/* * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ /** * @template {string} TObjectStoreName */ export class Database { constructor() { /** @type {?IDBDatabase} */ this._db = null; /** @type {boolean} */ this._isOpening = false; } /** * @param {string} databaseName * @param {number} version * @param {import('database').StructureDefinition[]} structure */ async open(databaseName, version, structure) { if (this._db !== null) { throw new Error('Database already open'); } if (this._isOpening) { throw new Error('Already opening'); } try { this._isOpening = true; this._db = await this._open(databaseName, version, (db, transaction, oldVersion) => { this._upgrade(db, transaction, oldVersion, structure); }); } finally { this._isOpening = false; } } /** * @throws {Error} */ close() { if (this._db === null) { throw new Error('Database is not open'); } this._db.close(); this._db = null; } /** * Returns true if the database opening is in process. * @returns {boolean} */ isOpening() { return this._isOpening; } /** * Returns true if the database is fully opened. * @returns {boolean} */ isOpen() { return this._db !== null; } /** * Returns a new transaction with the given mode ("readonly" or "readwrite") and scope which can be a single object store name or an array of names. * @param {string[]} storeNames * @param {IDBTransactionMode} mode * @returns {IDBTransaction} * @throws {Error} */ transaction(storeNames, mode) { if (this._db === null) { throw new Error(this._isOpening ? 'Database not ready' : 'Database not open'); } return this._db.transaction(storeNames, mode); } /** * Add items in bulk to the object store. * _count_ items will be added, starting from _start_ index of _items_ list. * @param {TObjectStoreName} objectStoreName * @param {unknown[]} items List of items to add. * @param {number} start Start index. Added items begin at _items_[_start_]. * @param {number} count Count of items to add. * @returns {Promise} */ bulkAdd(objectStoreName, items, start, count) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (start + count > items.length) { count = items.length - start; } if (count <= 0) { resolve(); return; } const transaction = this._readWriteTransaction([objectStoreName], resolve, reject); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName); for (let i = start, ii = start + count; i < ii; ++i) { objectStore.add(items[i]); } transaction.commit(); }); } /** * @template [TData=unknown] * @template [TResult=unknown] * @param {IDBObjectStore|IDBIndex} objectStoreOrIndex * @param {?IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange} query * @param {(results: TResult[], data: TData) => void} onSuccess * @param {(reason: unknown, data: TData) => void} onError * @param {TData} data */ getAll(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onSuccess, onError, data) { if (typeof objectStoreOrIndex.getAll === 'function') { this._getAllFast(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onSuccess, onError, data); } else { this._getAllUsingCursor(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onSuccess, onError, data); } } /** * @param {IDBObjectStore|IDBIndex} objectStoreOrIndex * @param {IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange} query * @param {(value: IDBValidKey[]) => void} onSuccess * @param {(reason?: unknown) => void} onError */ getAllKeys(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onSuccess, onError) { if (typeof objectStoreOrIndex.getAllKeys === 'function') { this._getAllKeysFast(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onSuccess, onError); } else { this._getAllKeysUsingCursor(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onSuccess, onError); } } /** * @template [TPredicateArg=unknown] * @template [TResult=unknown] * @template [TResultDefault=unknown] * @param {TObjectStoreName} objectStoreName * @param {?string} indexName * @param {?IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange} query * @param {?((value: TResult|TResultDefault, predicateArg: TPredicateArg) => boolean)} predicate * @param {TPredicateArg} predicateArg * @param {TResultDefault} defaultValue * @returns {Promise} */ find(objectStoreName, indexName, query, predicate, predicateArg, defaultValue) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const transaction = this.transaction([objectStoreName], 'readonly'); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName); const objectStoreOrIndex = indexName !== null ? objectStore.index(indexName) : objectStore; this.findFirst(objectStoreOrIndex, query, resolve, reject, null, predicate, predicateArg, defaultValue); }); } /** * @template [TData=unknown] * @template [TPredicateArg=unknown] * @template [TResult=unknown] * @template [TResultDefault=unknown] * @param {IDBObjectStore|IDBIndex} objectStoreOrIndex * @param {?IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange} query * @param {(value: TResult|TResultDefault, data: TData) => void} resolve * @param {(reason: unknown, data: TData) => void} reject * @param {TData} data * @param {?((value: TResult, predicateArg: TPredicateArg) => boolean)} predicate * @param {TPredicateArg} predicateArg * @param {TResultDefault} defaultValue */ findFirst(objectStoreOrIndex, query, resolve, reject, data, predicate, predicateArg, defaultValue) { const noPredicate = (typeof predicate !