/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2019-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import {isObject} from '../core.js'; import {ExtensionError} from '../core/extension-error.js'; import {HtmlTemplateCollection} from '../dom/html-template-collection.js'; import {DictionaryDataUtil} from '../language/sandbox/dictionary-data-util.js'; import {yomitan} from '../yomitan.js'; import {PronunciationGenerator} from './sandbox/pronunciation-generator.js'; import {StructuredContentGenerator} from './sandbox/structured-content-generator.js'; export class DisplayGenerator { /** * @param {import('display').DisplayGeneratorConstructorDetails} details */ constructor({japaneseUtil, contentManager, hotkeyHelpController = null}) { /** @type {import('../language/sandbox/japanese-util.js').JapaneseUtil} */ this._japaneseUtil = japaneseUtil; /** @type {import('./display-content-manager.js').DisplayContentManager} */ this._contentManager = contentManager; /** @type {?import('../input/hotkey-help-controller.js').HotkeyHelpController} */ this._hotkeyHelpController = hotkeyHelpController; /** @type {HtmlTemplateCollection} */ this._templates = new HtmlTemplateCollection(); /** @type {StructuredContentGenerator} */ this._structuredContentGenerator = new StructuredContentGenerator(this._contentManager, japaneseUtil, document); /** @type {PronunciationGenerator} */ this._pronunciationGenerator = new PronunciationGenerator(japaneseUtil); } /** */ async prepare() { const html = await yomitan.api.getDisplayTemplatesHtml(); this._templates.load(html); this.updateHotkeys(); } /** */ updateHotkeys() { const hotkeyHelpController = this._hotkeyHelpController; if (hotkeyHelpController === null) { return; } for (const template of this._templates.getAllTemplates()) { hotkeyHelpController.setupNode(template.content); } } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermDictionaryEntry} dictionaryEntry * @returns {HTMLElement} */ createTermEntry(dictionaryEntry) { const node = this._instantiate('term-entry'); const headwordsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.headword-list'); const inflectionsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.inflection-list'); const groupedPronunciationsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.pronunciation-group-list'); const frequencyGroupListContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.frequency-group-list'); const definitionsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.definition-list'); const headwordTagsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.headword-list-tag-list'); const {headwords, type, inflections, definitions, frequencies, pronunciations} = dictionaryEntry; const groupedPronunciations = DictionaryDataUtil.getGroupedPronunciations(dictionaryEntry); const pronunciationCount = groupedPronunciations.reduce((i, v) => i + v.pronunciations.length, 0); const groupedFrequencies = DictionaryDataUtil.groupTermFrequencies(dictionaryEntry); const termTags = DictionaryDataUtil.groupTermTags(dictionaryEntry); /** @type {Set} */ const uniqueTerms = new Set(); /** @type {Set} */ const uniqueReadings = new Set(); /** @type {Set} */ const primaryMatchTypes = new Set(); for (const {term, reading, sources} of headwords) { uniqueTerms.add(term); uniqueReadings.add(reading); for (const {matchType, isPrimary} of sources) { if (!isPrimary) { continue; } primaryMatchTypes.add(matchType); } } node.dataset.format = type; node.dataset.headwordCount = `${headwords.length}`; node.dataset.definitionCount = `${definitions.length}`; node.dataset.pronunciationDictionaryCount = `${groupedPronunciations.length}`; node.dataset.pronunciationCount = `${pronunciationCount}`; node.dataset.uniqueTermCount = `${uniqueTerms.size}`; node.dataset.uniqueReadingCount = `${uniqueReadings.size}`; node.dataset.frequencyCount = `${frequencies.length}`; node.dataset.groupedFrequencyCount = `${groupedFrequencies.length}`; node.dataset.primaryMatchTypes = [...primaryMatchTypes].join(' '); for (let i = 0, ii = headwords.length; i < ii; ++i) { const node2 = this._createTermHeadword(headwords[i], i, pronunciations); node2.dataset.index = `${i}`; headwordsContainer.appendChild(node2); } headwordsContainer.dataset.count = `${headwords.length}`; this._appendMultiple(inflectionsContainer, this._createTermInflection.bind(this), inflections); this._appendMultiple(frequencyGroupListContainer, this._createFrequencyGroup.bind(this), groupedFrequencies, false); this._appendMultiple(groupedPronunciationsContainer, this._createGroupedPronunciation.bind(this), groupedPronunciations); this._appendMultiple(headwordTagsContainer, this._createTermTag.bind(this), termTags, headwords.length); for (const term of uniqueTerms) { headwordTagsContainer.appendChild(this._createSearchTag(term)); } for (const reading of uniqueReadings) { if (uniqueTerms.has(reading)) { continue; } headwordTagsContainer.appendChild(this._createSearchTag(reading)); } // Add definitions const dictionaryTag = this._createDictionaryTag(''); for (let i = 0, ii = definitions.length; i < ii; ++i) { const definition = definitions[i]; const {dictionary} = definition; if (dictionaryTag.dictionaries.includes(dictionary)) { dictionaryTag.redundant = true; } else { dictionaryTag.redundant = false; dictionaryTag.dictionaries.push(dictionary); dictionaryTag.name = dictionary; } const node2 = this._createTermDefinition(definition, dictionaryTag, headwords, uniqueTerms, uniqueReadings); node2.dataset.index = `${i}`; definitionsContainer.appendChild(node2); } definitionsContainer.dataset.count = `${definitions.length}`; return node; } /** * @param {import('dictionary').KanjiDictionaryEntry} dictionaryEntry * @returns {HTMLElement} */ createKanjiEntry(dictionaryEntry) { const node = this._instantiate('kanji-entry'); const glyphContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-glyph'); const frequencyGroupListContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.frequency-group-list'); const tagContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-tag-list'); const definitionsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-gloss-list'); const chineseReadingsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-readings-chinese'); const japaneseReadingsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-readings-japanese'); const statisticsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-statistics'); const classificationsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-classifications'); const codepointsContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-codepoints'); const dictionaryIndicesContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-dictionary-indices'); this._setTextContent(glyphContainer, dictionaryEntry.character, 'ja'); const groupedFrequencies = DictionaryDataUtil.groupKanjiFrequencies(dictionaryEntry.frequencies); const dictionaryTag = this._createDictionaryTag(dictionaryEntry.dictionary); this._appendMultiple(frequencyGroupListContainer, this._createFrequencyGroup.bind(this), groupedFrequencies, true); this._appendMultiple(tagContainer, this._createTag.bind(this), [...dictionaryEntry.tags, dictionaryTag]); this._appendMultiple(definitionsContainer, this._createKanjiDefinition.bind(this), dictionaryEntry.definitions); this._appendMultiple(chineseReadingsContainer, this._createKanjiReading.bind(this), dictionaryEntry.onyomi); this._appendMultiple(japaneseReadingsContainer, this._createKanjiReading.bind(this), dictionaryEntry.kunyomi); statisticsContainer.appendChild(this._createKanjiInfoTable(dictionaryEntry.stats.misc)); classificationsContainer.appendChild(this._createKanjiInfoTable(dictionaryEntry.stats.class)); codepointsContainer.appendChild(this._createKanjiInfoTable(dictionaryEntry.stats.code)); dictionaryIndicesContainer.appendChild(this._createKanjiInfoTable(dictionaryEntry.stats.index)); return node; } /** * @returns {HTMLElement} */ createEmptyFooterNotification() { return this._instantiate('footer-notification'); } /** * @param {HTMLElement} tagNode * @param {?import('dictionary').DictionaryEntry} dictionaryEntry * @returns {DocumentFragment} */ createTagFooterNotificationDetails(tagNode, dictionaryEntry) { const node = this._templates.instantiateFragment('footer-notification-tag-details'); let details = tagNode.dataset.details; if (typeof details !== 'string') { const label = tagNode.querySelector('.tag-label-content'); details = label !== null && label.textContent !== null ? label.textContent : ''; } const tagDetails = this._querySelector(node, '.tag-details'); this._setTextContent(tagDetails, details); if (dictionaryEntry !