/* * Copyright (C) 2020-2021 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ class DictionaryDataUtil { static groupTermTags(dictionaryEntry) { const {headwords} = dictionaryEntry; const headwordCount = headwords.length; const uniqueCheck = (headwordCount > 1); const resultsIndexMap = new Map(); const results = []; for (let i = 0; i < headwordCount; ++i) { const {tags} = headwords[i]; for (const tag of tags) { if (uniqueCheck) { const {name, category, notes, dictionary} = tag; const key = this._createMapKey([name, category, notes, dictionary]); const index = resultsIndexMap.get(key); if (typeof index !== 'undefined') { const existingItem = results[index]; existingItem.headwordIndices.push(i); continue; } resultsIndexMap.set(key, results.length); } const item = {tag, headwordIndices: [i]}; results.push(item); } } return results; } static groupTermFrequencies(dictionaryEntry) { const {headwords, frequencies} = dictionaryEntry; const map1 = new Map(); for (const {headwordIndex, dictionary, hasReading, frequency} of frequencies) { const {term, reading} = headwords[headwordIndex]; let map2 = map1.get(dictionary); if (typeof map2 === 'undefined') { map2 = new Map(); map1.set(dictionary, map2); } const readingKey = hasReading ? reading : null; const key = this._createMapKey([term, readingKey]); let frequencyData = map2.get(key); if (typeof frequencyData === 'undefined') { frequencyData = {term, reading: readingKey, values: new Set()}; map2.set(key, frequencyData); } frequencyData.values.add(frequency); } return this._createFrequencyGroupsFromMap(map1); } static groupKanjiFrequencies(frequencies) { const map1 = new Map(); for (const {dictionary, character, frequency} of frequencies) { let map2 = map1.get(dictionary); if (typeof map2 === 'undefined') { map2 = new Map(); map1.set(dictionary, map2); } let frequencyData = map2.get(character); if (typeof frequencyData === 'undefined') { frequencyData = {character, values: new Set()}; map2.set(character, frequencyData); } frequencyData.values.add(frequency); } return this._createFrequencyGroupsFromMap(map1); } static getPitchAccentInfos(dictionaryEntry) { const {headwords, pronunciations} = dictionaryEntry; const allExpressions = new Set(); const allReadings = new Set(); for (const {term, reading} of headwords) { allExpressions.add(term); allReadings.add(reading); } const pitchAccentInfoMap = new Map(); for (const {headwordIndex, dictionary, pitches} of pronunciations) { const {term, reading} = headwords[headwordIndex]; let dictionaryPitchAccentInfoList = pitchAccentInfoMap.get(dictionary); if (typeof dictionaryPitchAccentInfoList === 'undefined') { dictionaryPitchAccentInfoList = []; pitchAccentInfoMap.set(dictionary, dictionaryPitchAccentInfoList); } for (const {position, tags} of pitches) { let pitchAccentInfo = this._findExistingPitchAccentInfo(reading, position, tags, dictionaryPitchAccentInfoList); if (pitchAccentInfo === null) { pitchAccentInfo = { terms: new Set(), reading, position, tags, exclusiveTerms: [], exclusiveReadings: [] }; dictionaryPitchAccentInfoList.push(pitchAccentInfo); } pitchAccentInfo.terms.add(term); } } const multipleReadings = (allReadings.size > 1); for (const dictionaryPitchAccentInfoList of pitchAccentInfoMap.values()) { for (const pitchAccentInfo of dictionaryPitchAccentInfoList) { const {terms, reading, exclusiveTerms, exclusiveReadings} = pitchAccentInfo; if (!this._areSetsEqual(terms, allExpressions)) { exclusiveTerms.push(...this._getSetIntersection(terms, allExpressions)); } if (multipleReadings) { exclusiveReadings.push(reading); } pitchAccentInfo.terms = [...terms]; } } const results2 = []; for (const [dictionary, pitches] of pitchAccentInfoMap.entries()) { results2.push({dictionary, pitches}); } return results2; } static getTermFrequency(termTags) { let totalScore = 0; for (const {score} of termTags) { totalScore += score; } if (totalScore > 0) { return 'popular'; } else if (totalScore < 0) { return 'rare'; } else { return 'normal'; } } static getDisambiguations(headwords, headwordIndices, allTermsSet, allReadingsSet) { if (allTermsSet.size <= 1 && allReadingsSet.size <= 1) { return []; } const terms = new Set(); const readings = new Set(); for (const headwordIndex of headwordIndices) { const {term, reading} = headwords[headwordIndex]; terms.add(term); readings.add(reading); } const disambiguations = []; if (!this._areSetsEqual(terms, allTermsSet)) { disambiguations.push(...this._getSetIntersection(terms, allTermsSet)); } if (!this._areSetsEqual(readings, allReadingsSet)) { disambiguations.push(...this._getSetIntersection(readings, allReadingsSet)); } return disambiguations; } // Private static _createFrequencyGroupsFromMap(map) { const results = []; for (const [dictionary, map2] of map.entries()) { const frequencies = []; for (const frequencyData of map2.values()) { frequencyData.values = [...frequencyData.values]; frequencies.push(frequencyData); } results.push({dictionary, frequencies}); } return results; } static _findExistingPitchAccentInfo(reading, position, tags, pitchAccentInfoList) { for (const pitchInfo of pitchAccentInfoList) { if ( pitchInfo.reading === reading && pitchInfo.position === position && this._areTagListsEqual(pitchInfo.tags, tags) ) { return pitchInfo; } } return null; } static _areTagListsEqual(tagList1, tagList2) { const ii = tagList1.length; if (tagList2.length !== ii) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < ii; ++i) { const tag1 = tagList1[i]; const tag2 = tagList2[i]; if (tag1.name !== tag2.name || tag1.dictionary !== tag2.dictionary) { return false; } } return true; } static _areSetsEqual(set1, set2) { if (set1.size !== set2.size) { return false; } for (const value of set1) { if (!set2.has(value)) { return false; } } return true; } static _getSetIntersection(set1, set2) { const result = []; for (const value of set1) { if (set2.has(value)) { result.push(value); } } return result; } static _createMapKey(array) { return JSON.stringify(array); } }