/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ class StructuredContentGenerator { constructor(contentManager, japaneseUtil, document) { this._contentManager = contentManager; this._japaneseUtil = japaneseUtil; this._document = document; } appendStructuredContent(node, content, dictionary) { node.classList.add('structured-content'); this._appendStructuredContent(node, content, dictionary, null); } createStructuredContent(content, dictionary) { const node = this._createElement('span', 'structured-content'); this._appendStructuredContent(node, content, dictionary, null); return node; } createDefinitionImage(data, dictionary) { const { path, width, height, preferredWidth, preferredHeight, title, pixelated, imageRendering, appearance, background, collapsed, collapsible, verticalAlign, sizeUnits } = data; const hasPreferredWidth = (typeof preferredWidth === 'number'); const hasPreferredHeight = (typeof preferredHeight === 'number'); const invAspectRatio = ( hasPreferredWidth && hasPreferredHeight ? preferredHeight / preferredWidth : height / width ); const usedWidth = ( hasPreferredWidth ? preferredWidth : (hasPreferredHeight ? preferredHeight / invAspectRatio : width) ); const node = this._createElement('a', 'gloss-image-link'); node.target = '_blank'; node.rel = 'noreferrer noopener'; const imageContainer = this._createElement('span', 'gloss-image-container'); node.appendChild(imageContainer); const aspectRatioSizer = this._createElement('span', 'gloss-image-sizer'); imageContainer.appendChild(aspectRatioSizer); const imageBackground = this._createElement('span', 'gloss-image-background'); imageContainer.appendChild(imageBackground); const image = this._createElement('img', 'gloss-image'); image.alt = ''; imageContainer.appendChild(image); const overlay = this._createElement('span', 'gloss-image-container-overlay'); imageContainer.appendChild(overlay); const linkText = this._createElement('span', 'gloss-image-link-text'); linkText.textContent = 'Image'; node.appendChild(linkText); node.dataset.path = path; node.dataset.dictionary = dictionary; node.dataset.imageLoadState = 'not-loaded'; node.dataset.hasAspectRatio = 'true'; node.dataset.imageRendering = typeof imageRendering === 'string' ? imageRendering : (pixelated ? 'pixelated' : 'auto'); node.dataset.appearance = typeof appearance === 'string' ? appearance : 'auto'; node.dataset.background = typeof background === 'boolean' ? `${background}` : 'true'; node.dataset.collapsed = typeof collapsed === 'boolean' ? `${collapsed}` : 'false'; node.dataset.collapsible = typeof collapsible === 'boolean' ? `${collapsible}` : 'true'; if (typeof verticalAlign === 'string') { node.dataset.verticalAlign = verticalAlign; } if (typeof sizeUnits === 'string' && (hasPreferredWidth || hasPreferredHeight)) { node.dataset.sizeUnits = sizeUnits; } imageContainer.style.width = `${usedWidth}em`; if (typeof title === 'string') { imageContainer.title = title; } aspectRatioSizer.style.paddingTop = `${invAspectRatio * 100.0}%`; if (this._contentManager !== null) { this._contentManager.loadMedia( path, dictionary, (url) => this._setImageData(node, image, imageBackground, url, false), () => this._setImageData(node, image, imageBackground, null, true) ); } return node; } // Private _appendStructuredContent(container, content, dictionary, language) { if (typeof content === 'string') { if (content.length > 0) { container.appendChild(this._createTextNode(content)); if (language === null && this._japaneseUtil.isStringPartiallyJapanese(content)) { container.lang = 'ja'; } } return; } if (!(typeof content === 'object' && content !== null)) { return; } if (Array.isArray(content)) { for (const item of content) { this._appendStructuredContent(container, item, dictionary, language); } return; } const node = this._createStructuredContentGenericElement(content, dictionary, language); if (node !== null) { container.appendChild(node); } } _createElement(tagName, className) { const node = this._document.createElement(tagName); node.className = className; return node; } _createTextNode(data) { return this._document.createTextNode(data); } _setElementDataset(element, data) { for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) { if (key.length > 0) { key = `${key[0].toUpperCase()}${key.substring(1)}`; } key = `sc${key}`; try { element.dataset[key] = value; } catch (e) { // DOMException if key is malformed } } } _setImageData(node, image, imageBackground, url, unloaded) { if (url !