/* * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import {EventListenerCollection} from '../../core/event-listener-collection.js'; import {log} from '../../core/log.js'; import {DictionaryWorker} from '../../dictionary/dictionary-worker.js'; import {querySelectorNotNull} from '../../dom/query-selector.js'; class DictionaryEntry { /** * @param {DictionaryController} dictionaryController * @param {DocumentFragment} fragment * @param {number} index * @param {import('dictionary-importer').Summary} dictionaryInfo */ constructor(dictionaryController, fragment, index, dictionaryInfo) { /** @type {DictionaryController} */ this._dictionaryController = dictionaryController; /** @type {number} */ this._index = index; /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').Summary} */ this._dictionaryInfo = dictionaryInfo; /** @type {EventListenerCollection} */ this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); /** @type {?import('dictionary-database').DictionaryCountGroup} */ this._counts = null; /** @type {ChildNode[]} */ this._nodes = [...fragment.childNodes]; /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ this._enabledCheckbox = querySelectorNotNull(fragment, '.dictionary-enabled'); /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ this._priorityInput = querySelectorNotNull(fragment, '.dictionary-priority'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ this._menuButton = querySelectorNotNull(fragment, '.dictionary-menu-button'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ this._outdatedButton = querySelectorNotNull(fragment, '.dictionary-outdated-button'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ this._integrityButton = querySelectorNotNull(fragment, '.dictionary-integrity-button'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this._titleNode = querySelectorNotNull(fragment, '.dictionary-title'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this._versionNode = querySelectorNotNull(fragment, '.dictionary-version'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this._titleContainer = querySelectorNotNull(fragment, '.dictionary-item-title-container'); } /** @type {string} */ get dictionaryTitle() { return this._dictionaryInfo.title; } /** */ prepare() { const index = this._index; const {title, revision, version} = this._dictionaryInfo; this._titleNode.textContent = title; this._versionNode.textContent = `rev.${revision}`; this._outdatedButton.hidden = (version >= 3); this._priorityInput.dataset.setting = `dictionaries[${index}].priority`; this._enabledCheckbox.dataset.setting = `dictionaries[${index}].enabled`; this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._enabledCheckbox, 'settingChanged', this._onEnabledChanged.bind(this), false); this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._menuButton, 'menuOpen', this._onMenuOpen.bind(this), false); this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._menuButton, 'menuClose', this._onMenuClose.bind(this), false); this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._outdatedButton, 'click', this._onOutdatedButtonClick.bind(this), false); this._eventListeners.addEventListener(this._integrityButton, 'click', this._onIntegrityButtonClick.bind(this), false); } /** */ cleanup() { this._eventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); for (const node of this._nodes) { if (node.parentNode !== null) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } this._nodes = []; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-database').DictionaryCountGroup} counts */ setCounts(counts) { this._counts = counts; this._integrityButton.hidden = false; } /** * @param {boolean} value */ setEnabled(value) { this._enabledCheckbox.checked = value; } // Private /** * @param {import('popup-menu').MenuOpenEvent} e */ _onMenuOpen(e) { const bodyNode = e.detail.menu.bodyNode; const count = this._dictionaryController.dictionaryOptionCount; this._setMenuActionEnabled(bodyNode, 'moveUp', this._index > 0); this._setMenuActionEnabled(bodyNode, 'moveDown', this._index < count - 1); this._setMenuActionEnabled(bodyNode, 'moveTo', count > 1); } /** * @param {import('popup-menu').MenuCloseEvent} e */ _onMenuClose(e) { switch (e.detail.action) { case 'delete': this._delete(); break; case 'showDetails': this._showDetails(); break; case 'moveUp': this._move(-1); break; case 'moveDown': this._move(1); break; case 'moveTo': this._showMoveToModal(); break; } } /** * @param {import('dom-data-binder').SettingChangedEvent} e */ _onEnabledChanged(e) { const {detail: {value}} = e; this._titleContainer.dataset.enabled = `${value}`; void this._dictionaryController.updateDictionariesEnabled(); } /** */ _onOutdatedButtonClick() { this._showDetails(); } /** */ _onIntegrityButtonClick() { this._showDetails(); } /** */ _showDetails() { const {title, revision, version, counts, prefixWildcardsSupported} = this._dictionaryInfo; const modal = this._dictionaryController.modalController.getModal('dictionary-details'); if (modal === null) { return; } /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const titleElement = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '.dictionary-title'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const versionElement = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '.dictionary-version'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const outdateElement = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '.dictionary-outdated-notification'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const countsElement = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '.dictionary-counts'); /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ const wildcardSupportedElement = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '.dictionary-prefix-wildcard-searches-supported'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const detailsTableElement = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '.dictionary-details-table'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const partsOfSpeechFilterSetting = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '.dictionary-parts-of-speech-filter-setting'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const partsOfSpeechFilterToggle = querySelectorNotNull(partsOfSpeechFilterSetting, '.dictionary-parts-of-speech-filter-toggle'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const useDeinflectionsSetting = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '.dictionary-use-deinflections-setting'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const useDeinflectionsToggle = querySelectorNotNull(useDeinflectionsSetting, '.dictionary-use-deinflections-toggle'); titleElement.textContent = title; versionElement.textContent = `rev.${revision}`; outdateElement.hidden = (version >= 3); countsElement.textContent = this._counts !== null ? JSON.stringify(this._counts, null, 4) : ''; wildcardSupportedElement.checked = prefixWildcardsSupported; partsOfSpeechFilterSetting.hidden = !counts.terms.total; partsOfSpeechFilterToggle.dataset.setting = `dictionaries[${this._index}].partsOfSpeechFilter`; useDeinflectionsSetting.hidden = !counts.terms.total; useDeinflectionsToggle.dataset.setting = `dictionaries[${this._index}].useDeinflections`; this._setupDetails(detailsTableElement); modal.setVisible(true); } /** * @param {Element} detailsTable * @returns {boolean} */ _setupDetails(detailsTable) { /** @type {[label: string, key: 'author'|'url'|'description'|'attribution'][]} */ const targets = [ ['Author', 'author'], ['URL', 'url'], ['Description', 'description'], ['Attribution', 'attribution'] ]; const dictionaryInfo = this._dictionaryInfo; const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); let any = false; for (const [label, key] of targets) { const info = dictionaryInfo[key]; if (typeof info !== 'string') { continue; } const details = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (this._dictionaryController.instantiateTemplate('dictionary-details-entry')); details.dataset.type = key; /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const labelElement = querySelectorNotNull(details, '.dictionary-details-entry-label'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const infoElement = querySelectorNotNull(details, '.dictionary-details-entry-info'); labelElement.textContent = `${label}:`; infoElement.textContent = info; fragment.appendChild(details); any = true; } detailsTable.textContent = ''; detailsTable.appendChild(fragment); return any; } /** */ _delete() { this._dictionaryController.deleteDictionary(this.dictionaryTitle); } /** * @param {number} offset */ _move(offset) { void this._dictionaryController.moveDictionaryOptions(this._index, this._index + offset); } /** * @param {Element} menu * @param {string} action * @param {boolean} enabled */ _setMenuActionEnabled(menu, action, enabled) { const element = /** @type {?HTMLButtonElement} */ (menu.querySelector(`[data-menu-action="${action}"]`)); if (element === null) { return; } element.disabled = !enabled; } /** */ _showMoveToModal() { const {title} = this._dictionaryInfo; const count = this._dictionaryController.dictionaryOptionCount; const modal = this._dictionaryController.modalController.getModal('dictionary-move-location'); if (modal === null) { return; } /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ const input = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '#dictionary-move-location'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const titleNode = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '.dictionary-title'); modal.node.dataset.index = `${this._index}`; titleNode.textContent = title; input.value = `${this._index + 1}`; input.max = `${count}`; modal.setVisible(true); } } class DictionaryExtraInfo { /** * @param {DictionaryController} parent * @param {import('dictionary-database').DictionaryCountGroup} totalCounts * @param {import('dictionary-database').DictionaryCountGroup} remainders * @param {number} totalRemainder */ constructor(parent, totalCounts, remainders, totalRemainder) { /** @type {DictionaryController} */ this._parent = parent; /** @type {import('dictionary-database').DictionaryCountGroup} */ this._totalCounts = totalCounts; /** @type {import('dictionary-database').DictionaryCountGroup} */ this._remainders = remainders; /** @type {number} */ this._totalRemainder = totalRemainder; /** @type {EventListenerCollection} */ this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); /** @type {ChildNode[]} */ this._nodes = []; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} container */ prepare(container) { const fragment = this._parent.instantiateTemplateFragment('dictionary-extra'); for (const node of fragment.childNodes) { this._nodes.push(node); } /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const dictionaryIntegrityButton = querySelectorNotNull(fragment, '.dictionary-integrity-button'); const titleNode = fragment.querySelector('.dictionary-total-count'); this._setTitle(titleNode); this._eventListeners.addEventListener(dictionaryIntegrityButton, 'click', this._onIntegrityButtonClick.bind(this), false); container.appendChild(fragment); } /** */ cleanup() { this._eventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); for (const node of this._nodes) { if (node.parentNode !== null) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } } this._nodes.length = 0; } // Private /** */ _onIntegrityButtonClick() { this._showDetails(); } /** */ _showDetails() { const modal = this._parent.modalController.getModal('dictionary-extra-data'); if (modal === null) { return; } /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const dictionaryCounts = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '.dictionary-counts'); const info = {counts: this._totalCounts, remainders: this._remainders}; dictionaryCounts.textContent = JSON.stringify(info, null, 4); const titleNode = modal.node.querySelector('.dictionary-total-count'); this._setTitle(titleNode); modal.setVisible(true); } /** * @param {?Element} node */ _setTitle(node) { if (node === null) { return; } node.textContent = `${this._totalRemainder} item${this._totalRemainder !== 1 ? 's' : ''}`; } } export class DictionaryController { /** * @param {import('./settings-controller.js').SettingsController} settingsController * @param {import('./modal-controller.js').ModalController} modalController * @param {import('./status-footer.js').StatusFooter} statusFooter */ constructor(settingsController, modalController, statusFooter) { /** @type {import('./settings-controller.js').SettingsController} */ this._settingsController = settingsController; /** @type {import('./modal-controller.js').ModalController} */ this._modalController = modalController; /** @type {import('./status-footer.js').StatusFooter} */ this._statusFooter = statusFooter; /** @type {?import('dictionary-importer').Summary[]} */ this._dictionaries = null; /** @type {DictionaryEntry[]} */ this._dictionaryEntries = []; /** @type {?import('core').TokenObject} */ this._databaseStateToken = null; /** @type {boolean} */ this._checkingIntegrity = false; /** @type {?HTMLButtonElement} */ this._checkIntegrityButton = document.querySelector('#dictionary-check-integrity'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this._dictionaryEntryContainer = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#dictionary-list'); /** @type {?HTMLElement} */ this._dictionaryInstallCountNode = document.querySelector('#dictionary-install-count'); /** @type {?HTMLElement} */ this._dictionaryEnabledCountNode = document.querySelector('#dictionary-enabled-count'); /** @type {?NodeListOf} */ this._noDictionariesInstalledWarnings = null; /** @type {?NodeListOf} */ this._noDictionariesEnabledWarnings = null; /** @type {?import('./modal.js').Modal} */ this._deleteDictionaryModal = null; /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ this._allCheckbox = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#all-dictionaries-enabled'); /** @type {?DictionaryExtraInfo} */ this._extraInfo = null; /** @type {boolean} */ this._isDeleting = false; } /** @type {import('./modal-controller.js').ModalController} */ get modalController() { return this._modalController; } /** @type {number} */ get dictionaryOptionCount() { return this._dictionaryEntries.length; } /** */ async prepare() { this._noDictionariesInstalledWarnings = /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.no-dictionaries-installed-warning')); this._noDictionariesEnabledWarnings = /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.no-dictionaries-enabled-warning')); this._deleteDictionaryModal = this._modalController.getModal('dictionary-confirm-delete'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const dictionaryDeleteButton = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#dictionary-confirm-delete-button'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const dictionaryMoveButton = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#dictionary-move-button'); this._settingsController.application.on('databaseUpdated', this._onDatabaseUpdated.bind(this)); this._settingsController.on('optionsChanged', this._onOptionsChanged.bind(this)); this._allCheckbox.addEventListener('change', this._onAllCheckboxChange.bind(this), false); dictionaryDeleteButton.addEventListener('click', this._onDictionaryConfirmDelete.bind(this), false); dictionaryMoveButton.addEventListener('click', this._onDictionaryMoveButtonClick.bind(this), false); if (this._checkIntegrityButton !== null) { this._checkIntegrityButton.addEventListener('click', this._onCheckIntegrityButtonClick.bind(this), false); } this._updateDictionaryEntryCount(); await this._onDatabaseUpdated(); } /** * @param {string} dictionaryTitle */ deleteDictionary(dictionaryTitle) { if (this._isDeleting) { return; } const modal = /** @type {import('./modal.js').Modal} */ (this._deleteDictionaryModal); modal.node.dataset.dictionaryTitle = dictionaryTitle; /** @type {Element} */ const nameElement = querySelectorNotNull(modal.node, '#dictionary-confirm-delete-name'); nameElement.textContent = dictionaryTitle; modal.setVisible(true); } /** * @param {number} currentIndex * @param {number} targetIndex */ async moveDictionaryOptions(currentIndex, targetIndex) { const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); const {dictionaries} = options; if ( currentIndex < 0 || currentIndex >= dictionaries.length || targetIndex < 0 || targetIndex >= dictionaries.length || currentIndex === targetIndex ) { return; } const item = dictionaries.splice(currentIndex, 1)[0]; dictionaries.splice(targetIndex, 0, item); await this._settingsController.modifyProfileSettings([{ action: 'set', path: 'dictionaries', value: dictionaries }]); /** @type {import('settings-controller').EventArgument<'dictionarySettingsReordered'>} */ const event = {source: this}; this._settingsController.trigger('dictionarySettingsReordered', event); await this._updateEntries(); } /** * @param {string} name * @returns {Element} */ instantiateTemplate(name) { return this._settingsController.instantiateTemplate(name); } /** * @param {string} name * @returns {DocumentFragment} */ instantiateTemplateFragment(name) { return this._settingsController.instantiateTemplateFragment(name); } /** */ async updateDictionariesEnabled() { const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); this._updateDictionariesEnabledWarnings(options); } /** * @param {string} name * @param {boolean} enabled * @returns {import('settings').DictionaryOptions} */ static createDefaultDictionarySettings(name, enabled) { return { name, priority: 0, enabled, allowSecondarySearches: false, definitionsCollapsible: 'not-collapsible', partsOfSpeechFilter: true, useDeinflections: true }; } /** * @param {import('./settings-controller.js').SettingsController} settingsController * @param {import('dictionary-importer').Summary[]|undefined} dictionaries * @param {import('settings').Options|undefined} optionsFull * @param {boolean} modifyGlobalSettings * @param {boolean} newDictionariesEnabled */ static async ensureDictionarySettings(settingsController, dictionaries, optionsFull, modifyGlobalSettings, newDictionariesEnabled) { if (typeof dictionaries === 'undefined') { dictionaries = await settingsController.getDictionaryInfo(); } if (typeof optionsFull === 'undefined') { optionsFull = await settingsController.getOptionsFull(); } /** @type {Set} */ const installedDictionaries = new Set(); for (const {title} of dictionaries) { installedDictionaries.add(title); } /** @type {import('settings-modifications').Modification[]} */ const targets = []; const {profiles} = optionsFull; for (let i = 0, ii = profiles.length; i < ii; ++i) { let modified = false; const missingDictionaries = new Set(installedDictionaries); const dictionaryOptionsArray = profiles[i].options.dictionaries; for (let j = dictionaryOptionsArray.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { const {name} = dictionaryOptionsArray[j]; if (installedDictionaries.has(name)) { missingDictionaries.delete(name); } else { dictionaryOptionsArray.splice(j, 1); modified = true; } } for (const name of missingDictionaries) { const value = DictionaryController.createDefaultDictionarySettings(name, newDictionariesEnabled); dictionaryOptionsArray.push(value); modified = true; } if (modified) { targets.push({ action: 'set', path: `profiles[${i}].options.dictionaries`, value: dictionaryOptionsArray }); } } if (modifyGlobalSettings && targets.length > 0) { await settingsController.modifyGlobalSettings(targets); } } // Private /** * @param {import('settings-controller').EventArgument<'optionsChanged'>} details */ _onOptionsChanged({options}) { this._updateDictionariesEnabledWarnings(options); if (this._dictionaries !== null) { void this._updateEntries(); } } /** */ async _onDatabaseUpdated() { /** @type {?import('core').TokenObject} */ const token = {}; this._databaseStateToken = token; this._dictionaries = null; const dictionaries = await this._settingsController.getDictionaryInfo(); if (this._databaseStateToken !== token) { return; } this._dictionaries = dictionaries; await this._updateEntries(); } /** */ _onAllCheckboxChange() { const allCheckbox = /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ (this._allCheckbox); const value = allCheckbox.checked; allCheckbox.checked = !value; void this._setAllDictionariesEnabled(value); } /** */ async _updateEntries() { const dictionaries = this._dictionaries; if (dictionaries === null) { return; } this._updateMainDictionarySelectOptions(dictionaries); for (const entry of this._dictionaryEntries) { entry.cleanup(); } this._dictionaryEntries = []; this._updateDictionaryEntryCount(); if (this._dictionaryInstallCountNode !== null) { this._dictionaryInstallCountNode.textContent = `${dictionaries.length}`; } const hasDictionary = (dictionaries.length > 0); for (const node of /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (this._noDictionariesInstalledWarnings)) { node.hidden = hasDictionary; } await DictionaryController.ensureDictionarySettings(this._settingsController, dictionaries, void 0, true, false); const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); this._updateDictionariesEnabledWarnings(options); /** @type {Map} */ const dictionaryInfoMap = new Map(); for (const dictionary of dictionaries) { dictionaryInfoMap.set(dictionary.title, dictionary); } const dictionaryOptionsArray = options.dictionaries; for (let i = 0, ii = dictionaryOptionsArray.length; i < ii; ++i) { const {name} = dictionaryOptionsArray[i]; const dictionaryInfo = dictionaryInfoMap.get(name); if (typeof dictionaryInfo === 'undefined') { continue; } this._createDictionaryEntry(i, dictionaryInfo); } } /** * @param {import('settings').ProfileOptions} options */ _updateDictionariesEnabledWarnings(options) { const {dictionaries} = options; let enabledDictionaryCountValid = 0; let enabledDictionaryCount = 0; const dictionaryCount = dictionaries.length; if (this._dictionaries !== null) { const enabledDictionaries = new Set(); for (const {name, enabled} of dictionaries) { if (enabled) { ++enabledDictionaryCount; enabledDictionaries.add(name); } } for (const {title} of this._dictionaries) { if (enabledDictionaries.has(title)) { ++enabledDictionaryCountValid; } } } const hasEnabledDictionary = (enabledDictionaryCountValid > 0); for (const node of /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (this._noDictionariesEnabledWarnings)) { node.hidden = hasEnabledDictionary; } if (this._dictionaryEnabledCountNode !