/* * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Yomitan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import {ExtensionError} from '../../core/extension-error.js'; import {log} from '../../core/log.js'; import {toError} from '../../core/to-error.js'; import {AnkiNoteBuilder} from '../../data/anki-note-builder.js'; import {getDynamicTemplates} from '../../data/anki-template-util.js'; import {querySelectorNotNull} from '../../dom/query-selector.js'; import {TemplateRendererProxy} from '../../templates/template-renderer-proxy.js'; export class AnkiDeckGeneratorController { /** * @param {import('../../application.js').Application} application * @param {import('./settings-controller.js').SettingsController} settingsController * @param {import('./modal-controller.js').ModalController} modalController * @param {import('./anki-controller.js').AnkiController} ankiController */ constructor(application, settingsController, modalController, ankiController) { /** @type {import('../../application.js').Application} */ this._application = application; /** @type {import('./settings-controller.js').SettingsController} */ this._settingsController = settingsController; /** @type {import('./modal-controller.js').ModalController} */ this._modalController = modalController; /** @type {import('./anki-controller.js').AnkiController} */ this._ankiController = ankiController; /** @type {?string} */ this._defaultFieldTemplates = null; /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ this._mainSettingsEntry = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-main-settings-entry'); /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ this._wordInputTextarea = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-textarea'); /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ this._renderTextInput = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-test-text-input'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this._renderResult = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-render-result'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this._activeModelText = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-active-model'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ this._activeDeckText = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-active-deck'); /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ this._addMediaCheckbox = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-add-media'); /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ this._disallowDuplicatesCheckbox = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-disallow-duplicates'); /** @type {string} */ this._activeNoteType = ''; /** @type {string} */ this._activeAnkiDeck = ''; /** @type {HTMLSpanElement} */ this._sendWordcount = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-send-wordcount'); /** @type {HTMLSpanElement} */ this._exportWordcount = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-export-wordcount'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ this._sendToAnkiButtonConfirmButton = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-send-button-confirm'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ this._exportButtonConfirmButton = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-export-button-confirm'); /** @type {NodeListOf} */ this._progressContainers = (document.querySelectorAll('.generate-anki-notes-progress')); /** @type {?import('./modal.js').Modal} */ this._sendToAnkiConfirmModal = null; /** @type {?import('./modal.js').Modal} */ this._exportConfirmModal = null; /** @type {boolean} */ this._cancel = false; /** @type {boolean} */ this._inProgress = false; /** @type {AnkiNoteBuilder} */ this._ankiNoteBuilder = new AnkiNoteBuilder(settingsController.application.api, new TemplateRendererProxy()); } /** */ async prepare() { this._defaultFieldTemplates = await this._settingsController.application.api.getDefaultAnkiFieldTemplates(); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const testRenderButton = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-test-render-button'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const sendToAnkiButton = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-send-to-anki-button'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const sendToAnkiCancelButton = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-send-to-anki-cancel-button'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const exportButton = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-export-button'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const exportCancelButton = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-export-cancel-button'); /** @type {HTMLButtonElement} */ const generateButton = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-export-button'); this._sendToAnkiConfirmModal = this._modalController.getModal('generate-anki-notes-send-to-anki'); this._exportConfirmModal = this._modalController.getModal('generate-anki-notes-export'); testRenderButton.addEventListener('click', this._onRender.bind(this), false); sendToAnkiButton.addEventListener('click', this._onSendToAnki.bind(this), false); this._sendToAnkiButtonConfirmButton.addEventListener('click', this._onSendToAnkiConfirm.bind(this), false); sendToAnkiCancelButton.addEventListener('click', (() => { this._cancel = true; }).bind(this), false); exportButton.addEventListener('click', this._onExport.bind(this), false); this._exportButtonConfirmButton.addEventListener('click', this._onExportConfirm.bind(this), false); exportCancelButton.addEventListener('click', (() => { this._cancel = true; }).bind(this), false); generateButton.addEventListener('click', this._onExport.bind(this), false); void this._updateExampleText(); this._mainSettingsEntry.addEventListener('click', this._updateExampleText.bind(this), false); void this._updateActiveModel(); this._mainSettingsEntry.addEventListener('click', this._updateActiveModel.bind(this), false); } // Private /** */ async _updateActiveModel() { const activeModelText = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (this._activeModelText); const activeDeckText = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (this._activeDeckText); const activeDeckTextConfirm = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#generate-anki-notes-active-deck-confirm'); const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); this._activeNoteType = options.anki.terms.model; this._activeAnkiDeck = options.anki.terms.deck; activeModelText.textContent = this._activeNoteType; activeDeckText.textContent = this._activeAnkiDeck; activeDeckTextConfirm.textContent = this._activeAnkiDeck; } /** */ async _resetState() { this._updateProgressBar(true, '', 0, 1, false); this._cancel = false; this._exportButtonConfirmButton.disabled = false; this._exportWordcount.textContent = /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ (this._wordInputTextarea).value.split('\n').filter(Boolean).length.toString(); this._sendToAnkiButtonConfirmButton.disabled = false; this._addMediaCheckbox.disabled = false; this._disallowDuplicatesCheckbox.disabled = false; this._sendWordcount.textContent = /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ (this._wordInputTextarea).value.split('\n').filter(Boolean).length.toString(); } /** */ async _startGenerationState() { this._inProgress = true; this._exportButtonConfirmButton.disabled = true; this._sendToAnkiButtonConfirmButton.disabled = true; this._addMediaCheckbox.disabled = true; this._disallowDuplicatesCheckbox.disabled = true; } /** */ async _endGenerationState() { this._inProgress = false; if (this._exportConfirmModal !== null) { this._exportConfirmModal.setVisible(false); } if (this._sendToAnkiConfirmModal !== null) { this._sendToAnkiConfirmModal.setVisible(false); } this._updateProgressBar(false, '', 1, 1, false); } /** */ async _endGenerationStateError() { this._inProgress = false; } /** * @param {MouseEvent} e */ _onExport(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this._exportConfirmModal !== null) { this._exportConfirmModal.setVisible(true); if (this._inProgress) { return; } void this._resetState(); } } /** * @param {MouseEvent} e */ async _onExportConfirm(e) { e.preventDefault(); void this._startGenerationState(); const terms = /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ (this._wordInputTextarea).value.split('\n'); let ankiTSV = '#separator:tab\n#html:true\n#notetype column:1\n#deck column:2\n#tags column:3\n'; let index = 0; requestAnimationFrame(() => { this._updateProgressBar(true, 'Exporting to File...', 0, terms.length, true); setTimeout(async () => { for (const value of terms) { if (!value) { continue; } if (this._cancel) { void this._endGenerationState(); return; } const noteData = await this._generateNoteData(value, 'term-kanji', false); if (noteData !== null) { const fieldsTSV = this._fieldsToTSV(noteData.fields); if (fieldsTSV) { ankiTSV += this._activeNoteType + '\t'; ankiTSV += this._activeAnkiDeck + '\t'; ankiTSV += noteData.tags.join(' ') + '\t'; ankiTSV += fieldsTSV; ankiTSV += '\n'; } } index++; this._updateProgressBar(false, '', index, terms.length, true); } const today = new Date(); const fileName = 'anki-deck-' + today.toISOString().split('.')[0].replaceAll(/(T|:)/g, '-') + '.txt'; const blob = new Blob([ankiTSV], {type: 'application/octet-stream'}); this._saveBlob(blob, fileName); void this._endGenerationState(); }, 1); }); } /** * @param {MouseEvent} e */ _onSendToAnki(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this._sendToAnkiConfirmModal !