/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* global * AnkiNoteBuilder * AnkiUtil * DisplayNotification */ class DisplayAnki { constructor(display, japaneseUtil) { this._display = display; this._ankiFieldTemplates = null; this._ankiFieldTemplatesDefault = null; this._ankiNoteBuilder = new AnkiNoteBuilder({japaneseUtil}); this._ankiNoteNotification = null; this._ankiNoteNotificationEventListeners = null; this._ankiTagNotification = null; this._updateAdderButtonsPromise = Promise.resolve(); this._updateDictionaryEntryDetailsToken = null; this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); this._dictionaryEntryDetails = null; this._noteContext = null; this._checkForDuplicates = false; this._suspendNewCards = false; this._compactTags = false; this._resultOutputMode = 'split'; this._glossaryLayoutMode = 'default'; this._displayTags = 'never'; this._duplicateScope = 'collection'; this._screenshotFormat = 'png'; this._screenshotQuality = 100; this._scanLength = 10; this._noteTags = []; this._modeOptions = new Map(); this._dictionaryEntryTypeModeMap = new Map([ ['kanji', ['kanji']], ['term', ['term-kanji', 'term-kana']] ]); this._onShowTagsBind = this._onShowTags.bind(this); this._onNoteAddBind = this._onNoteAdd.bind(this); this._onNoteViewBind = this._onNoteView.bind(this); } prepare() { this._noteContext = this._getNoteContext(); this._display.hotkeyHandler.registerActions([ ['addNoteKanji', () => { this._tryAddAnkiNoteForSelectedEntry('kanji'); }], ['addNoteTermKanji', () => { this._tryAddAnkiNoteForSelectedEntry('term-kanji'); }], ['addNoteTermKana', () => { this._tryAddAnkiNoteForSelectedEntry('term-kana'); }], ['viewNote', () => { this._tryViewAnkiNoteForSelectedEntry(); }] ]); this._display.on('optionsUpdated', this._onOptionsUpdated.bind(this)); } cleanupEntries() { this._updateDictionaryEntryDetailsToken = null; this._dictionaryEntryDetails = null; this._hideAnkiNoteErrors(false); } setupEntriesBegin() { this._noteContext = this._getNoteContext(); } setupEntry(entry) { this._addMultipleEventListeners(entry, '.action-view-tags', 'click', this._onShowTagsBind); this._addMultipleEventListeners(entry, '.action-add-note', 'click', this._onNoteAddBind); this._addMultipleEventListeners(entry, '.action-view-note', 'click', this._onNoteViewBind); } setupEntriesComplete() { this._updateDictionaryEntryDetails(); } async getLogData(dictionaryEntry) { const result = {}; // Anki note data let ankiNoteData; let ankiNoteDataException; try { ankiNoteData = await this._ankiNoteBuilder.getRenderingData({ dictionaryEntry, mode: 'test', context: this._noteContext, resultOutputMode: this._resultOutputMode, glossaryLayoutMode: this._glossaryLayoutMode, compactTags: this._compactTags, marker: 'test' }); } catch (e) { ankiNoteDataException = e; } result.ankiNoteData = ankiNoteData; if (typeof ankiNoteDataException !== 'undefined') { result.ankiNoteDataException = ankiNoteDataException; } // Anki notes const ankiNotes = []; const modes = this._getModes(dictionaryEntry.type === 'term'); for (const mode of modes) { let note; let errors; let requirements; try { ({note: note, errors, requirements} = await this._createNote(dictionaryEntry, mode, [])); } catch (e) { errors = [e]; } const entry = {mode, note}; if (Array.isArray(errors) && errors.length > 0) { entry.errors = errors; } if (Array.isArray(requirements) && requirements.length > 0) { entry.requirements = requirements; } ankiNotes.push(entry); } result.ankiNotes = ankiNotes; return result; } // Private _onOptionsUpdated({options}) { const { general: {resultOutputMode, glossaryLayoutMode, compactTags}, anki: {tags, duplicateScope, suspendNewCards, checkForDuplicates, displayTags, kanji, terms, screenshot: {format, quality}}, scanning: {length: scanLength} } = options; this._checkForDuplicates = checkForDuplicates; this._suspendNewCards = suspendNewCards; this._compactTags = compactTags; this._resultOutputMode = resultOutputMode; this._glossaryLayoutMode = glossaryLayoutMode; this._displayTags = displayTags; this._duplicateScope = duplicateScope; this._screenshotFormat = format; this._screenshotQuality = quality; this._scanLength = scanLength; this._noteTags = [...tags]; this._modeOptions.clear(); this._modeOptions.set('kanji', kanji); this._modeOptions.set('term-kanji', terms); this._modeOptions.set('term-kana', terms); this._updateAnkiFieldTemplates(options); } _onNoteAdd(e) { e.preventDefault(); const node = e.currentTarget; const index = this._display.getElementDictionaryEntryIndex(node); this._addAnkiNote(index, node.dataset.mode); } _onShowTags(e) { e.preventDefault(); const tags = e.currentTarget.title; this._showAnkiTagsNotification(tags); } _onNoteView(e) { e.preventDefault(); const link = e.currentTarget; yomichan.api.noteView(link.dataset.noteId); } _addMultipleEventListeners(container, selector, ...args) { for (const node of container.querySelectorAll(selector)) { this._eventListeners.addEventListener(node, ...args); } } _adderButtonFind(index, mode) { const entry = this._getEntry(index); return entry !== null ? entry.querySelector(`.action-add-note[data-mode="${mode}"]`) : null; } _tagsIndicatorFind(index) { const entry = this._getEntry(index); return entry !== null ? entry.querySelector('.action-view-tags') : null; } _viewerButtonFind(index) { const entry = this._getEntry(index); return entry !== null ? entry.querySelector('.action-view-note') : null; } _getEntry(index) { const entries = this._display.dictionaryEntryNodes; return index >= 0 && index < entries.length ? entries[index] : null; } _viewerButtonShow(index, noteId) { const viewerButton = this._viewerButtonFind(index); if (viewerButton === null) { return; } viewerButton.disabled = false; viewerButton.hidden = false; viewerButton.dataset.noteId = noteId; } _getNoteContext() { const {state} = this._display.history; let {documentTitle, url, sentence} = (isObject(state) ? state : {}); if (typeof documentTitle !== 'string') { documentTitle = document.title; } if (typeof url !== 'string') { url = window.location.href; } sentence = this._getValidSentenceData(sentence); return { url, sentence, documentTitle, query: this._display.query, fullQuery: this._display.fullQuery }; } async _updateDictionaryEntryDetails() { const {dictionaryEntries} = this._display; const token = {}; this._updateDictionaryEntryDetailsToken = token; if (this._updateAdderButtonsPromise !== null) { await this._updateAdderButtonsPromise; } if (this._updateDictionaryEntryDetailsToken !== token) { return; } const {promise, resolve} = deferPromise(); try { this._updateAdderButtonsPromise = promise; const dictionaryEntryDetails = await this._getDictionaryEntryDetails(dictionaryEntries); if (this._updateDictionaryEntryDetailsToken !== token) { return; } this._dictionaryEntryDetails = dictionaryEntryDetails; this._updateAdderButtons(); } finally { resolve(); if (this._updateAdderButtonsPromise === promise) { this._updateAdderButtonsPromise = null; } } } _updateAdderButtons() { const displayTags = this._displayTags; const dictionaryEntryDetails = this._dictionaryEntryDetails; for (let i = 0, ii = dictionaryEntryDetails.length; i < ii; ++i) { let noteId = null; for (const {mode, canAdd, noteIds, noteInfos, ankiError} of dictionaryEntryDetails[i].modeMap.values()) { const button = this._adderButtonFind(i, mode); if (button !== null) { button.disabled = !canAdd; button.hidden = (ankiError !== null); } if (Array.isArray(noteIds) && noteIds.length > 0) { noteId = noteIds[0]; } if (displayTags !== 'never' && Array.isArray(noteInfos)) { this._setupTagsIndicator(i, noteInfos); } } if (noteId !