== null) { this._dictionaryEnabledCountNode.textContent = `${enabledDictionaryCountValid}`; } /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ (this._allCheckbox).checked = (enabledDictionaryCount >= dictionaryCount); const entries = this._dictionaryEntries; for (let i = 0, ii = Math.min(entries.length, dictionaryCount); i < ii; ++i) { entries[i].setEnabled(dictionaries[i].enabled); } } /** * @param {MouseEvent} e */ _onDictionaryConfirmDelete(e) { e.preventDefault(); const modal = /** @type {import('./modal.js').Modal} */ (this._deleteDictionaryModal); modal.setVisible(false); const title = modal.node.dataset.dictionaryTitle; if (typeof title !== 'string') { return; } delete modal.node.dataset.dictionaryTitle; void this._deleteDictionary(title); } /** * @param {MouseEvent} e */ _onCheckIntegrityButtonClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); void this._checkIntegrity(); } /** */ _onDictionaryMoveButtonClick() { const modal = /** @type {import('./modal.js').Modal} */ (this._modalController.getModal('dictionary-move-location')); const index = modal.node.dataset.index ?? ''; const indexNumber = Number.parseInt(index, 10); if (Number.isNaN(indexNumber)) { return; } /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ const targetStringInput = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#dictionary-move-location'); const targetString = targetStringInput.value; const target = Number.parseInt(targetString, 10) - 1; if (!Number.isFinite(target) || !Number.isFinite(indexNumber) || indexNumber === target) { return; } void this.moveDictionaryOptions(indexNumber, target); } /** * @param {import('dictionary-importer').Summary[]} dictionaries */ _updateMainDictionarySelectOptions(dictionaries) { for (const select of document.querySelectorAll('[data-setting="general.mainDictionary"]')) { const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); let option = document.createElement('option'); option.className = 'text-muted'; option.value = ''; option.textContent = 'Not selected'; fragment.appendChild(option); for (const {title, sequenced} of dictionaries) { if (!sequenced) { continue; } option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = title; option.textContent = title; fragment.appendChild(option); } select.textContent = ''; // Empty select.appendChild(fragment); } } /** */ async _checkIntegrity() { if (this._dictionaries === null || this._checkingIntegrity || this._isDeleting) { return; } try { this._checkingIntegrity = true; this._setButtonsEnabled(false); const token = this._databaseStateToken; const dictionaryTitles = this._dictionaryEntries.map(({dictionaryTitle}) => dictionaryTitle); const {counts, total} = await new DictionaryWorker().getDictionaryCounts(dictionaryTitles, true); if (this._databaseStateToken !== token) { return; } for (let i = 0, ii = Math.min(counts.length, this._dictionaryEntries.length); i < ii; ++i) { const entry = this._dictionaryEntries[i]; entry.setCounts(counts[i]); } this._setCounts(counts, /** @type {import('dictionary-database').DictionaryCountGroup} */ (total)); } finally { this._setButtonsEnabled(true); this._checkingIntegrity = false; } } /** * @param {import('dictionary-database').DictionaryCountGroup[]} dictionaryCounts * @param {import('dictionary-database').DictionaryCountGroup} totalCounts */ _setCounts(dictionaryCounts, totalCounts) { const remainders = Object.assign({}, totalCounts); const keys = Object.keys(remainders); for (const counts of dictionaryCounts) { for (const key of keys) { remainders[key] -= counts[key]; } } let totalRemainder = 0; for (const key of keys) { totalRemainder += remainders[key]; } if (this._extraInfo !== null) { this._extraInfo.cleanup(); this._extraInfo = null; } if (totalRemainder > 0 && this._dictionaryEntryContainer !