/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /* global * DocumentUtil */ class TextScanner extends EventDispatcher { constructor({ node, getSearchContext, ignoreElements=null, ignorePoint=null, searchTerms=false, searchKanji=false, searchOnClick=false, searchOnClickOnly=false }) { super(); this._node = node; this._getSearchContext = getSearchContext; this._ignoreElements = ignoreElements; this._ignorePoint = ignorePoint; this._searchTerms = searchTerms; this._searchKanji = searchKanji; this._searchOnClick = searchOnClick; this._searchOnClickOnly = searchOnClickOnly; this._isPrepared = false; this._includeSelector = null; this._excludeSelector = null; this._inputInfoCurrent = null; this._scanTimerPromise = null; this._textSourceCurrent = null; this._textSourceCurrentSelected = false; this._pendingLookup = false; this._selectionRestoreInfo = null; this._deepContentScan = false; this._normalizeCssZoom = true; this._selectText = false; this._delay = 0; this._touchInputEnabled = false; this._pointerEventsEnabled = false; this._scanLength = 1; this._layoutAwareScan = false; this._preventMiddleMouse = false; this._matchTypePrefix = false; this._sentenceScanExtent = 0; this._sentenceTerminateAtNewlines = true; this._sentenceTerminatorMap = new Map(); this._sentenceForwardQuoteMap = new Map(); this._sentenceBackwardQuoteMap = new Map(); this._inputs = []; this._enabled = false; this._enabledValue = false; this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); this._preventNextClickScan = false; this._preventNextClickScanTimer = null; this._preventNextClickScanTimerDuration = 50; this._preventNextClickScanTimerCallback = this._onPreventNextClickScanTimeout.bind(this); this._primaryTouchIdentifier = null; this._preventNextContextMenu = false; this._preventNextMouseDown = false; this._preventNextClick = false; this._preventScroll = false; this._penPointerState = 0; // 0 = not active; 1 = hovering; 2 = touching; 3 = hovering after touching this._pointerIdTypeMap = new Map(); this._canClearSelection = true; this._textSelectionTimer = null; this._yomichanIsChangingTextSelectionNow = false; this._userHasNotSelectedAnythingManually = true; } get canClearSelection() { return this._canClearSelection; } set canClearSelection(value) { this._canClearSelection = value; } get includeSelector() { return this._includeSelector; } set includeSelector(value) { this._includeSelector = value; } get excludeSelector() { return this._excludeSelector; } set excludeSelector(value) { this._excludeSelector = value; } prepare() { this._isPrepared = true; this.setEnabled(this._enabled); } isEnabled() { return this._enabled; } setEnabled(enabled) { this._enabled = enabled; const value = enabled && this._isPrepared; if (this._enabledValue === value) { return; } this._eventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); this._primaryTouchIdentifier = null; this._preventNextContextMenu = false; this._preventNextMouseDown = false; this._preventNextClick = false; this._preventScroll = false; this._penPointerState = 0; this._pointerIdTypeMap.clear(); this._enabledValue = value; if (value) { this._hookEvents(); this._userHasNotSelectedAnythingManually = window.getSelection().isCollapsed; } } setOptions({ inputs, deepContentScan, normalizeCssZoom, selectText, delay, touchInputEnabled, pointerEventsEnabled, scanLength, layoutAwareScan, preventMiddleMouse, sentenceParsingOptions, matchTypePrefix }) { if (Array.isArray(inputs)) { this._inputs = inputs.map((input) => this._convertInput(input)); } if (typeof deepContentScan === 'boolean') { this._deepContentScan = deepContentScan; } if (typeof normalizeCssZoom === 'boolean') { this._normalizeCssZoom = normalizeCssZoom; } if (typeof selectText === 'boolean') { this._selectText = selectText; } if (typeof delay === 'number') { this._delay = delay; } if (typeof touchInputEnabled === 'boolean') { this._touchInputEnabled = touchInputEnabled; } if (typeof pointerEventsEnabled === 'boolean') { this._pointerEventsEnabled = pointerEventsEnabled; } if (typeof scanLength === 'number') { this._scanLength = scanLength; } if (typeof layoutAwareScan === 'boolean') { this._layoutAwareScan = layoutAwareScan; } if (typeof preventMiddleMouse === 'boolean') { this._preventMiddleMouse = preventMiddleMouse; } if (typeof matchTypePrefix === 'boolean') { this._matchTypePrefix = matchTypePrefix; } if (typeof sentenceParsingOptions === 'object' && sentenceParsingOptions !