== null) { this._sendToAnkiConfirmModal.setVisible(true); if (this._inProgress) { return; } void this._resetState(); } } /** * @param {MouseEvent} e */ async _onSendToAnkiConfirm(e) { e.preventDefault(); void this._startGenerationState(); const terms = /** @type {HTMLTextAreaElement} */ (this._wordInputTextarea).value.split('\n'); const addMedia = this._addMediaCheckbox.checked; const disallowDuplicates = this._disallowDuplicatesCheckbox.checked; /** @type {import("anki.js").Note[]} */ let notes = []; let index = 0; requestAnimationFrame(() => { this._updateProgressBar(true, 'Sending to Anki...', 0, terms.length, true); setTimeout(async () => { for (const value of terms) { if (!value) { continue; } if (this._cancel) { void this._endGenerationState(); return; } const noteData = await this._generateNoteData(value, 'term-kanji', addMedia); if (noteData) { notes.push(noteData); } if (notes.length >= 100) { const sendNotesResult = await this._sendNotes(notes, disallowDuplicates); if (sendNotesResult === false) { void this._endGenerationStateError(); return; } notes = []; } index++; this._updateProgressBar(false, '', index, terms.length, true); } if (notes.length > 0) { const sendNotesResult = await this._sendNotes(notes, disallowDuplicates); if (sendNotesResult === false) { void this._endGenerationStateError(); return; } } void this._endGenerationState(); }, 1); }); } /** * @param {import("anki.js").Note[]} notes * @param {boolean} disallowDuplicates * @returns {Promise} */ async _sendNotes(notes, disallowDuplicates) { try { if (disallowDuplicates) { const duplicateNotes = await this._ankiController.canAddNotes(notes.map((note) => ({...note, options: {...note.options, allowDuplicate: false}}))); notes = notes.filter((_, i) => duplicateNotes[i]); } const addNotesResult = await this._ankiController.addNotes(notes); if (addNotesResult === null || addNotesResult.includes(null)) { this._updateProgressBarError('Ankiconnect error: Failed to add cards'); return false; } } catch (error) { if (error instanceof Error) { this._updateProgressBarError('Ankiconnect error: ' + error.message + ''); log.error(error); return false; } } return true; } /** * @param {boolean} init * @param {string} text * @param {number} current * @param {number} end * @param {boolean} visible */ _updateProgressBar(init, text, current, end, visible) { if (!visible) { for (const progress of this._progressContainers) { progress.hidden = true; } return; } if (init) { for (const progress of this._progressContainers) { progress.hidden = false; for (const infoLabel of progress.querySelectorAll('.progress-info')) { infoLabel.textContent = text; infoLabel.classList.remove('danger-text'); } } } for (const progress of this._progressContainers) { /** @type {NodeListOf} */ const statusLabels = progress.querySelectorAll('.progress-status'); for (const statusLabel of statusLabels) { statusLabel.textContent = ((current / end) * 100).toFixed(0).toString() + '%'; } /** @type {NodeListOf} */ const progressBars = progress.querySelectorAll('.progress-bar'); for (const progressBar of progressBars) { progressBar.style.width = ((current / end) * 100).toString() + '%'; } } } /** * @param {string} text */ _updateProgressBarError(text) { for (const progress of this._progressContainers) { progress.hidden = false; for (const infoLabel of progress.querySelectorAll('.progress-info')) { infoLabel.textContent = text; infoLabel.classList.add('danger-text'); } } } /** * @param {HTMLElement} infoNode * @param {import('anki-templates-internal').CreateModeNoTest} mode * @param {boolean} showSuccessResult */ async _testNoteData(infoNode, mode, showSuccessResult) { /** @type {Error[]} */ const allErrors = []; const text = /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ (this._renderTextInput).value; let result; try { const noteData = await this._generateNoteData(text, mode, false); result = noteData ? this._fieldsToTSV(noteData.fields) : `No definition found for ${text}`; } catch (e) { allErrors.push(toError(e)); } /** * @param {Error} e * @returns {string} */ const errorToMessageString = (e) => { if (e instanceof ExtensionError) { const v = e.data; if (typeof v === 'object' && v !== null) { const v2 = /** @type {import('core').UnknownObject} */ (v).error; if (v2 instanceof Error) { return v2.message; } } } return e.message; }; const hasError = allErrors.length > 0; infoNode.hidden = !