(parent, index) { this._parent = parent; this._index = index; this._node = null; this._conditionContainer = null; this._addConditionButton = null; this._children = []; this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); } get settingsController() { return this._parent.settingsController; } get parent() { return this._parent; } get index() { return this._index; } set index(value) { this._index = value; } get node() { return this._node; } get childCount() { return this._children.length; } prepare(conditionGroup) { this._node = this._parent.instantiateTemplate('profile-condition-group'); this._conditionContainer = this._node.querySelector('.profile-condition-list'); this._addConditionButton = this._node.querySelector('.profile-condition-add-button'); const conditions = conditionGroup.conditions; for (let i = 0, ii = conditions.length; i < ii; ++i) { this._addCondition(conditions[i], i); } this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._addConditionButton, 'click', this._onAddConditionButtonClick.bind(this), false); } cleanup() { this._eventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); for (const child of this._children) { child.cleanup(); } this._children = []; if (this._node === null) { return; } const node = this._node; this._node = null; this._conditionContainer = null; this._addConditionButton = null; if (node.parentNode !== null) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } removeCondition(child) { const index = child.index; if (index < 0 || index >= this._children.length) { return false; } const child2 = this._children[index]; if (child !== child2) { return false; } this._children.splice(index, 1); child.cleanup(); for (let i = index, ii = this._children.length; i < ii; ++i) { this._children[i].index = i; } this.settingsController.modifyGlobalSettings([{ action: 'splice', path: this.getPath('conditions'), start: index, deleteCount: 1, items: [] }]); if (this._children.length === 0) { this.removeSelf(); } return true; } getPath(property) { property = (typeof property === 'string' ? `.${property}` : ''); return this._parent.getPath(`conditionGroups[${this._index}]${property}`); } removeSelf() { this._parent.removeConditionGroup(this); } // Private _onAddConditionButtonClick() { const condition = this._parent.getDefaultCondition(); const index = this._children.length; this._addCondition(condition, index); this.settingsController.modifyGlobalSettings([{ action: 'splice', path: this.getPath('conditions'), start: index, deleteCount: 0, items: [condition] }]); } _addCondition(condition, index) { const child = new ProfileConditionUI(this, index); child.prepare(condition); this._children.push(child); this._conditionContainer.appendChild(child.node); return child; } } class ProfileConditionUI { constructor(parent, index) { this._parent = parent; this._index = index; this._node = null; this._typeInput = null; this._operatorInput = null; this._valueInputContainer = null; this._removeButton = null; this._mouseButton = null; this._mouseButtonContainer = null; this._menuButton = null; this._value = ''; this._kbmInputField = null; this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); this._inputEventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); } get settingsController() { return this._parent.parent.settingsController; } get parent() { return this._parent; } get index() { return this._index; } set index(value) { this._index = value; } get node() { return this._node; } prepare(condition) { const {type, operator, value} = condition; this._node = this._parent.parent.instantiateTemplate('profile-condition'); this._typeInput = this._node.querySelector('.profile-condition-type'); this._typeOptionContainer = this._typeInput.querySelector('optgroup'); this._operatorInput = this._node.querySelector('.profile-condition-operator'); this._operatorOptionContainer = this._operatorInput.querySelector('optgroup'); this._valueInput = this._node.querySelector('.profile-condition-input'); this._removeButton = this._node.querySelector('.profile-condition-remove'); this._mouseButton = this._node.querySelector('.mouse-button'); this._mouseButtonContainer = this._node.querySelector('.mouse-button-container'); this._menuButton = this._node.querySelector('.profile-condition-menu-button'); const operatorDetails = this._getOperatorDetails(type, operator); this._updateTypes(type); this._updateOperators(type, operator); this._updateValueInput(value, operatorDetails); this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._typeInput, 'change', this._onTypeChange.bind(this), false); this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._operatorInput, 'change', this._onOperatorChange.bind(this), false); if (this._removeButton !== null) { this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._removeButton, 'click', this._onRemoveButtonClick.bind(this), false); } if (this._menuButton !== null) { this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._menuButton, 'menuOpen', this._onMenuOpen.bind(this), false); this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._menuButton, 'menuClose', this._onMenuClose.bind(this), false); } } cleanup() { this._eventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); this._value = ''; if (this._node === null) { return; } const node = this._node; this._node = null; this._typeInput = null; this._operatorInput = null; this._valueInputContainer = null; this._removeButton = null; if (node.parentNode !== null) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } getPath(property) { property = (typeof property === 'string' ? `.