== 'function'); const request = objectStoreOrIndex.openCursor(query, 'next'); request.onerror = (e) => reject(/** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).error, data); request.onsuccess = (e) => { const cursor = /** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).result; if (cursor) { /** @type {TResult} */ const value = cursor.value; if (noPredicate || predicate(value, predicateArg)) { resolve(value, data); } else { cursor.continue(); } } else { resolve(defaultValue, data); } }; } /** * @param {import('database').CountTarget[]} targets * @param {(results: number[]) => void} resolve * @param {(reason?: unknown) => void} reject */ bulkCount(targets, resolve, reject) { const targetCount = targets.length; if (targetCount <= 0) { resolve([]); return; } let completedCount = 0; /** @type {number[]} */ const results = new Array(targetCount).fill(null); /** * @param {Event} e * @returns {void} */ const onError = (e) => reject(/** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).error); /** * @param {Event} e * @param {number} index */ const onSuccess = (e, index) => { const count = /** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).result; results[index] = count; if (++completedCount >= targetCount) { resolve(results); } }; for (let i = 0; i < targetCount; ++i) { const index = i; const [objectStoreOrIndex, query] = targets[i]; const request = objectStoreOrIndex.count(query); request.onerror = onError; request.onsuccess = (e) => onSuccess(e, index); } } /** * Deletes records in store with the given key or in the given key range in query. * @param {TObjectStoreName} objectStoreName * @param {IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange} key * @returns {Promise} */ delete(objectStoreName, key) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const transaction = this._readWriteTransaction([objectStoreName], resolve, reject); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName); objectStore.delete(key); transaction.commit(); }); } /** * Delete items in bulk from the object store. * @param {TObjectStoreName} objectStoreName * @param {?string} indexName * @param {IDBKeyRange} query * @param {?(keys: IDBValidKey[]) => IDBValidKey[]} filterKeys * @param {?(completedCount: number, totalCount: number) => void} onProgress * @returns {Promise} */ bulkDelete(objectStoreName, indexName, query, filterKeys = null, onProgress = null) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const transaction = this._readWriteTransaction([objectStoreName], resolve, reject); const objectStore = transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName); const objectStoreOrIndex = indexName !== null ? objectStore.index(indexName) : objectStore; /** * @param {IDBValidKey[]} keys */ const onGetKeys = (keys) => { try { if (typeof filterKeys === 'function') { keys = filterKeys(keys); } this._bulkDeleteInternal(objectStore, keys, 1000, 0, onProgress, (error) => { if (error !== null) { transaction.commit(); } }); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; this.getAllKeys(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onGetKeys, reject); }); } /** * Attempts to delete the named database. * If the database already exists and there are open connections that don't close in response to a versionchange event, the request will be blocked until all they close. * If the request is successful request's result will be null. * @param {string} databaseName * @returns {Promise} */ static deleteDatabase(databaseName) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(databaseName); request.onerror = (e) => reject(/** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).error); request.onsuccess = () => resolve(); request.onblocked = () => reject(new Error('Database deletion blocked')); }); } // Private /** * @param {string} name * @param {number} version * @param {import('database').UpdateFunction} onUpgradeNeeded * @returns {Promise} */ _open(name, version, onUpgradeNeeded) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const request = indexedDB.open(name, version); request.onupgradeneeded = (event) => { try { const transaction = /** @type {IDBTransaction} */ (request.transaction); transaction.onerror = (e) => reject(/** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).error); onUpgradeNeeded(request.result, transaction, event.oldVersion, event.newVersion); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }; request.onerror = (e) => reject(/** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).error); request.onsuccess = () => resolve(request.result); }); } /** * @param {IDBDatabase} db * @param {IDBTransaction} transaction * @param {number} oldVersion * @param {import('database').StructureDefinition[]} upgrades */ _upgrade(db, transaction, oldVersion, upgrades) { for (const {version, stores} of upgrades) { if (oldVersion >= version) { continue; } /** @type {[objectStoreName: string, value: import('database').StoreDefinition][]} */ const entries = Object.entries(stores); for (const [objectStoreName, {primaryKey, indices}] of entries) { const existingObjectStoreNames = transaction.objectStoreNames || db.objectStoreNames; const objectStore = ( this._listContains(existingObjectStoreNames, objectStoreName) ? transaction.objectStore(objectStoreName) : db.createObjectStore(objectStoreName, primaryKey) ); const existingIndexNames = objectStore.indexNames; for (const indexName of indices) { if (this._listContains(existingIndexNames, indexName)) { continue; } objectStore.createIndex(indexName, indexName, {}); } } } } /** * @param {DOMStringList} list * @param {string} value * @returns {boolean} */ _listContains(list, value) { for (let i = 0, ii = list.length; i < ii; ++i) { if (list[i] === value) { return true; } } return false; } /** * @template [TData=unknown] * @template [TResult=unknown] * @param {IDBObjectStore|IDBIndex} objectStoreOrIndex * @param {?IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange} query * @param {(results: TResult[], data: TData) => void} onSuccess * @param {(reason: unknown, data: TData) => void} onReject * @param {TData} data */ _getAllFast(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onSuccess, onReject, data) { const request = objectStoreOrIndex.getAll(query); request.onerror = (e) => { const target = /** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target); onReject(target.error, data); }; request.onsuccess = (e) => { const target = /** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target); onSuccess(target.result, data); }; } /** * @template [TData=unknown] * @template [TResult=unknown] * @param {IDBObjectStore|IDBIndex} objectStoreOrIndex * @param {?IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange} query * @param {(results: TResult[], data: TData) => void} onSuccess * @param {(reason: unknown, data: TData) => void} onReject * @param {TData} data */ _getAllUsingCursor(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onSuccess, onReject, data) { /** @type {TResult[]} */ const results = []; const request = objectStoreOrIndex.openCursor(query, 'next'); request.onerror = (e) => onReject(/** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).error, data); request.onsuccess = (e) => { const cursor = /** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).result; if (cursor) { /** @type {TResult} */ const value = cursor.value; results.push(value); cursor.continue(); } else { onSuccess(results, data); } }; } /** * @param {IDBObjectStore|IDBIndex} objectStoreOrIndex * @param {IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange} query * @param {(value: IDBValidKey[]) => void} onSuccess * @param {(reason?: unknown) => void} onError */ _getAllKeysFast(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onSuccess, onError) { const request = objectStoreOrIndex.getAllKeys(query); request.onerror = (e) => onError(/** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).error); request.onsuccess = (e) => onSuccess(/** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).result); } /** * @param {IDBObjectStore|IDBIndex} objectStoreOrIndex * @param {IDBValidKey|IDBKeyRange} query * @param {(value: IDBValidKey[]) => void} onSuccess * @param {(reason?: unknown) => void} onError */ _getAllKeysUsingCursor(objectStoreOrIndex, query, onSuccess, onError) { /** @type {IDBValidKey[]} */ const results = []; const request = objectStoreOrIndex.openKeyCursor(query, 'next'); request.onerror = (e) => onError(/** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).error); request.onsuccess = (e) => { const cursor = /** @type {IDBRequest} */ (e.target).result; if (cursor) { results.push(cursor.primaryKey); cursor.continue(); } else { onSuccess(results); } }; } /** * @param {IDBObjectStore} objectStore The object store from which items are being deleted. * @param {IDBValidKey[]} keys An array of keys to delete from the object store. * @param {number} maxActiveRequests The maximum number of concurrent requests. * @param {number} maxActiveRequestsForContinue The maximum number of requests that can be active before the next set of requests is started. * For example: * - If this value is `0`, all of the `maxActiveRequests` requests must complete before another group of `maxActiveRequests` is started off. * - If the value is greater than or equal to `maxActiveRequests-1`, every time a single request completes, a new single request will be started. * @param {?(completedCount: number, totalCount: number) => void} onProgress An optional progress callback function. * @param {(error: ?Error) => void} onComplete A function which is called after all operations have finished. * If an error occured, the `error` parameter will be non-`null`. Otherwise, it will be `null`. * @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the input parameters are invalid. */ _bulkDeleteInternal(objectStore, keys, maxActiveRequests, maxActiveRequestsForContinue, onProgress, onComplete) { if (maxActiveRequests <= 0) { throw new Error(`maxActiveRequests has an invalid value: ${maxActiveRequests}`); } if (maxActiveRequestsForContinue < 0) { throw new Error(`maxActiveRequestsForContinue has an invalid value: ${maxActiveRequestsForContinue}`); } const count = keys.length; if (count === 0) { onComplete(null); return; } let completedCount = 0; let completed = false; let index = 0; let active = 0; const onSuccess = () => { if (completed) { return; } --active; ++completedCount; if (onProgress !== null) { try { onProgress(completedCount, count); } catch (e) { // NOP } } if (completedCount >= count) { completed = true; onComplete(null); } else if (active <= maxActiveRequestsForContinue) { next(); } }; /** * @param {Event} event */ const onError = (event) => { if (completed) { return; } completed = true; const request = /** @type {IDBRequest} */ (event.target); const {error} = request; onComplete(error); }; const next = () => { for (; index < count && active < maxActiveRequests; ++index) { const key = keys[index]; const request = objectStore.delete(key); request.onsuccess = onSuccess; request.onerror = onError; ++active; } }; next(); } /** * @param {string[]} storeNames * @param {() => void} resolve * @param {(reason?: unknown) => void} reject * @returns {IDBTransaction} */ _readWriteTransaction(storeNames, resolve, reject) { const transaction = this.transaction(storeNames, 'readwrite'); transaction.onerror = (e) => reject(/** @type {IDBTransaction} */ (e.target).error); transaction.onabort = () => reject(new Error('Transaction aborted')); transaction.oncomplete = () => resolve(); return transaction; } }