/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import {EventListenerCollection} from '../core.js'; import {ArrayBufferUtil} from '../data/sandbox/array-buffer-util.js'; import {yomichan} from '../yomichan.js'; /** * A callback used when a media file has been loaded. * @callback DisplayContentManager.OnLoadCallback * @param {string} url The URL of the media that was loaded. */ /** * A callback used when a media file should be unloaded. * @callback DisplayContentManager.OnUnloadCallback * @param {boolean} fullyLoaded Whether or not the media was fully loaded. */ /** * The content manager which is used when generating HTML display content. */ export class DisplayContentManager { /** * Creates a new instance of the class. * @param {Display} display The display instance that owns this object. */ constructor(display) { this._display = display; this._token = {}; this._mediaCache = new Map(); this._loadMediaData = []; this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); } /** * Attempts to load the media file from a given dictionary. * @param {string} path The path to the media file in the dictionary. * @param {string} dictionary The name of the dictionary. * @param {DisplayContentManager.OnLoadCallback} onLoad The callback that is executed if the media was loaded successfully. * No assumptions should be made about the synchronicity of this callback. * @param {DisplayContentManager.OnUnloadCallback} onUnload The callback that is executed when the media should be unloaded. */ loadMedia(path, dictionary, onLoad, onUnload) { this._loadMedia(path, dictionary, onLoad, onUnload); } /** * Unloads all media that has been loaded. */ unloadAll() { for (const {onUnload, loaded} of this._loadMediaData) { if (typeof onUnload === 'function') { onUnload(loaded); } } this._loadMediaData = []; for (const map of this._mediaCache.values()) { for (const {url} of map.values()) { if (url !== null) { URL.revokeObjectURL(url); } } } this._mediaCache.clear(); this._token = {}; this._eventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); } /** * Sets up attributes and events for a link element. * @param {Element} element The link element. * @param {string} href The URL. * @param {boolean} internal Whether or not the URL is an internal or external link. */ prepareLink(element, href, internal) { element.href = href; if (!internal) { element.target = '_blank'; element.rel = 'noreferrer noopener'; } this._eventListeners.addEventListener(element, 'click', this._onLinkClick.bind(this)); } async _loadMedia(path, dictionary, onLoad, onUnload) { const token = this._token; const data = {onUnload, loaded: false}; this._loadMediaData.push(data); const media = await this._getMedia(path, dictionary); if (token !== this._token) { return; } onLoad(media.url); data.loaded = true; } async _getMedia(path, dictionary) { let cachedData; let dictionaryCache = this._mediaCache.get(dictionary); if (typeof dictionaryCache !== 'undefined') { cachedData = dictionaryCache.get(path); } else { dictionaryCache = new Map(); this._mediaCache.set(dictionary, dictionaryCache); } if (typeof cachedData === 'undefined') { cachedData = { promise: null, data: null, url: null }; dictionaryCache.set(path, cachedData); cachedData.promise = this._getMediaData(path, dictionary, cachedData); } return cachedData.promise; } async _getMediaData(path, dictionary, cachedData) { const token = this._token; const data = (await yomichan.api.getMedia([{path, dictionary}]))[0]; if (token === this._token && data !== null) { const buffer = ArrayBufferUtil.base64ToArrayBuffer(data.content); const blob = new Blob([buffer], {type: data.mediaType}); const url = URL.createObjectURL(blob); cachedData.data = data; cachedData.url = url; } return cachedData; } _onLinkClick(e) { const {href} = e.currentTarget; if (typeof href !== 'string') { return; } const baseUrl = new URL(location.href); const url = new URL(href, baseUrl); const internal = (url.protocol === baseUrl.protocol && url.host === baseUrl.host); if (!internal) { return; } e.preventDefault(); const params = {}; for (const [key, value] of url.searchParams.entries()) { params[key] = value; } this._display.setContent({ historyMode: 'new', focus: false, params, state: null, content: null }); } }