/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2021 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* global * Deinflector * RegexUtil * TextSourceMap */ /** * Class which finds term and kanji definitions for text. */ class Translator { /** * Creates a new Translator instance. * @param database An instance of DictionaryDatabase. */ constructor({japaneseUtil, database}) { this._japaneseUtil = japaneseUtil; this._database = database; this._deinflector = null; this._tagCache = new Map(); this._stringComparer = new Intl.Collator('en-US'); // Invariant locale } /** * Initializes the instance for use. The public API should not be used until * this function has been called. * @param deinflectionReasons The raw deinflections reasons data that the Deinflector uses. */ prepare(deinflectionReasons) { this._deinflector = new Deinflector(deinflectionReasons); } /** * Clears the database tag cache. This should be executed if the database is changed. */ clearDatabaseCaches() { this._tagCache.clear(); } /** * Finds term definitions for the given text. * @param mode The mode to use for finding terms, which determines the format of the resulting array. * One of: 'group', 'merge', 'split', 'simple' * @param text The text to find terms for. * @param options An object using the following structure: * { * wildcard: (enum: null, 'prefix', 'suffix'), * mainDictionary: (string), * alphanumeric: (boolean), * convertHalfWidthCharacters: (enum: 'false', 'true', 'variant'), * convertNumericCharacters: (enum: 'false', 'true', 'variant'), * convertAlphabeticCharacters: (enum: 'false', 'true', 'variant'), * convertHiraganaToKatakana: (enum: 'false', 'true', 'variant'), * convertKatakanaToHiragana: (enum: 'false', 'true', 'variant'), * collapseEmphaticSequences: (enum: 'false', 'true', 'full'), * textReplacements: [ * (null or [ * {pattern: (RegExp), replacement: (string)} * ... * ]) * ... * ], * enabledDictionaryMap: (Map of [ * (string), * { * index: (number), * priority: (number), * allowSecondarySearches: (boolean) * } * ]) * } * @returns An array of [definitions, textLength]. The structure of each definition depends on the * mode parameter, see the _create?TermDefinition?() functions for structure details. */ async findTerms(mode, text, options) { switch (mode) { case 'group': return await this._findTermsGrouped(text, options); case 'merge': return await this._findTermsMerged(text, options); case 'split': return await this._findTermsSplit(text, options); case 'simple': return await this._findTermsSimple(text, options); default: return [[], 0]; } } /** * Finds kanji definitions for the given text. * @param text The text to find kanji definitions for. This string can be of any length, * but is typically just one character, which is a single kanji. If the string is multiple * characters long, each character will be searched in the database. * @param options An object using the following structure: * { * enabledDictionaryMap: (Map of [ * (string), * { * index: (number), * priority: (number) * } * ]) * } * @returns An array of definitions. See the _createKanjiDefinition() function for structure details. */ async findKanji(text, options) { const {enabledDictionaryMap} = options; const kanjiUnique = new Set(); for (const c of text) { kanjiUnique.add(c); } const databaseDefinitions = await this._database.findKanjiBulk([...kanjiUnique], enabledDictionaryMap); if (databaseDefinitions.length === 0) { return []; } this._sortDatabaseDefinitionsByIndex(databaseDefinitions); const definitions = []; for (const {character, onyomi, kunyomi, tags, glossary, stats, dictionary} of databaseDefinitions) { const expandedStats = await this._expandStats(stats, dictionary); const expandedTags = await this._expandTags(tags, dictionary); this._sortTags(expandedTags); const definition = this._createKanjiDefinition(character, dictionary, onyomi, kunyomi, glossary, expandedTags, expandedStats); definitions.push(definition); } await this._buildKanjiMeta(definitions, enabledDictionaryMap); return definitions; } // Find terms core functions async _findTermsSimple(text, options) { const {enabledDictionaryMap} = options; const [definitions, length] = await this._findTermsInternal(text, enabledDictionaryMap, options); this._sortDefinitions(definitions); return [definitions, length]; } async _findTermsSplit(text, options) { const {enabledDictionaryMap} = options; const [definitions, length] = await this._findTermsInternal(text, enabledDictionaryMap, options); await this._buildTermMeta(definitions, enabledDictionaryMap); this._sortDefinitions(definitions); return [definitions, length]; } async _findTermsGrouped(text, options) { const {enabledDictionaryMap} = options; const [definitions, length] = await this._findTermsInternal(text, enabledDictionaryMap, options); const groupedDefinitions = this._groupTerms(definitions, enabledDictionaryMap); await this._buildTermMeta(groupedDefinitions, enabledDictionaryMap); this._sortDefinitions(groupedDefinitions); for (const definition of groupedDefinitions) { this._flagRedundantDefinitionTags(definition.definitions); } return [groupedDefinitions, length]; } async _findTermsMerged(text, options) { const {mainDictionary, enabledDictionaryMap} = options; const [definitions, length] = await this._findTermsInternal(text, enabledDictionaryMap, options); const {sequencedDefinitions, unsequencedDefinitions} = await this._getSequencedDefinitions(definitions, mainDictionary, enabledDictionaryMap); const definitionsMerged = []; for (const {relatedDefinitions, secondaryDefinitions} of sequencedDefinitions) { const mergedDefinition = this._getMergedDefinition(relatedDefinitions, secondaryDefinitions); definitionsMerged.push(mergedDefinition); } for (const groupedDefinition of this._groupTerms(unsequencedDefinitions, enabledDictionaryMap)) { const {reasons, score, expression, reading, source, rawSource, definitions: definitions2} = groupedDefinition; const termDetailsList = this._createTermDetailsList(definitions2); const compatibilityDefinition = this._createMergedTermDefinition( source, rawSource, this._convertTermDefinitionsToMergedGlossaryTermDefinitions(definitions2), [expression], [reading], termDetailsList, reasons, score ); definitionsMerged.push(compatibilityDefinition); } await this._buildTermMeta(definitionsMerged, enabledDictionaryMap); this._sortDefinitions(definitionsMerged); for (const definition of definitionsMerged) { this._flagRedundantDefinitionTags(definition.definitions); } return [definitionsMerged, length]; } // Find terms internal implementation async _findTermsInternal(text, enabledDictionaryMap, options) { const {alphanumeric, wildcard} = options; text = this._getSearchableText(text, alphanumeric); if (text.length === 0) { return [[], 0]; } const deinflections = ( wildcard ? await this._findTermWildcard(text, enabledDictionaryMap, wildcard) : await this._findTermDeinflections(text, enabledDictionaryMap, options) ); let maxLength = 0; const definitions = []; const definitionIds = new Set(); for (const {databaseDefinitions, source, rawSource, term, reasons} of deinflections) { if (databaseDefinitions.length === 0) { continue; } maxLength = Math.max(maxLength, rawSource.length); for (const databaseDefinition of databaseDefinitions) { const {id} = databaseDefinition; if (definitionIds.has(id)) { continue; } const definition = await this._createTermDefinitionFromDatabaseDefinition(databaseDefinition, source, rawSource, term, reasons, true, enabledDictionaryMap); definitions.push(definition); definitionIds.add(id); } } return [definitions, maxLength]; } async _findTermWildcard(text, enabledDictionaryMap, wildcard) { const databaseDefinitions = await this._database.findTermsBulk([text], enabledDictionaryMap, wildcard); return databaseDefinitions.length > 0 ? [this._createDeinflection(text, text, text, 0, [], databaseDefinitions)] : []; } async _findTermDeinflections(text, enabledDictionaryMap, options) { const deinflections = this._getAllDeinflections(text, options); if (deinflections.length === 0) { return []; } const uniqueDeinflectionTerms = []; const uniqueDeinflectionArrays = []; const uniqueDeinflectionsMap = new Map(); for (const deinflection of deinflections) { const term = deinflection.term; let deinflectionArray = uniqueDeinflectionsMap.get(term); if (typeof deinflectionArray === 'undefined') { deinflectionArray = []; uniqueDeinflectionTerms.push(term); uniqueDeinflectionArrays.push(deinflectionArray); uniqueDeinflectionsMap.set(term, deinflectionArray); } deinflectionArray.push(deinflection); } const databaseDefinitions = await this._database.findTermsBulk(uniqueDeinflectionTerms, enabledDictionaryMap, null); for (const databaseDefinition of databaseDefinitions) { const definitionRules = Deinflector.rulesToRuleFlags(databaseDefinition.rules); for (const deinflection of uniqueDeinflectionArrays[databaseDefinition.index]) { const deinflectionRules = deinflection.rules; if (deinflectionRules === 0 || (definitionRules & deinflectionRules) !== 0) { deinflection.databaseDefinitions.push(databaseDefinition); } } } return deinflections; } _getAllDeinflections(text, options) { const textOptionVariantArray = [ this._getTextReplacementsVariants(options), this._getTextOptionEntryVariants(options.convertHalfWidthCharacters), this._getTextOptionEntryVariants(options.convertNumericCharacters), this._getTextOptionEntryVariants(options.convertAlphabeticCharacters), this._getTextOptionEntryVariants(options.convertHiraganaToKatakana), this._getTextOptionEntryVariants(options.convertKatakanaToHiragana), this._getCollapseEmphaticOptions(options) ]; const jp = this._japaneseUtil; const deinflections = []; const used = new Set(); for (const [textReplacements, halfWidth, numeric, alphabetic, katakana, hiragana, [collapseEmphatic, collapseEmphaticFull]] of this._getArrayVariants(textOptionVariantArray)) { let text2 = text; const sourceMap = new TextSourceMap(text2); if (textReplacements !