 * Copyright (C) 2024  Yomitan Authors
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

import {basicTextPreprocessorOptions} from '../text-preprocessors.js';
import {convertAlphabeticToKana} from './japanese-wanakana.js';
import {
    collapseEmphaticSequences as collapseEmphaticSequencesFunction,
    convertHiraganaToKatakana as convertHiraganaToKatakanaFunction,
    convertKatakanaToHiragana as convertKatakanaToHiraganaFunction,
} from './japanese.js';

/** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessor<boolean>} */
export const convertHalfWidthCharacters = {
    name: 'Convert half width characters to full width',
    description: 'ヨミチャン → ヨミチャン',
    options: basicTextPreprocessorOptions,
    /** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessorFunction<boolean>} */
    process: (str, setting, sourceMap) => (setting ? convertHalfWidthKanaToFullWidth(str, sourceMap) : str)

/** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessor<boolean>} */
export const convertNumericCharacters = {
    name: 'Convert numeric characters to full width',
    description: '1234 → 1234',
    options: basicTextPreprocessorOptions,
    /** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessorFunction<boolean>} */
    process: (str, setting) => (setting ? convertNumericToFullWidth(str) : str)

/** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessor<boolean>} */
export const convertAlphabeticCharacters = {
    name: 'Convert alphabetic characters to hiragana',
    description: 'yomichan → よみちゃん',
    options: basicTextPreprocessorOptions,
    /** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessorFunction<boolean>} */
    process: (str, setting, sourceMap) => (setting ? convertAlphabeticToKana(str, sourceMap) : str)

/** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessor<boolean>} */
export const convertHiraganaToKatakana = {
    name: 'Convert hiragana to katakana',
    description: 'よみちゃん → ヨミチャン',
    options: basicTextPreprocessorOptions,
    /** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessorFunction<boolean>} */
    process: (str, setting) => (setting ? convertHiraganaToKatakanaFunction(str) : str)

/** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessor<boolean>} */
export const convertKatakanaToHiragana = {
    name: 'Convert katakana to hiragana',
    description: 'ヨミチャン → よみちゃん',
    options: basicTextPreprocessorOptions,
    /** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessorFunction<boolean>} */
    process: (str, setting) => (setting ? convertKatakanaToHiraganaFunction(str) : str)

/** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessor<[collapseEmphatic: boolean, collapseEmphaticFull: boolean]>} */
export const collapseEmphaticSequences = {
    name: 'Collapse emphatic character sequences',
    description: 'すっっごーーい → すっごーい / すごい',
    options: [[false, false], [true, false], [true, true]],
    /** @type {import('language').TextPreprocessorFunction<[collapseEmphatic: boolean, collapseEmphaticFull: boolean]>} */
    process: (str, setting, sourceMap) => {
        const [collapseEmphatic, collapseEmphaticFull] = setting;
        if (collapseEmphatic) {
            str = collapseEmphaticSequencesFunction(str, collapseEmphaticFull, sourceMap);
        return str;