/* * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import * as ajvSchemas0 from '../../lib/validate-schemas.js'; import { BlobWriter as BlobWriter0, TextWriter as TextWriter0, Uint8ArrayReader as Uint8ArrayReader0, ZipReader as ZipReader0, configure } from '../../lib/zip.js'; import {ExtensionError} from '../core/extension-error.js'; import {parseJson} from '../core/json.js'; import {toError} from '../core/to-error.js'; import {stringReverse} from '../core/utilities.js'; import {getFileExtensionFromImageMediaType, getImageMediaTypeFromFileName} from '../media/media-util.js'; const ajvSchemas = /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').CompiledSchemaValidators} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ (ajvSchemas0)); const BlobWriter = /** @type {typeof import('@zip.js/zip.js').BlobWriter} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ (BlobWriter0)); const TextWriter = /** @type {typeof import('@zip.js/zip.js').TextWriter} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ (TextWriter0)); const Uint8ArrayReader = /** @type {typeof import('@zip.js/zip.js').Uint8ArrayReader} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ (Uint8ArrayReader0)); const ZipReader = /** @type {typeof import('@zip.js/zip.js').ZipReader} */ (/** @type {unknown} */ (ZipReader0)); export class DictionaryImporter { /** * @param {import('dictionary-importer-media-loader').GenericMediaLoader} mediaLoader * @param {import('dictionary-importer').OnProgressCallback} [onProgress] */ constructor(mediaLoader, onProgress) { /** @type {import('dictionary-importer-media-loader').GenericMediaLoader} */ this._mediaLoader = mediaLoader; /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').OnProgressCallback} */ this._onProgress = typeof onProgress === 'function' ? onProgress : () => {}; /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').ProgressData} */ this._progressData = this._createProgressData(); } /** * @param {import('./dictionary-database.js').DictionaryDatabase} dictionaryDatabase * @param {ArrayBuffer} archiveContent * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportDetails} details * @returns {Promise} */ async importDictionary(dictionaryDatabase, archiveContent, details) { if (!dictionaryDatabase) { throw new Error('Invalid database'); } if (!dictionaryDatabase.isPrepared()) { throw new Error('Database is not ready'); } this._progressReset(); configure({ workerScripts: { deflate: ['../../lib/z-worker.js'], inflate: ['../../lib/z-worker.js'] } }); // Read archive const zipFileReader = new Uint8ArrayReader(new Uint8Array(archiveContent)); const zipReader = new ZipReader(zipFileReader); const zipEntries = await zipReader.getEntries(); /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').ArchiveFileMap} */ const fileMap = new Map(); for (const entry of zipEntries) { fileMap.set(entry.filename, entry); } // Read and validate index const indexFileName = 'index.json'; const indexFile = fileMap.get(indexFileName); if (typeof indexFile === 'undefined') { throw new Error('No dictionary index found in archive'); } const indexFile2 = /** @type {import('@zip.js/zip.js').Entry} */ (indexFile); const indexContent = await this._getData(indexFile2, new TextWriter()); const index = /** @type {import('dictionary-data').Index} */ (parseJson(indexContent)); if (!ajvSchemas.dictionaryIndex(index)) { throw this._formatAjvSchemaError(ajvSchemas.dictionaryIndex, indexFileName); } const dictionaryTitle = index.title; const version = typeof index.format === 'number' ? index.format : index.version; if (typeof version !== 'number' || !dictionaryTitle || !index.revision) { throw new Error('Unrecognized dictionary format'); } // Verify database is not already imported if (await dictionaryDatabase.dictionaryExists(dictionaryTitle)) { return { errors: [new Error(`Dictionary ${dictionaryTitle} is already imported, skipped it.`)], result: null }; } // Load schemas this._progressNextStep(0); const dataBankSchemas = this._getDataBankSchemas(version); // Files /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').QueryDetails} */ const queryDetails = [ ['termFiles', /^term_bank_(\d+)\.json$/], ['termMetaFiles', /^term_meta_bank_(\d+)\.json$/], ['kanjiFiles', /^kanji_bank_(\d+)\.json$/], ['kanjiMetaFiles', /^kanji_meta_bank_(\d+)\.json$/], ['tagFiles', /^tag_bank_(\d+)\.json$/] ]; const {termFiles, termMetaFiles, kanjiFiles, kanjiMetaFiles, tagFiles} = Object.fromEntries(this._getArchiveFiles(fileMap, queryDetails)); // Load data this._progressNextStep(termFiles.length + termMetaFiles.length + kanjiFiles.length + kanjiMetaFiles.length + tagFiles.length); const termList = await ( version === 1 ? this._readFileSequence(termFiles, this._convertTermBankEntryV1.bind(this), dataBankSchemas[0], dictionaryTitle) : this._readFileSequence(termFiles, this._convertTermBankEntryV3.bind(this), dataBankSchemas[0], dictionaryTitle) ); const termMetaList = await this._readFileSequence(termMetaFiles, this._convertTermMetaBankEntry.bind(this), dataBankSchemas[1], dictionaryTitle); const kanjiList = await ( version === 1 ? this._readFileSequence(kanjiFiles, this._convertKanjiBankEntryV1.bind(this), dataBankSchemas[2], dictionaryTitle) : this._readFileSequence(kanjiFiles, this._convertKanjiBankEntryV3.bind(this), dataBankSchemas[2], dictionaryTitle) ); const kanjiMetaList = await this._readFileSequence(kanjiMetaFiles, this._convertKanjiMetaBankEntry.bind(this), dataBankSchemas[3], dictionaryTitle); const tagList = await this._readFileSequence(tagFiles, this._convertTagBankEntry.bind(this), dataBankSchemas[4], dictionaryTitle); this._addOldIndexTags(index, tagList, dictionaryTitle); // Prefix wildcard support const prefixWildcardsSupported = !!details.prefixWildcardsSupported; if (prefixWildcardsSupported) { for (const entry of termList) { entry.expressionReverse = stringReverse(entry.expression); entry.readingReverse = stringReverse(entry.reading); } } // Extended data support this._progressNextStep(termList.length); const formatProgressInterval = 1000; /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirement[]} */ const requirements = []; for (let i = 0, ii = termList.length; i < ii; ++i) { const entry = termList[i]; const glossaryList = entry.glossary; for (let j = 0, jj = glossaryList.length; j < jj; ++j) { const glossary = glossaryList[j]; if (typeof glossary !== 'object' || glossary === null || Array.isArray(glossary)) { continue; } glossaryList[j] = this._formatDictionaryTermGlossaryObject(glossary, entry, requirements); } if ((i % formatProgressInterval) === 0) { this._progressData.index = i; this._progress(); } } this._progress(); // Async requirements this._progressNextStep(requirements.length); const {media} = await this._resolveAsyncRequirements(requirements, fileMap); // Add dictionary descriptor this._progressNextStep(termList.length + termMetaList.length + kanjiList.length + kanjiMetaList.length + tagList.length + media.length); /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').SummaryCounts} */ const counts = { terms: {total: termList.length}, termMeta: this._getMetaCounts(termMetaList), kanji: {total: kanjiList.length}, kanjiMeta: this._getMetaCounts(kanjiMetaList), tagMeta: {total: tagList.length}, media: {total: media.length} }; const summary = this._createSummary(dictionaryTitle, version, index, {prefixWildcardsSupported, counts}); await dictionaryDatabase.bulkAdd('dictionaries', [summary], 0, 1); // Add data /** @type {Error[]} */ const errors = []; const maxTransactionLength = 1000; /** * @template {import('dictionary-database').ObjectStoreName} T * @param {T} objectStoreName * @param {import('dictionary-database').ObjectStoreData[]} entries */ const bulkAdd = async (objectStoreName, entries) => { const ii = entries.length; for (let i = 0; i < ii; i += maxTransactionLength) { const count = Math.min(maxTransactionLength, ii - i); try { await dictionaryDatabase.bulkAdd(objectStoreName, entries, i, count); } catch (e) { errors.push(toError(e)); } this._progressData.index += count; this._progress(); } }; await bulkAdd('terms', termList); await bulkAdd('termMeta', termMetaList); await bulkAdd('kanji', kanjiList); await bulkAdd('kanjiMeta', kanjiMetaList); await bulkAdd('tagMeta', tagList); await bulkAdd('media', media); this._progress(); return {result: summary, errors}; } /** * @returns {import('dictionary-importer').ProgressData} */ _createProgressData() { return { stepIndex: 0, stepCount: 6, index: 0, count: 0 }; } /** */ _progressReset() { this._progressData = this._createProgressData(); this._progress(); } /** * @param {number} count */ _progressNextStep(count) { ++this._progressData.stepIndex; this._progressData.index = 0; this._progressData.count = count; this._progress(); } /** */ _progress() { this._onProgress(this._progressData); } /** * @param {string} dictionaryTitle * @param {number} version * @param {import('dictionary-data').Index} index * @param {{prefixWildcardsSupported: boolean, counts: import('dictionary-importer').SummaryCounts}} details * @returns {import('dictionary-importer').Summary} */ _createSummary(dictionaryTitle, version, index, details) { const indexSequenced = index.sequenced; const {prefixWildcardsSupported, counts} = details; /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').Summary} */ const summary = { title: dictionaryTitle, revision: index.revision, sequenced: typeof indexSequenced === 'boolean' && indexSequenced, version, importDate: Date.now(), prefixWildcardsSupported, counts }; const {author, url, description, attribution, frequencyMode, sourceLanguage, targetLanguage} = index; if (typeof author === 'string') { summary.author = author; } if (typeof url === 'string') { summary.url = url; } if (typeof description === 'string') { summary.description = description; } if (typeof attribution === 'string') { summary.attribution = attribution; } if (typeof frequencyMode === 'string') { summary.frequencyMode = frequencyMode; } if (typeof sourceLanguage === 'string') { summary.sourceLanguage = sourceLanguage; } if (typeof targetLanguage === 'string') { summary.targetLanguage = targetLanguage; } return summary; } /** * @param {import('ajv').ValidateFunction} schema * @param {string} fileName * @returns {ExtensionError} */ _formatAjvSchemaError(schema, fileName) { const e2 = new ExtensionError(`Dictionary has invalid data in '${fileName}'`); e2.data = schema.errors; return e2; } /** * @param {number} version * @returns {import('dictionary-importer').CompiledSchemaNameArray} */ _getDataBankSchemas(version) { const termBank = ( version === 1 ? 