== null && dictionaryEntry.type === 'term') { const {headwords} = dictionaryEntry; const disambiguationHeadwords = []; const {headwords: headwordIndices} = tagNode.dataset; if (typeof headwordIndices === 'string' && headwordIndices.length > 0) { for (const headwordIndexString of headwordIndices.split(' ')) { const headwordIndex = Number.parseInt(headwordIndexString, 10); if (!Number.isNaN(headwordIndex) && headwordIndex >= 0 && headwordIndex < headwords.length) { disambiguationHeadwords.push(headwords[headwordIndex]); } } } if (disambiguationHeadwords.length > 0 && disambiguationHeadwords.length < headwords.length) { const disambiguationContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.tag-details-disambiguation-list'); const copyAttributes = ['totalHeadwordCount', 'matchedHeadwordCount', 'unmatchedHeadwordCount']; for (const attribute of copyAttributes) { const value = tagNode.dataset[attribute]; if (typeof value === 'undefined') { continue; } disambiguationContainer.dataset[attribute] = value; } for (const {term, reading} of disambiguationHeadwords) { const disambiguationItem = document.createElement('span'); disambiguationItem.className = 'tag-details-disambiguation'; this._appendFurigana(disambiguationItem, term, reading, (container, text) => { container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(text)); }); disambiguationContainer.appendChild(disambiguationItem); } } } return node; } /** * @param {(DocumentFragment|Node|Error)[]} errors * @returns {HTMLElement} */ createAnkiNoteErrorsNotificationContent(errors) { const content = this._instantiate('footer-notification-anki-errors-content'); const header = this._querySelector(content, '.anki-note-error-header'); this._setTextContent(header, (errors.length === 1 ? 'An error occurred:' : `${errors.length} errors occurred:`), 'en'); const list = this._querySelector(content, '.anki-note-error-list'); for (const error of errors) { const div = document.createElement('li'); div.className = 'anki-note-error-message'; if (error instanceof DocumentFragment || error instanceof Node) { div.appendChild(error); } else { let message = isObject(error) && typeof error.message === 'string' ? error.message : `${error}`; let link = null; if (error instanceof ExtensionError && error.data !== null && typeof error.data === 'object') { const {referenceUrl} = /** @type {import('core').UnknownObject} */ (error.data); if (typeof referenceUrl === 'string') { message = message.trimEnd(); if (!/[.!?]^/.test(message)) { message += '.'; } message += ' '; link = document.createElement('a'); link.href = referenceUrl; link.target = '_blank'; link.rel = 'noreferrer noopener'; link.textContent = 'More info'; } } this._setTextContent(div, message); if (link !== null) { div.appendChild(link); } } list.appendChild(div); } return content; } /** * @returns {HTMLElement} */ createProfileListItem() { return this._instantiate('profile-list-item'); } /** * @param {string} name * @returns {HTMLElement} */ instantiateTemplate(name) { return this._instantiate(name); } /** * @param {string} name * @returns {DocumentFragment} */ instantiateTemplateFragment(name) { return this._templates.instantiateFragment(name); } // Private /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermHeadword} headword * @param {number} headwordIndex * @param {import('dictionary').TermPronunciation[]} pronunciations * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createTermHeadword(headword, headwordIndex, pronunciations) { const {term, reading, tags, sources} = headword; let isPrimaryAny = false; const matchTypes = new Set(); const matchSources = new Set(); for (const {matchType, matchSource, isPrimary} of sources) { if (isPrimary) { isPrimaryAny = true; } matchTypes.add(matchType); matchSources.add(matchSource); } const node = this._instantiate('headword'); const termContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.headword-term'); node.dataset.isPrimary = `${isPrimaryAny}`; node.dataset.readingIsSame = `${reading === term}`; node.dataset.frequency = DictionaryDataUtil.getTermFrequency(tags); node.dataset.matchTypes = [...matchTypes].join(' '); node.dataset.matchSources = [...matchSources].join(' '); const {wordClasses} = headword; const pronunciationCategories = this._getPronunciationCategories(reading, pronunciations, wordClasses, headwordIndex); if (pronunciationCategories !== null) { node.dataset.pronunciationCategories = pronunciationCategories; } if (wordClasses.length > 0) { node.dataset.wordClasses = wordClasses.join(' '); } const headwordReading = this._querySelector(node, '.headword-reading'); this._setTextContent(headwordReading, reading); this._appendFurigana(termContainer, term, reading, this._appendKanjiLinks.bind(this)); return node; } /** * @param {string} inflection * @returns {DocumentFragment} */ _createTermInflection(inflection) { const fragment = this._templates.instantiateFragment('inflection'); const node = this._querySelector(fragment, '.inflection'); this._setTextContent(node, inflection); node.dataset.reason = inflection; return fragment; } /** * @param {import('dictionary').TermDefinition} definition * @param {import('dictionary').Tag} dictionaryTag * @param {import('dictionary').TermHeadword[]} headwords * @param {Set} uniqueTerms * @param {Set} uniqueReadings * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createTermDefinition(definition, dictionaryTag, headwords, uniqueTerms, uniqueReadings) { const {dictionary, tags, headwordIndices, entries} = definition; const disambiguations = DictionaryDataUtil.getDisambiguations(headwords, headwordIndices, uniqueTerms, uniqueReadings); const node = this._instantiate('definition-item'); const tagListContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.definition-tag-list'); const onlyListContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.definition-disambiguation-list'); const entriesContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.gloss-list'); node.dataset.dictionary = dictionary; this._appendMultiple(tagListContainer, this._createTag.bind(this), [...tags, dictionaryTag]); this._appendMultiple(onlyListContainer, this._createTermDisambiguation.bind(this), disambiguations); this._appendMultiple(entriesContainer, this._createTermDefinitionEntry.bind(this), entries, dictionary); return node; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossary} entry * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {?HTMLElement} */ _createTermDefinitionEntry(entry, dictionary) { if (typeof entry === 'string') { return this._createTermDefinitionEntryText(entry); } else if (typeof entry === 'object' && entry !== null) { switch (entry.type) { case 'image': return this._createTermDefinitionEntryImage(entry, dictionary); case 'structured-content': return this._createTermDefinitionEntryStructuredContent(entry.content, dictionary); } } return null; } /** * @param {string} text * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createTermDefinitionEntryText(text) { const node = this._instantiate('gloss-item'); const container = this._querySelector(node, '.gloss-content'); this._setMultilineTextContent(container, text); return node; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryImage} data * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createTermDefinitionEntryImage(data, dictionary) { const {description} = data; const node = this._instantiate('gloss-item'); const contentContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.gloss-content'); const image = this._structuredContentGenerator.createDefinitionImage(data, dictionary); contentContainer.appendChild(image); if (typeof description === 'string') { const fragment = this._templates.instantiateFragment('gloss-item-image-description'); const container = this._querySelector(fragment, '.gloss-image-description'); this._setMultilineTextContent(container, description); contentContainer.appendChild(fragment); } return node; } /** * @param {import('structured-content').Content} content * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createTermDefinitionEntryStructuredContent(content, dictionary) { const node = this._instantiate('gloss-item'); const contentContainer = this._querySelector(node, '.gloss-content'); this._structuredContentGenerator.appendStructuredContent(contentContainer, content, dictionary); return node; } /** * @param {string} disambiguation * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createTermDisambiguation(disambiguation) { const node = this._instantiate('definition-disambiguation'); node.dataset.term = disambiguation; this._setTextContent(node, disambiguation, 'ja'); return node; } /** * @param {string} character * @returns {HTMLAnchorElement} */ _createKanjiLink(character) { const node = document.createElement('a'); node.className = 'headword-kanji-link'; this._setTextContent(node, character, 'ja'); return node; } /** * @param {string} text * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createKanjiDefinition(text) { const node = this._instantiate('kanji-gloss-item'); const container = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-gloss-content'); this._setMultilineTextContent(container, text); return node; } /** * @param {string} reading * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createKanjiReading(reading) { const node = this._instantiate('kanji-reading'); this._setTextContent(node, reading, 'ja'); return node; } /** * @param {import('dictionary').KanjiStat[]} details * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createKanjiInfoTable(details) { const node = this._instantiate('kanji-info-table'); const container = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-info-table-body'); const count = this._appendMultiple(container, this._createKanjiInfoTableItem.bind(this), details); if (count === 0) { const n = this._createKanjiInfoTableItemEmpty(); container.appendChild(n); } return node; } /** * @param {import('dictionary').KanjiStat} details * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createKanjiInfoTableItem(details) { const {content, name, value} = details; const node = this._instantiate('kanji-info-table-item'); const nameNode = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-info-table-item-header'); const valueNode = this._querySelector(node, '.kanji-info-table-item-value'); this._setTextContent(nameNode, content.length > 0 ? content : name); this._setTextContent(valueNode, typeof value === 'string' ? value : `${value}`); return node; } /** * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createKanjiInfoTableItemEmpty() { return this._instantiate('kanji-info-table-empty'); } /** * @param {import('dictionary').Tag} tag * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createTag(tag) { const {content, name, category, redundant} = tag; const node = this._instantiate('tag'); const inner = this._querySelector(node, '.tag-label-content'); const contentString = content.join('\n'); node.title = contentString; this._setTextContent(inner, name); node.dataset.details = contentString.length > 0 ? contentString : name; node.dataset.category = category; if (redundant) { node.dataset.redundant = 'true'; } return node; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data-util').TagGroup} tagInfo * @param {number} totalHeadwordCount * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createTermTag(tagInfo, totalHeadwordCount) { const {tag, headwordIndices} = tagInfo; const node = this._createTag(tag); node.dataset.headwords = headwordIndices.join(' '); node.dataset.totalHeadwordCount = `${totalHeadwordCount}`; node.dataset.matchedHeadwordCount = `${headwordIndices.length}`; node.dataset.unmatchedHeadwordCount = `${Math.max(0, totalHeadwordCount - headwordIndices.length)}`; return node; } /** * @param {string} name * @param {string} category * @returns {import('dictionary').Tag} */ _createTagData(name, category) { return { name, category, order: 0, score: 0, content: [], dictionaries: [], redundant: false }; } /** * @param {string} text * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createSearchTag(text) { return this._createTag(this._createTagData(text, 'search')); } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data-util').DictionaryGroupedPronunciations} details * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createGroupedPronunciation(details) { const {dictionary, pronunciations} = details; const node = this._instantiate('pronunciation-group'); node.dataset.dictionary = dictionary; node.dataset.pronunciationsMulti = 'true'; node.dataset.pronunciationsCount = `${pronunciations.length}`; const n1 = this._querySelector(node, '.pronunciation-group-tag-list'); const tag = this._createTag(this._createTagData(dictionary, 'pronunciation-dictionary')); n1.appendChild(tag); let hasTags = false; for (const {tags} of pronunciations) { if (tags.length > 0) { hasTags = true; break; } } const n = this._querySelector(node, '.pronunciation-list'); n.dataset.hasTags = `${hasTags}`; this._appendMultiple(n, this._createPronunciation.bind(this), pronunciations); return node; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data-util').GroupedPronunciation} details * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createPronunciation(details) { const jp = this._japaneseUtil; const {reading, position, nasalPositions, devoicePositions, tags, exclusiveTerms, exclusiveReadings} = details; const morae = jp.getKanaMorae(reading); const node = this._instantiate('pronunciation'); node.dataset.pitchAccentDownstepPosition = `${position}`; if (nasalPositions.length > 0) { node.dataset.nasalMoraPosition = nasalPositions.join(' '); } if (devoicePositions.length > 0) { node.dataset.devoiceMoraPosition = devoicePositions.join(' '); } node.dataset.tagCount = `${tags.length}`; let n = this._querySelector(node, '.pronunciation-tag-list'); this._appendMultiple(n, this._createTag.bind(this), tags); n = this._querySelector(node, '.pronunciation-disambiguation-list'); this._createPronunciationDisambiguations(n, exclusiveTerms, exclusiveReadings); n = this._querySelector(node, '.pronunciation-downstep-notation-container'); n.appendChild(this._pronunciationGenerator.createPronunciationDownstepPosition(position)); n = this._querySelector(node, '.pronunciation-text-container'); n.lang = 'ja'; n.appendChild(this._pronunciationGenerator.createPronunciationText(morae, position, nasalPositions, devoicePositions)); n = this._querySelector(node, '.pronunciation-graph-container'); n.appendChild(this._pronunciationGenerator.createPronunciationGraph(morae, position)); return node; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} container * @param {string[]} exclusiveTerms * @param {string[]} exclusiveReadings */ _createPronunciationDisambiguations(container, exclusiveTerms, exclusiveReadings) { const templateName = 'pronunciation-disambiguation'; for (const term of exclusiveTerms) { const node = this._instantiate(templateName); node.dataset.type = 'term'; this._setTextContent(node, term, 'ja'); container.appendChild(node); } for (const exclusiveReading of exclusiveReadings) { const node = this._instantiate(templateName); node.dataset.type = 'reading'; this._setTextContent(node, exclusiveReading, 'ja'); container.appendChild(node); } container.dataset.count = `${exclusiveTerms.length + exclusiveReadings.length}`; container.dataset.termCount = `${exclusiveTerms.length}`; container.dataset.readingCount = `${exclusiveReadings.length}`; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data-util').DictionaryFrequency|import('dictionary-data-util').DictionaryFrequency} details * @param {boolean} kanji * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createFrequencyGroup(details, kanji) { const {dictionary, frequencies} = details; const node = this._instantiate('frequency-group-item'); const body = this._querySelector(node, '.tag-body-content'); const tagLabel = this._querySelector(node, '.tag-label-content'); this._setTextContent(tagLabel, dictionary); node.dataset.details = dictionary; const ii = frequencies.length; for (let i = 0; i < ii; ++i) { const item = frequencies[i]; const itemNode = ( kanji ? this._createKanjiFrequency(/** @type {import('dictionary-data-util').KanjiFrequency} */ (item), dictionary) : this._createTermFrequency(/** @type {import('dictionary-data-util').TermFrequency} */ (item), dictionary) ); itemNode.dataset.index = `${i}`; body.appendChild(itemNode); } body.dataset.count = `${ii}`; node.dataset.count = `${ii}`; node.dataset.details = dictionary; return node; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data-util').TermFrequency} details * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createTermFrequency(details, dictionary) { const {term, reading, values} = details; const node = this._instantiate('term-frequency-item'); const tagLabel = this._querySelector(node, '.tag-label-content'); const disambiguationTerm = this._querySelector(node, '.frequency-disambiguation-term'); const disambiguationReading = this._querySelector(node, '.frequency-disambiguation-reading'); const frequencyValueList = this._querySelector(node, '.frequency-value-list'); this._setTextContent(tagLabel, dictionary); this._setTextContent(disambiguationTerm, term, 'ja'); this._setTextContent(disambiguationReading, (reading !== null ? reading : ''), 'ja'); this._populateFrequencyValueList(frequencyValueList, values); node.dataset.term = term; if (typeof reading === 'string') { node.dataset.reading = reading; } node.dataset.hasReading = `${reading !== null}`; node.dataset.readingIsSame = `${reading === term}`; node.dataset.dictionary = dictionary; node.dataset.details = dictionary; return node; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data-util').KanjiFrequency} details * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {HTMLElement} */ _createKanjiFrequency(details, dictionary) { const {character, values} = details; const node = this._instantiate('kanji-frequency-item'); const tagLabel = this._querySelector(node, '.tag-label-content'); const frequencyValueList = this._querySelector(node, '.frequency-value-list'); this._setTextContent(tagLabel, dictionary); this._populateFrequencyValueList(frequencyValueList, values); node.dataset.character = character; node.dataset.dictionary = dictionary; node.dataset.details = dictionary; return node; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {import('dictionary-data-util').FrequencyData[]} values */ _populateFrequencyValueList(node, values) { let fullFrequency = ''; for (let i = 0, ii = values.length; i < ii; ++i) { const {frequency, displayValue} = values[i]; const frequencyString = `${frequency}`; const text = displayValue !== null ? displayValue : `${frequency}`; if (i > 0) { const node2 = document.createElement('span'); node2.className = 'frequency-value'; node2.dataset.frequency = `${frequency}`; node2.textContent = ', '; node.appendChild(node2); fullFrequency += ', '; } const node2 = document.createElement('span'); node2.className = 'frequency-value'; node2.dataset.frequency = frequencyString; if (displayValue !