/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import {Dexie} from '../../../lib/dexie.js'; import {isObject, log} from '../../core.js'; import {OptionsUtil} from '../../data/options-util.js'; import {ArrayBufferUtil} from '../../data/sandbox/array-buffer-util.js'; import {querySelectorNotNull} from '../../dom/query-selector.js'; import {yomitan} from '../../yomitan.js'; import {DictionaryController} from './dictionary-controller.js'; export class BackupController { /** * @param {import('./settings-controller.js').SettingsController} settingsController * @param {?import('./modal-controller.js').ModalController} modalController */ constructor(settingsController, modalController) { /** @type {import('./settings-controller.js').SettingsController} */ this._settingsController = settingsController; /** @type {?import('./modal-controller.js').ModalController} */ this._modalController = modalController; /** @type {?import('core').TokenObject} */ this._settingsExportToken = null; /** @type {?() => void} */ this._settingsExportRevoke = null; /** @type {number} */ this._currentVersion = 0; /** @type {?import('./modal.js').Modal} */ this._settingsResetModal = null; /** @type {?import('./modal.js').Modal} */ this._settingsImportErrorModal = null; /** @type {?import('./modal.js').Modal} */ this._settingsImportWarningModal = null; /** @type {?OptionsUtil} */ this._optionsUtil = null; /** * */ this._dictionariesDatabaseName = 'dict'; /** * */ this._settingsExportDatabaseToken = null; try { this._optionsUtil = new OptionsUtil(); } catch (e) { // NOP } } /** */ async prepare() { if (this._optionsUtil !== null) { await this._optionsUtil.prepare(); } if (this._modalController !== null) { this._settingsResetModal = this._modalController.getModal('settings-reset'); this._settingsImportErrorModal = this._modalController.getModal('settings-import-error'); this._settingsImportWarningModal = this._modalController.getModal('settings-import-warning'); } this._addNodeEventListener('#settings-export-button', 'click', this._onSettingsExportClick.bind(this), false); this._addNodeEventListener('#settings-import-button', 'click', this._onSettingsImportClick.bind(this), false); this._addNodeEventListener('#settings-import-file', 'change', this._onSettingsImportFileChange.bind(this), false); this._addNodeEventListener('#settings-reset-button', 'click', this._onSettingsResetClick.bind(this), false); this._addNodeEventListener('#settings-reset-confirm-button', 'click', this._onSettingsResetConfirmClick.bind(this), false); this._addNodeEventListener('#settings-export-db-button', 'click', this._onSettingsExportDatabaseClick.bind(this), false); this._addNodeEventListener('#settings-import-db-button', 'click', this._onSettingsImportDatabaseClick.bind(this), false); this._addNodeEventListener('#settings-import-db', 'change', this._onSettingsImportDatabaseChange.bind(this), false); } // Private /** * @param {string} selector * @param {string} eventName * @param {(event: Event) => void} callback * @param {boolean} capture */ _addNodeEventListener(selector, eventName, callback, capture) { const node = document.querySelector(selector); if (node === null) { return; } node.addEventListener(eventName, callback, capture); } /** * @param {Date} date * @param {string} dateSeparator * @param {string} dateTimeSeparator * @param {string} timeSeparator * @param {number} resolution * @returns {string} */ _getSettingsExportDateString(date, dateSeparator, dateTimeSeparator, timeSeparator, resolution) { const values = [ date.getUTCFullYear().toString(), dateSeparator, (date.getUTCMonth() + 1).toString().padStart(2, '0'), dateSeparator, date.getUTCDate().toString().padStart(2, '0'), dateTimeSeparator, date.getUTCHours().toString().padStart(2, '0'), timeSeparator, date.getUTCMinutes().toString().padStart(2, '0'), timeSeparator, date.getUTCSeconds().toString().padStart(2, '0') ]; return values.slice(0, resolution * 2 - 1).join(''); } /** * @param {Date} date * @returns {Promise} */ async _getSettingsExportData(date) { const optionsFull = await this._settingsController.getOptionsFull(); const environment = await yomitan.api.getEnvironmentInfo(); const fieldTemplatesDefault = await yomitan.api.getDefaultAnkiFieldTemplates(); const permissions = await this._settingsController.permissionsUtil.getAllPermissions(); // Format options for (const {options} of optionsFull.profiles) { if (options.anki.fieldTemplates === fieldTemplatesDefault || !options.anki.fieldTemplates) { options.anki.fieldTemplates = null; } } const data = { version: this._currentVersion, date: this._getSettingsExportDateString(date, '-', ' ', ':', 6), url: chrome.runtime.getURL('/'), manifest: chrome.runtime.getManifest(), environment, userAgent: navigator.userAgent, permissions, options: optionsFull }; return data; } /** * @param {Blob} blob * @param {string} fileName */ _saveBlob(blob, fileName) { if ( typeof navigator === 'object' && navigator !