/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import * as wanakana from '../../lib/wanakana.js'; import {ClipboardMonitor} from '../comm/clipboard-monitor.js'; import {EventListenerCollection, invokeMessageHandler} from '../core.js'; import {yomichan} from '../yomichan.js'; export class SearchDisplayController { constructor(tabId, frameId, display, displayAudio, japaneseUtil, searchPersistentStateController) { this._tabId = tabId; this._frameId = frameId; this._display = display; this._displayAudio = displayAudio; this._searchPersistentStateController = searchPersistentStateController; this._searchButton = document.querySelector('#search-button'); this._searchBackButton = document.querySelector('#search-back-button'); this._queryInput = document.querySelector('#search-textbox'); this._introElement = document.querySelector('#intro'); this._clipboardMonitorEnableCheckbox = document.querySelector('#clipboard-monitor-enable'); this._wanakanaEnableCheckbox = document.querySelector('#wanakana-enable'); this._queryInputEvents = new EventListenerCollection(); this._queryInputEventsSetup = false; this._wanakanaEnabled = false; this._wanakanaBound = false; this._introVisible = true; this._introAnimationTimer = null; this._clipboardMonitorEnabled = false; this._clipboardMonitor = new ClipboardMonitor({ japaneseUtil, clipboardReader: { getText: yomichan.api.clipboardGet.bind(yomichan.api) } }); this._messageHandlers = new Map(); } async prepare() { await this._display.updateOptions(); this._searchPersistentStateController.on('modeChange', this._onModeChange.bind(this)); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this._onMessage.bind(this)); yomichan.on('optionsUpdated', this._onOptionsUpdated.bind(this)); this._display.on('optionsUpdated', this._onDisplayOptionsUpdated.bind(this)); this._display.on('contentUpdateStart', this._onContentUpdateStart.bind(this)); this._display.hotkeyHandler.registerActions([ ['focusSearchBox', this._onActionFocusSearchBox.bind(this)] ]); this._registerMessageHandlers([ ['SearchDisplayController.getMode', {async: false, handler: this._onMessageGetMode.bind(this)}], ['SearchDisplayController.setMode', {async: false, handler: this._onMessageSetMode.bind(this)}], ['SearchDisplayController.updateSearchQuery', {async: false, handler: this._onExternalSearchUpdate.bind(this)}] ]); this._updateClipboardMonitorEnabled(); this._displayAudio.autoPlayAudioDelay = 0; this._display.queryParserVisible = true; this._display.setHistorySettings({useBrowserHistory: true}); this._searchButton.addEventListener('click', this._onSearch.bind(this), false); this._searchBackButton.addEventListener('click', this._onSearchBackButtonClick.bind(this), false); this._wanakanaEnableCheckbox.addEventListener('change', this._onWanakanaEnableChange.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('copy', this._onCopy.bind(this)); this._clipboardMonitor.on('change', this._onExternalSearchUpdate.bind(this)); this._clipboardMonitorEnableCheckbox.addEventListener('change', this._onClipboardMonitorEnableChange.bind(this)); this._display.hotkeyHandler.on('keydownNonHotkey', this._onKeyDown.bind(this)); this._onDisplayOptionsUpdated({options: this._display.getOptions()}); } setMode(mode) { this._setMode(mode, true); } // Actions _onActionFocusSearchBox() { if (this._queryInput === null) { return; } this._queryInput.focus(); this._queryInput.select(); } // Messages _onMessageSetMode({mode}) { this._searchPersistentStateController.mode = mode; } _onMessageGetMode() { return this._searchPersistentStateController.mode; } // Private _onMessage({action, params}, sender, callback) { const messageHandler = this._messageHandlers.get(action); if (typeof messageHandler === 'undefined') { return false; } return invokeMessageHandler(messageHandler, params, callback, sender); } _onKeyDown(e) { const {activeElement} = document; if ( activeElement !== this._queryInput && !this._isElementInput(activeElement) && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.altKey && e.key.length === 1 && e.key !== ' ' ) { this._queryInput.focus({preventScroll: true}); } } async _onOptionsUpdated() { await this._display.updateOptions(); const query = this._queryInput.value; if (query) { this._display.searchLast(false); } } _onDisplayOptionsUpdated({options}) { this._clipboardMonitorEnabled = options.clipboard.enableSearchPageMonitor; this._updateClipboardMonitorEnabled(); const enableWanakana = !!this._display.getOptions().general.enableWanakana; this._wanakanaEnableCheckbox.checked = enableWanakana; this._setWanakanaEnabled(enableWanakana); } _onContentUpdateStart({type, query}) { let animate = false; let valid = false; let showBackButton = false; switch (type) { case 'terms': case 'kanji': { const {content, state} = this._display.history; animate = (typeof content === 'object' && content !== null && content.animate === true); showBackButton = (typeof state === 'object' && state !== null && state.cause === 'queryParser'); valid = (typeof query === 'string' && query.length > 0); this._display.blurElement(this._queryInput); } break; case 'clear': valid = false; animate = true; query = ''; break; } if (typeof query !== 'string') { query = ''; } this._searchBackButton.hidden = !showBackButton; if (this._queryInput.value !== query) { this._queryInput.value = query; this._updateSearchHeight(true); } this._setIntroVisible(!valid, animate); } _onSearchInput() { this._updateSearchHeight(false); } _onSearchKeydown(e) { if (e.isComposing) { return; } const {code} = e; if (!