'dictionaryTermBankV1' : 'dictionaryTermBankV3' ); const termMetaBank = 'dictionaryTermMetaBankV3'; const kanjiBank = ( version === 1 ? 'dictionaryKanjiBankV1' : 'dictionaryKanjiBankV3' ); const kanjiMetaBank = 'dictionaryKanjiMetaBankV3'; const tagBank = 'dictionaryTagBankV3'; return [termBank, termMetaBank, kanjiBank, kanjiMetaBank, tagBank]; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryText|import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryImage|import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryStructuredContent} data * @param {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} entry * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirement[]} requirements * @returns {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossary} * @throws {Error} */ _formatDictionaryTermGlossaryObject(data, entry, requirements) { switch (data.type) { case 'text': return data.text; case 'image': return this._formatDictionaryTermGlossaryImage(data, entry, requirements); case 'structured-content': return this._formatStructuredContent(data, entry, requirements); default: throw new Error(`Unhandled data type: ${/** @type {import('core').SerializableObject} */ (data).type}`); } } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryImage} data * @param {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} entry * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirement[]} requirements * @returns {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryImage} */ _formatDictionaryTermGlossaryImage(data, entry, requirements) { /** @type {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryImage} */ const target = { type: 'image', path: '' // Will be populated during requirement resolution }; requirements.push({type: 'image', target, source: data, entry}); return target; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryStructuredContent} data * @param {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} entry * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirement[]} requirements * @returns {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryStructuredContent} */ _formatStructuredContent(data, entry, requirements) { const content = this._prepareStructuredContent(data.content, entry, requirements); return { type: 'structured-content', content }; } /** * @param {import('structured-content').Content} content * @param {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} entry * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirement[]} requirements * @returns {import('structured-content').Content} */ _prepareStructuredContent(content, entry, requirements) { if (typeof content === 'string' || !(typeof content === 'object' && content !== null)) { return content; } if (Array.isArray(content)) { for (let i = 0, ii = content.length; i < ii; ++i) { content[i] = this._prepareStructuredContent(content[i], entry, requirements); } return content; } const {tag} = content; switch (tag) { case 'img': return this._prepareStructuredContentImage(content, entry, requirements); } const childContent = content.content; if (typeof childContent !== 'undefined') { content.content = this._prepareStructuredContent(childContent, entry, requirements); } return content; } /** * @param {import('structured-content').ImageElement} content * @param {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} entry * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirement[]} requirements * @returns {import('structured-content').ImageElement} */ _prepareStructuredContentImage(content, entry, requirements) { /** @type {import('structured-content').ImageElement} */ const target = { tag: 'img', path: '' // Will be populated during requirement resolution }; requirements.push({type: 'structured-content-image', target, source: content, entry}); return target; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirement[]} requirements * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ArchiveFileMap} fileMap * @returns {Promise<{media: import('dictionary-database').MediaDataArrayBufferContent[]}>} */ async _resolveAsyncRequirements(requirements, fileMap) { /** @type {Map} */ const media = new Map(); /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirementContext} */ const context = {fileMap, media}; for (const requirement of requirements) { await this._resolveAsyncRequirement(context, requirement); } return { media: [...media.values()] }; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirementContext} context * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirement} requirement */ async _resolveAsyncRequirement(context, requirement) { switch (requirement.type) { case 'image': await