== null) { this._viewerButtonShow(i, noteId); } } } _setupTagsIndicator(i, noteInfos) { const tagsIndicator = this._tagsIndicatorFind(i); if (tagsIndicator === null) { return; } const displayTags = new Set(); for (const {tags} of noteInfos) { for (const tag of tags) { displayTags.add(tag); } } if (this._displayTags === 'non-standard') { for (const tag of this._noteTags) { displayTags.delete(tag); } } if (displayTags.size > 0) { tagsIndicator.disabled = false; tagsIndicator.hidden = false; tagsIndicator.title = `Card tags: ${[...displayTags].join(', ')}`; } } _showAnkiTagsNotification(message) { if (this._ankiTagNotification === null) { const node = this._display.displayGenerator.createEmptyFooterNotification(); node.classList.add('click-scannable'); this._ankiTagNotification = new DisplayNotification(this._display.notificationContainer, node); } this._ankiTagNotification.setContent(message); this._ankiTagNotification.open(); } _tryAddAnkiNoteForSelectedEntry(mode) { const index = this._display.selectedIndex; this._addAnkiNote(index, mode); } _tryViewAnkiNoteForSelectedEntry() { const index = this._display.selectedIndex; const button = this._viewerButtonFind(index); if (button !== null && !button.disabled) { yomichan.api.noteView(button.dataset.noteId); } } async _addAnkiNote(dictionaryEntryIndex, mode) { const dictionaryEntries = this._display.dictionaryEntries; const dictionaryEntryDetails = this._dictionaryEntryDetails; if (!( dictionaryEntryDetails !== null && dictionaryEntryIndex >= 0 && dictionaryEntryIndex < dictionaryEntries.length && dictionaryEntryIndex < dictionaryEntryDetails.length )) { return; } const dictionaryEntry = dictionaryEntries[dictionaryEntryIndex]; const details = dictionaryEntryDetails[dictionaryEntryIndex].modeMap.get(mode); if (typeof details === 'undefined') { return; } const {requirements} = details; const button = this._adderButtonFind(dictionaryEntryIndex, mode); if (button === null || button.disabled) { return; } this._hideAnkiNoteErrors(true); const allErrors = []; const progressIndicatorVisible = this._display.progressIndicatorVisible; const overrideToken = progressIndicatorVisible.setOverride(true); try { const {note, errors, requirements: outputRequirements} = await this._createNote(dictionaryEntry, mode, requirements); allErrors.push(...errors); const error = this._getAddNoteRequirementsError(requirements, outputRequirements); if (error !== null) { allErrors.push(error); } let noteId = null; let addNoteOkay = false; try { noteId = await yomichan.api.addAnkiNote(note); addNoteOkay = true; } catch (e) { allErrors.length = 0; allErrors.push(e); } if (addNoteOkay) { if (noteId === null) { allErrors.push(new Error('Note could not be added')); } else { if (this._suspendNewCards) { try { await yomichan.api.suspendAnkiCardsForNote(noteId); } catch (e) { allErrors.push(e); } } button.disabled = true; this._viewerButtonShow(dictionaryEntryIndex, noteId); } } } catch (e) { allErrors.push(e); } finally { progressIndicatorVisible.clearOverride(overrideToken); } if (allErrors.length > 0) { this._showAnkiNoteErrors(allErrors); } else { this._hideAnkiNoteErrors(true); } } _getAddNoteRequirementsError(requirements, outputRequirements) { if (outputRequirements.length === 0) { return null; } let count = 0; for (const requirement of outputRequirements) { const {type} = requirement; switch (type) { case 'audio': case 'clipboardImage': break; default: ++count; break; } } if (count === 0) { return null; } const error = new Error('The created card may not have some content'); error.requirements = requirements; error.outputRequirements = outputRequirements; return error; } _showAnkiNoteErrors(errors) { if (this._ankiNoteNotificationEventListeners !== null) { this._ankiNoteNotificationEventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); } if (this._ankiNoteNotification === null) { const node = this._display.displayGenerator.createEmptyFooterNotification(); this._ankiNoteNotification = new DisplayNotification(this._display.notificationContainer, node); this._ankiNoteNotificationEventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); } const content = this._display.displayGenerator.createAnkiNoteErrorsNotificationContent(errors); for (const node of content.querySelectorAll('.anki-note-error-log-link')) { this._ankiNoteNotificationEventListeners.addEventListener(node, 'click', () => { console.log({ankiNoteErrors: errors}); }, false); } this._ankiNoteNotification.setContent(content); this._ankiNoteNotification.open(); } _hideAnkiNoteErrors(animate) { if (this._ankiNoteNotification === null) { return; } this._ankiNoteNotification.close(animate); this._ankiNoteNotificationEventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); } async _updateAnkiFieldTemplates(options) { this._ankiFieldTemplates = await this._getAnkiFieldTemplates(options); } async _getAnkiFieldTemplates(options) { let templates = options.anki.fieldTemplates; if (typeof templates === 'string') { return templates; } templates = this._ankiFieldTemplatesDefault; if (typeof templates === 'string') { return templates; } templates = await yomichan.api.getDefaultAnkiFieldTemplates(); this._ankiFieldTemplatesDefault = templates; return templates; } async _getDictionaryEntryDetails(dictionaryEntries) { const forceCanAddValue = (this._checkForDuplicates ? null : true); const fetchAdditionalInfo = (this._displayTags !== 'never'); const notePromises = []; const noteTargets = []; for (let i = 0, ii = dictionaryEntries.length; i < ii; ++i) { const dictionaryEntry = dictionaryEntries[i]; const {type} = dictionaryEntry; const modes = this._dictionaryEntryTypeModeMap.get(type); if (typeof modes === 'undefined') { continue; } for (const mode of modes) { const notePromise = this._createNote(dictionaryEntry, mode, []); notePromises.push(notePromise); noteTargets.push({index: i, mode}); } } const noteInfoList = await Promise.all(notePromises); const notes = noteInfoList.map(({note}) => note); let infos; let ankiError = null; try { if (forceCanAddValue !== null) { if (!await yomichan.api.isAnkiConnected()) { throw new Error('Anki not connected'); } infos = this._getAnkiNoteInfoForceValue(notes, forceCanAddValue); } else { infos = await yomichan.api.getAnkiNoteInfo(notes, fetchAdditionalInfo); } } catch (e) { infos = this._getAnkiNoteInfoForceValue(notes, false); ankiError = e; } const results = []; for (let i = 0, ii = dictionaryEntries.length; i < ii; ++i) { results.push({ modeMap: new Map() }); } for (let i = 0, ii = noteInfoList.length; i < ii; ++i) { const {note, errors, requirements} = noteInfoList[i]; const {canAdd, valid, noteIds, noteInfos} = infos[i]; const {mode, index} = noteTargets[i]; results[index].modeMap.set(mode, {mode, note, errors, requirements, canAdd, valid, noteIds, noteInfos, ankiError}); } return results; } _getAnkiNoteInfoForceValue(notes, canAdd) { const results = []; for (const note of notes) { const valid = AnkiUtil.isNoteDataValid(note); results.push({canAdd, valid, noteIds: null}); } return results; } async _createNote(dictionaryEntry, mode, requirements) { const context = this._noteContext; const modeOptions = this._modeOptions.get(mode); if (typeof modeOptions === 'undefined') { throw new Error(`Unsupported note type: ${mode}`); } const template = this._ankiFieldTemplates; const {deck: deckName, model: modelName} = modeOptions; const fields = Object.entries(modeOptions.fields); const contentOrigin = this._display.getContentOrigin(); const details = this._ankiNoteBuilder.getDictionaryEntryDetailsForNote(dictionaryEntry); const audioDetails = (details.type === 'term' ? this._display.getAnkiNoteMediaAudioDetails(details.term, details.reading) : null); const optionsContext = this._display.getOptionsContext(); const {note, errors, requirements: outputRequirements} = await this._ankiNoteBuilder.createNote({ dictionaryEntry, mode, context, template, deckName, modelName, fields, tags: this._noteTags, checkForDuplicates: this._checkForDuplicates, duplicateScope: this._duplicateScope, resultOutputMode: this._resultOutputMode, glossaryLayoutMode: this._glossaryLayoutMode, compactTags: this._compactTags, mediaOptions: { audio: audioDetails, screenshot: { format: this._screenshotFormat, quality: this._screenshotQuality, contentOrigin }, textParsing: { optionsContext, scanLength: this._scanLength } }, requirements }); return {note, errors, requirements: outputRequirements}; } _getModes(isTerms) { return isTerms ? ['term-kanji', 'term-kana'] : ['kanji']; } _getValidSentenceData(sentence) { let {text, offset} = (isObject(sentence) ? sentence : {}); if (typeof text !== 'string') { text = ''; } if (typeof offset !== 'number') { offset = 0; } return {text, offset}; } }