/* * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import {applyTextReplacement} from '../general/regex-util.js'; import {isCodePointJapanese} from './ja/japanese.js'; import {LanguageTransformer} from './language-transformer.js'; import {getAllLanguageTextProcessors, getAllLanguageReadingNormalizers} from './languages.js'; import {MultiLanguageTransformer} from './multi-language-transformer.js'; /** * Class which finds term and kanji dictionary entries for text. */ export class Translator { /** * @param {import('../dictionary/dictionary-database.js').DictionaryDatabase} database */ constructor(database) { /** @type {import('../dictionary/dictionary-database.js').DictionaryDatabase} */ this._database = database; /** @type {MultiLanguageTransformer} */ this._multiLanguageTransformer = new MultiLanguageTransformer(); /** @type {import('translator').DictionaryTagCache} */ this._tagCache = new Map(); /** @type {Intl.Collator} */ this._stringComparer = new Intl.Collator('en-US'); // Invariant locale /** @type {RegExp} */ this._numberRegex = /[+-]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?/; /** @type {import('translation-internal').TextProcessorMap} */ this._textProcessors = new Map(); /** @type {import('translation-internal').ReadingNormalizerMap} */ this._readingNormalizers = new Map(); } /** * Initializes the instance for use. The public API should not be used until this function has been called. */ prepare() { this._multiLanguageTransformer.prepare(); for (const {iso, textPreprocessors = [], textPostprocessors = []} of getAllLanguageTextProcessors()) { this._textProcessors.set(iso, {textPreprocessors, textPostprocessors}); } for (const {iso, readingNormalizer} of getAllLanguageReadingNormalizers()) { this._readingNormalizers.set(iso, readingNormalizer); } } /** * Clears the database tag cache. This should be executed if the database is changed. */ clearDatabaseCaches() { this._tagCache.clear(); } /** * Finds term definitions for the given text. * @param {import('translator').FindTermsMode} mode The mode to use for finding terms, which determines the format of the resulting array. * One of: 'group', 'merge', 'split', 'simple' * @param {string} text The text to find terms for. * @param {import('translation').FindTermsOptions} options A object describing settings about the lookup. * @returns {Promise<{dictionaryEntries: import('dictionary').TermDictionaryEntry[], originalTextLength: number}>} An object containing dictionary entries and the length of the original source text. */ async findTerms(mode, text, options) { const {enabledDictionaryMap, excludeDictionaryDefinitions, sortFrequencyDictionary, sortFrequencyDictionaryOrder, language} = options; const tagAggregator = new TranslatorTagAggregator(); let {dictionaryEntries, originalTextLength} = await this._findTermsInternal(text, options, tagAggregator); switch (mode) { case 'group': dictionaryEntries = this._groupDictionaryEntriesByHeadword(language, dictionaryEntries, tagAggregator); break; case 'merge': dictionaryEntries = await this._getRelatedDictionaryEntries(dictionaryEntries, options, tagAggregator); break; } if (excludeDictionaryDefinitions !== null) { this._removeExcludedDefinitions(dictionaryEntries, excludeDictionaryDefinitions); } if (mode !== 'simple') { await this._addTermMeta(dictionaryEntries, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator); await this._expandTagGroupsAndGroup(tagAggregator.getTagExpansionTargets()); } else { if (sortFrequencyDictionary !== null) { /** @type {import('translation').TermEnabledDictionaryMap} */ const sortDictionaryMap = new Map(); const value = enabledDictionaryMap.get(sortFrequencyDictionary); if (typeof value !== 'undefined') { sortDictionaryMap.set(sortFrequencyDictionary, value); } await this._addTermMeta(dictionaryEntries, sortDictionaryMap, tagAggregator); } } if (sortFrequencyDictionary !== null) { this._updateSortFrequencies(dictionaryEntries, sortFrequencyDictionary, sortFrequencyDictionaryOrder === 'ascending'); } if (dictionaryEntries.length > 1) { this._sortTermDictionaryEntries(dictionaryEntries); } for (const {definitions, frequencies, pronunciations} of dictionaryEntries) { this._flagRedundantDefinitionTags(definitions); if (definitions.length > 1) { this._sortTermDictionaryEntryDefinitions(definitions); } if (frequencies.length > 1) { this._sortTermDictionaryEntrySimpleData(frequencies); } if (pronunciations.length > 1) { this._sortTermDictionaryEntrySimpleData(pronunciations); } } const withUserFacingInflections = this._addUserFacingInflections(language, dictionaryEntries); return {dictionaryEntries: withUserFacingInflections, originalTextLength}; } /** * Finds kanji definitions for the given text. * @param {string} text The text to find kanji definitions for. This string can be of any length, * but is typically just one character, which is a single kanji. If the string is multiple * characters long, each character will be searched in the database. * @param {import('translation').FindKanjiOptions} options A object describing settings about the lookup. * @returns {Promise} An array of definitions. See the _createKanjiDefinition() function for structure details. */ async findKanji(text, options) { if (options.removeNonJapaneseCharacters) { text = this._getJapaneseOnlyText(text); } const {enabledDictionaryMap} = options; /** @type {Set} */ const kanjiUnique = new Set(); for (const c of text) { kanjiUnique.add(c); } const databaseEntries = await this._database.findKanjiBulk([...kanjiUnique], enabledDictionaryMap); if (databaseEntries.length === 0) { return []; } this._sortDatabaseEntriesByIndex(databaseEntries); /** @type {import('dictionary').KanjiDictionaryEntry[]} */ const dictionaryEntries = []; const tagAggregator = new TranslatorTagAggregator(); for (const {character, onyomi, kunyomi, tags, definitions, stats, dictionary} of databaseEntries) { const expandedStats = await this._expandKanjiStats(stats, dictionary); const dictionaryEntry = this._createKanjiDictionaryEntry(character, dictionary, onyomi, kunyomi, expandedStats, definitions); dictionaryEntries.push(dictionaryEntry); tagAggregator.addTags(dictionaryEntry.tags, dictionary, tags); } await this._addKanjiMeta(dictionaryEntries, enabledDictionaryMap); await this._expandTagGroupsAndGroup(tagAggregator.getTagExpansionTargets()); this._sortKanjiDictionaryEntryData(dictionaryEntries); return dictionaryEntries; } /** * Gets a list of frequency information for a given list of term-reading pairs * and a list of dictionaries. * @param {import('translator').TermReadingList} termReadingList An array of `{term, reading}` pairs. If reading is null, * the reading won't be compared. * @param {string[]} dictionaries An array of dictionary names. * @returns {Promise} An array of term frequencies. */ async getTermFrequencies(termReadingList, dictionaries) { const dictionarySet = new Set(); for (const dictionary of dictionaries) { dictionarySet.add(dictionary); } const termList = termReadingList.map(({term}) => term); const metas = await this._database.findTermMetaBulk(termList, dictionarySet); /** @type {import('translator').TermFrequencySimple[]} */ const results = []; for (const {mode, data, dictionary, index} of metas) { if (mode !== 'freq') { continue; } let {term, reading} = termReadingList[index]; const hasReading = (data !== null && typeof data === 'object' && typeof data.reading === 'string'); if (hasReading && data.reading !== reading) { if (reading !== null) { continue; } reading = data.reading; } const frequency = hasReading ? data.frequency : /** @type {import('dictionary-data').GenericFrequencyData} */ (data); const {frequency: frequencyValue, displayValue, displayValueParsed} = this._getFrequencyInfo(frequency); results.push({ term, reading, dictionary, hasReading, frequency: frequencyValue, displayValue, displayValueParsed, }); } return results; } // Find terms internal implementation /** * @param {string} text * @param {import('translation').FindTermsOptions} options * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator * @returns {Promise<{dictionaryEntries: import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[], originalTextLength: number}>} */ async _findTermsInternal(text, options, tagAggregator) { const {removeNonJapaneseCharacters, enabledDictionaryMap} = options; if (removeNonJapaneseCharacters) { text = this._getJapaneseOnlyText(text); } if (text.length === 0) { return {dictionaryEntries: [], originalTextLength: 0}; } const deinflections = await this._getDeinflections(text, options); return this._getDictionaryEntries(deinflections, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator); } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').DatabaseDeinflection[]} deinflections * @param {import('translation').TermEnabledDictionaryMap} enabledDictionaryMap * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator * @returns {{dictionaryEntries: import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[], originalTextLength: number}} */ _getDictionaryEntries(deinflections, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator) { let originalTextLength = 0; /** @type {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} */ const dictionaryEntries = []; const ids = new Set(); for (const {databaseEntries, originalText, transformedText, deinflectedText, inflectionRuleChainCandidates} of deinflections) { if (databaseEntries.length === 0) { continue; } originalTextLength = Math.max(originalTextLength, originalText.length); for (const databaseEntry of databaseEntries) { const {id} = databaseEntry; if (ids.has(id)) { const existingEntryInfo = this._findExistingEntry(dictionaryEntries, id); if (!existingEntryInfo) { continue; } const {existingEntry, existingIndex} = existingEntryInfo; const existingTransformedLength = existingEntry.headwords[0].sources[0].transformedText.length; if (transformedText.length < existingTransformedLength) { continue; } if (transformedText.length > existingTransformedLength) { dictionaryEntries.splice(existingIndex, 1, this._createTermDictionaryEntryFromDatabaseEntry(databaseEntry, originalText, transformedText, deinflectedText, inflectionRuleChainCandidates, true, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator)); } else { this._mergeInflectionRuleChains(existingEntry, inflectionRuleChainCandidates); } } else { const dictionaryEntry = this._createTermDictionaryEntryFromDatabaseEntry(databaseEntry, originalText, transformedText, deinflectedText, inflectionRuleChainCandidates, true, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator); dictionaryEntries.push(dictionaryEntry); ids.add(id); } } } return {dictionaryEntries, originalTextLength}; } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries * @param {number} id * @returns {{existingEntry: import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry, existingIndex: number} | null} */ _findExistingEntry(dictionaryEntries, id) { let existingIndex = null; let existingEntry = null; for (const [index, entry] of dictionaryEntries.entries()) { if (entry.definitions.some((definition) => definition.id === id)) { existingIndex = index; existingEntry = entry; return {existingEntry, existingIndex}; } } return null; } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry} existingEntry * @param {import('translation-internal').InflectionRuleChainCandidate[]} inflectionRuleChainCandidates */ _mergeInflectionRuleChains(existingEntry, inflectionRuleChainCandidates) { const existingChains = existingEntry.inflectionRuleChainCandidates; for (const {source, inflectionRules} of inflectionRuleChainCandidates) { const duplicate = existingChains.find((existingChain) => { return this._areArraysEqualIgnoreOrder(existingChain.inflectionRules, inflectionRules); }); if (!duplicate) { existingEntry.inflectionRuleChainCandidates.push({source, inflectionRules}); } else if (duplicate.source !== source) { duplicate.source = 'both'; } } } /** * @param {string[]} array1 * @param {string[]} array2 * @returns {boolean} */ _areArraysEqualIgnoreOrder(array1, array2) { if (array1.length !== array2.length) { return false; } /** @type {Map} */ const frequencyCounter = new Map(); for (const element of array1) { frequencyCounter.set(element, (frequencyCounter.get(element) || 0) + 1); } for (const element of array2) { const frequency = frequencyCounter.get(element); if (!frequency) { return false; } frequencyCounter.set(element, frequency - 1); } return true; } /** * @param {string} text * @param {import('translation').FindTermsOptions} options * @returns {Promise} */ async _getDeinflections(text, options) { let deinflections = ( options.deinflect ? this._getAlgorithmDeinflections(text, options) : [this._createDeinflection(text, text, text, 0, [])] ); if (deinflections.length === 0) { return []; } const {matchType, language, enabledDictionaryMap} = options; await this._addEntriesToDeinflections(language, deinflections, enabledDictionaryMap, matchType); const dictionaryDeinflections = await this._getDictionaryDeinflections(language, deinflections, enabledDictionaryMap, matchType); deinflections.push(...dictionaryDeinflections); for (const deinflection of deinflections) { for (const entry of deinflection.databaseEntries) { entry.definitions = entry.definitions.filter((definition) => !Array.isArray(definition)); } deinflection.databaseEntries = deinflection.databaseEntries.filter((entry) => entry.definitions.length); } deinflections = deinflections.filter((deinflection) => deinflection.databaseEntries.length); return deinflections; } /** * @param {string} language * @param {import('translation-internal').DatabaseDeinflection[]} deinflections * @param {Map} enabledDictionaryMap * @param {import('dictionary').TermSourceMatchType} matchType * @returns {Promise} */ async _getDictionaryDeinflections(language, deinflections, enabledDictionaryMap, matchType) { /** @type {import('translation-internal').DatabaseDeinflection[]} */ const dictionaryDeinflections = []; for (const deinflection of deinflections) { const {originalText, transformedText, inflectionRuleChainCandidates: algorithmChains, databaseEntries} = deinflection; for (const entry of databaseEntries) { const {dictionary, definitions} = entry; const entryDictionary = enabledDictionaryMap.get(dictionary); const useDeinflections = entryDictionary?.useDeinflections ?? true; if (!useDeinflections) { continue; } for (const definition of definitions) { if (Array.isArray(definition)) { const [formOf, inflectionRules] = definition; if (!formOf) { continue; } const inflectionRuleChainCandidates = algorithmChains.map(({inflectionRules: algInflections}) => { return { source: /** @type {import('dictionary').InflectionSource} */ (algInflections.length === 0 ? 'dictionary' : 'both'), inflectionRules: [...algInflections, ...inflectionRules], }; }); const dictionaryDeinflection = this._createDeinflection(originalText, transformedText, formOf, 0, inflectionRuleChainCandidates); dictionaryDeinflections.push(dictionaryDeinflection); } } } } await this._addEntriesToDeinflections(language, dictionaryDeinflections, enabledDictionaryMap, matchType); return dictionaryDeinflections; } /** * @param {string} language * @param {import('translation-internal').DatabaseDeinflection[]} deinflections * @param {Map} enabledDictionaryMap * @param {import('dictionary').TermSourceMatchType} matchType */ async _addEntriesToDeinflections(language, deinflections, enabledDictionaryMap, matchType) { const uniqueDeinflectionsMap = this._groupDeinflectionsByTerm(deinflections); const uniqueDeinflectionArrays = [...uniqueDeinflectionsMap.values()]; const uniqueDeinflectionTerms = [...uniqueDeinflectionsMap.keys()]; const databaseEntries = await this._database.findTermsBulk(uniqueDeinflectionTerms, enabledDictionaryMap, matchType); this._matchEntriesToDeinflections(language, databaseEntries, uniqueDeinflectionArrays, enabledDictionaryMap); } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').DatabaseDeinflection[]} deinflections * @returns {Map} */ _groupDeinflectionsByTerm(deinflections) { /** @type {Map} */ const result = new Map(); for (const deinflection of deinflections) { const {deinflectedText} = deinflection; let deinflectionArray = result.get(deinflectedText); if (typeof deinflectionArray === 'undefined') { deinflectionArray = []; result.set(deinflectedText, deinflectionArray); } deinflectionArray.push(deinflection); } return result; } /** * @param {string} language * @param {import('dictionary-database').TermEntry[]} databaseEntries * @param {import('translation-internal').DatabaseDeinflection[][]} uniqueDeinflectionArrays * @param {Map} enabledDictionaryMap */ _matchEntriesToDeinflections(language, databaseEntries, uniqueDeinflectionArrays, enabledDictionaryMap) { for (const databaseEntry of databaseEntries) { const entryDictionary = /** @type {import('translation').FindTermDictionary} */ (enabledDictionaryMap.get(databaseEntry.dictionary)); const {partsOfSpeechFilter} = entryDictionary; const definitionConditions = this._multiLanguageTransformer.getConditionFlagsFromPartsOfSpeech(language, databaseEntry.rules); for (const deinflection of uniqueDeinflectionArrays[databaseEntry.index]) { if (!partsOfSpeechFilter || LanguageTransformer.conditionsMatch(deinflection.conditions, definitionConditions)) { deinflection.databaseEntries.push(databaseEntry); } } } } // Deinflections and text processing /** * @param {string} text * @param {import('translation').FindTermsOptions} options * @returns {import('translation-internal').DatabaseDeinflection[]} * @throws {Error} */ _getAlgorithmDeinflections(text, options) { const {language} = options; const processorsForLanguage = this._textProcessors.get(language); if (typeof processorsForLanguage === 'undefined') { throw new Error(`Unsupported language: ${language}`); } const {textPreprocessors, textPostprocessors} = processorsForLanguage; /** @type {import('translation-internal').DatabaseDeinflection[]} */ const deinflections = []; /** @type {import('translation-internal').TextCache} */ const sourceCache = new Map(); // For reusing text processors' outputs for ( let rawSource = text; rawSource.length > 0; rawSource = this._getNextSubstring(options.searchResolution, rawSource) ) { const preprocessedTextVariants = this._getTextVariants(rawSource, textPreprocessors, this._getTextReplacementsVariants(options), sourceCache); for (const source of preprocessedTextVariants) { for (const deinflection of this._multiLanguageTransformer.transform(language, source)) { const {trace, conditions} = deinflection; const postprocessedTextVariants = this._getTextVariants(deinflection.text, textPostprocessors, [null], sourceCache); for (const transformedText of postprocessedTextVariants) { /** @type {import('translation-internal').InflectionRuleChainCandidate} */ const inflectionRuleChainCandidate = { source: 'algorithm', inflectionRules: trace.map((frame) => frame.transform), }; deinflections.push(this._createDeinflection(rawSource, source, transformedText, conditions, [inflectionRuleChainCandidate])); } } } } return deinflections; } /** * @param {string} text * @param {import('language').TextProcessorWithId[]} textProcessors * @param {(import('translation').FindTermsTextReplacement[] | null)[]} textReplacements * @param {import('translation-internal').TextCache} textCache * @returns {Set} */ _getTextVariants(text, textProcessors, textReplacements, textCache) { let variants = new Set([text]); for (const textReplacement of textReplacements) { if (textReplacement === null) { continue; } variants.add(this._applyTextReplacements(text, textReplacement)); } for (const {id, textProcessor: {process, options}} of textProcessors) { /** @type {Set} */ const newVariants = new Set(); for (const variant of variants) { for (const option of options) { const processed = this._getProcessedText(textCache, variant, id, option, process); newVariants.add(processed); } } variants = newVariants; } return variants; } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TextCache} textCache * @param {string} text * @param {string} id * @param {unknown} setting * @param {import('language').TextProcessorFunction} process * @returns {string} */ _getProcessedText(textCache, text, id, setting, process) { let level1 = textCache.get(text); if (!level1) { level1 = new Map(); textCache.set(text, level1); } let level2 = level1.get(id); if (!level2) { level2 = new Map(); level1.set(id, level2); } if (!level2.has(setting)) { text = process(text, setting); level2.set(setting, text); } else { text = level2.get(setting) || ''; } return text; } /** * @param {string} searchResolution * @param {string} currentString * @returns {string} */ _getNextSubstring(searchResolution, currentString) { const nextSubstringLength = searchResolution === 'word' ? currentString.search(/[^\p{Letter}][\p{Letter}\p{Number}]*$/u) : currentString.length - 1; return currentString.substring(0, nextSubstringLength); } /** * @param {string} text * @param {import('translation').FindTermsTextReplacement[]} replacements * @returns {string} */ _applyTextReplacements(text, replacements) { for (const {pattern, replacement} of replacements) { text = applyTextReplacement(text, pattern, replacement); } return text; } /** * @param {string} text * @returns {string} */ _getJapaneseOnlyText(text) { let length = 0; for (const c of text) { if (!isCodePointJapanese(/** @type {number} */ (c.codePointAt(0)))) { return text.substring(0, length); } length += c.length; } return text; } /** * @param {import('translation').FindTermsOptions} options * @returns {(import('translation').FindTermsTextReplacement[] | null)[]} */ _getTextReplacementsVariants(options) { return options.textReplacements; } /** * @param {string} originalText * @param {string} transformedText * @param {string} deinflectedText * @param {number} conditions * @param {import('translation-internal').InflectionRuleChainCandidate[]} inflectionRuleChainCandidates * @returns {import('translation-internal').DatabaseDeinflection} */ _createDeinflection(originalText, transformedText, deinflectedText, conditions, inflectionRuleChainCandidates) { return {originalText, transformedText, deinflectedText, conditions, inflectionRuleChainCandidates, databaseEntries: []}; } // Term dictionary entry grouping /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries * @param {import('translation').FindTermsOptions} options * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator * @returns {Promise} */ async _getRelatedDictionaryEntries(dictionaryEntries, options, tagAggregator) { const {mainDictionary, enabledDictionaryMap, language} = options; /** @type {import('translator').SequenceQuery[]} */ const sequenceList = []; /** @type {import('translation-internal').DictionaryEntryGroup[]} */ const groupedDictionaryEntries = []; /** @type {Map} */ const groupedDictionaryEntriesMap = new Map(); /** @type {Map} */ const ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap = new Map(); for (const dictionaryEntry of dictionaryEntries) { const {definitions: [{id, dictionary, sequences: [sequence]}]} = dictionaryEntry; if (mainDictionary === dictionary && sequence >= 0) { let group = groupedDictionaryEntriesMap.get(sequence); if (typeof group === 'undefined') { group = { ids: new Set(), dictionaryEntries: [], }; sequenceList.push({query: sequence, dictionary}); groupedDictionaryEntries.push(group); groupedDictionaryEntriesMap.set(sequence, group); } group.dictionaryEntries.push(dictionaryEntry); group.ids.add(id); } else { ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap.set(id, dictionaryEntry); } } if (sequenceList.length > 0) { const secondarySearchDictionaryMap = this._getSecondarySearchDictionaryMap(enabledDictionaryMap); await this._addRelatedDictionaryEntries(groupedDictionaryEntries, ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap, sequenceList, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator); for (const group of groupedDictionaryEntries) { this._sortTermDictionaryEntriesById(group.dictionaryEntries); } if (ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap.size > 0 || secondarySearchDictionaryMap.size > 0) { await this._addSecondaryRelatedDictionaryEntries(language, groupedDictionaryEntries, ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap, enabledDictionaryMap, secondarySearchDictionaryMap, tagAggregator); } } const newDictionaryEntries = []; for (const group of groupedDictionaryEntries) { newDictionaryEntries.push(this._createGroupedDictionaryEntry(language, group.dictionaryEntries, true, tagAggregator)); } newDictionaryEntries.push(...this._groupDictionaryEntriesByHeadword(language, ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap.values(), tagAggregator)); return newDictionaryEntries; } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').DictionaryEntryGroup[]} groupedDictionaryEntries * @param {Map} ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap * @param {import('translator').SequenceQuery[]} sequenceList * @param {import('translation').TermEnabledDictionaryMap} enabledDictionaryMap * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator */ async _addRelatedDictionaryEntries(groupedDictionaryEntries, ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap, sequenceList, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator) { const databaseEntries = await this._database.findTermsBySequenceBulk(sequenceList); for (const databaseEntry of databaseEntries) { const {dictionaryEntries, ids} = groupedDictionaryEntries[databaseEntry.index]; const {id} = databaseEntry; if (ids.has(id)) { continue; } const {term} = databaseEntry; const dictionaryEntry = this._createTermDictionaryEntryFromDatabaseEntry(databaseEntry, term, term, term, [], false, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator); dictionaryEntries.push(dictionaryEntry); ids.add(id); ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap.delete(id); } } /** * @param {string} language * @param {import('translation-internal').DictionaryEntryGroup[]} groupedDictionaryEntries * @param {Map} ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap * @param {import('translation').TermEnabledDictionaryMap} enabledDictionaryMap * @param {import('translation').TermEnabledDictionaryMap} secondarySearchDictionaryMap * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator */ async _addSecondaryRelatedDictionaryEntries(language, groupedDictionaryEntries, ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap, enabledDictionaryMap, secondarySearchDictionaryMap, tagAggregator) { // Prepare grouping info /** @type {import('dictionary-database').TermExactRequest[]} */ const termList = []; const targetList = []; /** @type {Map} */ const targetMap = new Map(); const readingNormalizer = this._readingNormalizers.get(language); for (const group of groupedDictionaryEntries) { const {dictionaryEntries} = group; for (const dictionaryEntry of dictionaryEntries) { const {term, reading} = dictionaryEntry.headwords[0]; const normalizedReading = typeof readingNormalizer === 'undefined' ? reading : readingNormalizer(reading); const key = this._createMapKey([term, normalizedReading]); let target = targetMap.get(key); if (typeof target === 'undefined') { target = { groups: [], }; targetMap.set(key, target); termList.push({term, reading}); targetList.push(target); } target.groups.push(group); } } // Group unsequenced dictionary entries with sequenced entries that have a matching [term, reading]. for (const [id, dictionaryEntry] of ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap.entries()) { const {term, reading} = dictionaryEntry.headwords[0]; const normalizedReading = typeof readingNormalizer === 'undefined' ? reading : readingNormalizer(reading); const key = this._createMapKey([term, normalizedReading]); const target = targetMap.get(key); if (typeof target === 'undefined') { continue; } for (const {ids, dictionaryEntries} of target.groups) { if (ids.has(id)) { continue; } dictionaryEntries.push(dictionaryEntry); ids.add(id); } ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap.delete(id); } // Search database for additional secondary terms if (termList.length === 0 || secondarySearchDictionaryMap.size === 0) { return; } const databaseEntries = await this._database.findTermsExactBulk(termList, secondarySearchDictionaryMap); this._sortDatabaseEntriesByIndex(databaseEntries); for (const databaseEntry of databaseEntries) { const {index, id} = databaseEntry; const sourceText = termList[index].term; const target = targetList[index]; for (const {ids, dictionaryEntries} of target.groups) { if (ids.has(id)) { continue; } const dictionaryEntry = this._createTermDictionaryEntryFromDatabaseEntry(databaseEntry, sourceText, sourceText, sourceText, [], false, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator); dictionaryEntries.push(dictionaryEntry); ids.add(id); ungroupedDictionaryEntriesMap.delete(id); } } } /** * @param {string} language * @param {Iterable} dictionaryEntries * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator * @returns {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} */ _groupDictionaryEntriesByHeadword(language, dictionaryEntries, tagAggregator) { /** @type {Map} */ const groups = new Map(); const readingNormalizer = this._readingNormalizers.get(language); for (const dictionaryEntry of dictionaryEntries) { const {inflectionRuleChainCandidates, headwords: [{term, reading}]} = dictionaryEntry; const normalizedReading = typeof readingNormalizer === 'undefined' ? reading : readingNormalizer(reading); const key = this._createMapKey([term, normalizedReading, ...inflectionRuleChainCandidates]); let groupDictionaryEntries = groups.get(key); if (typeof groupDictionaryEntries === 'undefined') { groupDictionaryEntries = []; groups.set(key, groupDictionaryEntries); } groupDictionaryEntries.push(dictionaryEntry); } const newDictionaryEntries = []; for (const groupDictionaryEntries of groups.values()) { newDictionaryEntries.push(this._createGroupedDictionaryEntry(language, groupDictionaryEntries, false, tagAggregator)); } return newDictionaryEntries; } // Removing data /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries * @param {Set} excludeDictionaryDefinitions */ _removeExcludedDefinitions(dictionaryEntries, excludeDictionaryDefinitions) { for (let i = dictionaryEntries.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const dictionaryEntry = dictionaryEntries[i]; const {definitions, pronunciations, frequencies, headwords} = dictionaryEntry; const definitionsChanged = this._removeArrayItemsWithDictionary(definitions, excludeDictionaryDefinitions); this._removeArrayItemsWithDictionary(pronunciations, excludeDictionaryDefinitions); this._removeArrayItemsWithDictionary(frequencies, excludeDictionaryDefinitions); this._removeTagGroupsWithDictionary(definitions, excludeDictionaryDefinitions); this._removeTagGroupsWithDictionary(headwords, excludeDictionaryDefinitions); if (!definitionsChanged) { continue; } if (definitions.length === 0) { dictionaryEntries.splice(i, 1); } else { this._removeUnusedHeadwords(dictionaryEntry); } } } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry} dictionaryEntry */ _removeUnusedHeadwords(dictionaryEntry) { const {definitions, pronunciations, frequencies, headwords} = dictionaryEntry; const removeHeadwordIndices = new Set(); for (let i = 0, ii = headwords.length; i < ii; ++i) { removeHeadwordIndices.add(i); } for (const {headwordIndices} of definitions) { for (const headwordIndex of headwordIndices) { removeHeadwordIndices.delete(headwordIndex); } } if (removeHeadwordIndices.size === 0) { return; } /** @type {Map} */ const indexRemap = new Map(); let oldIndex = 0; for (let i = 0, ii = headwords.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (removeHeadwordIndices.has(oldIndex)) { headwords.splice(i, 1); --i; --ii; } else { indexRemap.set(oldIndex, indexRemap.size); } ++oldIndex; } this._updateDefinitionHeadwordIndices(definitions, indexRemap); this._updateArrayItemsHeadwordIndex(pronunciations, indexRemap); this._updateArrayItemsHeadwordIndex(frequencies, indexRemap); } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]} definitions * @param {Map} indexRemap */ _updateDefinitionHeadwordIndices(definitions, indexRemap) { for (const {headwordIndices} of definitions) { for (let i = headwordIndices.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const newHeadwordIndex = indexRemap.get(headwordIndices[i]); if (typeof newHeadwordIndex === 'undefined') { headwordIndices.splice(i, 1); } else { headwordIndices[i] = newHeadwordIndex; } } } } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermPronunciation[]|import('dictionary').TermFrequency[]} array * @param {Map} indexRemap */ _updateArrayItemsHeadwordIndex(array, indexRemap) { for (let i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) { const item = array[i]; const {headwordIndex} = item; const newHeadwordIndex = indexRemap.get(headwordIndex); if (typeof newHeadwordIndex === 'undefined') { array.splice(i, 1); } else { item.headwordIndex = newHeadwordIndex; } } } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermPronunciation[]|import('dictionary').TermFrequency[]|import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]} array * @param {Set} excludeDictionaryDefinitions * @returns {boolean} */ _removeArrayItemsWithDictionary(array, excludeDictionaryDefinitions) { let changed = false; for (let j = array.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { const {dictionary} = array[j]; if (!excludeDictionaryDefinitions.has(dictionary)) { continue; } array.splice(j, 1); changed = true; } return changed; } /** * @param {import('dictionary').Tag[]} array * @param {Set} excludeDictionaryDefinitions * @returns {boolean} */ _removeArrayItemsWithDictionary2(array, excludeDictionaryDefinitions) { let changed = false; for (let j = array.length - 1; j >= 0; --j) { const {dictionaries} = array[j]; if (this._hasAny(excludeDictionaryDefinitions, dictionaries)) { continue; } array.splice(j, 1); changed = true; } return changed; } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]|import('dictionary').TermHeadword[]} array * @param {Set} excludeDictionaryDefinitions */ _removeTagGroupsWithDictionary(array, excludeDictionaryDefinitions) { for (const {tags} of array) { this._removeArrayItemsWithDictionary2(tags, excludeDictionaryDefinitions); } } // Tags /** * @param {import('translator').TagExpansionTarget[]} tagExpansionTargets */ async _expandTagGroupsAndGroup(tagExpansionTargets) { await this._expandTagGroups(tagExpansionTargets); this._groupTags(tagExpansionTargets); } /** * @param {import('translator').TagExpansionTarget[]} tagTargets */ async _expandTagGroups(tagTargets) { const allItems = []; /** @type {import('translator').TagTargetMap} */ const targetMap = new Map(); for (const {tagGroups, tags} of tagTargets) { for (const {dictionary, tagNames} of tagGroups) { let dictionaryItems = targetMap.get(dictionary); if (typeof dictionaryItems === 'undefined') { dictionaryItems = new Map(); targetMap.set(dictionary, dictionaryItems); } for (const tagName of tagNames) { let item = dictionaryItems.get(tagName); if (typeof item === 'undefined') { const query = this._getNameBase(tagName); item = {query, dictionary, tagName, cache: null, databaseTag: null, targets: []}; dictionaryItems.set(tagName, item); allItems.push(item); } item.targets.push(tags); } } } const nonCachedItems = []; const tagCache = this._tagCache; for (const [dictionary, dictionaryItems] of targetMap.entries()) { let cache = tagCache.get(dictionary); if (typeof cache === 'undefined') { cache = new Map(); tagCache.set(dictionary, cache); } for (const item of dictionaryItems.values()) { const databaseTag = cache.get(item.query); if (typeof databaseTag !== 'undefined') { item.databaseTag = databaseTag; } else { item.cache = cache; nonCachedItems.push(item); } } } const nonCachedItemCount = nonCachedItems.length; if (nonCachedItemCount > 0) { const databaseTags = await this._database.findTagMetaBulk(nonCachedItems); for (let i = 0; i < nonCachedItemCount; ++i) { const item = nonCachedItems[i]; const databaseTag = databaseTags[i]; const databaseTag2 = typeof databaseTag !== 'undefined' ? databaseTag : null; item.databaseTag = databaseTag2; if (item.cache !== null) { item.cache.set(item.query, databaseTag2); } } } for (const {dictionary, tagName, databaseTag, targets} of allItems) { for (const tags of targets) { tags.push(this._createTag(databaseTag, tagName, dictionary)); } } } /** * @param {import('translator').TagExpansionTarget[]} tagTargets */ _groupTags(tagTargets) { const stringComparer = this._stringComparer; /** * @param {import('dictionary').Tag} v1 * @param {import('dictionary').Tag} v2 * @returns {number} */ const compare = (v1, v2) => { const i = v1.order - v2.order; return i !