== null) { text2 = this._applyTextReplacements(text2, sourceMap, textReplacements); } if (halfWidth) { text2 = jp.convertHalfWidthKanaToFullWidth(text2, sourceMap); } if (numeric) { text2 = jp.convertNumericToFullWidth(text2); } if (alphabetic) { text2 = jp.convertAlphabeticToKana(text2, sourceMap); } if (katakana) { text2 = jp.convertHiraganaToKatakana(text2); } if (hiragana) { text2 = jp.convertKatakanaToHiragana(text2); } if (collapseEmphatic) { text2 = jp.collapseEmphaticSequences(text2, collapseEmphaticFull, sourceMap); } for (let i = text2.length; i > 0; --i) { const source = text2.substring(0, i); if (used.has(source)) { break; } used.add(source); const rawSource = sourceMap.source.substring(0, sourceMap.getSourceLength(i)); for (const {term, rules, reasons} of this._deinflector.deinflect(source)) { deinflections.push(this._createDeinflection(source, rawSource, term, rules, reasons, [])); } } } return deinflections; } _createDeinflection(source, rawSource, term, rules, reasons, databaseDefinitions) { return {source, rawSource, term, rules, reasons, databaseDefinitions}; } /** * @param definitions An array of 'term' definitions. * @param mainDictionary The name of the main dictionary. * @param enabledDictionaryMap The map of enabled dictionaries and their settings. */ async _getSequencedDefinitions(definitions, mainDictionary, enabledDictionaryMap) { const secondarySearchDictionaryMap = this._getSecondarySearchDictionaryMap(enabledDictionaryMap); const sequenceList = []; const sequencedDefinitionMap = new Map(); const sequencedDefinitions = []; const unsequencedDefinitions = new Map(); for (const definition of definitions) { const {sequence, dictionary, id} = definition; if (mainDictionary === dictionary && sequence >= 0) { let sequencedDefinition = sequencedDefinitionMap.get(sequence); if (typeof sequencedDefinition === 'undefined') { sequencedDefinition = { relatedDefinitions: [], definitionIds: new Set(), secondaryDefinitions: [] }; sequencedDefinitionMap.set(sequence, sequencedDefinition); sequencedDefinitions.push(sequencedDefinition); sequenceList.push(sequence); } sequencedDefinition.relatedDefinitions.push(definition); sequencedDefinition.definitionIds.add(id); } else { unsequencedDefinitions.set(id, definition); } } if (sequenceList.length > 0) { await this._addRelatedDefinitions(sequencedDefinitions, unsequencedDefinitions, sequenceList, mainDictionary, enabledDictionaryMap); await this._addSecondaryDefinitions(sequencedDefinitions, unsequencedDefinitions, enabledDictionaryMap, secondarySearchDictionaryMap); } for (const {relatedDefinitions} of sequencedDefinitions) { this._sortDefinitionsById(relatedDefinitions); } return {sequencedDefinitions, unsequencedDefinitions: [...unsequencedDefinitions.values()]}; } async _addRelatedDefinitions(sequencedDefinitions, unsequencedDefinitions, sequenceList, mainDictionary, enabledDictionaryMap) { const databaseDefinitions = await this._database.findTermsBySequenceBulk(sequenceList, mainDictionary); for (const databaseDefinition of databaseDefinitions) { const {relatedDefinitions, definitionIds} = sequencedDefinitions[databaseDefinition.index]; const {id} = databaseDefinition; if (definitionIds.has(id)) { continue; } const {source, rawSource, sourceTerm} = relatedDefinitions[0]; const definition = await this._createTermDefinitionFromDatabaseDefinition(databaseDefinition, source, rawSource, sourceTerm, [], false, enabledDictionaryMap); relatedDefinitions.push(definition); definitionIds.add(id); unsequencedDefinitions.delete(id); } } async _addSecondaryDefinitions(sequencedDefinitions, unsequencedDefinitions, enabledDictionaryMap, secondarySearchDictionaryMap) { if (unsequencedDefinitions.length === 0 && secondarySearchDictionaryMap.size === 0) { return; } // Prepare grouping info const expressionList = []; const readingList = []; const targetList = []; const targetMap = new Map(); for (const sequencedDefinition of sequencedDefinitions) { const {relatedDefinitions} = sequencedDefinition; for (const definition of relatedDefinitions) { const {expressions: [{expression, reading}]} = definition; const key = this._createMapKey([expression, reading]); let target = targetMap.get(key); if (typeof target === 'undefined') { target = { sequencedDefinitions: [], searchSecondary: false }; targetMap.set(key, target); } target.sequencedDefinitions.push(sequencedDefinition); if (!definition.isPrimary && !target.searchSecondary) { target.searchSecondary = true; expressionList.push(expression); readingList.push(reading); targetList.push(target); } } } // Group unsequenced definitions with sequenced definitions that have a matching [expression, reading]. for (const [id, definition] of unsequencedDefinitions.entries()) { const {expressions: [{expression, reading}]} = definition; const key = this._createMapKey([expression, reading]); const target = targetMap.get(key); if (typeof target === 'undefined') { continue; } for (const {definitionIds, secondaryDefinitions} of