/* * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2017-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import {Application} from '../application.js'; import {getAllPermissions, hasRequiredPermissionsForOptions} from '../data/permissions-util.js'; import {querySelectorNotNull} from '../dom/query-selector.js'; import {HotkeyHelpController} from '../input/hotkey-help-controller.js'; class DisplayController { /** * @param {import('../comm/api.js').API} api */ constructor(api) { /** @type {import('../comm/api.js').API} */ this._api = api; /** @type {?import('settings').Options} */ this._optionsFull = null; } /** */ async prepare() { const manifest = chrome.runtime.getManifest(); this._showExtensionInfo(manifest); void this._setupEnvironment(); this._setupButtonEvents('.action-open-search', 'openSearchPage', chrome.runtime.getURL('/search.html'), this._onSearchClick.bind(this)); this._setupButtonEvents('.action-open-info', 'openInfoPage', chrome.runtime.getURL('/info.html')); const optionsFull = await this._api.optionsGetFull(); this._optionsFull = optionsFull; void this._setupHotkeys(); const optionsPageUrl = ( typeof manifest.options_ui === 'object' && manifest.options_ui !== null && typeof manifest.options_ui.page === 'string' ? manifest.options_ui.page : '' ); this._setupButtonEvents('.action-open-settings', 'openSettingsPage', chrome.runtime.getURL(optionsPageUrl)); this._setupButtonEvents('.action-open-permissions', null, chrome.runtime.getURL('/permissions.html')); const {profiles, profileCurrent} = optionsFull; const primaryProfile = (profileCurrent >= 0 && profileCurrent < profiles.length) ? profiles[profileCurrent] : null; if (primaryProfile !== null) { this._setupOptions(primaryProfile); } /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const profileSelect = querySelectorNotNull(document, '.action-select-profile'); profileSelect.hidden = (profiles.length <= 1); this._updateProfileSelect(profiles, profileCurrent); setTimeout(() => { document.body.dataset.loaded = 'true'; }, 10); } // Private /** * @param {MouseEvent} e */ _onSearchClick(e) { if (!e.shiftKey) { return; } e.preventDefault(); location.href = '/search.html?action-popup=true'; } /** * @param {chrome.runtime.Manifest} manifest */ _showExtensionInfo(manifest) { const node = document.getElementById('extension-info'); if (node === null) { return; } node.textContent = `${manifest.name} v${manifest.version}`; } /** * @param {string} selector * @param {?string} command * @param {string} url * @param {(event: MouseEvent) => void} [customHandler] */ _setupButtonEvents(selector, command, url, customHandler) { /** @type {NodeListOf} */ const nodes = document.querySelectorAll(selector); for (const node of nodes) { if (typeof command === 'string') { /** * @param {MouseEvent} e */ const onClick = (e) => { if (e.button !== 0) { return; } if (typeof customHandler === 'function') { const result = customHandler(e); if (typeof result !== 'undefined') { return; } } let mode = 'existingOrNewTab'; if (e.ctrlKey) { mode = 'newTab'; } else if (e.shiftKey) { mode = 'popup'; } void this._api.commandExec(command, {mode: mode}); e.preventDefault(); }; /** * @param {MouseEvent} e */ const onAuxClick = (e) => { if (e.button !== 1) { return; } void this._api.commandExec(command, {mode: 'newTab'}); e.preventDefault(); }; node.addEventListener('click', onClick, false); node.addEventListener('auxclick', onAuxClick, false); } if (typeof url === 'string') { node.href = url; node.target = '_blank'; node.rel = 'noopener'; } } } /** */ async _setupEnvironment() { const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(location.search); let mode = urlSearchParams.get('mode'); switch (mode) { case 'full': case 'mini': break; default: { let tab; try { tab = await this._getCurrentTab(); // Safari assigns a tab object to the popup, other browsers do not if (tab && await this._isSafari()) { tab = void 0; } } catch (e) { // NOP } mode = (tab ? 