== 0 ? i : stringComparer.compare(v1.name, v2.name); }; for (const {tags} of tagTargets) { if (tags.length <= 1) { continue; } this._mergeSimilarTags(tags); tags.sort(compare); } } /** * @param {import('dictionary').Tag[]} tags */ _mergeSimilarTags(tags) { let tagCount = tags.length; for (let i = 0; i < tagCount; ++i) { const tag1 = tags[i]; const {category, name} = tag1; for (let j = i + 1; j < tagCount; ++j) { const tag2 = tags[j]; if (tag2.name !== name || tag2.category !== category) { continue; } // Merge tag tag1.order = Math.min(tag1.order, tag2.order); tag1.score = Math.max(tag1.score, tag2.score); tag1.dictionaries.push(...tag2.dictionaries); this._addUniqueSimple(tag1.content, tag2.content); tags.splice(j, 1); --tagCount; --j; } } } /** * @param {import('dictionary').Tag[]} tags * @param {string} category * @returns {string[]} */ _getTagNamesWithCategory(tags, category) { const results = []; for (const tag of tags) { if (tag.category !== category) { continue; } results.push(tag.name); } results.sort(); return results; } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]} definitions */ _flagRedundantDefinitionTags(definitions) { if (definitions.length === 0) { return; } let lastDictionary = null; let lastPartOfSpeech = ''; const removeCategoriesSet = new Set(); for (const {dictionary, tags} of definitions) { const partOfSpeech = this._createMapKey(this._getTagNamesWithCategory(tags, 'partOfSpeech')); if (lastDictionary !== dictionary) { lastDictionary = dictionary; lastPartOfSpeech = ''; } if (lastPartOfSpeech === partOfSpeech) { removeCategoriesSet.add('partOfSpeech'); } else { lastPartOfSpeech = partOfSpeech; } if (removeCategoriesSet.size > 0) { for (const tag of tags) { if (removeCategoriesSet.has(tag.category)) { tag.redundant = true; } } removeCategoriesSet.clear(); } } } // Metadata /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries * @param {import('translation').TermEnabledDictionaryMap} enabledDictionaryMap * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator */ async _addTermMeta(dictionaryEntries, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator) { /** @type {Map>} */ const headwordMap = new Map(); /** @type {string[]} */ const headwordMapKeys = []; /** @type {Map[]} */ const headwordReadingMaps = []; for (const {headwords, pronunciations, frequencies} of dictionaryEntries) { for (let i = 0, ii = headwords.length; i < ii; ++i) { const {term, reading} = headwords[i]; let readingMap = headwordMap.get(term); if (typeof readingMap === 'undefined') { readingMap = new Map(); headwordMap.set(term, readingMap); headwordMapKeys.push(term); headwordReadingMaps.push(readingMap); } let targets = readingMap.get(reading); if (typeof targets === 'undefined') { targets = []; readingMap.set(reading, targets); } targets.push({headwordIndex: i, pronunciations, frequencies}); } } const metas = await this._database.findTermMetaBulk(headwordMapKeys, enabledDictionaryMap); for (const {mode, data, dictionary, index} of metas) { const {index: dictionaryIndex, priority: dictionaryPriority} = this._getDictionaryOrder(dictionary, enabledDictionaryMap); const map2 = headwordReadingMaps[index]; for (const [reading, targets] of map2.entries()) { switch (mode) { case 'freq': { const hasReading = (data !== null && typeof data === 'object' && typeof data.reading === 'string'); if (hasReading && data.reading !== reading) { continue; } const frequency = hasReading ? data.frequency : /** @type {import('dictionary-data').GenericFrequencyData} */ (data); for (const {frequencies, headwordIndex} of targets) { const {frequency: frequencyValue, displayValue, displayValueParsed} = this._getFrequencyInfo(frequency); frequencies.push(this._createTermFrequency( frequencies.length, headwordIndex, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, hasReading, frequencyValue, displayValue, displayValueParsed, )); } } break; case 'pitch': { if (data.reading !== reading) { continue; } /** @type {import('dictionary').PitchAccent[]} */ const pitches = []; for (const {position, tags, nasal, devoice} of data.pitches) { /** @type {import('dictionary').Tag[]} */ const tags2 = []; if (Array.isArray(tags)) { tagAggregator.addTags(tags2, dictionary, tags); } const nasalPositions = this._toNumberArray(nasal); const devoicePositions = this._toNumberArray(devoice); pitches.push({ type: 'pitch-accent', position, nasalPositions, devoicePositions, tags: tags2, }); } for (const {pronunciations, headwordIndex} of targets) { pronunciations.push(this._createTermPronunciation( pronunciations.length, headwordIndex, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, pitches, )); } } break; case 'ipa': { if (data.reading !== reading) { continue; } /** @type {import('dictionary').PhoneticTranscription[]} */ const phoneticTranscriptions = []; for (const {ipa, tags} of data.transcriptions) { /** @type {import('dictionary').Tag[]} */ const tags2 = []; if (Array.isArray(tags)) { tagAggregator.addTags(tags2, dictionary, tags); } phoneticTranscriptions.push({ type: 'phonetic-transcription', ipa, tags: tags2, }); } for (const {pronunciations, headwordIndex} of targets) { pronunciations.push(this._createTermPronunciation( pronunciations.length, headwordIndex, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, phoneticTranscriptions, )); } } } } } } /** * @param {import('dictionary').KanjiDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries * @param {import('translation').KanjiEnabledDictionaryMap} enabledDictionaryMap */ async _addKanjiMeta(dictionaryEntries, enabledDictionaryMap) { const kanjiList = []; for (const {character} of dictionaryEntries) { kanjiList.push(character); } const metas = await this._database.findKanjiMetaBulk(kanjiList, enabledDictionaryMap); for (const {character, mode, data, dictionary, index} of metas) { const {index: dictionaryIndex, priority: dictionaryPriority} = this._getDictionaryOrder(dictionary, enabledDictionaryMap); switch (mode) { case 'freq': { const {frequencies} = dictionaryEntries[index]; const {frequency, displayValue, displayValueParsed} = this._getFrequencyInfo(data); frequencies.push(this._createKanjiFrequency( frequencies.length, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, character, frequency, displayValue, displayValueParsed, )); } break; } } } /** * @param {{[key: string]: (string|number)}} stats * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {Promise} */ async _expandKanjiStats(stats, dictionary) { const statsEntries = Object.entries(stats); const items = []; for (const [name] of statsEntries) { const query = this._getNameBase(name); items.push({query, dictionary}); } const databaseInfos = await this._database.findTagMetaBulk(items); /** @type {Map} */ const statsGroups = new Map(); for (let i = 0, ii = statsEntries.length; i < ii; ++i) { const databaseInfo = databaseInfos[i]; if (typeof databaseInfo === 'undefined') { continue; } const [name, value] = statsEntries[i]; const {category} = databaseInfo; let group = statsGroups.get(category); if (typeof group === 'undefined') { group = []; statsGroups.set(category, group); } group.push(this._createKanjiStat(name, value, databaseInfo, dictionary)); } /** @type {import('dictionary').KanjiStatGroups} */ const groupedStats = {}; for (const [category, group] of statsGroups.entries()) { this._sortKanjiStats(group); groupedStats[category] = group; } return groupedStats; } /** * @param {import('dictionary').KanjiStat[]} stats */ _sortKanjiStats(stats) { if (stats.length <= 1) { return; } const stringComparer = this._stringComparer; stats.sort((v1, v2) => { const i = v1.order - v2.order; return (i !== 0) ? i : stringComparer.compare(v1.content, v2.content); }); } /** * @param {string} value * @returns {number} */ _convertStringToNumber(value) { const match = this._numberRegex.exec(value); if (match === null) { return 0; } const result = Number.parseFloat(match[0]); return Number.isFinite(result) ? result : 0; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').GenericFrequencyData} frequency * @returns {{frequency: number, displayValue: ?string, displayValueParsed: boolean}} */ _getFrequencyInfo(frequency) { let frequencyValue = 0; let displayValue = null; let displayValueParsed = false; if (typeof frequency === 'object' && frequency !