target.sequencedDefinitions) { if (definitionIds.has(id)) { continue; } secondaryDefinitions.push(definition); definitionIds.add(id); unsequencedDefinitions.delete(id); break; } } // Search database for additional secondary terms if (expressionList.length === 0 || secondarySearchDictionaryMap.size === 0) { return; } const databaseDefinitions = await this._database.findTermsExactBulk(expressionList, readingList, secondarySearchDictionaryMap); this._sortDatabaseDefinitionsByIndex(databaseDefinitions); for (const databaseDefinition of databaseDefinitions) { const {index, id} = databaseDefinition; const source = expressionList[index]; const target = targetList[index]; for (const {definitionIds, secondaryDefinitions} of target.sequencedDefinitions) { if (definitionIds.has(id)) { continue; } const definition = await this._createTermDefinitionFromDatabaseDefinition(databaseDefinition, source, source, source, [], false, enabledDictionaryMap); secondaryDefinitions.push(definition); definitionIds.add(id); unsequencedDefinitions.delete(id); } } } _getMergedDefinition(relatedDefinitions, secondaryDefinitions) { const {reasons, source, rawSource} = relatedDefinitions[0]; const allDefinitions = secondaryDefinitions.length > 0 ? [...relatedDefinitions, ...secondaryDefinitions] : relatedDefinitions; const score = this._getMaxPrimaryDefinitionScore(allDefinitions); // Merge by glossary const allExpressions = new Set(); const allReadings = new Set(); const glossaryDefinitionGroupMap = new Map(); for (const definition of allDefinitions) { const {dictionary, glossary, expressions: [{expression, reading}]} = definition; const key = this._createMapKey([dictionary, ...glossary]); let group = glossaryDefinitionGroupMap.get(key); if (typeof group === 'undefined') { group = { expressions: new Set(), readings: new Set(), definitions: [] }; glossaryDefinitionGroupMap.set(key, group); } allExpressions.add(expression); allReadings.add(reading); group.expressions.add(expression); group.readings.add(reading); group.definitions.push(definition); } const glossaryDefinitions = []; for (const {expressions, readings, definitions} of glossaryDefinitionGroupMap.values()) { const glossaryDefinition = this._createMergedGlossaryTermDefinition( source, rawSource, definitions, expressions, readings, allExpressions, allReadings ); glossaryDefinitions.push(glossaryDefinition); } this._sortDefinitions(glossaryDefinitions); const termDetailsList = this._createTermDetailsList(allDefinitions); return this._createMergedTermDefinition( source, rawSource, glossaryDefinitions, [...allExpressions], [...allReadings], termDetailsList, reasons, score ); } _getUniqueDefinitionTags(definitions) { const definitionTagsMap = new Map(); for (const {definitionTags} of definitions) { for (const tag of definitionTags) { const {name} = tag; if (definitionTagsMap.has(name)) { continue; } definitionTagsMap.set(name, this._cloneTag(tag)); } } return [...definitionTagsMap.values()]; } _flagRedundantDefinitionTags(definitions) { let lastDictionary = null; let lastPartOfSpeech = ''; const removeCategoriesSet = new Set(); for (const {dictionary, definitionTags} of definitions) { const partOfSpeech = this._createMapKey(this._getTagNamesWithCategory(definitionTags, 'partOfSpeech')); if (lastDictionary !== dictionary) { lastDictionary = dictionary; lastPartOfSpeech = ''; } if (lastPartOfSpeech === partOfSpeech) { removeCategoriesSet.add('partOfSpeech'); } else { lastPartOfSpeech = partOfSpeech; } if (removeCategoriesSet.size > 0) { this._flagTagsWithCategoryAsRedundant(definitionTags, removeCategoriesSet); removeCategoriesSet.clear(); } } } /** * Groups definitions with the same [source, expression, reading, reasons]. * @param definitions An array of 'term' definitions. * @returns An array of 'termGrouped' definitions. */ _groupTerms(definitions) { const groups = new Map(); for (const definition of definitions) { const {source, reasons, expressions: [{expression, reading}]} = definition; const key = this._createMapKey([source, expression, reading, ...reasons]); let groupDefinitions = groups.get(key); if (typeof groupDefinitions === 'undefined') { groupDefinitions = []; groups.set(key, groupDefinitions); } groupDefinitions.push(definition); } const results = []; for (const groupDefinitions of groups.values()) { this._sortDefinitions(groupDefinitions); const definition = this._createGroupedTermDefinition(groupDefinitions); results.push(definition); } return results; } _convertTermDefinitionsToMergedGlossaryTermDefinitions(definitions) { const convertedDefinitions = []; for (const definition of definitions) { const {source, rawSource, expression, reading} = definition; const expressions = new Set([expression]); const readings = new Set([reading]); const convertedDefinition = this._createMergedGlossaryTermDefinition(source, rawSource, [definition], expressions, readings, expressions, readings); convertedDefinitions.push(convertedDefinition); } return