== null) { image.src = url; node.href = url; node.dataset.imageLoadState = 'loaded'; imageBackground.style.setProperty('--image', `url("${url}")`); } else { image.removeAttribute('src'); node.removeAttribute('href'); node.dataset.imageLoadState = unloaded ? 'unloaded' : 'load-error'; imageBackground.style.removeProperty('--image'); } } _createStructuredContentGenericElement(content, dictionary, language) { const {tag} = content; switch (tag) { case 'br': return this._createStructuredContentElement(tag, content, dictionary, language, 'simple', false, false); case 'ruby': case 'rt': case 'rp': return this._createStructuredContentElement(tag, content, dictionary, language, 'simple', true, false); case 'table': return this._createStructuredContentTableElement(tag, content, dictionary, language); case 'thead': case 'tbody': case 'tfoot': case 'tr': return this._createStructuredContentElement(tag, content, dictionary, language, 'table', true, false); case 'th': case 'td': return this._createStructuredContentElement(tag, content, dictionary, language, 'table-cell', true, true); case 'div': case 'span': case 'ol': case 'ul': case 'li': return this._createStructuredContentElement(tag, content, dictionary, language, 'simple', true, true); case 'img': return this.createDefinitionImage(content, dictionary); case 'a': return this._createLinkElement(content, dictionary, language); } return null; } _createStructuredContentTableElement(tag, content, dictionary, language) { const container = this._createElement('div', 'gloss-sc-table-container'); const table = this._createStructuredContentElement(tag, content, dictionary, language, 'table', true, false); container.appendChild(table); return container; } _createStructuredContentElement(tag, content, dictionary, language, type, hasChildren, hasStyle) { const node = this._createElement(tag, `gloss-sc-${tag}`); const {data, lang} = content; if (typeof data === 'object' && data !== null) { this._setElementDataset(node, data); } if (typeof lang === 'string') { node.lang = lang; language = lang; } switch (type) { case 'table-cell': { const {colSpan, rowSpan} = content; if (typeof colSpan === 'number') { node.colSpan = colSpan; } if (typeof rowSpan === 'number') { node.rowSpan = rowSpan; } } break; } if (hasStyle) { const {style} = content; if (typeof style === 'object' && style !== null) { this._setStructuredContentElementStyle(node, style); } } if (hasChildren) { this._appendStructuredContent(node, content.content, dictionary, language); } return node; } _setStructuredContentElementStyle(node, contentStyle) { const {style} = node; const { fontStyle, fontWeight, fontSize, textDecorationLine, verticalAlign, textAlign, marginTop, marginLeft, marginRight, marginBottom, listStyleType } = contentStyle; if (typeof fontStyle === 'string') { style.fontStyle = fontStyle; } if (typeof fontWeight === 'string') { style.fontWeight = fontWeight; } if (typeof fontSize === 'string') { style.fontSize = fontSize; } if (typeof verticalAlign === 'string') { style.verticalAlign = verticalAlign; } if (typeof textAlign === 'string') { style.textAlign = textAlign; } if (typeof textDecorationLine === 'string') { style.textDecoration = textDecorationLine; } else if (Array.isArray(textDecorationLine)) { style.textDecoration = textDecorationLine.join(' '); } if (typeof marginTop === 'number') { style.marginTop = `${marginTop}em`; } if (typeof marginLeft === 'number') { style.marginLeft = `${marginLeft}em`; } if (typeof marginRight === 'number') { style.marginRight = `${marginRight}em`; } if (typeof marginBottom === 'number') { style.marginBottom = `${marginBottom}em`; } if (typeof listStyleType === 'string') { style.listStyleType = listStyleType; } } _createLinkElement(content, dictionary, language) { let {href} = content; const internal = href.startsWith('?'); if (internal) { href = `${location.protocol}//${location.host}/search.html${href.length > 1 ? href : ''}`; } const node = this._createElement('a', 'gloss-link'); node.dataset.external = `${!internal}`; const text = this._createElement('span', 'gloss-link-text'); node.appendChild(text); const {lang} = content; if (typeof lang === 'string') { node.lang = lang; language = lang; } this._appendStructuredContent(text, content.content, dictionary, language); if (!internal) { const icon = this._createElement('span', 'gloss-link-external-icon icon'); icon.dataset.icon = 'external-link'; node.appendChild(icon); } this._contentManager.prepareLink(node, href, internal); return node; } }