== null) { const {value: frequencyValue2, displayValue: displayValue2} = frequency; if (typeof frequencyValue2 === 'number') { frequencyValue = frequencyValue2; } if (typeof displayValue2 === 'string') { displayValue = displayValue2; } } else { switch (typeof frequency) { case 'number': frequencyValue = frequency; break; case 'string': displayValue = frequency; displayValueParsed = true; frequencyValue = this._convertStringToNumber(frequency); break; } } return {frequency: frequencyValue, displayValue, displayValueParsed}; } // Helpers /** * @param {string} name * @returns {string} */ _getNameBase(name) { const pos = name.indexOf(':'); return (pos >= 0 ? name.substring(0, pos) : name); } /** * @param {import('translation').TermEnabledDictionaryMap} enabledDictionaryMap * @returns {import('translation').TermEnabledDictionaryMap} */ _getSecondarySearchDictionaryMap(enabledDictionaryMap) { const secondarySearchDictionaryMap = new Map(); for (const [dictionary, details] of enabledDictionaryMap.entries()) { if (!details.allowSecondarySearches) { continue; } secondarySearchDictionaryMap.set(dictionary, details); } return secondarySearchDictionaryMap; } /** * @param {string} dictionary * @param {import('translation').TermEnabledDictionaryMap|import('translation').KanjiEnabledDictionaryMap} enabledDictionaryMap * @returns {{index: number, priority: number}} */ _getDictionaryOrder(dictionary, enabledDictionaryMap) { const info = enabledDictionaryMap.get(dictionary); const {index, priority} = typeof info !== 'undefined' ? info : {index: enabledDictionaryMap.size, priority: 0}; return {index, priority}; } /** * @param {unknown[]} array * @returns {string} */ _createMapKey(array) { return JSON.stringify(array); } /** * @param {number|number[]|undefined} value * @returns {number[]} */ _toNumberArray(value) { return Array.isArray(value) ? value : (typeof value === 'number' ? [value] : []); } // Kanji data /** * @param {string} name * @param {string|number} value * @param {import('dictionary-database').Tag} databaseInfo * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('dictionary').KanjiStat} */ _createKanjiStat(name, value, databaseInfo, dictionary) { const {category, notes, order, score} = databaseInfo; return { name, category: (typeof category === 'string' && category.length > 0 ? category : 'default'), content: (typeof notes === 'string' ? notes : ''), order: (typeof order === 'number' ? order : 0), score: (typeof score === 'number' ? score : 0), dictionary, value, }; } /** * @param {number} index * @param {string} dictionary * @param {number} dictionaryIndex * @param {number} dictionaryPriority * @param {string} character * @param {number} frequency * @param {?string} displayValue * @param {boolean} displayValueParsed * @returns {import('dictionary').KanjiFrequency} */ _createKanjiFrequency(index, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, character, frequency, displayValue, displayValueParsed) { return {index, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, character, frequency, displayValue, displayValueParsed}; } /** * @param {string} character * @param {string} dictionary * @param {string[]} onyomi * @param {string[]} kunyomi * @param {import('dictionary').KanjiStatGroups} stats * @param {string[]} definitions * @returns {import('dictionary').KanjiDictionaryEntry} */ _createKanjiDictionaryEntry(character, dictionary, onyomi, kunyomi, stats, definitions) { return { type: 'kanji', character, dictionary, onyomi, kunyomi, tags: [], stats, definitions, frequencies: [], }; } // Term data /** * @param {?import('dictionary-database').Tag} databaseTag * @param {string} name * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('dictionary').Tag} */ _createTag(databaseTag, name, dictionary) { let category, notes, order, score; if (typeof databaseTag === 'object' && databaseTag !== null) { ({category, notes, order, score} = databaseTag); } return { name, category: (typeof category === 'string' && category.length > 0 ? category : 'default'), order: (typeof order === 'number' ? order : 0), score: (typeof score === 'number' ? score : 0), content: (typeof notes === 'string' && notes.length > 0 ? [notes] : []), dictionaries: [dictionary], redundant: false, }; } /** * @param {string} originalText * @param {string} transformedText * @param {string} deinflectedText * @param {import('dictionary').TermSourceMatchType} matchType * @param {import('dictionary').TermSourceMatchSource} matchSource * @param {boolean} isPrimary * @returns {import('dictionary').TermSource} */ _createSource(originalText, transformedText, deinflectedText, matchType, matchSource, isPrimary) { return {originalText, transformedText, deinflectedText, matchType, matchSource, isPrimary}; } /** * @param {number} index * @param {string} term * @param {string} reading * @param {import('dictionary').TermSource[]} sources * @param {import('dictionary').Tag[]} tags * @param {string[]} wordClasses * @returns {import('dictionary').TermHeadword} */ _createTermHeadword(index, term, reading, sources, tags, wordClasses) { return {index, term, reading, sources, tags, wordClasses}; } /** * @param {number} index * @param {number[]} headwordIndices * @param {string} dictionary * @param {number} dictionaryIndex * @param {number} dictionaryPriority * @param {number} id * @param {number} score * @param {number[]} sequences * @param {boolean} isPrimary * @param {import('dictionary').Tag[]} tags * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryContent[]} entries * @returns {import('dictionary').TermDefinition} */ _createTermDefinition(index, headwordIndices, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, id, score, sequences, isPrimary, tags, entries) { return { index, headwordIndices, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, id, score, frequencyOrder: 0, sequences, isPrimary, tags, entries, }; } /** * @param {number} index * @param {number} headwordIndex * @param {string} dictionary * @param {number} dictionaryIndex * @param {number} dictionaryPriority * @param {import('dictionary').Pronunciation[]} pronunciations * @returns {import('dictionary').TermPronunciation} */ _createTermPronunciation(index, headwordIndex, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, pronunciations) { return {index, headwordIndex, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, pronunciations}; } /** * @param {number} index * @param {number} headwordIndex * @param {string} dictionary * @param {number} dictionaryIndex * @param {number} dictionaryPriority * @param {boolean} hasReading * @param {number} frequency * @param {?string} displayValue * @param {boolean} displayValueParsed * @returns {import('dictionary').TermFrequency} */ _createTermFrequency(index, headwordIndex, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, hasReading, frequency, displayValue, displayValueParsed) { return {index, headwordIndex, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, hasReading, frequency, displayValue, displayValueParsed}; } /** * @param {boolean} isPrimary * @param {import('translation-internal').InflectionRuleChainCandidate[]} inflectionRuleChainCandidates * @param {number} score * @param {number} dictionaryIndex * @param {number} dictionaryPriority * @param {number} sourceTermExactMatchCount * @param {number} maxOriginalTextLength * @param {import('dictionary').TermHeadword[]} headwords * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]} definitions * @returns {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry} */ _createTermDictionaryEntry(isPrimary, inflectionRuleChainCandidates, score, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, sourceTermExactMatchCount, maxOriginalTextLength, headwords, definitions) { return { type: 'term', isPrimary, inflectionRuleChainCandidates, score, frequencyOrder: 0, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, sourceTermExactMatchCount, maxOriginalTextLength, headwords, definitions, pronunciations: [], frequencies: [], }; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-database').TermEntry} databaseEntry * @param {string} originalText * @param {string} transformedText * @param {string} deinflectedText * @param {import('translation-internal').InflectionRuleChainCandidate[]} inflectionRuleChainCandidates * @param {boolean} isPrimary * @param {Map} enabledDictionaryMap * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator * @returns {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry} */ _createTermDictionaryEntryFromDatabaseEntry(databaseEntry, originalText, transformedText, deinflectedText, inflectionRuleChainCandidates, isPrimary, enabledDictionaryMap, tagAggregator) { const { matchType, matchSource, term, reading: rawReading, definitionTags, termTags, definitions, score, dictionary, id, sequence: rawSequence, rules, } = databaseEntry; // Cast is safe because getDeinflections filters out deinflection definitions const contentDefinitions = /** @type {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryContent[]} */ (definitions); const reading = (rawReading.length > 0 ? rawReading : term); const {index: dictionaryIndex, priority: dictionaryPriority} = this._getDictionaryOrder(dictionary, enabledDictionaryMap); const sourceTermExactMatchCount = (isPrimary && deinflectedText === term ? 