convertedDefinitions; } // Metadata building async _buildTermMeta(definitions, enabledDictionaryMap) { const allDefinitions = this._getAllDefinitions(definitions); const expressionMap = new Map(); const expressionValues = []; const expressionKeys = []; for (const {expressions, frequencies: frequencies1, pitches: pitches1} of allDefinitions) { for (let i = 0, ii = expressions.length; i < ii; ++i) { const {expression, reading, frequencies: frequencies2, pitches: pitches2} = expressions[i]; let readingMap = expressionMap.get(expression); if (typeof readingMap === 'undefined') { readingMap = new Map(); expressionMap.set(expression, readingMap); expressionValues.push(readingMap); expressionKeys.push(expression); } let targets = readingMap.get(reading); if (typeof targets === 'undefined') { targets = []; readingMap.set(reading, targets); } targets.push( {frequencies: frequencies1, pitches: pitches1, index: i}, {frequencies: frequencies2, pitches: pitches2, index: i} ); } } const metas = await this._database.findTermMetaBulk(expressionKeys, enabledDictionaryMap); for (const {expression, mode, data, dictionary, index} of metas) { const dictionaryOrder = this._getDictionaryOrder(dictionary, enabledDictionaryMap); const map2 = expressionValues[index]; for (const [reading, targets] of map2.entries()) { switch (mode) { case 'freq': { let frequency = data; const hasReading = (data !== null && typeof data === 'object'); if (hasReading) { if (data.reading !== reading) { continue; } frequency = data.frequency; } for (const {frequencies, index: expressionIndex} of targets) { frequencies.push({index: frequencies.length, expressionIndex, dictionary, dictionaryOrder, expression, reading, hasReading, frequency}); } } break; case 'pitch': { if (data.reading !== reading) { continue; } const pitches2 = []; for (let {position, tags} of data.pitches) { tags = Array.isArray(tags) ? await this._expandTags(tags, dictionary) : []; pitches2.push({position, tags}); } for (const {pitches, index: expressionIndex} of targets) { pitches.push({index: pitches.length, expressionIndex, dictionary, dictionaryOrder, expression, reading, pitches: pitches2}); } } break; } } } for (const definition of allDefinitions) { this._sortTermDefinitionMeta(definition); } } async _buildKanjiMeta(definitions, enabledDictionaryMap) { const kanjiList = []; for (const {character} of definitions) { kanjiList.push(character); } const metas = await this._database.findKanjiMetaBulk(kanjiList, enabledDictionaryMap); for (const {character, mode, data, dictionary, index} of metas) { const dictionaryOrder = this._getDictionaryOrder(dictionary, enabledDictionaryMap); switch (mode) { case 'freq': { const {frequencies} = definitions[index]; frequencies.push({index: frequencies.length, dictionary, dictionaryOrder, character, frequency: data}); } break; } } for (const definition of definitions) { this._sortKanjiDefinitionMeta(definition); } } async _expandTags(names, dictionary) { const tagMetaList = await this._getTagMetaList(names, dictionary); const results = []; for (let i = 0, ii = tagMetaList.length; i < ii; ++i) { const meta = tagMetaList[i]; const name = names[i]; const {category, notes, order, score} = (meta !== null ? meta : {}); const tag = this._createTag(name, category, notes, order, score, dictionary, false); results.push(tag); } return results; } async _expandStats(items, dictionary) { const names = Object.keys(items); const tagMetaList = await this._getTagMetaList(names, dictionary); const statsGroups = new Map(); for (let i = 0; i < names.length; ++i) { const name = names[i]; const meta = tagMetaList[i]; if (meta === null) { continue; } const {category, notes, order, score} = meta; let group = statsGroups.get(category); if (typeof group === 'undefined') { group = []; statsGroups.set(category, group); } const value = items[name]; const stat = this._createKanjiStat(name, category, notes, order, score, dictionary, value); group.push(stat); } const stats = {}; for (const [category, group] of statsGroups.entries()) { this._sortKanjiStats(group); stats[category] = group; } return stats; } async _getTagMetaList(names, dictionary) { const tagMetaList = []; let cache = this._tagCache.get(dictionary); if (typeof cache === 'undefined') { cache = new Map(); this._tagCache.set(dictionary, cache); } for (const name of names) { const base = this._getNameBase(name); let tagMeta = cache.get(base); if (typeof tagMeta === 'undefined') { tagMeta = await this._database.findTagForTitle(base, dictionary); cache.set(base, tagMeta); } tagMetaList.push(tagMeta); } return tagMetaList; } // Simple helpers _getNameBase(name) { const pos = name.indexOf(':'); return (pos >= 0 ? name.substring(0, pos) : name); } _getSearchableText(text, allowAlphanumericCharacters) { if (allowAlphanumericCharacters) { return text; } const jp = this._japaneseUtil; let newText = ''; for (const c of text) { if (!jp.isCodePointJapanese(c.codePointAt(0))) { break; } newText += c; } return