== null) { this._extraInfo = new DictionaryExtraInfo(this, totalCounts, remainders, totalRemainder); this._extraInfo.prepare(this._dictionaryEntryContainer); } } /** * @param {number} index * @param {import('dictionary-importer').Summary} dictionaryInfo */ _createDictionaryEntry(index, dictionaryInfo) { const fragment = this.instantiateTemplateFragment('dictionary'); const entry = new DictionaryEntry(this, fragment, index, dictionaryInfo); this._dictionaryEntries.push(entry); entry.prepare(); const container = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (this._dictionaryEntryContainer); const relative = container.querySelector('.dictionary-item-bottom'); container.insertBefore(fragment, relative); this._updateDictionaryEntryCount(); } /** * @param {string} dictionaryTitle */ async _deleteDictionary(dictionaryTitle) { if (this._isDeleting || this._checkingIntegrity) { return; } const index = this._dictionaryEntries.findIndex((entry) => entry.dictionaryTitle === dictionaryTitle); if (index < 0) { return; } const statusFooter = this._statusFooter; const progressSelector = '.dictionary-delete-progress'; const progressContainers = /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll(`#dictionaries-modal ${progressSelector}`)); const progressBars = /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll(`${progressSelector} .progress-bar`)); const infoLabels = /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll(`${progressSelector} .progress-info`)); const statusLabels = /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll(`${progressSelector} .progress-status`)); const prevention = this._settingsController.preventPageExit(); try { this._isDeleting = true; this._setButtonsEnabled(false); /** * @param {import('dictionary-database').DeleteDictionaryProgressData} details */ const onProgress = ({processed, count, storeCount, storesProcesed}) => { const percent = ( (count > 0 && storesProcesed > 0) ? (processed / count) * (storesProcesed / storeCount) * 100 : 0 ); const cssString = `${percent}%`; const statusString = `${percent.toFixed(0)}%`; for (const progressBar of progressBars) { progressBar.style.width = cssString; } for (const label of statusLabels) { label.textContent = statusString; } }; onProgress({processed: 0, count: 1, storeCount: 1, storesProcesed: 0}); for (const progress of progressContainers) { progress.hidden = false; } for (const label of infoLabels) { label.textContent = 'Deleting dictionary...'; } if (statusFooter !== null) { statusFooter.setTaskActive(progressSelector, true); } await this._deleteDictionaryInternal(dictionaryTitle, onProgress); await this._deleteDictionarySettings(dictionaryTitle); } catch (e) { log.error(e); } finally { prevention.end(); for (const progress of progressContainers) { progress.hidden = true; } if (statusFooter !== null) { statusFooter.setTaskActive(progressSelector, false); } this._setButtonsEnabled(true); this._isDeleting = false; this._triggerStorageChanged(); } } /** * @param {boolean} value */ _setButtonsEnabled(value) { value = !value; for (const node of /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.dictionary-database-mutating-input'))) { node.disabled = value; } } /** * @param {string} dictionaryTitle * @param {import('dictionary-worker').DeleteProgressCallback} onProgress */ async _deleteDictionaryInternal(dictionaryTitle, onProgress) { await new DictionaryWorker().deleteDictionary(dictionaryTitle, onProgress); void this._settingsController.application.api.triggerDatabaseUpdated('dictionary', 'delete'); } /** * @param {string} dictionaryTitle */ async _deleteDictionarySettings(dictionaryTitle) { const optionsFull = await this._settingsController.getOptionsFull(); const {profiles} = optionsFull; /** @type {import('settings-modifications').Modification[]} */ const targets = []; for (let i = 0, ii = profiles.length; i < ii; ++i) { const {options: {dictionaries}} = profiles[i]; for (let j = 0, jj = dictionaries.length; j < jj; ++j) { if (dictionaries[j].name !== dictionaryTitle) { continue; } const path = `profiles[${i}].options.dictionaries`; targets.push({ action: 'splice', path, start: j, deleteCount: 1, items: [] }); } } await this._settingsController.modifyGlobalSettings(targets); } /** */ _triggerStorageChanged() { this._settingsController.application.triggerStorageChanged(); } /** */ _updateDictionaryEntryCount() { /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (this._dictionaryEntryContainer).dataset.count = `${this._dictionaryEntries.length}`; } /** * @param {boolean} value */ async _setAllDictionariesEnabled(value) { const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); const {dictionaries} = options; /** @type {import('settings-modifications').Modification[]} */ const targets = []; for (let i = 0, ii = dictionaries.length; i < ii; ++i) { targets.push({ action: 'set', path: `dictionaries[${i}].enabled`, value }); } await this._settingsController.modifyProfileSettings(targets); await this.updateDictionariesEnabled(); } }