== null && // @ts-expect-error - call for legacy Edge typeof navigator.msSaveBlob === 'function' && // @ts-expect-error - call for legacy Edge navigator.msSaveBlob(blob) ) { return; } const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = blobUrl; a.download = fileName; a.rel = 'noopener'; a.target = '_blank'; const revoke = () => { URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl); a.href = ''; this._settingsExportRevoke = null; }; this._settingsExportRevoke = revoke; a.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click')); setTimeout(revoke, 60000); } /** */ async _onSettingsExportClick() { if (this._settingsExportRevoke !== null) { this._settingsExportRevoke(); this._settingsExportRevoke = null; } const date = new Date(Date.now()); /** @type {?import('core').TokenObject} */ const token = {}; this._settingsExportToken = token; const data = await this._getSettingsExportData(date); if (this._settingsExportToken !== token) { // A new export has been started return; } this._settingsExportToken = null; const fileName = `yomitan-settings-${this._getSettingsExportDateString(date, '-', '-', '-', 6)}.json`; const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data, null, 4)], {type: 'application/json'}); this._saveBlob(blob, fileName); } /** * @param {File} file * @returns {Promise} */ _readFileArrayBuffer(file) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = () => resolve(/** @type {ArrayBuffer} */ (reader.result)); reader.onerror = () => reject(reader.error); reader.readAsArrayBuffer(file); }); } // Importing /** * @param {import('settings').Options} optionsFull */ async _settingsImportSetOptionsFull(optionsFull) { await this._settingsController.setAllSettings(optionsFull); } /** * @param {Error} error */ _showSettingsImportError(error) { log.error(error); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const element = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#settings-import-error-message'); element.textContent = `${error}`; if (this._settingsImportErrorModal !== null) { this._settingsImportErrorModal.setVisible(true); } } /** * @param {Set} warnings * @returns {Promise} */ async _showSettingsImportWarnings(warnings) { const modal = this._settingsImportWarningModal; if (modal === null) { return {result: false}; } const buttons = /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.settings-import-warning-import-button')); const messageContainer = document.querySelector('#settings-import-warning-message'); if (buttons.length === 0 || messageContainer === null) { return {result: false}; } // Set message const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (const warning of warnings) { const node = document.createElement('li'); node.textContent = `${warning}`; fragment.appendChild(node); } messageContainer.textContent = ''; messageContainer.appendChild(fragment); // Show modal modal.setVisible(true); // Wait for modal to close return new Promise((resolve) => { /** * @param {MouseEvent} e */ const onButtonClick = (e) => { const element = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (e.currentTarget); e.preventDefault(); complete({ result: true, sanitize: element.dataset.importSanitize === 'true' }); modal.setVisible(false); }; /** * @param {import('panel-element').VisibilityChangedEvent} details */ const onModalVisibilityChanged = ({visible}) => { if (visible) { return; } complete({result: false}); }; let completed = false; /** * @param {import('backup-controller').ShowSettingsImportWarningsResult} result */ const complete = (result) => { if (completed) { return; } completed = true; modal.off('visibilityChanged', onModalVisibilityChanged); for (const button of buttons) { button.removeEventListener('click', onButtonClick, false); } resolve(result); }; // Hook events modal.on('visibilityChanged', onModalVisibilityChanged); for (const button of buttons) { button.addEventListener('click', onButtonClick, false); } }); } /** * @param {string} urlString * @returns {boolean} */ _isLocalhostUrl(urlString) { try { const url = new URL(urlString); switch (url.hostname.toLowerCase()) { case 'localhost': case '': case '[::1]': switch (url.protocol.toLowerCase()) { case 'http:': case 'https:': return true; } break; } } catch (e) { // NOP } return false; } /** * @param {import('settings').ProfileOptions} options * @param {boolean} dryRun * @returns {string[]} */ _settingsImportSanitizeProfileOptions(options, dryRun) { const warnings = []; const anki = options.anki; if (isObject(anki)) { const fieldTemplates = anki.fieldTemplates; if (typeof fieldTemplates === 'string') { warnings.push('anki.fieldTemplates contains a non-default value'); if (!dryRun) { anki.fieldTemplates = null; } } const server = anki.server; if (typeof server === 'string' && server.length > 0 && !this._isLocalhostUrl(server)) { warnings.push('anki.server