/* * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ import {extendApiMap, invokeApiMapHandler} from '../core/api-map.js'; import {EventDispatcher} from '../core/event-dispatcher.js'; import {EventListenerCollection} from '../core/event-listener-collection.js'; import {ExtensionError} from '../core/extension-error.js'; import {parseJson} from '../core/json.js'; import {log} from '../core/log.js'; /** * @augments EventDispatcher */ export class CrossFrameAPIPort extends EventDispatcher { /** * @param {number} otherTabId * @param {number} otherFrameId * @param {chrome.runtime.Port} port * @param {import('cross-frame-api').ApiMap} apiMap */ constructor(otherTabId, otherFrameId, port, apiMap) { super(); /** @type {number} */ this._otherTabId = otherTabId; /** @type {number} */ this._otherFrameId = otherFrameId; /** @type {?chrome.runtime.Port} */ this._port = port; /** @type {import('cross-frame-api').ApiMap} */ this._apiMap = apiMap; /** @type {Map} */ this._activeInvocations = new Map(); /** @type {number} */ this._invocationId = 0; /** @type {EventListenerCollection} */ this._eventListeners = new EventListenerCollection(); } /** @type {number} */ get otherTabId() { return this._otherTabId; } /** @type {number} */ get otherFrameId() { return this._otherFrameId; } /** * @throws {Error} */ prepare() { if (this._port === null) { throw new Error('Invalid state'); } this._eventListeners.addListener(this._port.onDisconnect, this._onDisconnect.bind(this)); this._eventListeners.addListener(this._port.onMessage, this._onMessage.bind(this)); } /** * @template {import('cross-frame-api').ApiNames} TName * @param {TName} action * @param {import('cross-frame-api').ApiParams} params * @param {number} ackTimeout * @param {number} responseTimeout * @returns {Promise>} */ invoke(action, params, ackTimeout, responseTimeout) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this._port === null) { reject(new Error(`Port is disconnected (${action})`)); return; } const id = this._invocationId++; /** @type {import('cross-frame-api').Invocation} */ const invocation = { id, resolve, reject, responseTimeout, action, ack: false, timer: null }; this._activeInvocations.set(id, invocation); if (ackTimeout !== null) { try { invocation.timer = setTimeout(() => this._onError(id, 'Acknowledgement timeout'), ackTimeout); } catch (e) { this._onError(id, 'Failed to set timeout'); return; } } try { this._port.postMessage(/** @type {import('cross-frame-api').InvokeMessage} */ ({type: 'invoke', id, data: {action, params}})); } catch (e) { this._onError(id, e); } }); } /** */ disconnect() { this._onDisconnect(); } // Private /** */ _onDisconnect() { if (this._port === null) { return; } this._eventListeners.removeAllEventListeners(); this._port = null; for (const id of this._activeInvocations.keys()) { this._onError(id, 'Disconnected'); } this.trigger('disconnect', this); } /** * @param {import('cross-frame-api').Message} details */ _onMessage(details) { const {type, id} = details; switch (type) { case 'invoke': this._onInvoke(id, details.data); break; case 'ack': this._onAck(id); break; case 'result': this._onResult(id, details.data); break; } } // Response handlers /** * @param {number} id */ _onAck(id) { const invocation = this._activeInvocations.get(id); if (typeof invocation === 'undefined') { log.warn(new Error(`Request ${id} not found for acknowledgement`)); return; } if (invocation.ack) { this._onError(id, `Request ${id} already acknowledged`); return; } invocation.ack = true; if (invocation.timer !== null) { clearTimeout(invocation.timer); invocation.timer = null; } const responseTimeout = invocation.responseTimeout; if (responseTimeout !== null) { try { invocation.timer = setTimeout(() => this._onError(id, 'Response timeout'), responseTimeout); } catch (e) { this._onError(id, 'Failed to set timeout'); } } } /** * @param {number} id * @param {import('core').Response} data */ _onResult(id, data) { const invocation = this._activeInvocations.get(id); if (typeof invocation === 'undefined') { log.warn(new Error(`Request ${id} not found`)); return; } if (!invocation.ack) { this._onError(id, `Request ${id} not acknowledged`); return; } this._activeInvocations.delete(id); if (invocation.timer !== null) { clearTimeout(invocation.timer); invocation.timer = null; } const error = data.error; if (typeof error !== 'undefined') { invocation.reject(ExtensionError.deserialize(error)); } else { invocation.resolve(data.result); } } /** * @param {number} id * @param {unknown} errorOrMessage */ _onError(id, errorOrMessage) { const invocation = this._activeInvocations.get(id); if (typeof invocation === 'undefined') { return; } const error = errorOrMessage instanceof Error ? errorOrMessage : new Error(`${errorOrMessage} (${invocation.action})`); this._activeInvocations.delete(id); if (invocation.timer !