(showSuccessResult || hasError); if (hasError || !result) { infoNode.textContent = allErrors.map(errorToMessageString).join('\n'); } else { infoNode.textContent = showSuccessResult ? result : ''; } infoNode.classList.toggle('text-danger', hasError); } /** * @param {string} word * @param {import('anki-templates-internal').CreateModeNoTest} mode * @param {boolean} addMedia * @returns {Promise} */ async _generateNoteData(word, mode, addMedia) { const optionsContext = this._settingsController.getOptionsContext(); const data = await this._getDictionaryEntry(word, optionsContext); if (data === null) { return null; } const {dictionaryEntry, text: sentenceText} = data; const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); const context = { url: window.location.href, sentence: { text: sentenceText, offset: 0 }, documentTitle: document.title, query: sentenceText, fullQuery: sentenceText }; const template = this._getAnkiTemplate(options); const deckOptionsFields = options.anki.terms.fields; const {general: {resultOutputMode, glossaryLayoutMode, compactTags}} = options; const fields = []; for (const deckField in deckOptionsFields) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(deckOptionsFields, deckField)) { fields.push([deckField, deckOptionsFields[deckField]]); } } const idleTimeout = (Number.isFinite(options.anki.downloadTimeout) && options.anki.downloadTimeout > 0 ? options.anki.downloadTimeout : null); const mediaOptions = addMedia ? {audio: {sources: options.audio.sources, preferredAudioIndex: null, idleTimeout: idleTimeout}} : null; const requirements = addMedia ? [...this._getDictionaryEntryMedia(dictionaryEntry), {type: 'audio'}] : []; const {note} = await this._ankiNoteBuilder.createNote(/** @type {import('anki-note-builder').CreateNoteDetails} */ ({ dictionaryEntry, mode, context, template, deckName: this._activeAnkiDeck, modelName: this._activeNoteType, fields: fields, resultOutputMode, glossaryLayoutMode, compactTags, tags: options.anki.tags, mediaOptions: mediaOptions, requirements: requirements, duplicateScope: options.anki.duplicateScope, duplicateScopeCheckAllModels: options.anki.duplicateScopeCheckAllModels })); return note; } /** * @param {string} text * @param {import('settings').OptionsContext} optionsContext * @returns {Promise} */ async _getDictionaryEntry(text, optionsContext) { const {dictionaryEntries} = await this._settingsController.application.api.termsFind(text, {}, optionsContext); if (dictionaryEntries.length === 0) { return null; } return { dictionaryEntry: /** @type {import('dictionary').TermDictionaryEntry} */ (dictionaryEntries[0]), text: text }; } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermDictionaryEntry} dictionaryEntry * @returns {Array} */ _getDictionaryEntryMedia(dictionaryEntry) { const media = []; const definitions = dictionaryEntry.definitions; for (const definition of definitions) { const paths = this._findAllPaths(definition); for (const path of paths) { media.push({dictionary: definition.dictionary, path: path, type: 'dictionaryMedia'}); } } return media; } /** * @param {object} obj * @returns {Array} */ _findAllPaths(obj) { // @ts-expect-error - Recursive function to find object keys deeply nested in objects and arrays. Essentially impossible to type correctly. // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-reduce, @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-argument return Object.entries(obj).reduce((acc, [key, value]) => (key === 'path' ? [...acc, value] : (typeof value === 'object' ? [...acc, ...this._findAllPaths(value)] : acc)), []); } /** * @param {import('settings').ProfileOptions} options * @returns {string} */ _getAnkiTemplate(options) { let staticTemplates = options.anki.fieldTemplates; if (typeof staticTemplates !== 'string') { staticTemplates = this._defaultFieldTemplates; } const dynamicTemplates = getDynamicTemplates(options); return staticTemplates + '\n' + dynamicTemplates; } /** * @param {Event} e */ _onRender(e) { e.preventDefault(); const infoNode = /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (this._renderResult); infoNode.hidden = true; void this._testNoteData(infoNode, 'term-kanji', true); } /** */ async _updateExampleText() { this._languageSummaries = await this._application.api.getLanguageSummaries(); const options = await this._settingsController.getOptions(); const activeLanguage = /** @type {import('language').LanguageSummary} */ (this._languageSummaries.find(({iso}) => iso === options.general.language)); this._renderTextInput.lang = options.general.language; this._renderTextInput.value = activeLanguage.exampleText; } /** * @param {import('anki.js').NoteFields} noteFields * @returns {string} */ _fieldsToTSV(noteFields) { let tsv = ''; for (const key in noteFields) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(noteFields, key)) { tsv += noteFields[key].replaceAll('\t', '   ') + '\t'; } } return tsv; } /** * @param {Blob} blob * @param {string} fileName */ _saveBlob(blob, fileName) { if ( typeof navigator === 'object' && navigator !== null && // @ts-expect-error - call for legacy Edge typeof navigator.msSaveBlob === 'function' && // @ts-expect-error - call for legacy Edge navigator.msSaveBlob(blob) ) { return; } const blobUrl = URL.createObjectURL(blob); const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = blobUrl; a.download = fileName; a.rel = 'noopener'; a.target = '_blank'; const revoke = () => { URL.revokeObjectURL(blobUrl); a.href = ''; this._settingsExportRevoke = null; }; this._settingsExportRevoke = revoke; a.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click')); setTimeout(revoke, 60000); } }