uses a non-localhost URL'); if (!dryRun) { anki.server = ''; } } } const audio = options.audio; if (isObject(audio)) { const sources = audio.sources; if (Array.isArray(sources)) { for (let i = 0, ii = sources.length; i < ii; ++i) { const source = sources[i]; if (!isObject(source)) { continue; } const {url} = source; if (typeof url === 'string' && url.length > 0 && !this._isLocalhostUrl(url)) { warnings.push(`audio.sources[${i}].url uses a non-localhost URL`); if (!dryRun) { sources[i].url = ''; } } } } } return warnings; } /** * @param {import('settings').Options} optionsFull * @param {boolean} dryRun * @returns {Set} */ _settingsImportSanitizeOptions(optionsFull, dryRun) { const warnings = new Set(); const profiles = optionsFull.profiles; if (Array.isArray(profiles)) { for (const profile of profiles) { if (!isObject(profile)) { continue; } const options = profile.options; if (!isObject(options)) { continue; } const warnings2 = this._settingsImportSanitizeProfileOptions(options, dryRun); for (const warning of warnings2) { warnings.add(warning); } } } return warnings; } /** * @param {File} file */ async _importSettingsFile(file) { if (this._optionsUtil === null) { throw new Error('OptionsUtil invalid'); } const dataString = ArrayBufferUtil.arrayBufferUtf8Decode(await this._readFileArrayBuffer(file)); const data = JSON.parse(dataString); // Type check if (!isObject(data)) { throw new Error(`Invalid data type: ${typeof data}`); } // Version check const version = data.version; if (!( typeof version === 'number' && Number.isFinite(version) && version === Math.floor(version) )) { throw new Error(`Invalid version: ${version}`); } if (!( version >= 0 && version <= this._currentVersion )) { throw new Error(`Unsupported version: ${version}`); } // Verify options exists let optionsFull = data.options; if (!isObject(optionsFull)) { throw new Error(`Invalid options type: ${typeof optionsFull}`); } // Upgrade options optionsFull = await this._optionsUtil.update(optionsFull); // Check for warnings const sanitizationWarnings = this._settingsImportSanitizeOptions(optionsFull, true); // Show sanitization warnings if (sanitizationWarnings.size > 0) { const {result, sanitize} = await this._showSettingsImportWarnings(sanitizationWarnings); if (!result) { return; } if (sanitize !== false) { this._settingsImportSanitizeOptions(optionsFull, false); } } // Update dictionaries await DictionaryController.ensureDictionarySettings(this._settingsController, void 0, optionsFull, false, false); // Assign options await this._settingsImportSetOptionsFull(optionsFull); } /** */ _onSettingsImportClick() { /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const element = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#settings-import-file'); element.click(); } /** * @param {Event} e */ async _onSettingsImportFileChange(e) { const element = /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ (e.currentTarget); const files = element.files; if (files === null || files.length === 0) { return; } const file = files[0]; element.value = ''; try { await this._importSettingsFile(file); } catch (error) { this._showSettingsImportError(error instanceof Error ? error : new Error(`${error}`)); } } // Resetting /** */ _onSettingsResetClick() { if (this._settingsResetModal === null) { return; } this._settingsResetModal.setVisible(true); } /** */ async _onSettingsResetConfirmClick() { if (this._optionsUtil === null) { throw new Error('OptionsUtil invalid'); } if (this._settingsResetModal !== null) { this._settingsResetModal.setVisible(false); } // Get default options const optionsFull = this._optionsUtil.getDefault(); // Update dictionaries await DictionaryController.ensureDictionarySettings(this._settingsController, void 0, optionsFull, false, false); // Assign options try { await this._settingsImportSetOptionsFull(optionsFull); } catch (e) { log.error(e); } } // Exporting Dictionaries Database /** * @param {string} message * @param {boolean} [isWarning] */ _databaseExportImportErrorMessage(message, isWarning = false) { /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const errorMessageContainer = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#db-ops-error-report'); errorMessageContainer.style.display = 'block'; errorMessageContainer.textContent = message; if (isWarning) { // Hide after 5 seconds (5000 milliseconds) errorMessageContainer.style.color = '#FFC40C'; setTimeout(function _hideWarningMessage() { errorMessageContainer.style.display = 'none'; errorMessageContainer.style.color = '#8B0000'; }, 5000); } } /** * @param {{totalRows: number, completedRows: number, done: boolean}} details */ _databaseExportProgressCallback({totalRows, completedRows, done}) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(`Progress: ${completedRows} of ${totalRows} rows completed`); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const messageContainer = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#db-ops-progress-report'); messageContainer.style.display = 'block'; messageContainer.textContent = `Export Progress: ${completedRows} of ${totalRows} rows completed`; if (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Done exporting.'); messageContainer.style.display = 'none'; } } /** * @param {string} databaseName * @returns {Promise} */ async _exportDatabase(databaseName) { const db = await new Dexie(databaseName).open(); const blob = await db.export({progressCallback: this._databaseExportProgressCallback}); await db.close(); return blob; } /** * */ async _onSettingsExportDatabaseClick() { if (this._settingsExportDatabaseToken !