== null) { const {scanExtent, terminationCharacterMode, terminationCharacters} = sentenceParsingOptions; if (typeof scanExtent === 'number') { this._sentenceScanExtent = sentenceParsingOptions.scanExtent; } if (typeof terminationCharacterMode === 'string') { this._sentenceTerminateAtNewlines = (terminationCharacterMode === 'custom' || terminationCharacterMode === 'newlines'); const sentenceTerminatorMap = this._sentenceTerminatorMap; const sentenceForwardQuoteMap = this._sentenceForwardQuoteMap; const sentenceBackwardQuoteMap = this._sentenceBackwardQuoteMap; sentenceTerminatorMap.clear(); sentenceForwardQuoteMap.clear(); sentenceBackwardQuoteMap.clear(); if ( typeof terminationCharacters === 'object' && Array.isArray(terminationCharacters) && (terminationCharacterMode === 'custom' || terminationCharacterMode === 'custom-no-newlines') ) { for (const {enabled, character1, character2, includeCharacterAtStart, includeCharacterAtEnd} of terminationCharacters) { if (!enabled) { continue; } if (character2 === null) { sentenceTerminatorMap.set(character1, [includeCharacterAtStart, includeCharacterAtEnd]); } else { sentenceForwardQuoteMap.set(character1, [character2, includeCharacterAtStart]); sentenceBackwardQuoteMap.set(character2, [character1, includeCharacterAtEnd]); } } } } } } getTextSourceContent(textSource, length, layoutAwareScan) { const clonedTextSource = textSource.clone(); clonedTextSource.setEndOffset(length, false, layoutAwareScan); const includeSelector = this._includeSelector; const excludeSelector = this._excludeSelector; if (includeSelector !== null || excludeSelector !== null) { this._constrainTextSource(clonedTextSource, includeSelector, excludeSelector, layoutAwareScan); } return clonedTextSource.text(); } hasSelection() { return (this._textSourceCurrent !== null); } clearSelection() { if (!this._canClearSelection) { return; } if (this._textSourceCurrent !== null) { if (this._textSourceCurrentSelected) { this._textSourceCurrent.deselect(); if (this._selectionRestoreInfo !== null) { this._restoreSelection(this._selectionRestoreInfo); this._selectionRestoreInfo = null; } } this._textSourceCurrent = null; this._textSourceCurrentSelected = false; this._inputInfoCurrent = null; } } getCurrentTextSource() { return this._textSourceCurrent; } setCurrentTextSource(textSource) { this._textSourceCurrent = textSource; if (this._selectText && this._userHasNotSelectedAnythingManually) { this._yomichanIsChangingTextSelectionNow = true; this._textSourceCurrent.select(); if (this._textSelectionTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this._textSelectionTimer); } // This timeout uses a 50ms delay to ensure that the selectionchange event has time to occur. // If the delay is 0ms, the timeout will sometimes complete before the event. this._textSelectionTimer = setTimeout(() => { this._yomichanIsChangingTextSelectionNow = false; this._textSelectionTimer = null; }, 50); this._textSourceCurrentSelected = true; } else { this._textSourceCurrentSelected = false; } } async searchLast() { if (this._textSourceCurrent !== null && this._inputInfoCurrent !