'full' : 'mini'); } break; } document.documentElement.dataset.mode = mode; } /** * @returns {Promise} */ _getCurrentTab() { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { chrome.tabs.getCurrent((result) => { const e = chrome.runtime.lastError; if (e) { reject(new Error(e.message)); } else { resolve(result); } }); }); } /** * @param {import('settings').Profile} profile */ _setupOptions({options}) { const extensionEnabled = options.general.enable; const onToggleChanged = () => this._api.commandExec('toggleTextScanning'); for (const toggle of /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.enable-search,.enable-search2'))) { toggle.checked = extensionEnabled; toggle.addEventListener('change', onToggleChanged, false); } void this._updateDictionariesEnabledWarnings(options); void this._updatePermissionsWarnings(options); } /** */ async _setupHotkeys() { const hotkeyHelpController = new HotkeyHelpController(); await hotkeyHelpController.prepare(this._api); const {profiles, profileCurrent} = /** @type {import('settings').Options} */ (this._optionsFull); const primaryProfile = (profileCurrent >= 0 && profileCurrent < profiles.length) ? profiles[profileCurrent] : null; if (primaryProfile !== null) { hotkeyHelpController.setOptions(primaryProfile.options); } hotkeyHelpController.setupNode(document.documentElement); } /** * @param {import('settings').Profile[]} profiles * @param {number} profileCurrent */ _updateProfileSelect(profiles, profileCurrent) { /** @type {HTMLSelectElement} */ const select = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#profile-select'); /** @type {HTMLElement} */ const optionGroup = querySelectorNotNull(document, '#profile-select-option-group'); const fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(); for (let i = 0, ii = profiles.length; i < ii; ++i) { const {name} = profiles[i]; const option = document.createElement('option'); option.textContent = name; option.value = `${i}`; fragment.appendChild(option); } optionGroup.textContent = ''; optionGroup.appendChild(fragment); select.value = `${profileCurrent}`; select.addEventListener('change', this._onProfileSelectChange.bind(this), false); } /** * @param {Event} event */ _onProfileSelectChange(event) { const node = /** @type {HTMLInputElement} */ (event.currentTarget); const value = Number.parseInt(node.value, 10); if (typeof value === 'number' && Number.isFinite(value) && value >= 0 && value <= /** @type {import('settings').Options} */ (this._optionsFull).profiles.length) { void this._setPrimaryProfileIndex(value); } } /** * @param {number} value */ async _setPrimaryProfileIndex(value) { /** @type {import('settings-modifications').ScopedModificationSet} */ const modification = { action: 'set', path: 'profileCurrent', value, scope: 'global', optionsContext: null, }; await this._api.modifySettings([modification], 'action-popup'); } /** * @param {import('settings').ProfileOptions} options */ async _updateDictionariesEnabledWarnings(options) { const noDictionariesEnabledWarnings = /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.no-dictionaries-enabled-warning')); const dictionaries = await this._api.getDictionaryInfo(); const enabledDictionaries = new Set(); for (const {name, enabled} of options.dictionaries) { if (enabled) { enabledDictionaries.add(name); } } let enabledCount = 0; for (const {title} of dictionaries) { if (enabledDictionaries.has(title)) { ++enabledCount; } } const hasEnabledDictionary = (enabledCount > 0); for (const node of noDictionariesEnabledWarnings) { node.hidden = hasEnabledDictionary; } } /** * @param {import('settings').ProfileOptions} options */ async _updatePermissionsWarnings(options) { const permissions = await getAllPermissions(); if (hasRequiredPermissionsForOptions(permissions, options)) { return; } const warnings = /** @type {NodeListOf} */ (document.querySelectorAll('.action-open-permissions,.permissions-required-warning')); for (const node of warnings) { node.hidden = false; } } /** @returns {Promise} */ async _isSafari() { const {browser} = await this._api.getEnvironmentInfo(); return browser === 'safari'; } } await Application.main(true, async (application) => { void application.api.logIndicatorClear(); const displayController = new DisplayController(application.api); await displayController.prepare(); });