1 : 0); const source = this._createSource(originalText, transformedText, deinflectedText, matchType, matchSource, isPrimary); const maxOriginalTextLength = originalText.length; const hasSequence = (rawSequence >= 0); const sequence = hasSequence ? rawSequence : -1; /** @type {import('dictionary').Tag[]} */ const headwordTagGroups = []; /** @type {import('dictionary').Tag[]} */ const definitionTagGroups = []; tagAggregator.addTags(headwordTagGroups, dictionary, termTags); tagAggregator.addTags(definitionTagGroups, dictionary, definitionTags); return this._createTermDictionaryEntry( isPrimary, inflectionRuleChainCandidates, score, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, sourceTermExactMatchCount, maxOriginalTextLength, [this._createTermHeadword(0, term, reading, [source], headwordTagGroups, rules)], [this._createTermDefinition(0, [0], dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, id, score, [sequence], isPrimary, definitionTagGroups, contentDefinitions)], ); } /** * @param {string} language * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries * @param {boolean} checkDuplicateDefinitions * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator * @returns {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry} */ _createGroupedDictionaryEntry(language, dictionaryEntries, checkDuplicateDefinitions, tagAggregator) { // Headwords are generated before sorting, so that the order of dictionaryEntries can be maintained const definitionEntries = []; /** @type {Map} */ const headwords = new Map(); for (const dictionaryEntry of dictionaryEntries) { const headwordIndexMap = this._addTermHeadwords(language, headwords, dictionaryEntry.headwords, tagAggregator); definitionEntries.push({index: definitionEntries.length, dictionaryEntry, headwordIndexMap}); } // Sort if (definitionEntries.length <= 1) { checkDuplicateDefinitions = false; } // Merge dictionary entry data let score = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; let dictionaryIndex = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; let dictionaryPriority = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; let maxOriginalTextLength = 0; let isPrimary = false; /** @type {import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]} */ const definitions = []; /** @type {?Map} */ const definitionsMap = checkDuplicateDefinitions ? new Map() : null; let inflections = null; for (const {dictionaryEntry, headwordIndexMap} of definitionEntries) { score = Math.max(score, dictionaryEntry.score); dictionaryIndex = Math.min(dictionaryIndex, dictionaryEntry.dictionaryIndex); dictionaryPriority = Math.max(dictionaryPriority, dictionaryEntry.dictionaryPriority); if (dictionaryEntry.isPrimary) { isPrimary = true; maxOriginalTextLength = Math.max(maxOriginalTextLength, dictionaryEntry.maxOriginalTextLength); const dictionaryEntryInflections = dictionaryEntry.inflectionRuleChainCandidates; if (inflections === null || dictionaryEntryInflections.length < inflections.length) { inflections = dictionaryEntryInflections; } } if (definitionsMap !== null) { this._addTermDefinitions(definitions, definitionsMap, dictionaryEntry.definitions, headwordIndexMap, tagAggregator); } else { this._addTermDefinitionsFast(definitions, dictionaryEntry.definitions, headwordIndexMap); } } const headwordsArray = [...headwords.values()]; let sourceTermExactMatchCount = 0; for (const {sources} of headwordsArray) { for (const source of sources) { if (source.isPrimary && source.matchSource === 'term') { ++sourceTermExactMatchCount; break; } } } return this._createTermDictionaryEntry( isPrimary, inflections !== null ? inflections : [], score, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, sourceTermExactMatchCount, maxOriginalTextLength, headwordsArray, definitions, ); } // Data collection addition functions /** * @template [T=unknown] * @param {T[]} list * @param {T[]} newItems */ _addUniqueSimple(list, newItems) { for (const item of newItems) { if (!list.includes(item)) { list.push(item); } } } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermSource[]} sources * @param {import('dictionary').TermSource[]} newSources */ _addUniqueSources(sources, newSources) { if (newSources.length === 0) { return; } if (sources.length === 0) { sources.push(...newSources); return; } for (const newSource of newSources) { const {originalText, transformedText, deinflectedText, matchType, matchSource, isPrimary} = newSource; let has = false; for (const source of sources) { if ( source.deinflectedText === deinflectedText && source.transformedText === transformedText && source.originalText === originalText && source.matchType === matchType && source.matchSource === matchSource ) { if (isPrimary) { source.isPrimary = true; } has = true; break; } } if (!has) { sources.push(newSource); } } } /** * @param {string} language * @param {Map} headwordsMap * @param {import('dictionary').TermHeadword[]} headwords * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator * @returns {number[]} */ _addTermHeadwords(language, headwordsMap, headwords, tagAggregator) { /** @type {number[]} */ const headwordIndexMap = []; for (const {term, reading, sources, tags, wordClasses} of headwords) { const readingNormalizer = this._readingNormalizers.get(language); const normalizedReading = typeof readingNormalizer === 'undefined' ? reading : readingNormalizer(reading); const key = this._createMapKey([term, normalizedReading]); let headword = headwordsMap.get(key); if (typeof headword === 'undefined') { headword = this._createTermHeadword(headwordsMap.size, term, reading, [], [], []); headwordsMap.set(key, headword); } this._addUniqueSources(headword.sources, sources); this._addUniqueSimple(headword.wordClasses, wordClasses); tagAggregator.mergeTags(headword.tags, tags); headwordIndexMap.push(headword.index); } return headwordIndexMap; } /** * @param {number[]} headwordIndices * @param {number} headwordIndex */ _addUniqueTermHeadwordIndex(headwordIndices, headwordIndex) { let end = headwordIndices.length; if (end === 0) { headwordIndices.push(headwordIndex); return; } let start = 0; while (start < end) { const mid = Math.floor((start + end) / 2); const value = headwordIndices[mid]; if (headwordIndex === value) { return; } if (headwordIndex > value) { start = mid + 1; } else { end = mid; } } if (headwordIndex === headwordIndices[start]) { return; } headwordIndices.splice(start, 0, headwordIndex); } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]} definitions * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]} newDefinitions * @param {number[]} headwordIndexMap */ _addTermDefinitionsFast(definitions, newDefinitions, headwordIndexMap) { for (const {headwordIndices, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, sequences, id, score, isPrimary, tags, entries} of newDefinitions) { const headwordIndicesNew = []; for (const headwordIndex of headwordIndices) { headwordIndicesNew.push(headwordIndexMap[headwordIndex]); } definitions.push(this._createTermDefinition(definitions.length, headwordIndicesNew, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, id, score, sequences, isPrimary, tags, entries)); } } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]} definitions * @param {Map} definitionsMap * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]} newDefinitions * @param {number[]} headwordIndexMap * @param {TranslatorTagAggregator} tagAggregator */ _addTermDefinitions(definitions, definitionsMap, newDefinitions, headwordIndexMap, tagAggregator) { for (const {headwordIndices, dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, sequences, id, score, isPrimary, tags, entries} of newDefinitions) { const key = this._createMapKey([dictionary, ...entries]); let definition = definitionsMap.get(key); if (typeof definition === 'undefined') { definition = this._createTermDefinition(definitions.length, [], dictionary, dictionaryIndex, dictionaryPriority, id, score, [...sequences], isPrimary, [], [...entries]); definitions.push(definition); definitionsMap.set(key, definition); } else { if (isPrimary) { definition.isPrimary = true; } this._addUniqueSimple(definition.sequences, sequences); } const newHeadwordIndices = definition.headwordIndices; for (const headwordIndex of headwordIndices) { this._addUniqueTermHeadwordIndex(newHeadwordIndices, headwordIndexMap[headwordIndex]); } tagAggregator.mergeTags(definition.tags, tags); } } // Sorting functions /** * @param {import('dictionary-database').TermEntry[]|import('dictionary-database').KanjiEntry[]} databaseEntries */ _sortDatabaseEntriesByIndex(databaseEntries) { if (databaseEntries.length <= 1) { return; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-database').TermEntry|import('dictionary-database').KanjiEntry} v1 * @param {import('dictionary-database').TermEntry|import('dictionary-database').KanjiEntry} v2 * @returns {number} */ const compareFunction = (v1, v2) => v1.index - v2.index; databaseEntries.sort(compareFunction); } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries */ _sortTermDictionaryEntries(dictionaryEntries) { const stringComparer = this._stringComparer; /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry} v1 * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry} v2 * @returns {number} */ const compareFunction = (v1, v2) => { // Sort by length of source term let i = v2.maxOriginalTextLength - v1.maxOriginalTextLength; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by the number of inflection reasons i = this._getShortestInflectionChainLength(v1.inflectionRuleChainCandidates) - this._getShortestInflectionChainLength(v2.inflectionRuleChainCandidates); if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by how many terms exactly match the source (e.g. for exact kana prioritization) i = v2.sourceTermExactMatchCount - v1.sourceTermExactMatchCount; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by frequency order i = v1.frequencyOrder - v2.frequencyOrder; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by dictionary priority i = v2.dictionaryPriority - v1.dictionaryPriority; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by dictionary order i = v1.dictionaryIndex - v2.dictionaryIndex; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by term score i = v2.score - v1.score; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by headword term text const headwords1 = v1.headwords; const headwords2 = v2.headwords; for (let j = 0, jj = Math.min(headwords1.length, headwords2.length); j < jj; ++j) { const term1 = headwords1[j].term; const term2 = headwords2[j].term; i = term2.length - term1.length; if (i !