== null) { await this._search(this._textSourceCurrent, this._searchTerms, this._searchKanji, this._inputInfoCurrent); return true; } return false; } async search(textSource, inputDetail) { const inputInfo = this._createInputInfo(null, 'script', 'script', true, [], [], inputDetail); return await this._search(textSource, this._searchTerms, this._searchKanji, inputInfo); } // Private _createOptionsContextForInput(baseOptionsContext, inputInfo) { const optionsContext = clone(baseOptionsContext); const {modifiers, modifierKeys} = inputInfo; optionsContext.modifiers = [...modifiers]; optionsContext.modifierKeys = [...modifierKeys]; return optionsContext; } async _search(textSource, searchTerms, searchKanji, inputInfo) { let dictionaryEntries = null; let sentence = null; let type = null; let error = null; let searched = false; let optionsContext = null; let detail = null; try { const inputInfoDetail = inputInfo.detail; const selectionRestoreInfo = ( (isObject(inputInfoDetail) && inputInfoDetail.restoreSelection) ? (this._inputInfoCurrent === null ? this._createSelectionRestoreInfo() : void 0) : null ); if (this._textSourceCurrent !== null && this._textSourceCurrent.hasSameStart(textSource)) { return null; } ({optionsContext, detail} = await this._getSearchContext()); optionsContext = this._createOptionsContextForInput(optionsContext, inputInfo); searched = true; let valid = false; const result = await this._findDictionaryEntries(textSource, searchTerms, searchKanji, optionsContext); if (result !== null) { ({dictionaryEntries, sentence, type} = result); valid = true; } else if (textSource !== null && textSource.type === 'element' && await this._hasJapanese(textSource.fullContent)) { dictionaryEntries = []; sentence = {sentence: '', offset: 0}; type = 'terms'; valid = true; } if (valid) { this._inputInfoCurrent = inputInfo; this.setCurrentTextSource(textSource); if (typeof selectionRestoreInfo !== 'undefined') { this._selectionRestoreInfo = selectionRestoreInfo; } } } catch (e) { error = e; } if (!searched) { return null; } const results = { textScanner: this, type, dictionaryEntries, sentence, inputInfo, textSource, optionsContext, detail, error }; this.trigger('searched', results); return results; } _resetPreventNextClickScan() { this._preventNextClickScan = false; if (this._preventNextClickScanTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this._preventNextClickScanTimer); } this._preventNextClickScanTimer = setTimeout(this._preventNextClickScanTimerCallback, this._preventNextClickScanTimerDuration); } _onPreventNextClickScanTimeout() { this._preventNextClickScanTimer = null; } _onSelectionChange() { if (this._preventNextClickScanTimer !== null) { return; } // Ignore deselection that occurs at the start of the click this._preventNextClickScan = true; } _onSelectionChangeCheckUserSelection() { if (this._yomichanIsChangingTextSelectionNow) { return; } this._userHasNotSelectedAnythingManually = window.getSelection().isCollapsed; } _onSearchClickMouseDown(e) { if (e.button !== 0) { return; } this._resetPreventNextClickScan(); } _onSearchClickTouchStart() { this._resetPreventNextClickScan(); } _onMouseOver(e) { if (this._ignoreElements !== null && this._ignoreElements().includes(e.target)) { this._scanTimerClear(); } } _onMouseMove(e) { this._scanTimerClear(); const inputInfo = this._getMatchingInputGroupFromEvent('mouse', 'mouseMove', e); if (inputInfo === null) { return; } this._searchAtFromMouseMove(e.clientX, e.clientY, inputInfo); } _onMouseDown(e) { if (this._preventNextMouseDown) { this._preventNextMouseDown = false; this._preventNextClick = true; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } switch (e.button) { case 0: // Primary if (this._searchOnClick) { this._resetPreventNextClickScan(); } this._scanTimerClear(); this._triggerClear('mousedown'); break; case 1: // Middle if (this._preventMiddleMouse) { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } break; } } _onMouseOut() { this._scanTimerClear(); } _onClick(e) { if (this._preventNextClick) { this._preventNextClick = false; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } if (this._searchOnClick) { this._onSearchClick(e); } } _onSearchClick(e) { const preventNextClickScan = this._preventNextClickScan; this._preventNextClickScan = false; if (this._preventNextClickScanTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this._preventNextClickScanTimer); this._preventNextClickScanTimer = null; } if (preventNextClickScan) { return; } const modifiers = DocumentUtil.getActiveModifiersAndButtons(e); const modifierKeys = DocumentUtil.getActiveModifiers(e); const inputInfo = this._createInputInfo(null, 'mouse', 'click', false, modifiers, modifierKeys); this._searchAt(e.clientX, e.clientY, inputInfo); } _onAuxClick() { this._preventNextContextMenu = false; } _onContextMenu(e) { if (this._preventNextContextMenu) { this._preventNextContextMenu = false; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return false; } } _onTouchStart(e) { if (this._primaryTouchIdentifier !== null || e.changedTouches.length === 0) { return; } const {clientX, clientY, identifier} = e.changedTouches[0]; this._onPrimaryTouchStart(e, clientX, clientY, identifier); } _onPrimaryTouchStart(e, x, y, identifier) { this._preventScroll = false; this._preventNextContextMenu = false; this._preventNextMouseDown = false; this._preventNextClick = false; if (DocumentUtil.isPointInSelection(x, y, window.getSelection())) { return; } this._primaryTouchIdentifier = identifier; if (this._pendingLookup) { return; } const inputInfo = this._getMatchingInputGroupFromEvent('touch', 'touchStart', e); if (inputInfo === null || !inputInfo.input.scanOnTouchPress) { return; } this._searchAtFromTouchStart(x, y, inputInfo); } _onTouchEnd(e) { if (this._primaryTouchIdentifier === null) { return; } const primaryTouch = this._getTouch(e.changedTouches, this._primaryTouchIdentifier); if (primaryTouch === null) { return; } const {clientX, clientY} = primaryTouch; this._onPrimaryTouchEnd(e, clientX, clientY, true); } _onPrimaryTouchEnd(e, x, y, allowSearch) { this._primaryTouchIdentifier = null; this._preventScroll = false; this._preventNextClick = false; // Don't revert context menu and mouse down prevention, since these events can occur after the touch has ended. // I.e. this._preventNextContextMenu and this._preventNextMouseDown should not be assigned to false. if (!allowSearch) { return; } const inputInfo = this._getMatchingInputGroupFromEvent('touch', 'touchEnd', e); if (inputInfo === null || !inputInfo.input.scanOnTouchRelease) { return; } this._searchAtFromTouchEnd(x, y, inputInfo); } _onTouchCancel(e) { if (this._primaryTouchIdentifier === null) { return; } const primaryTouch = this._getTouch(e.changedTouches, this._primaryTouchIdentifier); if (primaryTouch === null) { return; } this._onPrimaryTouchEnd(e, 0, 0, false); } _onTouchMove(e) { if (this._primaryTouchIdentifier === null) { return; } if (!e.cancelable) { this._onPrimaryTouchEnd(e, 0, 0, false); return; } if (!this._preventScroll) { return; } const primaryTouch = this._getTouch(e.changedTouches, this._primaryTouchIdentifier); if (primaryTouch === null) { return; } const inputInfo = this._getMatchingInputGroupFromEvent('touch', 'touchMove', e); if (inputInfo === null) { return; } if (inputInfo.input.scanOnTouchMove) { this._searchAt(primaryTouch.clientX, primaryTouch.clientY, inputInfo); } e.preventDefault(); // Disable scroll } _onPointerOver(e) { const {pointerType, pointerId, isPrimary} = e; if (pointerType === 'pen') { this._pointerIdTypeMap.set(pointerId, pointerType); } if (!isPrimary) { return; } switch (pointerType) { case 'mouse': return this._onMousePointerOver(e); case 'touch': return this._onTouchPointerOver(e); case 'pen': return this._onPenPointerOver(e); } } _onPointerDown(e) { if (!e.isPrimary) { return; } switch (this._getPointerEventType(e)) { case 'mouse': return this._onMousePointerDown(e); case 'touch': return this._onTouchPointerDown(e); case 'pen': return this._onPenPointerDown(e); } } _onPointerMove(e) { if (!e.isPrimary) { return; } switch (this._getPointerEventType(e)) { case 'mouse': return this._onMousePointerMove(e); case 'touch': return this._onTouchPointerMove(e); case 'pen': return this._onPenPointerMove(e); } } _onPointerUp(e) { if (!e.isPrimary) { return; } switch (this._getPointerEventType(e)) { case 'mouse': return this._onMousePointerUp(e); case 'touch': return this._onTouchPointerUp(e); case 'pen': return this._onPenPointerUp(e); } } _onPointerCancel(e) { this._pointerIdTypeMap.delete(e.pointerId); if (!e.isPrimary) { return; } switch (e.pointerType) { case 'mouse': return this._onMousePointerCancel(e); case 'touch': return this._onTouchPointerCancel(e); case 'pen': return this._onPenPointerCancel(e); } } _onPointerOut(e) { this._pointerIdTypeMap.delete(e.pointerId); if (!e.isPrimary) { return; } switch (e.pointerType) { case 'mouse': return this._onMousePointerOut(e); case 'touch': return this._onTouchPointerOut(e); case 'pen': return this._onPenPointerOut(e); } } _onMousePointerOver(e) { return this._onMouseOver(e); } _onMousePointerDown(e) { return this._onMouseDown(e); } _onMousePointerMove(e) { return this._onMouseMove(e); } _onMousePointerUp() { // NOP } _onMousePointerCancel(e) { return this._onMouseOut(e); } _onMousePointerOut(e) { return this._onMouseOut(e); } _onTouchPointerOver() { // NOP } _onTouchPointerDown(e) { const {clientX, clientY, pointerId} = e; this._onPrimaryTouchStart(e, clientX, clientY, pointerId); } _onTouchPointerMove(e) { if (!this._preventScroll || !e.cancelable) { return; } const inputInfo = this._getMatchingInputGroupFromEvent('touch', 'touchMove', e); if (inputInfo === null || !inputInfo.input.scanOnTouchMove) { return; } this._searchAt(e.clientX, e.clientY, inputInfo); } _onTouchPointerUp(e) { const {clientX, clientY} = e; return this._onPrimaryTouchEnd(e, clientX, clientY, true); } _onTouchPointerCancel(e) { return this._onPrimaryTouchEnd(e, 0, 0, false); } _onTouchPointerOut() { // NOP } _onTouchMovePreventScroll(e) { if (!this._preventScroll) { return; } if (e.cancelable) { e.preventDefault(); } else { this._preventScroll = false; } } _onPenPointerOver(e) { this._penPointerState = 1; this._searchAtFromPen(e, 'pointerOver', false); } _onPenPointerDown(e) { this._penPointerState = 2; this._searchAtFromPen(e, 'pointerDown', true); } _onPenPointerMove(e) { if (this._penPointerState === 2 && (!this._preventScroll || !e.cancelable)) { return; } this._searchAtFromPen(e, 'pointerMove', true); } _onPenPointerUp(e) { this._penPointerState = 3; this._preventScroll = false; this._searchAtFromPen(e, 'pointerUp', false); } _onPenPointerCancel(e) { this._onPenPointerOut(e); } _onPenPointerOut() { this._penPointerState = 0; this._preventScroll = false; this._preventNextContextMenu = false; this._preventNextMouseDown = false; this._preventNextClick = false; } async _scanTimerWait() { const delay = this._delay; const promise = promiseTimeout(delay, true); this._scanTimerPromise = promise; try { return await promise; } finally { if (this._scanTimerPromise === promise) { this._scanTimerPromise = null; } } } _scanTimerClear() { if (this._scanTimerPromise !== null) { this._scanTimerPromise.resolve(false); this._scanTimerPromise = null; } } _arePointerEventsSupported() { return (this._pointerEventsEnabled && typeof PointerEvent !== 'undefined'); } _hookEvents() { const capture = true; let eventListenerInfos; if (this._searchOnClickOnly) { eventListenerInfos = this._getMouseClickOnlyEventListeners(capture); } else if (this._arePointerEventsSupported()) { eventListenerInfos = this._getPointerEventListeners(capture); } else { eventListenerInfos = this._getMouseEventListeners(capture); if (this._touchInputEnabled) { eventListenerInfos.push(...this._getTouchEventListeners(capture)); } } if (this._searchOnClick) { eventListenerInfos.push(...this._getMouseClickOnlyEventListeners2(capture)); } eventListenerInfos.push(this._getSelectionChangeCheckUserSelectionListener()); for (const args of eventListenerInfos) { this._eventListeners.addEventListener(...args); } } _getPointerEventListeners(capture) { return [ [this._node, 'pointerover', this._onPointerOver.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'pointerdown', this._onPointerDown.