this._resolveDictionaryTermGlossaryImage( context, requirement.target, requirement.source, requirement.entry ); break; case 'structured-content-image': await this._resolveStructuredContentImage( context, requirement.target, requirement.source, requirement.entry ); break; default: return; } ++this._progressData.index; this._progress(); } /** * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirementContext} context * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryImage} target * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermGlossaryImage} source * @param {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} entry */ async _resolveDictionaryTermGlossaryImage(context, target, source, entry) { await this._createImageData(context, target, source, entry); } /** * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirementContext} context * @param {import('structured-content').ImageElement} target * @param {import('structured-content').ImageElement} source * @param {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} entry */ async _resolveStructuredContentImage(context, target, source, entry) { const { verticalAlign, border, borderRadius, sizeUnits } = source; await this._createImageData(context, target, source, entry); if (typeof verticalAlign === 'string') { target.verticalAlign = verticalAlign; } if (typeof border === 'string') { target.border = border; } if (typeof borderRadius === 'string') { target.borderRadius = borderRadius; } if (typeof sizeUnits === 'string') { target.sizeUnits = sizeUnits; } } /** * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirementContext} context * @param {import('structured-content').ImageElementBase} target * @param {import('structured-content').ImageElementBase} source * @param {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} entry */ async _createImageData(context, target, source, entry) { const { path, width: preferredWidth, height: preferredHeight, title, alt, description, pixelated, imageRendering, appearance, background, collapsed, collapsible } = source; const {width, height} = await this._getImageMedia(context, path, entry); target.path = path; target.width = width; target.height = height; if (typeof preferredWidth === 'number') { target.preferredWidth = preferredWidth; } if (typeof preferredHeight === 'number') { target.preferredHeight = preferredHeight; } if (typeof title === 'string') { target.title = title; } if (typeof alt === 'string') { target.alt = alt; } if (typeof description === 'string') { target.description = description; } if (typeof pixelated === 'boolean') { target.pixelated = pixelated; } if (typeof imageRendering === 'string') { target.imageRendering = imageRendering; } if (typeof appearance === 'string') { target.appearance = appearance; } if (typeof background === 'boolean') { target.background = background; } if (typeof collapsed === 'boolean') { target.collapsed = collapsed; } if (typeof collapsible === 'boolean') { target.collapsible = collapsible; } } /** * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ImportRequirementContext} context * @param {string} path * @param {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} entry * @returns {Promise} */ async _getImageMedia(context, path, entry) { const {media} = context; const {dictionary} = entry; /** * @param {string} message * @returns {Error} */ const createError = (message) => { const {expression, reading} = entry; const readingSource = reading.length > 0 ? ` (${reading})` : ''; return new Error(`${message} at path ${JSON.stringify(path)} for ${expression}${readingSource} in ${dictionary}`); }; // Check if already added let mediaData = media.get(path); if (typeof mediaData !== 'undefined') { if (getFileExtensionFromImageMediaType(mediaData.mediaType) === null) { throw createError('Media file is not a valid image'); } return mediaData; } // Find file in archive const file = context.fileMap.get(path); if (typeof file === 'undefined') { throw createError('Could not find image'); } // Load file content let content = await (await this._getData(file, new BlobWriter())).arrayBuffer(); const mediaType = getImageMediaTypeFromFileName(path); if (mediaType === null) { throw createError('Could not determine media type for image'); } // Load image data let width; let height; try { ({content, width, height} = await this._mediaLoader.getImageDetails(content, mediaType)); } catch (e) { throw createError('Could not load image'); } // Create image data mediaData = { dictionary, path, mediaType, width, height, content }; media.set(path, mediaData); return mediaData; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermV1} entry * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} */ _convertTermBankEntryV1(entry, dictionary) { let [expression, reading, definitionTags, rules, score, ...glossary] = entry; reading = reading.length > 0 ? reading : expression; return {expression, reading, definitionTags, rules, score, glossary, dictionary}; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermV3} entry * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermEntry} */ _convertTermBankEntryV3(entry, dictionary) { let [expression, reading, definitionTags, rules, score, glossary, sequence, termTags] = entry; reading = reading.length > 0 ? reading : expression; return {expression, reading, definitionTags, rules, score, glossary, sequence, termTags, dictionary}; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').TermMeta} entry * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermMeta} */ _convertTermMetaBankEntry(entry, dictionary) { const [expression, mode, data] = entry; return /** @type {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermMeta} */ ({expression, mode, data, dictionary}); } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').KanjiV1} entry * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseKanjiEntry} */ _convertKanjiBankEntryV1(entry, dictionary) { const [character, onyomi, kunyomi, tags, ...meanings] = entry; return {character, onyomi, kunyomi, tags, meanings, dictionary}; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').KanjiV3} entry * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseKanjiEntry} */ _convertKanjiBankEntryV3(entry, dictionary) { const [character, onyomi, kunyomi, tags, meanings, stats] = entry; return {character, onyomi, kunyomi, tags, meanings, stats, dictionary}; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').KanjiMeta} entry * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseKanjiMeta} */ _convertKanjiMetaBankEntry(entry, dictionary) { const [character, mode, data] = entry; return {character, mode, data, dictionary}; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').Tag} entry * @param {string} dictionary * @returns {import('dictionary-database').Tag} */ _convertTagBankEntry(entry, dictionary) { const [name, category, order, notes, score] = entry; return {name, category, order, notes, score, dictionary}; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-data').Index} index * @param {import('dictionary-database').Tag[]} results * @param {string} dictionary */ _addOldIndexTags(index, results, dictionary) { const {tagMeta} = index; if (typeof tagMeta !== 'object' || tagMeta === null) { return; } for (const [name, value] of Object.entries(tagMeta)) { const {category, order, notes, score} = value; results.push({name, category, order, notes, score, dictionary}); } } /** * @param {import('dictionary-importer').ArchiveFileMap} fileMap * @param {import('dictionary-importer').QueryDetails} queryDetails * @returns {import('dictionary-importer').QueryResult} */ _getArchiveFiles(fileMap, queryDetails) { /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').QueryResult} */ const results = new Map(); for (const [fileType] of queryDetails) { results.set(fileType, []); } for (const [fileName, fileEntry] of fileMap.entries()) { for (const [fileType, fileNameFormat] of queryDetails) { if (!fileNameFormat.test(fileName)) { continue; } const entries = results.get(fileType); if (typeof entries !== 'undefined') { entries.push(fileEntry); break; } } } return results; } /** * @template [TEntry=unknown] * @template [TResult=unknown] * @param {import('@zip.js/zip.js').Entry[]} files * @param {(entry: TEntry, dictionaryTitle: string) => TResult} convertEntry * @param {import('dictionary-importer').CompiledSchemaName} schemaName * @param {string} dictionaryTitle * @returns {Promise} */ async _readFileSequence(files, convertEntry, schemaName, dictionaryTitle) { const progressData = this._progressData; let startIndex = 0; const results = []; for (const file of files) { const content = await this._getData(file, new TextWriter()); /** @type {unknown} */ const entries = parseJson(content); startIndex = progressData.index; this._progress(); const schema = ajvSchemas[schemaName]; if (!schema(entries)) { throw this._formatAjvSchemaError(schema, file.filename); } progressData.index = startIndex + 1; this._progress(); if (Array.isArray(entries)) { for (const entry of /** @type {TEntry[]} */ (entries)) { results.push(convertEntry(entry, dictionaryTitle)); } } } return results; } /** * @param {import('dictionary-database').DatabaseTermMeta[]|import('dictionary-database').DatabaseKanjiMeta[]} metaList * @returns {import('dictionary-importer').SummaryMetaCount} */ _getMetaCounts(metaList) { /** @type {Map} */ const countsMap = new Map(); for (const {mode} of metaList) { let count = countsMap.get(mode); count = typeof count !== 'undefined' ? count + 1 : 1; countsMap.set(mode, count); } /** @type {import('dictionary-importer').SummaryMetaCount} */ const counts = {total: metaList.length}; for (const [key, value] of countsMap.entries()) { if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(counts, key)) { continue; } counts[key] = value; } return counts; } /** * @template [T=unknown] * @param {import('@zip.js/zip.js').Entry} entry * @param {import('@zip.js/zip.js').Writer|import('@zip.js/zip.js').WritableWriter} writer * @returns {Promise} */ async _getData(entry, writer) { if (typeof entry.getData === 'undefined') { throw new Error(`Cannot read ${entry.filename}`); } return await entry.getData(writer); } }