/* * Copyright (C) 2023-2024 Yomitan Authors * Copyright (C) 2016-2022 Yomichan Authors * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ import {ExtensionError} from '../core/extension-error.js'; import {isObject} from '../core/utilities.js'; import {base64ToArrayBuffer} from '../data/sandbox/array-buffer-util.js'; export class OffscreenProxy { /** * @param {import('../extension/web-extension.js').WebExtension} webExtension */ constructor(webExtension) { /** @type {import('../extension/web-extension.js').WebExtension} */ this._webExtension = webExtension; /** @type {?Promise<void>} */ this._creatingOffscreen = null; } /** * @see https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/reference/offscreen/ */ async prepare() { if (await this._hasOffscreenDocument()) { return; } if (this._creatingOffscreen) { await this._creatingOffscreen; return; } this._creatingOffscreen = chrome.offscreen.createDocument({ url: 'offscreen.html', reasons: [ /** @type {chrome.offscreen.Reason} */ ('CLIPBOARD') ], justification: 'Access to the clipboard' }); await this._creatingOffscreen; this._creatingOffscreen = null; } /** * @returns {Promise<boolean>} */ async _hasOffscreenDocument() { const offscreenUrl = chrome.runtime.getURL('offscreen.html'); // @ts-expect-error - API not defined yet if (!chrome.runtime.getContexts) { // chrome version below 116 // Clients: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ServiceWorkerGlobalScope/clients // @ts-expect-error - Types not set up for service workers yet const matchedClients = await clients.matchAll(); // @ts-expect-error - Types not set up for service workers yet return await matchedClients.some((client) => client.url === offscreenUrl); } // @ts-expect-error - API not defined yet const contexts = await chrome.runtime.getContexts({ contextTypes: ['OFFSCREEN_DOCUMENT'], documentUrls: [offscreenUrl] }); return !!contexts.length; } /** * @template {import('offscreen').ApiNames} TMessageType * @param {import('offscreen').ApiMessage<TMessageType>} message * @returns {Promise<import('offscreen').ApiReturn<TMessageType>>} */ async sendMessagePromise(message) { const response = await this._webExtension.sendMessagePromise(message); return this._getMessageResponseResult(/** @type {import('core').Response<import('offscreen').ApiReturn<TMessageType>>} */ (response)); } /** * @template [TReturn=unknown] * @param {import('core').Response<TReturn>} response * @returns {TReturn} * @throws {Error} */ _getMessageResponseResult(response) { const runtimeError = chrome.runtime.lastError; if (typeof runtimeError !== 'undefined') { throw new Error(runtimeError.message); } if (!isObject(response)) { throw new Error('Offscreen document did not respond'); } const responseError = response.error; if (responseError) { throw ExtensionError.deserialize(responseError); } return response.result; } } export class DictionaryDatabaseProxy { /** * @param {OffscreenProxy} offscreen */ constructor(offscreen) { /** @type {OffscreenProxy} */ this._offscreen = offscreen; } /** * @returns {Promise<void>} */ async prepare() { await this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'databasePrepareOffscreen'}); } /** * @returns {Promise<import('dictionary-importer').Summary[]>} */ async getDictionaryInfo() { return this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'getDictionaryInfoOffscreen'}); } /** * @returns {Promise<boolean>} */ async purge() { return await this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'databasePurgeOffscreen'}); } /** * @param {import('dictionary-database').MediaRequest[]} targets * @returns {Promise<import('dictionary-database').Media[]>} */ async getMedia(targets) { const serializedMedia = /** @type {import('dictionary-database').Media<string>[]} */ (await this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'databaseGetMediaOffscreen', params: {targets}})); const media = serializedMedia.map((m) => ({...m, content: base64ToArrayBuffer(m.content)})); return media; } } export class TranslatorProxy { /** * @param {OffscreenProxy} offscreen */ constructor(offscreen) { /** @type {OffscreenProxy} */ this._offscreen = offscreen; } /** * @param {import('language-transformer').LanguageTransformDescriptor} descriptor */ async prepare(descriptor) { await this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'translatorPrepareOffscreen', params: {descriptor}}); } /** * @param {string} text * @param {import('translation').FindKanjiOptions} options * @returns {Promise<import('dictionary').KanjiDictionaryEntry[]>} */ async findKanji(text, options) { const enabledDictionaryMapList = [...options.enabledDictionaryMap]; /** @type {import('offscreen').FindKanjiOptionsOffscreen} */ const modifiedOptions = { ...options, enabledDictionaryMap: enabledDictionaryMapList }; return this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'findKanjiOffscreen', params: {text, options: modifiedOptions}}); } /** * @param {import('translator').FindTermsMode} mode * @param {string} text * @param {import('translation').FindTermsOptions} options * @returns {Promise<import('translator').FindTermsResult>} */ async findTerms(mode, text, options) { const {enabledDictionaryMap, excludeDictionaryDefinitions, textReplacements} = options; const enabledDictionaryMapList = [...enabledDictionaryMap]; const excludeDictionaryDefinitionsList = excludeDictionaryDefinitions ? [...excludeDictionaryDefinitions] : null; const textReplacementsSerialized = textReplacements.map((group) => { return group !== null ? group.map((opt) => ({...opt, pattern: opt.pattern.toString()})) : null; }); /** @type {import('offscreen').FindTermsOptionsOffscreen} */ const modifiedOptions = { ...options, enabledDictionaryMap: enabledDictionaryMapList, excludeDictionaryDefinitions: excludeDictionaryDefinitionsList, textReplacements: textReplacementsSerialized }; return this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'findTermsOffscreen', params: {mode, text, options: modifiedOptions}}); } /** * @param {import('translator').TermReadingList} termReadingList * @param {string[]} dictionaries * @returns {Promise<import('translator').TermFrequencySimple[]>} */ async getTermFrequencies(termReadingList, dictionaries) { return this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'getTermFrequenciesOffscreen', params: {termReadingList, dictionaries}}); } /** */ async clearDatabaseCaches() { await this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'clearDatabaseCachesOffscreen'}); } } export class ClipboardReaderProxy { /** * @param {OffscreenProxy} offscreen */ constructor(offscreen) { /** @type {?import('environment').Browser} */ this._browser = null; /** @type {OffscreenProxy} */ this._offscreen = offscreen; } /** @type {?import('environment').Browser} */ get browser() { return this._browser; } set browser(value) { if (this._browser === value) { return; } this._browser = value; this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'clipboardSetBrowserOffscreen', params: {value}}); } /** * @param {boolean} useRichText * @returns {Promise<string>} */ async getText(useRichText) { return await this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'clipboardGetTextOffscreen', params: {useRichText}}); } /** * @returns {Promise<?string>} */ async getImage() { return await this._offscreen.sendMessagePromise({action: 'clipboardGetImageOffscreen'}); } }