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'pointermove', this._onPointerMove.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'pointerup', this._onPointerUp.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'pointercancel', this._onPointerCancel.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'pointerout', this._onPointerOut.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'touchmove', this._onTouchMovePreventScroll.bind(this), {passive: false, capture}], [this._node, 'mousedown', this._onMouseDown.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'click', this._onClick.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'auxclick', this._onAuxClick.bind(this), capture] ]; } _getMouseEventListeners(capture) { return [ [this._node, 'mousedown', this._onMouseDown.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'mousemove', this._onMouseMove.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'mouseover', this._onMouseOver.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'mouseout', this._onMouseOut.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'click', this._onClick.bind(this), capture] ]; } _getTouchEventListeners(capture) { return [ [this._node, 'auxclick', this._onAuxClick.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'touchstart', this._onTouchStart.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'touchend', this._onTouchEnd.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'touchcancel', this._onTouchCancel.bind(this), capture], [this._node, 'touchmove', this._onTouchMove.bind(this), {passive: false, capture}], [this._node, 'contextmenu', this._onContextMenu.bind(this), capture] ]; } _getMouseClickOnlyEventListeners(capture) { return [ [this._node, 'click', this._onClick.bind(this), capture] ]; } _getMouseClickOnlyEventListeners2(capture) { const {documentElement} = document; const entries = [ [document, 'selectionchange', this._onSelectionChange.bind(this)] ]; if (documentElement !== null) { entries.push([documentElement, 'mousedown', this._onSearchClickMouseDown.bind(this), capture]); if (this._touchInputEnabled) { entries.push([documentElement, 'touchstart', this._onSearchClickTouchStart.bind(this), capture]); } } return entries; } _getSelectionChangeCheckUserSelectionListener() { return [document, 'selectionchange', this._onSelectionChangeCheckUserSelection.bind(this)]; } _getTouch(touchList, identifier) { for (const touch of touchList) { if (touch.identifier === identifier) { return touch; } } return null; } async _findDictionaryEntries(textSource, searchTerms, searchKanji, optionsContext) { if (textSource === null) { return null; } if (searchTerms) { const results = await this._findTermDictionaryEntries(textSource, optionsContext); if (results !== null) { return results; } } if (searchKanji) { const results = await this._findKanjiDictionaryEntries(textSource, optionsContext); if (results !== null) { return results; } } return null; } async _findTermDictionaryEntries(textSource, optionsContext) { const scanLength = this._scanLength; const sentenceScanExtent = this._sentenceScanExtent; const sentenceTerminateAtNewlines = this._sentenceTerminateAtNewlines; const sentenceTerminatorMap = this._sentenceTerminatorMap; const sentenceForwardQuoteMap = this._sentenceForwardQuoteMap; const sentenceBackwardQuoteMap = this._sentenceBackwardQuoteMap; const layoutAwareScan = this._layoutAwareScan; const searchText = this.getTextSourceContent(textSource, scanLength, layoutAwareScan); if (searchText.length === 0) { return null; } const details = {}; if (this._matchTypePrefix) { details.matchType = 'prefix'; } const {dictionaryEntries, originalTextLength} = await yomichan.api.termsFind(searchText, details, optionsContext); if (dictionaryEntries.length === 0) { return null; } textSource.setEndOffset(originalTextLength, false, layoutAwareScan); const sentence = DocumentUtil.extractSentence( textSource, layoutAwareScan, sentenceScanExtent, sentenceTerminateAtNewlines, sentenceTerminatorMap, sentenceForwardQuoteMap, sentenceBackwardQuoteMap ); return {dictionaryEntries, sentence, type: 'terms'}; } async _findKanjiDictionaryEntries(textSource, optionsContext) { const sentenceScanExtent = this._sentenceScanExtent; const sentenceTerminateAtNewlines = this._sentenceTerminateAtNewlines; const sentenceTerminatorMap = this._sentenceTerminatorMap; const sentenceForwardQuoteMap = this._sentenceForwardQuoteMap; const sentenceBackwardQuoteMap = this._sentenceBackwardQuoteMap; const layoutAwareScan = this._layoutAwareScan; const searchText = this.getTextSourceContent(textSource, 1, layoutAwareScan); if (searchText.length === 0) { return null; } const dictionaryEntries = await yomichan.api.kanjiFind(searchText, optionsContext); if (dictionaryEntries.length === 0) { return null; } textSource.setEndOffset(1, false, layoutAwareScan); const sentence = DocumentUtil.extractSentence( textSource, layoutAwareScan, sentenceScanExtent, sentenceTerminateAtNewlines, sentenceTerminatorMap, sentenceForwardQuoteMap, sentenceBackwardQuoteMap ); return {dictionaryEntries, sentence, type: 'kanji'}; } async _searchAt(x, y, inputInfo) { if (this._pendingLookup) { return; } try { const sourceInput = inputInfo.input; let searchTerms = this._searchTerms; let searchKanji = this._searchKanji; if (sourceInput !== null) { if (searchTerms && !sourceInput.searchTerms) { searchTerms = false; } if (searchKanji && !sourceInput.searchKanji) { searchKanji = false; } } this._pendingLookup = true; this._scanTimerClear(); if (typeof this._ignorePoint === 'function' && await this._ignorePoint(x, y)) { return; } const textSource = DocumentUtil.getRangeFromPoint(x, y, { deepContentScan: this._deepContentScan, normalizeCssZoom: this._normalizeCssZoom }); try { await this._search(textSource, searchTerms, searchKanji, inputInfo); } finally { if (textSource !== null) { textSource.cleanup(); } } } catch (e) { log.error(e); } finally { this._pendingLookup = false; } } async _searchAtFromMouseMove(x, y, inputInfo) { if (this._pendingLookup) { return; } if (inputInfo.passive) { if (!await this._scanTimerWait()) { // Aborted return; } } await this._searchAt(x, y, inputInfo); } async _searchAtFromTouchStart(x, y, inputInfo) { const textSourceCurrentPrevious = this._textSourceCurrent !== null ? this._textSourceCurrent.clone() : null; const preventScroll = inputInfo.input.preventTouchScrolling; await this._searchAt(x, y, inputInfo); if ( this._textSourceCurrent !== null && !this._textSourceCurrent.hasSameStart(textSourceCurrentPrevious) ) { this._preventScroll = preventScroll; this._preventNextContextMenu = true; this._preventNextMouseDown = true; } } async _searchAtFromTouchEnd(x, y, inputInfo) { await this._searchAt(x, y, inputInfo); } async _searchAtFromPen(e, eventType, prevent) { if (this._pendingLookup) { return; } const inputInfo = this._getMatchingInputGroupFromEvent('pen', eventType, e); if (inputInfo === null) { return; } const {input} = inputInfo; if (!this._isPenEventSupported(eventType, input)) { return; } const preventScroll = input.preventPenScrolling; await this._searchAt(e.clientX, e.clientY, inputInfo); if ( prevent && this._textSourceCurrent !== null ) { this._preventScroll = preventScroll; this._preventNextContextMenu = true; this._preventNextMouseDown = true; this._preventNextClick = true; } } _isPenEventSupported(eventType, input) { switch (eventType) { case 'pointerDown': return input.scanOnPenPress; case 'pointerUp': return input.scanOnPenRelease; } switch (this._penPointerState) { case 1: // hovering return input.scanOnPenHover; case 2: // touching return input.scanOnPenMove; case 3: // hovering after touching return input.scanOnPenReleaseHover; default: // not active return false; } } _getMatchingInputGroupFromEvent(pointerType, eventType, event) { const modifiers = DocumentUtil.getActiveModifiersAndButtons(event); const modifierKeys = DocumentUtil.getActiveModifiers(event); return this._getMatchingInputGroup(pointerType, eventType, modifiers, modifierKeys); } _getMatchingInputGroup(pointerType, eventType, modifiers, modifierKeys) { let fallbackIndex = -1; const modifiersSet = new Set(modifiers); for (let i = 0, ii = this._inputs.length; i < ii; ++i) { const input = this._inputs[i]; const {include, exclude, types} = input; if (!types.has(pointerType)) { continue; } if (this._setHasAll(modifiersSet, include) && (exclude.length === 0 || !this._setHasAll(modifiersSet, exclude))) { if (include.length > 0) { return this._createInputInfo(input, pointerType, eventType, false, modifiers, modifierKeys); } else if (fallbackIndex < 0) { fallbackIndex = i; } } } return ( fallbackIndex >= 0 ? this._createInputInfo(this._inputs[fallbackIndex], pointerType, eventType, true, modifiers, modifierKeys) : null ); } _createInputInfo(input, pointerType, eventType, passive, modifiers, modifierKeys, detail) { return {input, pointerType, eventType, passive, modifiers, modifierKeys, detail}; } _setHasAll(set, values) { for (const value of values) { if (!set.has(value)) { return false; } } return true; } _convertInput(input) { const {options} = input; return { include: this._getInputArray(input.include), exclude: this._getInputArray(input.exclude), types: this._getInputTypeSet(input.types), searchTerms: this._getInputBoolean(options.searchTerms), searchKanji: this._getInputBoolean(options.searchKanji), scanOnTouchMove: this._getInputBoolean(options.scanOnTouchMove), scanOnTouchPress: this._getInputBoolean(options.scanOnTouchPress), scanOnTouchRelease: this._getInputBoolean(options.scanOnTouchRelease), scanOnPenMove: this._getInputBoolean(options.scanOnPenMove), scanOnPenHover: this._getInputBoolean(options.scanOnPenHover), scanOnPenReleaseHover: this._getInputBoolean(options.scanOnPenReleaseHover), scanOnPenPress: this._getInputBoolean(options.scanOnPenPress), scanOnPenRelease: this._getInputBoolean(options.scanOnPenRelease), preventTouchScrolling: this._getInputBoolean(options.preventTouchScrolling), preventPenScrolling: this._getInputBoolean(options.preventPenScrolling) }; } _getInputArray(value) { return ( typeof value === 'string' ? value.split(/[,;\s]+/).map((v) => v.trim().toLowerCase()).filter((v) => v.length > 0) : [] ); } _getInputTypeSet({mouse, touch, pen}) { const set = new Set(); if (mouse) { set.add('mouse'); } if (touch) { set.add('touch'); } if (pen) { set.add('pen'); } return set; } _getInputBoolean(value) { return typeof value === 'boolean' && value; } _getPointerEventType(e) { // Workaround for Firefox bug not detecting certain 'touch' events as 'pen' events. const cachedPointerType = this._pointerIdTypeMap.get(e.pointerId); return (typeof cachedPointerType !== 'undefined' ? cachedPointerType : e.pointerType); } _constrainTextSource(textSource, includeSelector, excludeSelector, layoutAwareScan) { let length = textSource.text().length; while (length > 0) { const nodes = textSource.getNodesInRange(); if ( (includeSelector !== null && !DocumentUtil.everyNodeMatchesSelector(nodes, includeSelector)) || (excludeSelector !== null && DocumentUtil.anyNodeMatchesSelector(nodes, excludeSelector)) ) { --length; textSource.setEndOffset(length, false, layoutAwareScan); } else { break; } } } async _hasJapanese(text) { try { return await yomichan.api.textHasJapaneseCharacters(text); } catch (e) { return false; } } _createSelectionRestoreInfo() { const ranges = []; const selection = window.getSelection(); for (let i = 0, ii = selection.rangeCount; i < ii; ++i) { const range = selection.getRangeAt(i); ranges.push(range.cloneRange()); } return {ranges}; } _restoreSelection(selectionRestoreInfo) { const {ranges} = selectionRestoreInfo; const selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); for (const range of ranges) { try { selection.addRange(range); } catch (e) { // NOP } } } _triggerClear(reason) { this.trigger('clear', {reason}); } }