== 0) { return i; } i = stringComparer.compare(term1, term2); if (i !== 0) { return i; } } // Sort by definition count i = v2.definitions.length - v1.definitions.length; return i; }; dictionaryEntries.sort(compareFunction); } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition[]} definitions */ _sortTermDictionaryEntryDefinitions(definitions) { /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition} v1 * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition} v2 * @returns {number} */ const compareFunction = (v1, v2) => { // Sort by frequency order let i = v1.frequencyOrder - v2.frequencyOrder; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by dictionary priority i = v2.dictionaryPriority - v1.dictionaryPriority; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by dictionary order i = v1.dictionaryIndex - v2.dictionaryIndex; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by term score i = v2.score - v1.score; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by definition headword index const headwordIndices1 = v1.headwordIndices; const headwordIndices2 = v2.headwordIndices; const jj = headwordIndices1.length; i = headwordIndices2.length - jj; if (i !== 0) { return i; } for (let j = 0; j < jj; ++j) { i = headwordIndices1[j] - headwordIndices2[j]; if (i !== 0) { return i; } } // Sort by original order i = v1.index - v2.index; return i; }; definitions.sort(compareFunction); } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries */ _sortTermDictionaryEntriesById(dictionaryEntries) { if (dictionaryEntries.length <= 1) { return; } dictionaryEntries.sort((a, b) => a.definitions[0].id - b.definitions[0].id); } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermFrequency[]|import('dictionary').TermPronunciation[]} dataList */ _sortTermDictionaryEntrySimpleData(dataList) { /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermFrequency|import('dictionary').TermPronunciation} v1 * @param {import('dictionary').TermFrequency|import('dictionary').TermPronunciation} v2 * @returns {number} */ const compare = (v1, v2) => { // Sort by dictionary priority let i = v2.dictionaryPriority - v1.dictionaryPriority; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sory by headword order i = v1.headwordIndex - v2.headwordIndex; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by dictionary order i = v1.dictionaryIndex - v2.dictionaryIndex; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Default order i = v1.index - v2.index; return i; }; dataList.sort(compare); } /** * @param {import('dictionary').KanjiDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries */ _sortKanjiDictionaryEntryData(dictionaryEntries) { /** * @param {import('dictionary').KanjiFrequency} v1 * @param {import('dictionary').KanjiFrequency} v2 * @returns {number} */ const compare = (v1, v2) => { // Sort by dictionary priority let i = v2.dictionaryPriority - v1.dictionaryPriority; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by dictionary order i = v1.dictionaryIndex - v2.dictionaryIndex; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Default order i = v1.index - v2.index; return i; }; for (const {frequencies} of dictionaryEntries) { frequencies.sort(compare); } } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries * @param {string} dictionary * @param {boolean} ascending */ _updateSortFrequencies(dictionaryEntries, dictionary, ascending) { /** @type {Map} */ const frequencyMap = new Map(); for (const dictionaryEntry of dictionaryEntries) { const {definitions, frequencies} = dictionaryEntry; let frequencyMin = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; let frequencyMax = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; for (const item of frequencies) { if (item.dictionary !== dictionary) { continue; } const {headwordIndex, frequency} = item; if (typeof frequency !== 'number') { continue; } frequencyMap.set(headwordIndex, frequency); frequencyMin = Math.min(frequencyMin, frequency); frequencyMax = Math.max(frequencyMax, frequency); } dictionaryEntry.frequencyOrder = ( frequencyMin <= frequencyMax ? (ascending ? frequencyMin : -frequencyMax) : (ascending ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : 0) ); for (const definition of definitions) { frequencyMin = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; frequencyMax = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; const {headwordIndices} = definition; for (const headwordIndex of headwordIndices) { const frequency = frequencyMap.get(headwordIndex); if (typeof frequency !== 'number') { continue; } frequencyMin = Math.min(frequencyMin, frequency); frequencyMax = Math.max(frequencyMax, frequency); } definition.frequencyOrder = ( frequencyMin <= frequencyMax ? (ascending ? frequencyMin : -frequencyMax) : (ascending ? Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER : 0) ); } frequencyMap.clear(); } } /** * @param {import('translation-internal').InflectionRuleChainCandidate[]} inflectionRuleChainCandidates * @returns {number} */ _getShortestInflectionChainLength(inflectionRuleChainCandidates) { if (inflectionRuleChainCandidates.length === 0) { return 0; } let length = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; for (const {inflectionRules} of inflectionRuleChainCandidates) { length = Math.min(length, inflectionRules.length); } return length; } /** * @param {string} language * @param {import('translation-internal').TermDictionaryEntry[]} dictionaryEntries * @returns {import('dictionary').TermDictionaryEntry[]} */ _addUserFacingInflections(language, dictionaryEntries) { const result = []; for (const dictionaryEntry of dictionaryEntries) { const {inflectionRuleChainCandidates} = dictionaryEntry; const expandedChains = inflectionRuleChainCandidates.map(({source, inflectionRules}) => ({ source, inflectionRules: this._multiLanguageTransformer.getUserFacingInflectionRules(language, inflectionRules), })); result.push({...dictionaryEntry, inflectionRuleChainCandidates: expandedChains}); } return result; } // Miscellaneous /** * @template [T=unknown] * @param {Set} set * @param {T[]} values * @returns {boolean} */ _hasAny(set, values) { for (const value of values) { if (set.has(value)) { return true; } } return false; } } class TranslatorTagAggregator { constructor() { /** @type {Map} */ this._tagExpansionTargetMap = new Map(); } /** * @param {import('dictionary').Tag[]} tags * @param {string} dictionary * @param {string[]} tagNames */ addTags(tags, dictionary, tagNames) { if (tagNames.length === 0) { return; } const tagGroups = this._getOrCreateTagGroups(tags); const tagGroup = this._getOrCreateTagGroup(tagGroups, dictionary); this._addUniqueTags(tagGroup, tagNames); } /** * @returns {import('translator').TagExpansionTarget[]} */ getTagExpansionTargets() { const results = []; for (const [tags, tagGroups] of this._tagExpansionTargetMap) { results.push({tags, tagGroups}); } return results; } /** * @param {import('dictionary').Tag[]} tags * @param {import('dictionary').Tag[]} newTags */ mergeTags(tags, newTags) { const newTagGroups = this._tagExpansionTargetMap.get(newTags); if (typeof newTagGroups === 'undefined') { return; } const tagGroups = this._getOrCreateTagGroups(tags); for (const {dictionary, tagNames} of newTagGroups) { const tagGroup = this._getOrCreateTagGroup(tagGroups, dictionary); this._addUniqueTags(tagGroup, tagNames); } } /** * @param {import('dictionary').Tag[]} tags * @returns {import('translator').TagGroup[]} */ _getOrCreateTagGroups(tags) { let tagGroups = this._tagExpansionTargetMap.get(tags); if (typeof tagGroups === 'undefined') { tagGroups = []; this._tagExpansionTargetMap.set(tags, tagGroups); } return tagGroups; } /** * @param {import('translator').TagGroup[]} tagGroups * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('translator').TagGroup} */ _getOrCreateTagGroup(tagGroups, dictionary) { for (const tagGroup of tagGroups) { if (tagGroup.dictionary === dictionary) { return tagGroup; } } const newTagGroup = {dictionary, tagNames: []}; tagGroups.push(newTagGroup); return newTagGroup; } /** * @param {import('translator').TagGroup} tagGroup * @param {string[]} newTagNames */ _addUniqueTags(tagGroup, newTagNames) { const {tagNames} = tagGroup; for (const tagName of newTagNames) { if (tagNames.includes(tagName)) { continue; } tagNames.push(tagName); } } }