== null) { clearTimeout(invocation.timer); invocation.timer = null; } invocation.reject(error); } // Invocation /** * @param {number} id * @param {import('cross-frame-api').ApiMessageAny} details */ _onInvoke(id, {action, params}) { this._sendAck(id); invokeApiMapHandler( this._apiMap, action, params, [], (data) => this._sendResult(id, data), () => this._sendError(id, new Error(`Unknown action: ${action}`)) ); } /** * @param {import('cross-frame-api').Message} data */ _sendResponse(data) { if (this._port === null) { return; } try { this._port.postMessage(data); } catch (e) { // NOP } } /** * @param {number} id */ _sendAck(id) { this._sendResponse({type: 'ack', id}); } /** * @param {number} id * @param {import('core').Response} data */ _sendResult(id, data) { this._sendResponse({type: 'result', id, data}); } /** * @param {number} id * @param {Error} error */ _sendError(id, error) { this._sendResponse({type: 'result', id, data: {error: ExtensionError.serialize(error)}}); } } export class CrossFrameAPI { /** * @param {import('../comm/api.js').API} api * @param {?number} tabId * @param {?number} frameId */ constructor(api, tabId, frameId) { /** @type {import('../comm/api.js').API} */ this._api = api; /** @type {number} */ this._ackTimeout = 3000; // 3 seconds /** @type {number} */ this._responseTimeout = 10000; // 10 seconds /** @type {Map>} */ this._commPorts = new Map(); /** @type {import('cross-frame-api').ApiMap} */ this._apiMap = new Map(); /** @type {(port: CrossFrameAPIPort) => void} */ this._onDisconnectBind = this._onDisconnect.bind(this); /** @type {?number} */ this._tabId = tabId; /** @type {?number} */ this._frameId = frameId; } /** * @type {?number} */ get tabId() { return this._tabId; } /** * @type {?number} */ get frameId() { return this._frameId; } /** */ prepare() { chrome.runtime.onConnect.addListener(this._onConnect.bind(this)); } /** * @template {import('cross-frame-api').ApiNames} TName * @param {number} targetFrameId * @param {TName} action * @param {import('cross-frame-api').ApiParams} params * @returns {Promise>} */ invoke(targetFrameId, action, params) { return this.invokeTab(null, targetFrameId, action, params); } /** * @template {import('cross-frame-api').ApiNames} TName * @param {?number} targetTabId * @param {number} targetFrameId * @param {TName} action * @param {import('cross-frame-api').ApiParams} params * @returns {Promise>} */ async invokeTab(targetTabId, targetFrameId, action, params) { if (typeof targetTabId !== 'number') { targetTabId = this._tabId; if (typeof targetTabId !== 'number') { throw new Error('Unknown target tab id for invocation'); } } const commPort = await this._getOrCreateCommPort(targetTabId, targetFrameId); return await commPort.invoke(action, params, this._ackTimeout, this._responseTimeout); } /** * @param {import('cross-frame-api').ApiMapInit} handlers */ registerHandlers(handlers) { extendApiMap(this._apiMap, handlers); } // Private /** * @param {chrome.runtime.Port} port */ _onConnect(port) { try { /** @type {import('cross-frame-api').PortDetails} */ let details; try { details = parseJson(port.name); } catch (e) { return; } if (details.name !== 'cross-frame-communication-port') { return; } const otherTabId = details.otherTabId; const otherFrameId = details.otherFrameId; this._setupCommPort(otherTabId, otherFrameId, port); } catch (e) { port.disconnect(); log.error(e); } } /** * @param {CrossFrameAPIPort} commPort */ _onDisconnect(commPort) { commPort.off('disconnect', this._onDisconnectBind); const {otherTabId, otherFrameId} = commPort; const tabPorts = this._commPorts.get(otherTabId); if (typeof tabPorts !== 'undefined') { tabPorts.delete(otherFrameId); if (tabPorts.size === 0) { this._commPorts.delete(otherTabId); } } } /** * @param {number} otherTabId * @param {number} otherFrameId * @returns {Promise} */ async _getOrCreateCommPort(otherTabId, otherFrameId) { const tabPorts = this._commPorts.get(otherTabId); if (typeof tabPorts !== 'undefined') { const commPort = tabPorts.get(otherFrameId); if (typeof commPort !== 'undefined') { return commPort; } } return await this._createCommPort(otherTabId, otherFrameId); } /** * @param {number} otherTabId * @param {number} otherFrameId * @returns {Promise} */ async _createCommPort(otherTabId, otherFrameId) { await this._api.openCrossFramePort(otherTabId, otherFrameId); const tabPorts = this._commPorts.get(otherTabId); if (typeof tabPorts !== 'undefined') { const commPort = tabPorts.get(otherFrameId); if (typeof commPort !== 'undefined') { return commPort; } } throw new Error('Comm port didn\'t open'); } /** * @param {number} otherTabId * @param {number} otherFrameId * @param {chrome.runtime.Port} port * @returns {CrossFrameAPIPort} */ _setupCommPort(otherTabId, otherFrameId, port) { const commPort = new CrossFrameAPIPort(otherTabId, otherFrameId, port, this._apiMap); let tabPorts = this._commPorts.get(otherTabId); if (typeof tabPorts === 'undefined') { tabPorts = new Map(); this._commPorts.set(otherTabId, tabPorts); } tabPorts.set(otherFrameId, commPort); commPort.prepare(); commPort.on('disconnect', this._onDisconnectBind); return commPort; } }