== null) { node2.dataset.displayValue = `${displayValue}`; if (displayValue !== frequencyString) { node2.title = frequencyString; } } this._setTextContent(node2, text, 'ja'); node.appendChild(node2); fullFrequency += text; } node.dataset.frequency = fullFrequency; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} container * @param {string} text */ _appendKanjiLinks(container, text) { const jp = this._japaneseUtil; let part = ''; for (const c of text) { if (jp.isCodePointKanji(/** @type {number} */ (c.codePointAt(0)))) { if (part.length > 0) { container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(part)); part = ''; } const link = this._createKanjiLink(c); container.appendChild(link); } else { part += c; } } if (part.length > 0) { container.appendChild(document.createTextNode(part)); } } /** * @template [TItem=unknown] * @template [TExtraArg=void] * @param {HTMLElement} container * @param {(item: TItem, arg: TExtraArg) => ?Node} createItem * @param {TItem[]} detailsArray * @param {TExtraArg} [arg] * @returns {number} */ _appendMultiple(container, createItem, detailsArray, arg) { let count = 0; const {ELEMENT_NODE} = Node; if (Array.isArray(detailsArray)) { for (const details of detailsArray) { const item = createItem(details, /** @type {TExtraArg} */ (arg)); if (item === null) { continue; } container.appendChild(item); if (item.nodeType === ELEMENT_NODE) { /** @type {HTMLElement} */ (item).dataset.index = `${count}`; } ++count; } } container.dataset.count = `${count}`; return count; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} container * @param {string} term * @param {string} reading * @param {(element: HTMLElement, text: string) => void} addText */ _appendFurigana(container, term, reading, addText) { container.lang = 'ja'; const segments = this._japaneseUtil.distributeFurigana(term, reading); for (const {text, reading: reading2} of segments) { if (reading2) { const ruby = document.createElement('ruby'); const rt = document.createElement('rt'); addText(ruby, text); ruby.appendChild(rt); rt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(reading2)); container.appendChild(ruby); } else { addText(container, text); } } } /** * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('dictionary').Tag} */ _createDictionaryTag(dictionary) { return this._createTagData(dictionary, 'dictionary'); } /** * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {string} value * @param {string} [language] */ _setTextContent(node, value, language) { if (typeof language === 'string') { node.lang = language; } else if (this._japaneseUtil.isStringPartiallyJapanese(value)) { node.lang = 'ja'; } node.textContent = value; } /** * @param {HTMLElement} node * @param {string} value * @param {string} [language] */ _setMultilineTextContent(node, value, language) { // This can't just call _setTextContent because the lack of
elements will // cause the text to not copy correctly. if (typeof language === 'string') { node.lang = language; } else if (this._japaneseUtil.isStringPartiallyJapanese(value)) { node.lang = 'ja'; } let start = 0; while (true) { const end = value.indexOf('\n', start); if (end < 0) { break; } node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(value.substring(start, end))); node.appendChild(document.createElement('br')); start = end + 1; } if (start < value.length) { node.appendChild(document.createTextNode(start === 0 ? value : value.substring(start))); } } /** * @param {string} reading * @param {import('dictionary').TermPronunciation[]} pronunciations * @param {string[]} wordClasses * @param {number} headwordIndex * @returns {?string} */ _getPronunciationCategories(reading, pronunciations, wordClasses, headwordIndex) { if (pronunciations.length === 0) { return null; } const isVerbOrAdjective = DictionaryDataUtil.isNonNounVerbOrAdjective(wordClasses); /** @type {Set} */ const categories = new Set(); for (const pronunciation of pronunciations) { if (pronunciation.headwordIndex !== headwordIndex) { continue; } for (const {position} of pronunciation.pitches) { const category = this._japaneseUtil.getPitchCategory(reading, position, isVerbOrAdjective); if (category !== null) { categories.add(category); } } } return categories.size > 0 ? [...categories].join(' ') : null; } /** * @template {HTMLElement} T * @param {string} name * @returns {T} */ _instantiate(name) { return /** @type {T} */ (this._templates.instantiate(name)); } /** * @template {HTMLElement} T * @param {Element|DocumentFragment} element * @param {string} selector * @returns {T} */ _querySelector(element, selector) { return /** @type {T} */ (element.querySelector(selector)); } }