((code === 'Enter' || code === 'NumpadEnter') && !e.shiftKey)) { return; } // Search e.preventDefault(); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); this._display.blurElement(e.currentTarget); this._search(true, 'new', true, null); } _onSearch(e) { e.preventDefault(); this._search(true, 'new', true, null); } _onSearchBackButtonClick() { this._display.history.back(); } _onCopy() { // ignore copy from search page this._clipboardMonitor.setPreviousText(window.getSelection().toString().trim()); } _onExternalSearchUpdate({text, animate=true}) { const {clipboard: {autoSearchContent, maximumSearchLength}} = this._display.getOptions(); if (text.length > maximumSearchLength) { text = text.substring(0, maximumSearchLength); } this._queryInput.value = text; this._updateSearchHeight(true); this._search(animate, 'clear', autoSearchContent, ['clipboard']); } _onWanakanaEnableChange(e) { const value = e.target.checked; this._setWanakanaEnabled(value); yomichan.api.modifySettings([{ action: 'set', path: 'general.enableWanakana', value, scope: 'profile', optionsContext: this._display.getOptionsContext() }], 'search'); } _onClipboardMonitorEnableChange(e) { const enabled = e.target.checked; this._setClipboardMonitorEnabled(enabled); } _onModeChange() { this._updateClipboardMonitorEnabled(); } _setWanakanaEnabled(enabled) { if (this._queryInputEventsSetup && this._wanakanaEnabled === enabled) { return; } const input = this._queryInput; this._queryInputEvents.removeAllEventListeners(); this._queryInputEvents.addEventListener(input, 'keydown', this._onSearchKeydown.bind(this), false); this._wanakanaEnabled = enabled; if (enabled) { if (!this._wanakanaBound) { wanakana.bind(input); this._wanakanaBound = true; } } else { if (this._wanakanaBound) { wanakana.unbind(input); this._wanakanaBound = false; } } this._queryInputEvents.addEventListener(input, 'input', this._onSearchInput.bind(this), false); this._queryInputEventsSetup = true; } _setIntroVisible(visible, animate) { if (this._introVisible === visible) { return; } this._introVisible = visible; if (this._introElement === null) { return; } if (this._introAnimationTimer !== null) { clearTimeout(this._introAnimationTimer); this._introAnimationTimer = null; } if (visible) { this._showIntro(animate); } else { this._hideIntro(animate); } } _showIntro(animate) { if (animate) { const duration = 0.4; this._introElement.style.transition = ''; this._introElement.style.height = ''; const size = this._introElement.getBoundingClientRect(); this._introElement.style.height = '0px'; this._introElement.style.transition = `height ${duration}s ease-in-out 0s`; window.getComputedStyle(this._introElement).getPropertyValue('height'); // Commits height so next line can start animation this._introElement.style.height = `${size.height}px`; this._introAnimationTimer = setTimeout(() => { this._introElement.style.height = ''; this._introAnimationTimer = null; }, duration * 1000); } else { this._introElement.style.transition = ''; this._introElement.style.height = ''; } } _hideIntro(animate) { if (animate) { const duration = 0.4; const size = this._introElement.getBoundingClientRect(); this._introElement.style.height = `${size.height}px`; this._introElement.style.transition = `height ${duration}s ease-in-out 0s`; window.getComputedStyle(this._introElement).getPropertyValue('height'); // Commits height so next line can start animation } else { this._introElement.style.transition = ''; } this._introElement.style.height = '0'; } async _setClipboardMonitorEnabled(value) { let modify = true; if (value) { value = await this._requestPermissions(['clipboardRead']); modify = value; } this._clipboardMonitorEnabled = value; this._updateClipboardMonitorEnabled(); if (!modify) { return; } await yomichan.api.modifySettings([{ action: 'set', path: 'clipboard.enableSearchPageMonitor', value, scope: 'profile', optionsContext: this._display.getOptionsContext() }], 'search'); } _updateClipboardMonitorEnabled() { const enabled = this._clipboardMonitorEnabled; this._clipboardMonitorEnableCheckbox.checked = enabled; if (enabled && this._canEnableClipboardMonitor()) { this._clipboardMonitor.start(); } else { this._clipboardMonitor.stop(); } } _canEnableClipboardMonitor() { switch (this._searchPersistentStateController.mode) { case 'popup': case 'action-popup': return false; default: return true; } } _requestPermissions(permissions) { return new Promise((resolve) => { chrome.permissions.request( {permissions}, (granted) => { const e = chrome.runtime.lastError; resolve(!e && granted); } ); }); } _search(animate, historyMode, lookup, flags) { const query = this._queryInput.value; const depth = this._display.depth; const url = window.location.href; const documentTitle = document.title; const optionsContext = {depth, url}; if (flags !== null) { optionsContext.flags = flags; } const details = { focus: false, historyMode, params: { query }, state: { focusEntry: 0, optionsContext, url, sentence: {text: query, offset: 0}, documentTitle }, content: { dictionaryEntries: null, animate, contentOrigin: { tabId: this._tabId, frameId: this._frameId } } }; if (!lookup) { details.params.lookup = 'false'; } this._display.setContent(details); } _updateSearchHeight(shrink) { const node = this._queryInput; if (shrink) { node.style.height = '0'; } const {scrollHeight} = node; const currentHeight = node.getBoundingClientRect().height; if (shrink || scrollHeight >= currentHeight - 1) { node.style.height = `${scrollHeight}px`; } } _registerMessageHandlers(handlers) { for (const [name, handlerInfo] of handlers) { this._messageHandlers.set(name, handlerInfo); } } _isElementInput(element) { if (element === null) { return false; } switch (element.tagName.toLowerCase()) { case 'input': case 'textarea': case 'button': case 'select': return true; } if (element.isContentEditable) { return true; } return false; } }