== null) { // An existing import or export is in progress. this._databaseExportImportErrorMessage('An export or import operation is already in progress. Please wait till it is over.', true); return; } /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const errorMessageContainer = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#db-ops-error-report'); errorMessageContainer.style.display = 'none'; const date = new Date(Date.now()); const pageExitPrevention = this._settingsController.preventPageExit(); try { const token = {}; this._settingsExportDatabaseToken = token; const fileName = `yomitan-dictionaries-${this._getSettingsExportDateString(date, '-', '-', '-', 6)}.json`; const data = await this._exportDatabase(this._dictionariesDatabaseName); const blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'application/json'}); this._saveBlob(blob, fileName); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(error); this._databaseExportImportErrorMessage('Errors encountered while exporting. Please try again. Restart the browser if it continues to fail.'); } finally { pageExitPrevention.end(); this._settingsExportDatabaseToken = null; } } // Importing Dictionaries Database /** * @param {{totalRows: number, completedRows: number, done: boolean}} details */ _databaseImportProgressCallback({totalRows, completedRows, done}) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(`Progress: ${completedRows} of ${totalRows} rows completed`); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const messageContainer = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#db-ops-progress-report'); messageContainer.style.display = 'block'; messageContainer.style.color = '#4169e1'; messageContainer.textContent = `Import Progress: ${completedRows} of ${totalRows} rows completed`; if (done) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('Done importing.'); messageContainer.style.color = '#006633'; messageContainer.textContent = 'Done importing. You will need to re-enable the dictionaries and refresh afterward. If you run into issues, please restart the browser. If it continues to fail, reinstall Yomitan and import dictionaries one-by-one.'; } } /** * @param {string} databaseName * @param {File} file */ async _importDatabase(databaseName, file) { await yomitan.api.purgeDatabase(); await Dexie.import(file, {progressCallback: this._databaseImportProgressCallback}); yomitan.api.triggerDatabaseUpdated('dictionary', 'import'); yomitan.trigger('storageChanged'); } /** */ _onSettingsImportDatabaseClick() { /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const element = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#settings-import-db'); element.click(); } /** * @param {Event} e */ async _onSettingsImportDatabaseChange(e) { if (this._settingsExportDatabaseToken !== null) { // An existing import or export is in progress. this._databaseExportImportErrorMessage('An export or import operation is already in progress. Please wait till it is over.', true); return; } /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const errorMessageContainer = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#db-ops-error-report'); errorMessageContainer.style.display = 'none'; const element = /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ (e.currentTarget); const files = element.files; if (files === null || files.length === 0) { return; } const pageExitPrevention = this._settingsController.preventPageExit(); const file = files[0]; element.value = ''; try { const token = {}; this._settingsExportDatabaseToken = token; await this._importDatabase(this._dictionariesDatabaseName, file); } catch (error) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log(error); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const messageContainer = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#db-ops-progress-report'); messageContainer.style.color = 'red'; this._databaseExportImportErrorMessage('Encountered errors when importing. Please restart the browser and try again. If it continues to fail, reinstall Yomitan and import dictionaries one-by-one.'); } finally { pageExitPrevention.end(); this._settingsExportDatabaseToken = null; } } }