${property}` : ''); return this._parent.getPath(`conditions[${this._index}]${property}`); } // Private _onTypeChange(e) { const type = e.currentTarget.value; this._setType(type); } _onOperatorChange(e) { const type = this._typeInput.value; const operator = e.currentTarget.value; this._setOperator(type, operator); } _onValueInputChange({validate, normalize}, e) { const node = e.currentTarget; const value = node.value; const okay = this._validateValue(value, validate); this._value = value; if (okay) { const normalizedValue = this._normalizeValue(value, normalize); node.value = normalizedValue; this.settingsController.setGlobalSetting(this.getPath('value'), normalizedValue); } } _onModifierInputChange({validate, normalize}, {modifiers}) { modifiers = this._joinModifiers(modifiers); const okay = this._validateValue(modifiers, validate); this._value = modifiers; if (okay) { const normalizedValue = this._normalizeValue(modifiers, normalize); this.settingsController.setGlobalSetting(this.getPath('value'), normalizedValue); } } _onRemoveButtonClick() { this._removeSelf(); } _onMenuOpen(e) { const bodyNode = e.detail.menu.bodyNode; const deleteGroup = bodyNode.querySelector('.popup-menu-item[data-menu-action="deleteGroup"]'); if (deleteGroup !== null) { deleteGroup.hidden = (this._parent.childCount <= 1); } } _onMenuClose(e) { switch (e.detail.action) { case 'delete': this._removeSelf(); break; case 'deleteGroup': this._parent.removeSelf(); break; case 'resetValue': this._resetValue(); break; } } _getDescriptorTypes() { return this._parent.parent.getDescriptorTypes(); } _getDescriptorOperators(type) { return this._parent.parent.getDescriptorOperators(type); } _getOperatorDetails(type, operator) { return this._parent.parent.getOperatorDetails(type, operator); } _updateTypes(type) { const types = this._getDescriptorTypes(); this._updateSelect(this._typeInput, this._typeOptionContainer, types, type); } _updateOperators(type, operator) { const operators = this._getDescriptorOperators(type); this._updateSelect(this._operatorInput, this._operatorOptionContainer, operators, operator); } _updateSelect(select, optionContainer, values, value) { optionContainer.textContent = ''; for (const {name, displayName} of values) { const option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = name; option.textContent = displayName; optionContainer.appendChild(option); } select.value = value; } _updateValueInput(value, {type, validate, normalize}) { this._inputEventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); if (this._kbmInputField !== null) { this._kbmInputField.cleanup(); this._kbmInputField = null; } let inputType = 'text'; let inputValue = value; let inputStep = null; let showMouseButton = false; const events = []; const inputData = {validate, normalize}; const node = this._valueInput; switch (type) { case 'integer': inputType = 'number'; inputStep = '1'; events.push(['addEventListener', node, 'change', this._onValueInputChange.bind(this, inputData), false]); break; case 'modifierKeys': case 'modifierInputs': inputValue = null; showMouseButton = (type === 'modifierInputs'); this._kbmInputField = this._parent.parent.createKeyboardMouseInputField(node, this._mouseButton); this._kbmInputField.prepare(null, this._splitModifiers(value), showMouseButton, false); events.push(['on', this._kbmInputField, 'change', this._onModifierInputChange.bind(this, inputData), false]); break; default: // 'string' events.push(['addEventListener', node, 'change', this._onValueInputChange.bind(this, inputData), false]); break; } this._value = value; delete node.dataset.invalid; node.type = inputType; if (inputValue !== null) { node.value = inputValue; } if (typeof inputStep === 'string') { node.step = inputStep; } else { node.removeAttribute('step'); } this._mouseButtonContainer.hidden = !showMouseButton; for (const args of events) { this._inputEventListeners.addGeneric(...args); } this._validateValue(value, validate); } _validateValue(value, validate) { const okay = (validate === null || validate(value)); this._valueInput.dataset.invalid = `${!okay}`; return okay; } _normalizeValue(value, normalize) { return (normalize !== null ? normalize(value) : value); } _removeSelf() { this._parent.removeCondition(this); } _splitModifiers(modifiersString) { return modifiersString.split(/[,;\s]+/).map((v) => v.trim().toLowerCase()).filter((v) => v.length > 0); } _joinModifiers(modifiersArray) { return modifiersArray.join(', '); } async _setType(type, operator) { const operators = this._getDescriptorOperators(type); if (typeof operator === 'undefined') { operator = operators.length > 0 ? operators[0].name : ''; } const operatorDetails = this._getOperatorDetails(type, operator); const {defaultValue} = operatorDetails; this._updateSelect(this._operatorInput, this._operatorOptionContainer, operators, operator); this._updateValueInput(defaultValue, operatorDetails); await this.settingsController.modifyGlobalSettings([ {action: 'set', path: this.getPath('type'), value: type}, {action: 'set', path: this.getPath('operator'), value: operator}, {action: 'set', path: this.getPath('value'), value: defaultValue} ]); } async _setOperator(type, operator) { const operatorDetails = this._getOperatorDetails(type, operator); const settingsModifications = [{action: 'set', path: this.getPath('operator'), value: operator}]; if (operatorDetails.resetDefaultOnChange) { const {defaultValue} = operatorDetails; const okay = this._updateValueInput(defaultValue, operatorDetails); if (okay) { settingsModifications.push({action: 'set', path: this.getPath('value'), value: defaultValue}); } } await this.settingsController.modifyGlobalSettings(settingsModifications); } async _resetValue() { const type = this._typeInput.value; const operator = this._operatorInput.value; await this._setType(type, operator); } }