/* * Copyright (C) 2016 Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net> * Author: Alex Yatskov <alex@foosoft.net> * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ class Client { constructor() { this.popup = new Popup(); this.audio = {}; this.lastMousePos = null; this.lastTextSource = null; this.pendingLookup = false; this.enabled = false; this.options = {}; this.definitions = null; this.sequence = 0; this.fgRoot = chrome.extension.getURL('fg'); chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener(this.onBgMessage.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('message', this.onFrameMessage.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('mousedown', this.onMouseDown.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('mousemove', this.onMouseMove.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('keydown', this.onKeyDown.bind(this)); window.addEventListener('scroll', e => this.hidePopup()); window.addEventListener('resize', e => this.hidePopup()); } onKeyDown(e) { if (this.enabled && this.lastMousePos !== null && (e.keyCode === 16 || e.charCode === 16)) { this.searchAt(this.lastMousePos); } } onMouseMove(e) { this.lastMousePos = {x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY}; if (this.enabled && (e.shiftKey || e.which === 2)) { this.searchAt(this.lastMousePos); } } onMouseDown(e) { this.lastMousePos = {x: e.clientX, y: e.clientY}; if (this.enabled && (e.shiftKey || e.which === 2)) { this.searchAt(this.lastMousePos); } else { this.hidePopup(); } } onBgMessage({action, params}, sender, callback) { const method = this['api_' + action]; if (typeof(method) === 'function') { method.call(this, params); } callback(); } onFrameMessage(e) { const {action, params} = e.data, method = this['api_' + action]; if (typeof(method) === 'function') { method.call(this, params); } } searchAt(point) { if (this.pendingLookup) { return; } const textSource = Client.textSourceFromPoint(point); if (textSource === null || !textSource.containsPoint(point)) { this.hidePopup(); return; } if (this.lastTextSource !== null && this.lastTextSource.equals(textSource)) { return; } textSource.setEndOffset(this.options.scanLength); this.pendingLookup = true; bgFindTerm(textSource.text()).then(({definitions, length}) => { if (length === 0) { this.hidePopup(); } else { textSource.setEndOffset(length); const sentence = Client.extractSentence(textSource, this.options.sentenceExtent); definitions.forEach(definition => { definition.url = window.location.href; definition.sentence = sentence; }); const sequence = ++this.sequence; return bgRenderText({definitions, sequence, root: this.fgRoot, options: this.options}, 'term-list.html').then((content) => { this.definitions = definitions; this.showPopup(textSource, content); return bgCanAddDefinitions(definitions, ['term_kanji', 'term_kana']); }).then(states => { if (states !== null) { states.forEach((state, index) => this.popup.sendMessage('setActionState', {index, state, sequence })); } }); } }).then(() => this.pendingLookup = false); } showPopup(textSource, content) { this.popup.showNextTo(textSource.getRect(), content); if (this.options.selectMatchedText) { textSource.select(); } this.lastTextSource = textSource; } hidePopup() { this.popup.hide(); if (this.options.selectMatchedText && this.lastTextSource !== null) { this.lastTextSource.deselect(); } this.lastTextSource = null; this.definitions = null; } api_setOptions(opts) { this.options = opts; } api_setEnabled(enabled) { if (!(this.enabled = enabled)) { this.hidePopup(); } } api_addNote({index, mode}) { const state = {[mode]: false}; bgAddDefinition(this.definitions[index], mode).then(success => { if (success) { this.popup.sendMessage('setActionState', {index, state, sequence: this.sequence}); } else { alert('Note could not be added'); } }); } api_playAudio(index) { const definition = this.definitions[index]; let url = `https://assets.languagepod101.com/dictionary/japanese/audiomp3.php?kanji=${encodeURIComponent(definition.expression)}`; if (definition.reading) { url += `&kana=${encodeURIComponent(definition.reading)}`; } for (const key in this.audio) { this.audio[key].pause(); } const audio = this.audio[url] || new Audio(url); audio.currentTime = 0; audio.play(); this.audio[url] = audio; } api_displayKanji(kanji) { let defs = []; let seq = -1; bgFindKanji(kanji).then(definitions => { definitions.forEach(definition => definition.url = window.location.href); defs = definitions; seq = ++this.sequence; return bgRenderText({definitions, root: this.fgRoot, options: this.options, sequence: seq}, 'kanji-list.html'); }).then(content => { this.definitions = defs; this.popup.setContent(content, defs); return bgCanAddDefinitions(defs, ['kanji']); }).then(states => { if (states !== null) { states.forEach((state, index) => this.popup.sendMessage('setActionState', {index, state, sequence: seq})); } }); } static textSourceFromPoint(point) { const element = document.elementFromPoint(point.x, point.y); if (element !== null) { const names = ['IMG', 'INPUT', 'BUTTON', 'TEXTAREA']; if (names.includes(element.nodeName)) { return new TextSourceElement(element); } } const range = document.caretRangeFromPoint(point.x, point.y); if (range !== null) { return new TextSourceRange(range); } return null; } static extractSentence(source, extent) { const quotesFwd = {'「': '」', '『': '』', "'": "'", '"': '"'}; const quotesBwd = {'」': '「', '』': '『', "'": "'", '"': '"'}; const terminators = '…。..??!!'; const sourceLocal = source.clone(); const position = sourceLocal.setStartOffset(extent); sourceLocal.setEndOffset(position + extent); const content = sourceLocal.text(); let quoteStack = []; let startPos = 0; for (let i = position; i >= startPos; --i) { const c = content[i]; if (quoteStack.length === 0 && (terminators.includes(c) || c in quotesFwd)) { startPos = i + 1; break; } if (quoteStack.length > 0 && c === quoteStack[0]) { quoteStack.pop(); } else if (c in quotesBwd) { quoteStack = [quotesBwd[c]].concat(quoteStack); } } quoteStack = []; let endPos = content.length; for (let i = position; i < endPos; ++i) { const c = content[i]; if (quoteStack.length === 0) { if (terminators.includes(c)) { endPos = i + 1; break; } else if (c in quotesBwd) { endPos = i; break; } } if (quoteStack.length > 0 && c === quoteStack[0]) { quoteStack.pop(); } else if (c in quotesFwd) { quoteStack = [quotesFwd[c]].concat(quoteStack); } } return content.substring(startPos, endPos).trim(); } } window.yomiClient = new Client();