/* * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import {ExtensionError} from '../core/extension-error.js'; import {DictionaryImporterMediaLoader} from './dictionary-importer-media-loader.js'; export class DictionaryWorker { constructor() { /** @type {DictionaryImporterMediaLoader} */ this._dictionaryImporterMediaLoader = new DictionaryImporterMediaLoader(); } /** * @param {ArrayBuffer} archiveContent * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportDetails} details * @param {?import('dictionary-worker').ImportProgressCallback} onProgress * @returns {Promise} */ importDictionary(archiveContent, details, onProgress) { return this._invoke( 'importDictionary', {details, archiveContent}, [archiveContent], onProgress, this._formatImportDictionaryResult.bind(this), ); } /** * @param {string} dictionaryTitle * @param {?import('dictionary-worker').DeleteProgressCallback} onProgress * @returns {Promise} */ deleteDictionary(dictionaryTitle, onProgress) { return this._invoke('deleteDictionary', {dictionaryTitle}, [], onProgress, null); } /** * @param {string[]} dictionaryNames * @param {boolean} getTotal * @returns {Promise} */ getDictionaryCounts(dictionaryNames, getTotal) { return this._invoke('getDictionaryCounts', {dictionaryNames, getTotal}, [], null, null); } // Private /** * @template [TParams=import('core').SerializableObject] * @template [TResponseRaw=unknown] * @template [TResponse=unknown] * @param {string} action * @param {TParams} params * @param {Transferable[]} transfer * @param {?(arg: import('core').SafeAny) => void} onProgress * @param {?(result: TResponseRaw) => TResponse} formatResult */ _invoke(action, params, transfer, onProgress, formatResult) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const worker = new Worker('/js/dictionary/dictionary-worker-main.js', {type: 'module'}); /** @type {import('dictionary-worker').InvokeDetails} */ const details = { complete: false, worker, resolve, reject, onMessage: null, onProgress, formatResult, }; // Ugly typecast below due to not being able to explicitly state the template types /** @type {(event: MessageEvent>) => void} */ const onMessage = /** @type {(details: import('dictionary-worker').InvokeDetails, event: MessageEvent>) => void} */ (this._onMessage).bind(this, details); details.onMessage = onMessage; worker.addEventListener('message', onMessage); worker.postMessage({action, params}, transfer); }); } /** * @template [TResponseRaw=unknown] * @template [TResponse=unknown] * @param {import('dictionary-worker').InvokeDetails} details * @param {MessageEvent>} event */ _onMessage(details, event) { if (details.complete) { return; } const {action, params} = event.data; switch (action) { case 'complete': { const {worker, resolve, reject, onMessage, formatResult} = details; if (worker === null || onMessage === null || resolve === null || reject === null) { return; } details.complete = true; details.worker = null; details.resolve = null; details.reject = null; details.onMessage = null; details.onProgress = null; details.formatResult = null; worker.removeEventListener('message', onMessage); worker.terminate(); this._onMessageComplete(params, resolve, reject, formatResult); } break; case 'progress': this._onMessageProgress(params, details.onProgress); break; case 'getImageDetails': { const {worker} = details; if (worker === null) { return; } void this._onMessageGetImageDetails(params, worker); } break; } } /** * @template [TResponseRaw=unknown] * @template [TResponse=unknown] * @param {import('dictionary-worker').MessageCompleteParams} params * @param {(result: TResponse) => void} resolve * @param {(reason?: import('core').RejectionReason) => void} reject * @param {?(result: TResponseRaw) => TResponse} formatResult */ _onMessageComplete(params, resolve, reject, formatResult) { const {error} = params; if (typeof error !== 'undefined') { reject(ExtensionError.deserialize(error)); } else { const {result} = params; if (typeof formatResult === 'function') { let result2; try { result2 = formatResult(result); } catch (e) { reject(e); return; } resolve(result2); } else { // If formatResult is not provided, the response is assumed to be the same type // For some reason, eslint thinks the TResponse type is undefined // eslint-disable-next-line jsdoc/no-undefined-types resolve(/** @type {TResponse} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ (result))); } } } /** * @param {import('dictionary-worker').MessageProgressParams} params * @param {?(...args: unknown[]) => void} onProgress */ _onMessageProgress(params, onProgress) { if (typeof onProgress !== 'function') { return; } const {args} = params; onProgress(...args); } /** * @param {import('dictionary-worker').MessageGetImageDetailsParams} params * @param {Worker} worker */ async _onMessageGetImageDetails(params, worker) { const {id, content, mediaType} = params; /** @type {Transferable[]} */ const transfer = []; let response; try { const result = await this._dictionaryImporterMediaLoader.getImageDetails(content, mediaType, transfer); response = {id, result}; } catch (e) { response = {id, error: ExtensionError.serialize(e)}; } worker.postMessage({action: 'getImageDetails.response', params: response}, transfer); } /** * @param {import('dictionary-worker').MessageCompleteResultSerialized} response * @returns {import('dictionary-worker').MessageCompleteResult} */ _formatImportDictionaryResult(response) { const {result, errors} = response; return { result, errors: errors.map((error) => ExtensionError.deserialize(error)), }; } }