newText; } _getTextOptionEntryVariants(value) { switch (value) { case 'true': return [true]; case 'variant': return [false, true]; default: return [false]; } } _getCollapseEmphaticOptions(options) { const collapseEmphaticOptions = [[false, false]]; switch (options.collapseEmphaticSequences) { case 'true': collapseEmphaticOptions.push([true, false]); break; case 'full': collapseEmphaticOptions.push([true, false], [true, true]); break; } return collapseEmphaticOptions; } _getTextReplacementsVariants(options) { return options.textReplacements; } _getSecondarySearchDictionaryMap(enabledDictionaryMap) { const secondarySearchDictionaryMap = new Map(); for (const [dictionary, details] of enabledDictionaryMap.entries()) { if (!details.allowSecondarySearches) { continue; } secondarySearchDictionaryMap.set(dictionary, details); } return secondarySearchDictionaryMap; } _getDictionaryOrder(dictionary, enabledDictionaryMap) { const info = enabledDictionaryMap.get(dictionary); const {index, priority} = typeof info !== 'undefined' ? info : {index: enabledDictionaryMap.size, priority: 0}; return {index, priority}; } _getTagNamesWithCategory(tags, category) { const results = []; for (const tag of tags) { if (tag.category !== category) { continue; } results.push(tag.name); } results.sort(); return results; } _flagTagsWithCategoryAsRedundant(tags, removeCategoriesSet) { for (const tag of tags) { if (removeCategoriesSet.has(tag.category)) { tag.redundant = true; } } } _getUniqueDictionaryNames(definitions) { const uniqueDictionaryNames = new Set(); for (const {dictionaryNames} of definitions) { for (const dictionaryName of dictionaryNames) { uniqueDictionaryNames.add(dictionaryName); } } return [...uniqueDictionaryNames]; } _getUniqueTermTags(definitions) { const newTermTags = []; if (definitions.length <= 1) { for (const {termTags} of definitions) { for (const tag of termTags) { newTermTags.push(this._cloneTag(tag)); } } } else { const tagsSet = new Set(); let checkTagsMap = false; for (const {termTags} of definitions) { for (const tag of termTags) { const key = this._getTagMapKey(tag); if (checkTagsMap && tagsSet.has(key)) { continue; } tagsSet.add(key); newTermTags.push(this._cloneTag(tag)); } checkTagsMap = true; } } return newTermTags; } *_getArrayVariants(arrayVariants) { const ii = arrayVariants.length; let total = 1; for (let i = 0; i < ii; ++i) { total *= arrayVariants[i].length; } for (let a = 0; a < total; ++a) { const variant = []; let index = a; for (let i = 0; i < ii; ++i) { const entryVariants = arrayVariants[i]; variant.push(entryVariants[index % entryVariants.length]); index = Math.floor(index / entryVariants.length); } yield variant; } } _areSetsEqual(set1, set2) { if (set1.size !== set2.size) { return false; } for (const value of set1) { if (!set2.has(value)) { return false; } } return true; } _getSetIntersection(set1, set2) { const result = []; for (const value of set1) { if (set2.has(value)) { result.push(value); } } return result; } _getAllDefinitions(definitions) { definitions = [...definitions]; for (let i = 0; i < definitions.length; ++i) { const childDefinitions = definitions[i].definitions; if (Array.isArray(childDefinitions)) { definitions.push(...childDefinitions); } } return definitions; } // Reduction functions _getSourceTermMatchCountSum(definitions) { let result = 0; for (const {sourceTermExactMatchCount} of definitions) { result += sourceTermExactMatchCount; } return result; } _getMaxDefinitionScore(definitions) { let result = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; for (const {score} of definitions) { if (score > result) { result = score; } } return result; } _getMaxPrimaryDefinitionScore(definitions) { let result = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; for (const {isPrimary, score} of definitions) { if (isPrimary && score > result) { result = score; } } return result; } _getBestDictionaryOrder(definitions) { let index = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; let priority = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER; for (const {dictionaryOrder: {index: index2, priority: priority2}} of definitions) { if (index2 < index) { index = index2; } if (priority2 > priority) { priority = priority2; } } return {index, priority}; } // Common data creation and cloning functions _cloneTag(tag) { const {name, category, notes, order, score, dictionary, redundant} = tag; return this._createTag(name, category, notes, order, score, dictionary, redundant); } _getTagMapKey(tag) { const {name, category, notes} = tag; return this._createMapKey([name, category, notes]); } _createMapKey(array) { return JSON.stringify(array); } _createTag(name, category, notes, order, score, dictionary, redundant) { return { name, category: (typeof category === 'string' && category.length > 0 ? category : 'default'), notes: (typeof notes === 'string' ? notes : ''), order: (typeof order === 'number' ? order : 0), score: (typeof score === 'number' ? score : 0), dictionary: (typeof dictionary === 'string' ? dictionary : null), redundant }; } _createKanjiStat(name, category, notes, order, score, dictionary, value) { return { name, category: (typeof category === 'string' && category.length > 0 ? category : 'default'), notes: (typeof notes === 'string' ? notes : ''), order: (typeof order === 'number' ? order : 0), score: (typeof score === 'number' ? score : 0), dictionary: (typeof dictionary === 'string' ? dictionary : null), value }; } _createKanjiDefinition(character, dictionary, onyomi, kunyomi, glossary, tags, stats) { return { type: 'kanji', character, dictionary, onyomi, kunyomi, glossary, tags, stats, frequencies: [] }; } async _createTermDefinitionFromDatabaseDefinition(databaseDefinition, source, rawSource, sourceTerm, reasons, isPrimary, enabledDictionaryMap) { const {expression, reading: rawReading, definitionTags, termTags, glossary, score, dictionary, id, sequence} = databaseDefinition; const reading = (rawReading.length > 0 ? rawReading : expression); const dictionaryOrder = this._getDictionaryOrder(dictionary, enabledDictionaryMap); const termTagsExpanded = await this._expandTags(termTags, dictionary); const definitionTagsExpanded = await this._expandTags(definitionTags, dictionary); this._sortTags(definitionTagsExpanded); this._sortTags(termTagsExpanded); const termDetailsList = [this._createTermDetails(sourceTerm, expression, reading, termTagsExpanded)]; const sourceTermExactMatchCount = (sourceTerm === expression ? 1 : 0); return { type: 'term', id, source, rawSource, sourceTerm, reasons, score, isPrimary, sequence, dictionary, dictionaryOrder, dictionaryNames: [dictionary], expression, reading, expressions: termDetailsList, glossary, definitionTags: definitionTagsExpanded, termTags: termTagsExpanded, // definitions frequencies: [], pitches: [], // only sourceTermExactMatchCount }; } /** * Creates a grouped definition from an array of 'term' definitions. * @param definitions An array of 'term' definitions. * @returns A single 'termGrouped' definition. */ _createGroupedTermDefinition(definitions) { const {reasons, source, rawSource, sourceTerm, expressions: [{expression, reading}]} = definitions[0]; const score = this._getMaxDefinitionScore(definitions); const dictionaryOrder = this._getBestDictionaryOrder(definitions); const dictionaryNames = this._getUniqueDictionaryNames(definitions); const termTags = this._getUniqueTermTags(definitions); const termDetailsList = [this._createTermDetails(sourceTerm, expression, reading, termTags)]; const sourceTermExactMatchCount = (sourceTerm === expression ? 1 : 0); return { type: 'termGrouped', // id source, rawSource, sourceTerm, reasons: [...reasons], score, // isPrimary // sequence dictionary: dictionaryNames[0], dictionaryOrder, dictionaryNames, expression, reading, expressions: termDetailsList, // glossary // definitionTags termTags, definitions, // type: 'term' frequencies: [], pitches: [], // only sourceTermExactMatchCount }; } _createMergedTermDefinition(source, rawSource, definitions, expressions, readings, termDetailsList, reasons, score) { const dictionaryOrder = this._getBestDictionaryOrder(definitions); const sourceTermExactMatchCount = this._getSourceTermMatchCountSum(definitions); const dictionaryNames = this._getUniqueDictionaryNames(definitions); return { type: 'termMerged', // id source, rawSource, // sourceTerm reasons, score, // isPrimary // sequence dictionary: dictionaryNames[0], dictionaryOrder, dictionaryNames, expression: expressions, reading: readings, expressions: termDetailsList, // glossary // definitionTags // termTags definitions, // type: 'termMergedByGlossary' frequencies: [], pitches: [], // only sourceTermExactMatchCount }; } _createMergedGlossaryTermDefinition(source, rawSource, definitions, expressions, readings, allExpressions, allReadings) { const only = []; if (!this._areSetsEqual(expressions, allExpressions)) { only.push(...this._getSetIntersection(expressions, allExpressions)); } if (!this._areSetsEqual(readings, allReadings)) { only.push(...this._getSetIntersection(readings, allReadings)); } const sourceTermExactMatchCount = this._getSourceTermMatchCountSum(definitions); const dictionaryNames = this._getUniqueDictionaryNames(definitions); const termDetailsList = this._createTermDetailsList(definitions); const definitionTags = this._getUniqueDefinitionTags(definitions); this._sortTags(definitionTags); const {glossary} = definitions[0]; const score = this._getMaxDefinitionScore(definitions); const dictionaryOrder = this._getBestDictionaryOrder(definitions); return { type: 'termMergedByGlossary', // id source, rawSource, // sourceTerm reasons: [], score, // isPrimary // sequence dictionary: dictionaryNames[0], dictionaryOrder, dictionaryNames, expression: [...expressions], reading: [...readings], expressions: termDetailsList, glossary: [...glossary], definitionTags, // termTags definitions, // type: 'term'; contains duplicate data frequencies: [], pitches: [], only, sourceTermExactMatchCount }; } /** * Creates a list of term details from an array of 'term' definitions. * @param definitions An array of 'term' definitions. * @returns An array of term details. */ _createTermDetailsList(definitions) { const termInfoMap = new Map(); for (const {expression, reading, sourceTerm, termTags} of definitions) { let readingMap = termInfoMap.get(expression); if (typeof readingMap === 'undefined') { readingMap = new Map(); termInfoMap.set(expression, readingMap); } let termInfo = readingMap.get(reading); if (typeof termInfo === 'undefined') { termInfo = { sourceTerm, termTagsMap: new Map() }; readingMap.set(reading, termInfo); } const {termTagsMap} = termInfo; for (const tag of termTags) { const {name} = tag; if (termTagsMap.has(name)) { continue; } termTagsMap.set(name, this._cloneTag(tag)); } } const termDetailsList = []; for (const [expression, readingMap] of termInfoMap.entries()) { for (const [reading, {termTagsMap, sourceTerm}] of readingMap.entries()) { const termTags = [...termTagsMap.values()]; this._sortTags(termTags); termDetailsList.push(this._createTermDetails(sourceTerm, expression, reading, termTags)); } } return termDetailsList; } _createTermDetails(sourceTerm, expression, reading, termTags) { return { sourceTerm, expression, reading, termTags, frequencies: [], pitches: [] }; } // Sorting functions _sortTags(tags) { if (tags.length <= 1) { return; } const stringComparer = this._stringComparer; tags.sort((v1, v2) => { const i = v1.order - v2.order; if (i !== 0) { return i; } return stringComparer.compare(v1.name, v2.name); }); } _sortDefinitions(definitions) { if (definitions.length <= 1) { return; } const stringComparer = this._stringComparer; const compareFunction = (v1, v2) => { // Sort by length of source term let i = v2.source.length - v1.source.length; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by the number of inflection reasons i = v1.reasons.length - v2.reasons.length; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by how many terms exactly match the source (e.g. for exact kana prioritization) i = v2.sourceTermExactMatchCount - v1.sourceTermExactMatchCount; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by dictionary priority i = v2.dictionaryOrder.priority - v1.dictionaryOrder.priority; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by term score i = v2.score - v1.score; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by expression string comparison (skip if either expression is not a string, e.g. array) const expression1 = v1.expression; const expression2 = v2.expression; if (typeof expression1 === 'string' && typeof expression2 === 'string') { i = expression2.length - expression1.length; if (i !== 0) { return i; } i = stringComparer.compare(expression1, expression2); if (i !== 0) { return i; } } // Sort by dictionary order i = v1.dictionaryOrder.index - v2.dictionaryOrder.index; return i; }; definitions.sort(compareFunction); } _sortDatabaseDefinitionsByIndex(definitions) { if (definitions.length <= 1) { return; } definitions.sort((a, b) => a.index - b.index); } _sortDefinitionsById(definitions) { if (definitions.length <= 1) { return; } definitions.sort((a, b) => a.id - b.id); } _sortKanjiStats(stats) { if (stats.length <= 1) { return; } const stringComparer = this._stringComparer; stats.sort((v1, v2) => { const i = v1.order - v2.order; if (i !== 0) { return i; } return stringComparer.compare(v1.notes, v2.notes); }); } _sortTermDefinitionMeta(definition) { const compareFunction = (v1, v2) => { // Sort by dictionary priority let i = v2.dictionaryOrder.priority - v1.dictionaryOrder.priority; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sory by expression order i = v1.expressionIndex - v2.expressionIndex; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by dictionary order i = v1.dictionaryOrder.index - v2.dictionaryOrder.index; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Default order i = v1.index - v2.index; return i; }; const {expressions, frequencies: frequencies1, pitches: pitches1} = definition; frequencies1.sort(compareFunction); pitches1.sort(compareFunction); for (const {frequencies: frequencies2, pitches: pitches2} of expressions) { frequencies2.sort(compareFunction); pitches2.sort(compareFunction); } } _sortKanjiDefinitionMeta(definition) { const compareFunction = (v1, v2) => { // Sort by dictionary priority let i = v2.dictionaryOrder.priority - v1.dictionaryOrder.priority; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Sort by dictionary order i = v1.dictionaryOrder.index - v2.dictionaryOrder.index; if (i !== 0) { return i; } // Default order i = v1.index - v2.index; return i; }; const {frequencies} = definition; frequencies.sort(compareFunction); } // Regex functions _applyTextReplacements(text, sourceMap, replacements) { for (const {pattern, replacement} of replacements) { text = RegexUtil.applyTextReplacement(text, sourceMap, pattern, replacement); } return text; } }